Remus Rising
Page 9
Marcus walked close to Tiberius and placed his hand on his shoulder, “I’m leaving you charge of both cohorts and the Queen will also lend you the majority of her force to ensure that the freed people make it safely to Eboracum.”
Tiberius sighed, “It has taken us 2 days hard march to get this far away from Eboracum and these people will not march to the same speed. We could be 4 days behind you.”
Marcus shrugged, “There is little we can do I’m afraid, the Queen is quite insistent of speaking to the Legate and not everyone who was taken from Eboracum is in this group.”
Tiberius looked puzzled, “You mean the enemy has split them across several locations?”
Marcus nodded, “It would seem they are kidnapping people from across all of northern Britannia for hard labour, the Queen says she has more information but will only discuss it with the Legate present.”
Tiberius sighed “Very well, I will lead our forces and people back to Eboracum, just have them send some support wagons towards us, some of the people you’ve freed don’t look like they will last the march.”
Marcus left Tiberius who, with a quick salute to Ailis, went about the task of accommodating the freed people and Votadini. “He took that rather well I thought.” Marcus said to Ailis who had been talking to her officers.
“Our horses are grazing at the foot of the hill Marcus, are you ready to leave?”
Marcus bowed his head, “By your order Queen, I simply wish to gather a few supplies for the road.”
With a slight wave of her hand Ailis dismissed Marcus to gather what he needed.
It did not take him long to gather up some food, with his evening meal set on a plate within his tent. Eating it as he wandered out of the camp to the collection of horsemen before being directed to a horse and mounted it.
“I trust you can guide us successfully in the dark Marcus?” Ailis asked as she brought her horse alongside him.
“I expect so, Isurium is not far from here in the east and from there we can follow the main roads to Eboracum.” Ailis signalled for the rest of the horseman to fall in and beckoned Marcus to lead.
The initial riding was hard, crossing hills and fields with little guide other than the fortune of a clear night sky. At least 1 rider fell from their horse as they moved further east causing some of the riders to stay back and take them back to the camp with their injuries. Still they pushed east until the dim lights of a few rural settlements began to appear and tracks filtering onto the Roman road began to appear.
They pushed on through night, stopping to rest and water the horses just outside Isurium as the sun began to extend its light into the sky. Marcus was impressed at the stamina of the Votadini horseman who seemed as awake as they had when they set off, he had believed that they would be tired and needing a rest by now having not received the same level of endurance training that Marcus had. As they rested the group had not gone unnoticed as a few travellers had stared at the strange sight of a Roman Praefectus among Briton horseman and as the group prepared to leave with the sun now pulling itself above the horizon the thunder of hooves came from Isurium.
“Are they friends of yours?” Ailis asked Marcus, her hand resting on the sword at her belt.
“Isurium is a Roman outpost, I’d be very worried if they weren’t.”
As the riders grew close Marcus peered at them, identifying them immediately as Equites. Anxious that they knew who he was Marcus mounted his horse and waved the Equites into a steady trot as they came even closer, although they still choose to surround the horsemen.
“How exactly does a Praefectus of the 9th Legion end up riding the countryside with a gang of Britons?” A familiar voice asked.
“Lucius?” Marcus said, moving his horse towards Lucius who appeared from the Equites.
“We are no gang of Britons, Roman.” Frangean spat at Lucius’s horse and swords were drawn as Equites drew closer.
“Stand down!” Marcus ordered as Ailis kicked Frangean from atop her horse.
“Lucius this is Queen Ailis of the Votadini tribe, they have valuable information regarding Remus and his beast horde.”
Lucius looked puzzled, “Remus?”
Marcus nodded, “I will fill you in on all the details when we have time but for now we ride to the Legate with all speed.”
Lucius signalled for his men to fall into a column. “Then we ride with you Marcus, we were due to leave Isurium in another few hours anyway to re-join the Legion and deliver our report.”
Lucius kept his eyes locked on Frangean who continued to scowl at the Romans.
“Your company is welcomed.”
With this the rest of the Votadini Horseman mounted up and the now larger group of riders set off down the road to Eboracum.
“So, what have you learnt Lucius?” Marcus asked as they rode alongside one another.
“A few numbers and a spread of reports from the locals. Some 30 separate raiding parties of Satyrs and Minotaurs have been burning villages and attacking hill forts, kidnapping people across the entire of northern Britannia.” Lucius replied.
“That sounds consistent with what the Votadini have been saying. The people the beasts are taking are being used on various forced labour camps throughout the moorlands and mountains north east of Eboracum.”
Lucius looked puzzled. “Forced labour camps?” he asked. “The purpose of which we don’t know yet but the Queen of the Votadini claims to know more.”
Lucius sighed. “And let me guess she wants to speak to the Emperor himself?”
Marcus laughed, “Not quite, she will accept an audience with the Legate for now.”
This time both men laughed.
The road to Eboracum was not far, Marcus had already settled on them reaching Eboracum by mid-afternoon and they were managing a much speedier pace since reaching the smoother Roman road. Their company seemed to attract less attention now, the presence of Equites behind the Votadini horseman gave any locals a secure feeling, although some seemed more disgruntled at the sight of the Equites than the Votadini. As Marcus had expected though Eboracum came into sight just only a few hours after their rest for lunch.
