Book Read Free


Page 24

by Jennifer Foor

  “He was a cutie pie.”

  A girl that looked around my age came walking out of the kitchen. “Oh hey. I didn’t know we were havin’ company.”

  Mrs. Savanna turned around. “Christian, this is Noah’s friend, Shalan.”

  She smiled. “Really? Noah’s been hidin’ a girlfriend?” She looked me up and down before turning her attention back to my eyes. That’s when I saw them; Noah’s exact green eyes on a female version of him. “You’re really pretty.”

  “So are you.”

  She shook her head, like I’d embarrassed her. “Yeah right. You don’t have to be nice to me on my brother’s account.”

  “Christian, say thank you.”

  “Sorry,” She smiled. “I appreciate the compliment. It was nice to meet you.”

  She left us standing in the kitchen, and Noah’s mother turned around to address what was wrong with her daughter. “Don’t mind her. She’s shy and has never believed it when people compliment her. Don’t ask, because I don’t have the faintest.”

  “I meant it. She’s gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. I know what you’re thinking though. They aren’t twins.”

  “Does everyone ask that?”

  “Usually. Noah’s almost five years older than his sister. She’s in college. His other sister also looks identical to them. You’ll know the difference right away. Addison is the polar opposite of her sister. She’ll tell someone what she thinks of them without hesitation.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She put her hand on my shoulder. “Come on, let’s go find the boys.”

  We no sooner walked onto the front porch when I saw a very sweaty man approaching. I did a double take because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This man wasn’t Noah, he was too old to be him, but he looked just like him. I watched him walk up to his wife and kiss her. “Hey, darlin’ You got back quick.”

  Darlin’. I knew it had to be something that he heard growing up.

  The older Noah turned his attention to me. “Who do we have here? Are you friends with Christian?”

  I couldn’t answer, because I heard him saying my name. “Shalan?”

  Noah walked across the driveway, as grubby as his father. His shirt was over his shoulder and his chest was dripping with either sweat or something he’d poured over himself to cool off. “What are you doin’ here?”

  I walked down the steps and stood face to face with him, waiting for a kiss or something to welcome me there. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  He looked over at his parents before turning his attention back to me. “I can explain.”

  Noah could tell I was pissed. He knew that I knew he hadn’t told his parents about me. “I hope so.”

  “Dad, this is Shalan, my -.” He paused and winked at me, as if it were going to make me forget why I was mad at him. “My girlfriend.”

  My stomach dropped and I felt dizzy. He’d said no labels, but yet he’d just given me a big one, and I didn’t know how to respond.


  For a moment I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, and that the heat had gotten to my head. There she was, standing with my parents, who knew nothing about her. I could tell from the look on her face that I was going to have to kiss up her ass before she gave me any affection. Figuring that I had to explain, I said the first thing that came to mind.

  Shalan’s eyes widened as the word girlfriend came out of my mouth.

  We hadn’t labeled ourselves, for more reasons than just living in two different places. We both knew that eventually she’d be too busy to be in a committed relationship. I hadn’t even considered talking to her about it, because I knew the end result.

  Shalan smiled and looked toward my dad. “It’s very nice to meet you. I’ve heard a ton about your family from Noah.”

  My dad gave her another once over, and then cocked an eyebrow. “How long have you been seein’ my son?”

  “Dad, really? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter.”

  My dad backed off. “Sorry. I was just askin’ the lady how long she’s had to put up with you.” His joke was his attempt at keeping his opinions to himself.

  “Did you just get here?” I asked.

  “Your mom had groceries to take in. She was getting ready to bring me to your place.”

  I held out my arm for her to take. “How about we get you settled and we come back for dinner. “Is that alright, Mom?”

  “Of course. Oh, Shalan, I forgot to mention this. If the house is a mess, which it very well might be, please ignore it. I can’t get over there until tomorrow to clean it.”

  “I’d be happy to help,” Shalan offered.

  “You’re a guest,” all three of us said in unison.

  My mom laughed. “I will take care of whatever Bella doesn’t get to. Her parents are coming to see her this weekend and I don’t want them seeing how those two live. You’d think they never did a chore in their life.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Can we go now, or are you goin’ to tell her about somethin’ else embarassin’?”

  “We’ll save some for dinner,” my dad added.

  I waved as I pulled Shalan along, grabbing her bags and putting them on the golf cart.

  She said nothing as we started our trek to my place. Once I knew we were away from my parents, I stopped and turned to her, leaning my head on the steering wheel. “I know you’re pissed.”

  “You’re damn right I’m pissed. Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? She didn’t know me at all. I am coming to sleep with her son, and she’s never even heard my name before. Don’t get me started on your dad. He may as well have told me to leave with that stare.”

  “Darlin’ I -.”

  “Don’t you dare darlin’ me, Noah. I want to be mad for a minute.”

  I ran my hand up her leg and she swatted it away. “Stop!”

  “My mom likes you.”

  “Really, because all I saw was a woman that thinks I broke up your last relationship. I know you aren’t together, but when exactly did you break up with her? Did you sleep with me in New York and then go home and end things? Noah, you know how I feel about cheaters.”

