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Remus Rising

Page 13

by Jonathan Williamson

  “Cornelius!” Marcus cried as another struck him. The Legates face dropped, and his eyes gazed blankly in the direction of the shooter. Marcus turned to see a man in crimson armour loading a 3rd arrow.

  “No!” the arrow thumped into the Legate who fell forwards thrusting the Eagle into the ground causing one of the wings to snap, before collapsing completely.

  His death was like a ripple as the defensive line broke and chaos erupted as Remus brought forth his beast horde. Overcome with rage Marcus threw down his shield and rushed forward, determined to reach Remus. He moved with lightning speed and cut down any beast that got in his way with smooth precision until he stood before Remus who drew his sword.

  “Come on!” Marcus lashed at Remus who dodged the strikes, not even lifting his sword.

  “Fool.” Remus swung his sword clashing blades with Marcus who moved to block him.

  Marcus’s gladius shattered causing him to stagger before Remus with crimson glowing eyes backhanded him, sending him flying across the battlefield finally crashing several metres away.

  Marcus lifted himself upright, blood dripped across his face and he felt a strange swaying feeling. Remus looked at him before walking slowly forward.

  “You want a slow death then. Very well.”

  Marcus tried to crawl away, avoiding the chaotic fighting around him as much as he could, searching for a weapon or shield.

  “It’s no good Roman.” Remus’s voice seemed to echo inside Marcus’s head causing him to grip his ears, rolling over to look at Remus.

  Remus smiled, “at least you will look at your death in the face.”

  Marcus felt the world around him slow as Remus approached him.

  Marcus looked up at the sky for a second, seeing only an Eagle soaring overhead. Remus stopped abruptly as a javelin flew across the front of him. Both Marcus and Remus turned to see who had thrown it. Salinus launched a 2nd javelin at Remus, this time finding his aim. It was in vain though as Remus’s eye lit up crimson causing the javelin to avert its aim short of his breast plate and strike the ground next to Marcus.

  “Another fool come to die.” With his attention shifted Remus seemed to forget Marcus and instead moved to attack Salinus who gathered his remaining javelins.

  "More than just one!" Salinus shouted as the battle cries of the Equites began to echo into the valley.

  Lucius galloped at Remus who was caught unaware and struck Remus’s shoulder with his sword throwing Remus off balance. Turning sharply Lucius stirred his horse again charging at Remus once more. It was like a flash. With a wailing moan Lucius’s horse collapsed to the ground half burying his already dead body.

  “You bastard!” Salinus cried as he watched Lucius’s lifeless body slump beneath his horse.

  With quick succession he launched the javelins at Remus who deflected them away again. Drawing his gladius and gripping his small rounded shield.

  “Mars protect me.” He prayed as Remus moved towards him.

  “Gaaaaahhh!” Remus screamed in pain looking down in horror at his leg.

  Marcus drove the javelin through Remus’s leg before being thrown back by a crimson wave of energy Remus punched into the ground. Still screaming in pain Remus directed his hand at the stone circle and unleashed a scream that caused Marcus and Salinus to cover their ears. With lightning firing sporadically at the stones causing the runes carved on them to come to life and erupt with energy. A black orb formed around them before burning away to reveal the portal to the underworld.

  “It’s over Romans! You can’t win now!” Remus staggered to his feet as his black Pegasus swooped down to him. “Rome has had its day!”

  Writhing in pain he snapped the javelin before mounting the Pegasus and taking to the sky, settling on the opposing valley side where he watched.

  Rain began to fall down on the valley slowly building into a torrential downpour.

  “Salinus, we have to close the portal!” Marcus staggered over to Salinus as they watched the beast horde begin to emerge from it.

  “Hand me the Eagle!” Marcus signalled to the Eagle standard still stood upright in the ground.

  “We can’t do this alone Marcus! We need more help!”

  Marcus gripped the Eagle standard.

  “I know. Run now to the Governor and summon forth every Legionary and warrior you can find!”


  “There’s no time to argue Salinus, go now before we are encircled!”

  Marcus pushed Salinus away towards the collapsed side of the valley. With tears running down his face Salinus turned and began to run up the collapsed ridge shouting and signalling for everyone to charge down to the valley.

