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Page 29

by Jennifer Foor

  “I just never thought I’d be this happy, Noah. It’s not even all about the number one. It’s you. It’s this life we have. I know it’s hard when I’m away, but knowing that I have this home to come home to makes it all worth it. I wouldn’t be where I am without you.”

  “This calls for a celebration. What do you say to Mama Savanna’s pancakes,” I kissed her on the lips. “With bacon and potatoes, and hot coffee?”

  Shalan smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. “There’s only one thing that sounds better than that.”

  I knew what it was, even before she said it.

  “Sex in the shower?”

  I stood up, letting the towel fall, and held out my hand. Shalan was easy to pull out of bed. She followed me into the bathroom and we closed the door behind us. Once the water was at the right temperature, we both climbed in. I was gentle washing Shalan’s hair, while she brushed her teeth. It was funny how used to be couple we were. Being with her when she did every day things was never going to get old with me. It was the times like this that I treasured the most. People could buy tickets to hear her sing. They could read about her life on a Kentucky ranch, and how her boyfriend raised cattle, but they’d never know her; not like I did.

  She was mine, and I hers. Nothing could take that away from us, not money, not fame, and certainly not another person.

  Shalan took her toothbrush and rinsed it before sticking mine into my mouth. “I need some kisses without the morning breath.”

  I brushed my teeth and watched as she lathered up her hands and started washing me, from my neck all the way down to my feet. While she was on her knees, she took a handful of me and giggled before taking me into her mouth. I leaned back against the shower and let her work her lips for a bit. Knowing that a blow job was never going to be enough, I grabbed her hair and lifted until she let go. I kept her hair in my hands as I leaned in and kissed her hungrily.

  Her arms wrapped around my back and her breasts smacked into my chest. I turned her around after we pulled away and pushed on her back, causing her to bend over. My hands covered the circumference of her wet ass as I gripped both cheeks. I played with her opening, teasing her with the tip of my dick. Shalan moved her ass just enough to let me know she was ready. Her tight pussy accepted all of me, and with little effort I maintained a rhythm. She held onto the faucet as we smacked together and then pulled apart. I watched my cock going in and out of her. A sensation started deep inside and traveled down my shaft. We’d spent the last night making up for lost time, so this was just an added bonus. My hands held her hips firmly as I rammed into her even harder than before. Shalan cried out at the same time as me, my body filling her with my release.

  Once I was able to move, I swung her around and pulled her in for a kiss. She responded eagerly, running her hands down my chest as our tongues meshed together. I knew what she wanted and I was happy to oblige. This day was for celebration, and I wasn’t about to leave any stone unturned. I reached down between her legs, feeling the remnants of my load. Using it as a resource, I rubbed on her clit, applying just enough force to make her knees immediately buckle. Shalan dug into the skin on my waist as she cried out in ecstasy. Afterwards she brought her lips to meet mine. “Good morning, cowboy.”

  We both laughed. “Yeah, it sure is.”

  Celebrations in the Mitchell family were never small ordeals. From the moment that my mother found out about Shalan the whole family knew about it. By the time breakfast had ended Bells, my gram, my other grandparents and my mom had planned a huge party, where everyone was going to come to town and show their support.

  Shalan was taken back by the way my family had accepted her, and even more amazed with how we all stayed so close. I literally had both sets of grandparents within a mile from the house. The ranch was becoming more like a private community than a family farm. I think in some ways we were the first family she’d ever had, since her mother had been sick when she was so young. We were a lot to take in, but she’d done great. From the moment she’d met them all during our first holiday together, she’d fit in. I couldn’t have felt more pleased.

  A celebration was a good time for us, but I was going to make it even more special. With all of her traveling around, and being in the spotlight, Shalan was missing something. I wasn’t insecure, but I knew I’d feel a hell of a lot better if she was wearing a ring on her finger. I wasn’t in any rush to get married, but I was certainly alright with being engaged.

  I was so nervous the night of the party. The whole family had been getting on my nerves all day making a fuss out of every little detail they wanted done. Shalan wasn’t allowed to help decorate, nor was she allowed to come into the party until everyone was there. All of our houses were full of guests, even my younger cousins that I would have loved to have left out. With so many people around, all of them family, I knew it was now or never.

  Shalan was waiting on the porch of our house when I pulled up on the golf cart to get her. She was wearing this white dress, that we’d purchased in Texas a few months back. Her hair blew in the wind, and she looked stunning. “Hey, beautiful. You need a ride?”

  She walked over, climbing on quickly. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  I got halfway to my gram’s house before stopping and turning toward her. “I can’t do this.”

  “Do what?” Of course she had no clue was I was talking about.

  “I need to ask you somethin’, right here and right now.”

  “Okay.” She giggled and looked around. “Why here?”