  I placed my hand over her mouth. “Shut up and listen for a minute, you hard-headed woman. I broke up with Perry before my parent’s anniversary party. We weren’t together when I came to New York, I swear it.”

  She started to cry. I could tell because her bottom lip had begun to quiver and she looked away. Gently, I pulled her chin towards me and looked into those watery eyes. “I shouldn’t have come.”

  I leaned in and appreciated that she let me kiss her. “Yes, you definitely made the right decision.”

  The next kiss was deeper, with a hint of pent up anger attached. She pulled away and let her eyes slowly open. “I’m still mad at you.”

  I chuckled and started driving. “Yeah, you’ll get over it.”

  “Don’t be so sure. I was half-tempted to ask your mom to take me back to the airport.”

  “Before you leave, you should probably let me take you on a real tour of the place. There’s this spot I want to take you to.”

  “Does it require me being naked, because right now you’re totally cut off.”

  This got me laughing again. The idea of having her close to me and not being able to have what I wanted was hilarious. “You can’t say no to me, Shalan. Mad or not, I’m gettin’ you naked before the night’s over.”

  She turned her body and gave me this look. She didn’t even have to say what she was feeling, because I could read it from her body language. She was ready to punch me. “I bet you a hundred dollars that you don’t get any tonight.”

  I stuck out my hand and shook hers. “That’s a deal.”

  “Good,” she scooted to face forward again. “You stink anyway.”

  I put my arm around her and pulled her against my sweaty body. “You know you like it.”

  Shalan screamed and fussed, up until we pulled up next to my truck and
she realized that we had arrived at my house. “This is all yours?”

  “Well, considerin’ that you’ve seen my parent’s house and even my grandmother’s, I figured this would be disappointin’.”

  “It’s perfect.” She grabbed her small bag and left the larger one for me to get. I led her up the stairs and inside of the house. “Did you decorate?”

  Through the years, after my aunt Karen had moved out, the house had been used by a lot of family members. Honestly, I’d planned on building a house on the property, but I wasn’t ever ready to make the commitment. Since the property would eventually be mine and my sisters I figured I had plenty of time to figure it out. “No. The only personal touches I added were the deer heads in the living room. Oh, and the curtains. My grandmother gave them to me last Christmas.”

  “When you said you lived on a farm, I had no idea it was like this. You have your own town here, Noah. It’s insane.”

  I grabbed Shalan’s hand and pulled her into the living room. She cringed at the deer heads. “You shot them?”

  “Yeah, and I ate them too. Is that a problem?”

  “Are you going to make me eat them?”

  Her question was funny. “You never know what you’re goin’ to eat here at the ranch. I mean, sometimes we just go out and cut a hog’s throat, then cook him up on an open fire. I bet you never had fresh bacon like that before.”

  She sat down on the couch. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  I pulled her up. “Come on. I want to show you the best room in the house.”

  Shalan knew I was leading her to the bedroom, but she didn’t fight me. I tossed her bag down on the floor and pulled her on the bed with me. She squealed and then froze with her lips almost touching mine. I held her tight just in case she’d try to get away. “Thank you for comin’ to surprise me.”

  “Are you happy about it, or freaked out?”

  I pressed my lips against hers, not once, but several times, pulling away only to speak. “Let me show you how happy I am.”

  Shalan backed her head away. “Hold up. I’m still mad.” She let me kiss her again, and this time I drug my tongue over her lips. “You can’t seduce me. It won’t work.”

  “I should get points for callin’ you my girlfriend, don’t ya think?” I knew we needed to address it, and felt like a simple bit of sarcasm could help.

  Shalan froze, and it made me wonder if it was something she didn’t want.

  “Noah, I-.”

  “Don’t say it. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. My parents want labels and I thought that if I told them you were my girlfriend that they’d shut up and leave me alone.”

  “So what am I then? I mean, if I’m not your girlfriend what is this?”

  I sat up in the bed and she mimicked me. I knew she was waiting for an explanation. “Is this a trick question? Is it one of those questions where there’s no right answer?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  “Fine. I’m goin’ to get a shower, and think about it. When I get out, I’ll let you know.” I stood up and walked into the bathroom, leaving her sitting on the bed waiting. “Unless you want to join me. Then we can talk while we’re naked, washing each other’s wet bodies.”

  I heard her murmur something under her breath before I started the water. To me, Shalan was my girlfriend, whether she accepted it or not. I had a week to convince her that I’d try my best to make her as happy as possible for as long as she’d let me. Temporary or not, I wanted her, and I was going to make sure she felt the same way about me.

  I heard the door swing open after I’d climbed into the shower. Through the glass shower doors I could see her standing there on the other side. Even though it was foggy I watched her unbuttoning her shirt. It fell open, and she unfastened her bra. Both articles of clothing fell to the floor. I opened the door and waited for her to remove her shorts and underwear and join me. “Change your mind?”

  She entered slowly, watching me watching her the whole time. I handed her a bar of soap and held up my arms. “Do me first.” There was pun intended in the comment and she knew it. She smiled and shook her head, while letting the hot water fall over her hair. I watched those beautiful lips separate just enough to picture how she did it when I was inside of her. I put my arms on either side of her waist. “I knew you’d get naked.”