  Marcus watched as Centaurs and Minotaurs slowly cut off the retreat, blocking the Britons who appeared at the top of the ridge to reinforce them, encircling what was left of the 9th Legion in the valley.

  “Men of the 9th hear me now!” Despite the chaos of the fighting Marcus’s voice carried so that all that were nearby could hear him.

  “Our commander is dead, and our Eagle broken yet we shall still sore! Into the portal brothers! Into the portal to reclaim our dead!”

  Marcus thrust the Eagle high and collected Lucius’s sword before charging towards the portal gathering every man around him into an unstoppable spearhead.

  The beasts smashed against the charge like waves smashing against rocks, unable to stop them as they pushed closer and closer to the portal. Time slowed as Marcus came within meters of the portal he looked either side of himself. Charging only a few meters away was Tiberius shouting his battle cries and Sextus who bore the wounds of heavy fighting but still leading near the front. Comfortable with the men he had at his side Marcus passed from the world.

  Falco watched from atop the ridge with Salinus at his side as the 9th Legion vanished through the portal. Crackling the portal hardened and turned black once more sealing shut before shattering from within, blasting an airwave that threw everyone in the valley to the floor. Even the clouds in the sky felt the blast, clearing to reveal the last light of day. Falco looked across the valley to Remus who had dismounted his Pegasus and was screaming in anger. He turned and mounted his Pegasus steering it down the valley only for Harpies to force him away as the beast horde began to scatter below.

  “No! No! Noooo!” Remus yelled as his Harpies carried him off. “I will have my revenge! I will have my revenge!”

  Falco’s eyes followed Remus as he vanished off into the dissipating storm clouds before looking back at the valley below. With a gentle hand gesture, he gave his order.

  “Rid this valley of its filth.”


  Tears gently dripped down Salinus’s face as he sat atop the dead Hydra and watched the stone circle being pulled down and the stones broken apart by Legionaries and Britons. No one disturbed him or even looked at him as he quietly cried to himself. He was alone. He tightened his grip and the spear that was plunged deep into the Hydra beside him. Only Falco who was stood opposite, overseeing the destruction of the circle seemed to notice him and walking slowly across to him.

  Together the two men stared at each other as Falco stood before Salinus. It was as if no others were around them as the morning sun illuminated them.

  “Take heart Salinus, survivor of the night, slayer of Hydras and last of the 9th for you are not alone.”

  Falco held his arms out causing Salinus to look around to see every Legionary and Briton had stopped and were facing him. Wiping the tears from his face he struggled to hold them back as every man saluted him. Falco offered his hand to Salinus who climbed down from the Hydra, shaking his hand Falco guided Salinus away towards the collapsed ridge.

  They tread with care as they walked past the seemingly endless rows of dead until they emerged from the valley and entered the large encampment just beyond it.

  “Rest Salinus. I shall send for you when you have awoken.” Salinus entered his tent and lay on the bed before gently sobbing himself to sleep.

  A gentle breeze caused his tent door to flap as he awoke and slowly lifted himself out of his bed and poured himself a cup of wine. His hand trembled as he did so causing the jug to slip from his hand and bang loudly back to the table, only just managing to stay upright. Salinus shuddered, promptly downing the wine as an attendant entered the tent.

  “Allow me please.” The attendant took the cup from his hand and refilled it before returning it to him.

  “The Governor has sent me with word that he wishes to see you in his tent when you are ready.”

  Salinus drank the wine before nodding and leaving the tent.

  He moved like a ghost through the camp, passing unhindered and with a following silence. As he reached the Governor ’s tent he was saluted by the guards who opened the tent flaps for him, ensuring he was unhindered.

  “Salinus.” Falco greeted him and signalled the attendant to prepare another cup of wine.

  “Governor.” Salinus offered an exhausted salute but was immediately dismissed from doing so.

  “Please drop the formalities, you have been through enough to earn that much.” Falco signalled for Salinus to sit and enjoy the drink with him.

  “How do you feel?” Falco asked sipping his wine.

  “Tired and heavy with guilt.”

  Falco looked at him and sighed, “you need not feel guilty, Marcus chose you to carry the message to me because he trusted you the most in that valley.”

  Salinus shrugged, “I just wish I could have fallen alongside them.”