Lucius had only heard the reports of the attack and was yet to witness it for himself and he rode off to the side of the mounted column to allow a better view ahead. With much of the towns folk dead or captured there had been little effort in rebuilding the town, with focus only going into the walls and clearance of rubble. Marcus rode upfront so as to discuss entry into the town when they reached the gate and Lucius was quick to join him when they grew nearer.
“Hail Praefectus and Decurion, what… delegation do you bring with you?” the Legionary asked at the gate as he inspected the Votadini.
“We are not expected Legionary, this is Queen Ailis of the Votadini who wishes to speak to the Legate with important information regarding Remus and the beast horde.”
The Legionary nodded, “Alright, but they will need to surrender their weapons when they reach the fort. Legates taking no chances with the tribes.”
With this the gate was swung open and the company rode into the town and up the main road leading over the river to the fort.
“Delegations?” Lucius asked.
“The Legate said he would be seeking support from the tribes and other Roman forces in the area in dealing with the beats horde, perhaps he has planned some sort of gathering in our absence.” Marcus replied.
Lucius shrugged and looked around the town. The once busy market street was now deserted and only a few soldiers could be seen clearing rubble.
“It must have been bad, the attack I mean.”
Marcus turned to Lucius, “It was hell.”
As they neared the fort evidence of work to restore the town was evident as the houses nearest to the river had been occupied by various auxiliary troops and delegations from some of the tribes.
“Keeping troops outside the fort?” Lucius asked as he spotted the standards of Roman auxiliaries mounted above a few doorwa
ys, indicating each unit’s headquarters.
“The fort sustained significant damage during the attack, even with the casualties and our two cohorts absent there still probably isn’t much room to accommodate any additional troops.” Marcus replied, cautiously listening to the lightly repaired bridge beneath the horse’s hooves.
“Halt!” A Centurion demanded at the gate to the fort.
“State your tribe.” The Centurion disregarded Marcus and Lucius at the head of the column and went straight for Ailis and Frangean immediately behind them.
“Votadini.” Ailis replied.
The Centurion turned to a Legionary stood behind with a list in hand and began to read down it.
“They won’t be on the list.” Marcus said leaning forward on his horse.
The Centurion ignored him and signalled for the Legionary to continue looking regardless.
“They won’t be on the list.” Marcus said again, this time with a sterner tone to it but still ignored.
“They’re not on the list sir.”
Marcus shook his head as the Centurion gave the signal for 2 rows of Legionaries to quickly enclose the bridge and the riders in the centre.
“State your business here or be arrested.”
There was a moment of silence as shields were raised to face the Votadini and Marcus steered his horse to the Centurion.
“Stand down Centurion!”
The Centurion took note this time, turning to Marcus.
“On whose authority?”
Marcus dismounted from his horse and stood face to face with the Centurion, “The Praefectus of the 2nd Cohort.”
The Centurion smirked and failed to back down, “The Praefectus of the 2nd cohort is on expedition out of the fort, not riding around with a bunch of tribesmen.”
The Votadini took offense and gripped their own weapons only to be steadied by Ailis who watched as the two Roman officers stared one another down.
“I’ve come back with important information for the Legate provided to us by the Votadini. Again, I say, stand down!”
The Centurion pushed his face close to Marcus who gripped his gladius at his side.
“And again, on whose authority?”
“If you won’t accept his authority then you will accept my authority, Centurion!” A thundering voice said from within the fort.
The Centurion and Legionaries immediately backed off and stood to attention as a single horse trotted out of the fort carrying the provincial Governor . Marcus snapped to attention himself and turned to face the Governor .
“Governor Falco, I was not aware you had travelled from Diva.”
Falco began to ride towards Ailis “No one was Praefectus, the Roman Governor of a province, part of which was in open rebellion not 2 weeks past can hardly ride from one side of the province to the other in secret if anyone did know could they.”
Falco winked at Marcus who smiled.
“I suppose not Governor .”
Falco stopped in front of Ailis and bowed his head, “I take it from your strength and beauty you are the young Queen of the Votadini, it is my pleasure to meet you.”
Ailis returned the bow, “You are well informed Governor .”
Falco smiled, “When you are stationed on a potentially hostile frontier it is wise to be informed.”
Ailis smiled back.
“Forgive me though Queen, you were not expected to be coming to the delegation or even informed of it, what brings you so far from home?”
Marcus stepped forward to them and nodded to Ailis.
“We helped rescue some of your citizens from the labour camps of the beast horde and have now come to speak and share our knowledge in the hope it can be used to end the threat.”
Falco nodded, “Then we extend our humblest of welcomes, however I feel this bridge is not the place for such conversation. The delegations will be meeting in the fort’s headquarters after a meal of friendship tomorrow at midday, I will extend an invitation to you and a small group of advisors, should you wish to bring any.”
Ailis agreed, “I would be honoured to attend Governor.”