  “I’m not paying you money.”

  “You can work it off with other ways,” I teased while pushing her against the shower wall. Her dark hair stuck to the wall as I leaned in and savored her lips again. “It’s goin’ to be a long night, darlin’. I hope you’re up for it.”


  It took less than five seconds for me to forget all about being mad at Noah. Still, for some reason I needed to know what he was thinking. Here was this man, standing naked in front of me in the shower. He was beautiful, caring, and above all, wanting to spend his time with me. I knew a label was dangerous, but I was ready to face it head on. “Am I your girlfriend, Noah?”

  “You know the answer to that already. I don’t have to tell you.”

  “Yes you do. Just say it. Tell me what you think I already know.” My body was beginning to shake as I awaited his reply.

  “Fine. If you must hear me say it, then yes, you’re my girlfriend. Now what?”

  “You know this isn’t going to work.” I felt the tears welling up. “As much as I want this, I know it’s only a matter of time before the distance is too much for us. What if I get the call that they want me for an international tour? Are you really going to be okay with not seeing me for months, or hearing from me? I’ve heard rumors about it happening. I’m not trying to spoil this visit Noah, but meeting your family, and being your girlfriend, it’s not fair for either of us.”

  “Don’t talk like that. Shalan, I’m not tryin’ to push this on you. You brought it up.”

  “Because I need to know where we stand. I need you to know that no matter how much I want to be with you, I just know it can’t work. You live here and I’m under a contract to live in New York for at least six months. I can’t ask you to hang around while I’m trying to figure out my life. It’s no fair to either of us.” Tears were falling again, and this time it was because I was potentially breaking my own heart. “I’m just trying to be realistic.”

  He started laughing – actually laughing at me, like my serious words meant nothing to him. “You think you can just push me away and I’ll go quietly? Woman, I don’t care what you say. I’m tellin’ you right now that you’re my girlfriend, whether it’s for seven damn days or seven years. I’m tellin’ you that I want whatever I can get for as long as it lasts. I’m not makin’ promises, but keepin’ it bottled up ain’t doin’ neither of us any good. Don’t you dare sit there and tell me that you don’t want to be with me. I’m not talkin’ about sex either. You were the one to hop on a plane to get to me today. This hasn’t been about sex since I left you in that hotel room. I’ve had a ton of failed relationships, most of them being my fault. I ain’t perfect, but I can be that shoulder that you need, whenever you need it. I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head against his chest. “Okay.” It was all I could get out before my sobbing got too intense. Noah held me close, saying nothing else for a few moments.

  I kept telling myself that people have long distance relationships all of the time. Just because Noah and I lived two very different lives didn’t mean we couldn’t be together as a couple, right?

  “For the record I didn’t mean to throw it out there like I did. I just figured since you met my parents it would be the right thing to do. Besides, after a few days with just a couple of my family members, you may decide that you made a huge mistake coming at all. Can we please enjoy the fact that we’re together again? I miss you when you’re not around.”

  I let go of Noah and backed up against the wall to the shower. “How long do we have before dinner?”

  “A couple hours at least.” He
got closer to me, breaking the distance that I’d just made. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

  “First I need to apologize for freaking out.” I sunk down to my knees and stared at his already erect penis. The water beat down on my hands as they traveled up his wet legs. I pressed firmly when I got to his thighs, and started feeling the hair getting thicker on his legs. In front of my eyes, level with my mouth was what I wanted. Noah grabbed all of my hair and held it away from my face as I focused on nothing but pleasing him.

  He filled my mouth while my lips coasted back and forth over his shaft. I could hear the tiniest of moans coming from above. I kept my focus, and concentrated on picking up the pace. One hand gripped the cheek of his ass while the other massaged his soft balls. Noah leaned his arm on the wall above me and looked down, watching what I was doing to him. The faster my lips moved, the louder his moans became.

  While I was away I’d fantasized about him every second I got a chance. I dreamed of being able to please him and be more than we were before.

  This was my gift to him, the least that I could do for everything he’d given me in return. Usually, I’d take my time, playing around so that it lasted longer and I could rest my cheeks. This time I went full-force. I wanted to hold the advantage, and the pleasure of what I was giving him.

  His body tensed, he tugged on my hair, and then my mouth filled with his salty release. I held my lips there, fixed on making sure he was satiated before I removed them.

  Finally, I pulled away from Noah’s spent cock and rinsed out my mouth. He pulled me up and shoved me into the tile wall. His lips were on my neck and then finally worked their way down my body. Noah didn’t waste time kissing me like he usually did. His face plowed right into my pussy as if he was starved for it. I gasped and held onto his shoulders. His whiskers tickled when they came in contact with my tender skin. Noah didn’t kiss me gently, or lick the outside of my sensitive skin. He stuck his tongue inside of me and started fucking me with it. His strong arms lifted me up off the shower floor and held me in the air while he worked me with his skills. “You like that?” His voice vibrated off of my sex.


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