  The pair sat in silence until an attendant entered and waited patiently for the right moment.

  “Governor Falco, the Legate’s tent is finished, and his body placed there to receive your condolences.” Falco nodded and looked to Salinus.

  “Perhaps we should go together.” He said softly causing Salinus to bow his head in thanks. Softly the two men walked through the camp to a tent to find Ailis patiently waiting outside.

  “Governor Falco and Auxiliary Centurion Salinus.”

  She bowed and received equal greeting from the two men.

  “Have you come to pay your respects as well Queen Ailis?” Falco asked signalling for them to all enter the tent.

  “Yes, while I had little experience with Legate Cornelius I admire him for leading his men into that valley and fighting on the front.”

  As the trio entered the tent they were welcomed by the attending priestesses who directed them to the body. Lying on a clothed table in the centre of the room the Legate was dressed in his parade armour, presenting him in all his glory. Placed on his chest was the broken wing of the Legion’s Eagle, resting beneath his hands.

  “He looks peaceful.” Ailis said as they stood beside the table. “It is a shame I cannot linger with you to pay the fullest respects.”

  Falco turned to Ailis. “You’re leaving us so soon after the battle?”

  Ailis nodded. “Dark times are ahead Governor, you heard the words of Remus as his minions pulled him away. He will be back, and we must be ready. He will flee beyond the reach of Rome and prepare. We must too.”

  Falco looked at her with concern. “Bring your people south to us then, let us stand together for his return.” He protested.

  Ailis shook her head. “If my people are to face the resurgent threat then we shall do it in our homelands, enough of my people have died too far from home.”

  Falco looked to Salinus who stood in silence looking at the Legate.

  “We are similar in feeling Queen Ailis.” Salinus broke his silence. Ailis sighed.

  “Marcus destroyed the circle from inside the underworld and bought us time, I just wish to use it to its fullest.” Ailis bowed before leaving the tent.

  “Already we are abandoned and alone.” Falco said. “With your Legion gone we will not control the north without bloodshed.”

  “Another time perhaps Governor.” Salinus said looking to the entrance to the tent.

  “Gaius.” Panting and with a look of distress Gaius walked further into the tent.

  “I was too late.” He said, tears beginning to burst from his eyes. Salinus moved to him and the two shared a warm embrace.

  “The Legate is with his Legion now brother.” Salinus said, trying to hold back tears of his own.

  “Then tell me it was worth it.” Gaius stepped away, wiping his face and composing himself.

  “Marcus lead the final attack to close the portal and win us the day. Salinus killed enough beasts on his own to repay the debt.” Falco replied, placing his hands on both their shoulders.

  With a quick nod he dismissed the priestesses leaving only the three of them in the tent.

  “I wish to speak plainly if I may gentlemen.” Salinus and Gaius nodded to Falco.

  “Queen Ailis is right to return north and prepare her defences. Unknown to the Britons we were able to capture some of the Druids that served under Remus. This defeat is little more than a setback for him.”

  Gaius looked puzzled. “I don’t understand, surely we killed him?”

  Salinus shook his head. “The coward fled with a few of the beasts after Marcus stormed the portal and destroyed it from within, we tried to track him but with all the fighting afterwards we were unable.”

  “He will build his forces further away from us next time and strike at us when we are distracted with maintaining our control on Britannia. We must send for aid.” Falco stepped away from them.

  “I have a task for you both, you do not need to leave immediately but I expect you to be gone before we break camp here in 2 days.”

  Gaius sighed “What could you possibly need us to do? Our Legion is lost.”

  Falco turned back to them. “Ride to Rome. Ride through Britannia and cross into Gaul and make haste for Italia and Rome. Tell every man and woman you can what happened to the 9th Legion until you reach Rome.”

  Salinus looked at Falco. “What do you expect us to do in Rome?”

  “Tell only one man what has happened here. Only one.” Gaius and Salinus looked at each other.

  “The Emperor.”

  Afterword from the Author

  Thank you for reading Remus Rising.

  If you enjoyed reading this book it would be great if you could leave a review on Amazon so that others can also enjoy it. Any feedback will be excellent so that I can continue and improve my writing. Keep an eye out for future books like this one I will be writing shortly and thank you again for reading Remus Rising.

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