Falco smiled, “Excellent, I shall see you tomorrow then Queen, Marcus will find you some appropriate quarters inside the fort.”
With this Falco bowed once more before trotting his horse along the bridge and into the town.
“And Centurion, it will not be necessary to confiscate their weapons until the meeting!” he shouted back.
Marcus, still dismounted, glared at the Centurion who scowled before waving his troops away and moved aside for the column of riders to pass. Inside Lucius signalled for his men to disband and return to the stables.
“I’ll leave you here Marcus, I will need to find the Legate and give him my report.”
Marcus nodded to him, “Very well, it’s good to have you back with us Lucius.”
“For a change I actually enjoy being inside Roman walls.”
The two laughed and Lucius rode off into the fort.
“I doubt there is much in the way of quarters other than my own cohorts, if that pleases you Queen Ailis.”
Ailis dismounted her horse and faced Marcus, “I’m sure whatever you have will be sufficient for us Marcus, I can see you have not had it easy here.”
The fort was still very much in a state of disrepair with tents and temporary buildings erected and some buildings still being cleared of rubble.
“The attack hit us hard. The barracks are this way.”
Marcus signalled for the Votadini to follow him through the fort, drawing the attention of any they passed. The barracks was locked up with only the attendants to the cohort remaining at it.
“Attendants ensure that the needs of the Votadini are attended to as though they were your own. They saved the people Eboracum and deserve the best Roman hospitality can offer. Ensure they are escorted to the headquarters for the meeting at midday tomorrow.”
Marcus set the attendants into immediate action before turning back to Ailis.
“I will speak to the Legate personally about having some of the hand girls brought to you to aid you.”
Ailis shook her head, “There will be no need, I regularly attend to myself in the field and my own helpers will be here with the rest of the people in another few days.”
Marcus bowed, “As you wish, perhaps I will see you at the meeting.”
With this Marcus left the Votadini and set off for the headquarters. As he arrived attendants were rushing about, preparing the building for the meetings as rooms were emptied and large tables set up for first the meal and then the meeting itself. Inside the Legate was overseeing much of the work.
“Marcus? I was not expecting you back so soon, have you managed to track down the people?” He asked still watching as decorations were brought into the room.
While it was to be a peaceful meeting to strengthen alliances with the tribes there was still the need to assert Roman dominance.
“I have returned early, Tiberius follows with most of the freed peoples. The Votadini tribe from the north were the ones to actually rescue them and have come to discuss further with us what they know.”
The Legate clapped, “Excellent news, a positive to start off the meeting. I want you in the room as well Marcus, you have the most experience with the beast horde and it will be quite the meeting.”
Marcus saluted, “Then I will take my leave so that I can rest and prepare more suitable dress than my dusty armour.”
The Legate nodded, “Of course, of course. This meeting will be the turning point, and the Governor himself is here to lead us against the horde.”
Marcus smiled, it was clear the Legate had been relieved of much of the stress he was stricken with when Marcus had left the fort and he was glad to see him in a livelier manner than before.
Marcus left and returned to his own quarters where he removed his armour before taking a damp cloth to begin work on cleaning it.
Chapter 9
Food was passed around t
he table as Marcus sipped a cup of wine. Around him the various tribes and Roman officers ate, shared stories and enjoyed light conversation. There was no talk of the beast horde or Remus, everyone wishing to just enjoy the company of different people and a good meal before they begin that daunting conversation. At the head of the table Governor Falco sat with the Legate to his right and Queen Ailis to his left, who had been made a guest of honour by the Governor. Marcus sat a few seats lower on the right side along with other officers from the other Legion and local auxiliary commanders. Opposing them at the table were 7 tribal delegations representing most of the north eastern tribes under Roman rule as well as two from more central Britannia. It had already been remarked that some of the men who sat at the table may well have seen each other in combat at recent uprisings.
With a gentle tap on his cup Falco brought the table to a hush as he looked down at the empty plates and waved for the attendants to remove them before rising from his chair, pouring a cup of wine as he did.
“Romans, honoured Queen and Noblemen, we are gathered here to discuss a threat that brings men who fought against one another not one month ago to a table to break bread.”
The table was silent as they watched and listened closely to Falco.
“That threat is what many have dubbed the ‘beast horde’ and we have all suffered from it. We don’t know what has caused them to be brought down on us other than the story we have been told but what we do know is this horde must be stopped.”
A gentle tapping on the table echoed as both Romans and Britons nodded and showed their support.
“It is for that reason we have called this meeting so let us now sit and talk as friends after a meal. I ask that we all commit ourselves to the cause and keep no secrets from one another.”
Falco raised his glass, “To unity.”
The table replied with raised glasses and a chorus of the Governor ’s words as he sat back down and signalled for a map to be placed on the cleared table.
“Queen Ailis and Praefectus Marcus I believe we are all interested in your meeting.” Marcus rose from his chair.
“Thank you, Governor, as instructed by Legate Cornelius myself and a fellow Praefectus lead two cohorts after the beast horde that had kidnapped the people of Eboracum. We tracked them to around this area here.”