  We were in this small patch of woods, completely alone. “Because. Just come with me.”

  I grabbed her hand and led her into the woods, having her sit down an a fallen tree. “I was going to ask you this later, but –.”

  “Ask me what? Is it about the party?”

  I got down on my knee and her eyes got huge. “Shalan, I ain’t sayin’ right now, but someday will you be my wife, darlin’?”

  She started to answer but I cut her off. “Even if you say no, will you at least wear the ring, so the whole world knows you’re taken?”

  Shalan giggled. “Are you going to open the ring box, or do I not get to see it unless I answer yes?”

  I laughed and noticed that I hadn’t even opened the box. “Oh shit.”

  I went to lift it and Shalan put her hands over it. “Wait. Either way my answer is yes. Yes, I will wear the ring, and yes I’ll be your wife, whenever we both feel ready.”

  I kissed her so quickly that she almost lost her balance and fell into the fallen leaves. We both laughed as I held her close. “Sorry, I got a little excited.”

  She grabbed my face and pulled me in for another kiss. “You never have to worry about the world Noah. My life is here with you.”

  I stood up and reached out for her hand. She cleared her throat. “Are you ever going to show me the ring I’m supposed to be wearing?”

  I stood in my tracks and handed her the box. “You got me all messed up, woman. Here, you open it.”

  Bells had helped me pick it out, and after more money than I cared to admit spending, I watched my girlfriend gasping in shock. “Oh my God. It’s huge.”

  “I get that a lot,” I teased.

  She pushed me. “You know what I’m talking about. Noah, you didn’t have to. I would have been fine with anything you bought me.”

  “I wanted you to have the best. Besides, ain’t nobody goin’ to overlook that on any red carpet.”

  Shalan rolled her eyes. “You do realize that when I have red carpet events your ass will be in a tux escorting me?”

  I frowned thinking about getting dressed up. “Is that what I’m signed on for?” I grabbed the box. “Here, let me take that back.”

  She snatched it away from me and put the ring on her finger. “You’re never getting it back now.”

  I stopped fighting and grabbed both of her arms. Her smile went away as I pulled her closer to me. “Fine, I’ll wear the tux, but only if you put o
ut after every event.”

  I leaned in to kiss her again as she began to laugh. “Deal,” she said mid-kiss.

  With the family expecting us, I was content on spending the whole night hidden in the woods with Shalan.

  Until my phone started to ring.

  She grabbed it out of my pants pocket and answered, “We’re on our way.”

  I chased her out of the woods and onto the golf cart. Once we were driving again, she rested her head on my shoulder and held up her hand. “I wonder if they’ll notice?”

  “Well, bein’ that your ring cost more than my dad’s new tractor, I’d say they’ll notice.”

  The idea of my dad’s reaction wasn’t the highest on my list. I was going to get a lecture, whether it was right away, or after he’d had weeks to let it simmer. My frugal dad wasn’t too keen on money being spent in vain.

  “I don’t have to keep this ring, Noah. We can get something smaller.”

  “Woman, I had to sell my left nut for that ring. You’re keepin’ it.”

  “I saw your left nut this morning, you big fat liar.” She started to laugh and shake her head. “You’re not going to tell anyone are you?” She knew me too well.

  I chuckled. “Nope.”

  She put her foot onto the brake pedal. “Did you ask me in the woods because they think it’s going to happen at the party? Did you do this so you didn’t have to do it in front of everyone?”

  “Maybe.” I pressed on the gas and we started moving again. In just a few short minutes we were out front of my gram’s house. “You ready, darlin’?” I asked as if nothing had happened.

  Shalan hopped off the golf cart and walked into the house, not waiting for me. I followed behind her, knowing she was up to something. Sure enough, she waved her hands around. “We’re here.” She turned to flash me a smile. “And we’re engaged.”

  I placed my hand on the small of her back and leaned in toward her ear. “Now they’re not goin’ to leave us alone.”

  She laughed as the family approached to congratulate the both of us. “Think of this as practice for the red carpet. We have an event in two weeks, darlin’.”

  Of course we did. “Can’t wait.” I winked and waited to be bombarded with hugs. This was my life, and for some amazing reason, she wanted to be a part of it. I looked over to see that smile and realized that I’d wear a monkey suit, and do anything she asked, just to be able to see that everyday.

  No longer did I feel like I needed to leave the ranch to find happiness, because I already had more than any man could ever ask for. I turned to find my dad in the crowd of family members. Next to my uncles, he stood, nodding his head in approval. At the end of the day I never thought I’d care what he thought, but I had been very wrong. I’d become the man he’d always wanted me to be. I’d accepted my birthright, and the fact that there was nothing out there in the world that could bring me more joy than the people in this room could.

  That there is my happy ending.

  Look For the Second Book ISABELLA Summer 2014




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