The Scars That Define Us
Page 19
I lean down and engulf her breast in my mouth, she arches her back in response and entwines her fingers into my hair. Her sweet nipple erects against my tongue, making my dick pulse with excitement. I cup the small of her back and lower her body on the unmade bed as she slides her hands down her torso and undoes her shorts, pulling them off. I suck in a breath at the sight of her bandaged knees; again, I’ll murder whoever did this to her. I shrug out of my cut, pull my shirt over my head, and kick off my boots. I pull my loose jeans down with my black briefs, my cock so hard and angry it looks purple. I want nothing more than to take her roughly, but tonight I’m going to make love to Dani. I’m going to show her that depraved rush she brings out of me when she denies me, that corruption of unclarity when she acts like she doesn’t need me.
I climb over her small frame, my knees pressing deep into the mattress as my body claims her. I demand her lips, my tongue taking hers hostage with its intrusion. She wraps her arms around my neck and opens her legs, giving herself to me. I grab the base of my cock and guide it into her warm opening. Instantly, my body hums with recognition, knowing Dani’s body like a drug addict on a binge. I thrust into her slowly when all I want to do is slam into her and hear that whimper she gives when my cock takes all she has to offer. She arches her back as I slide in deep, her legs tightening around my waist. I suck in a tight breath as her pussy clams down on my cock. I begin to thrust slowly, savoring the feel of her skin against mine. I can feel her breasts rub against my chest as I slide in and out of her sensually. I look between our bodies and notice her perky tits, they look a little fuller. I smirk. Pregnant looks good on Dani.
My dick slides in and out, her arousal guiding my shaft with ease. I run my nose along her neck, giving her skin gentle pecks. She moans lightly as her walls clench around my cock, the tight squeeze amplifying my craving for release. Her breathing becomes ragged as she dives into that realm of ecstasy. My calves cramp as my balls tighten, the feeling almost too much as I lower my face into the crook of Dani’s neck while my fists grasp the sheets beside her. My body begins to vibrate with my own undoing as I roar loudly. I pull myself from Dani’s neck and look at her beautiful face; she’s my Hell and my Heaven. The good and the bad. I can barely handle her, and now I’m going to raise a child with her hellfire spirit. I kiss her lips passionately, silently accepting the challenge.
I wake up to my broken arm itching like crazy, I try to wedge my finger inside the cast as far as it will go but it’s no use. I groan in frustration and look around the room for something to shove down there. I spot an ink pen on the end table and nearly crush Shadow trying to get to it. He moans as I reposition myself in my spot and slam the pen down the side of my cast. I groan with satisfaction when it hits its mark.
Shadow rolls over and grins when he notices why I nearly suffocated him to death to get to whatever was on the nightstand.
“Better?” he asks gravely, his voice heavy with sleep.
“Yes,” I sigh, pulling the pen out.
I look over and catch Shadow eyeing my arm in its pink cast. He rolls over, pulls the drawer open on the nightstand, and pulls out a giant, black magic marker.
“What are you doing with that?” I ask nervously.
He grabs my casted arm and positions it just how he needs it, pulls the top off the marker with his teeth and presses it to the hot-pink cast.
As he doodles on my arm, I can’t help but interlock my fingers into his thick hair. Just the touch of it has me willing to roll around in the sheets with him. Then again, it could be hormones. Aren’t pregnant women supposed to be horny all the time?
He pulls back from my arm and applies the lid to the marker. I look down and survey the artwork on my cast as he puts the marker back in its place.
Shadow’s Property
Is written in thick black ink with an outline of a skeleton head under it. The pink of the cast fills the skull, making it a pink skeleton head.
I look up at him in shock. I thought he would draw his name or a stick figure, not brand me.
“You never wear your damn cut.” He points to my arm, wearing a cheshire grin. “That you can’t take off.”
He sits up on the bed and rubs the sleep from his eyes like a little kid.
“I’m going to get you and my baby some breakfast,” Shadow says.
“Yuck. The thought of food sounds gross,” I respond, sticking my tongue out.
“You will eat, Dani,” Shadow demands, looking at me with that furrowed eyebrow which leaves that little wrinkle. He looks so cute when he does it that I bite my cheek to keep from smiling at him when he’s trying to be serious.
“That reminds me, I got you something,” Shadow remarks. He walks over to one of the dresser drawers and pulls it open. I try and look around his body to see what he has, but his muscular frame blocks the view.
He turns around with books and a box on top.
“Got you some books about what to expect when pregnant, a book with baby names, some vitamins, and this is a box with suckers that will help with your morning sickness.” He places the books down with the box and tosses the pills beside me.
I pick up the box of suckers and run my finger along the cover of one of the books.
“Why did you get these for me?” I ask in awe.
“Because I knew leaving you at the hospital to figure my shit out was an ass move.” He sits down on the bed and grabs my chin, moving my face to look at him. “Because I want you and my baby to be healthy,” he whispers. He leans over and kisses my lips tenderly, his sensitivity taking the breath from me.
“I didn’t leave you when I left. I just needed to figure out how I was going to be the man you and my child deserved.” He brushes a hair from my face and kisses my forehead, his words making my heart swell with affection.
“You going to tell me what happened exactly?” he asks, pointing at the cast on my arm.
I bite my lip anxiously. The pregnancy kind of caught everyone off-guard after the attack, and I should have known it wouldn’t last.
“You already know everything,” I lie. I can feel my cheeks turning red from guilt.
“Why don’t you tell me again?” he insists, his tone menacing.
“I came out of work and was attacked,” I tell him, looking at the wall and avoiding eye contact. He grabs me by the chin hard, making me look at him.
“Now, why don’t you look me in the eye and try that again,” he orders, scowling. I close my eyes, trying to escape those stormy blue ones from penetrating my shell of lies. I shouldn’t say anything, but enough shit has rolled after the events of what me and the girls had done.
“Fucking spill it, Dani,” he grits.
“I can’t,” I say, pulling out of his grip.
“You’re fucking hiding something from me,” he growls, standing. He leans down and grabs my chin. “You belong to me, and you and our baby’s safety is mine to look after. I can’t do that unless you tell me everything and stop hiding shit from me.”
I stand as well, angry and downright pissed off. “Hiding shit? How about the fact my mother’s missing! You wouldn’t be hiding anything from me about that, would you?” I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest.
Shadow flexes his hand, and I can sense the anger building within him.
“You got about two seconds to explain, Dani,” he warns, ignoring my accusation of him having something to do with my mother’s disappearance. I close my eyes, knowing if Shadow did have anything to do with it that means she’s not alive anymore. I’m not sure if I feel relieved or grief at the thought. I open my eyes to see a very angry Shadow, puffed out and furious, waiting for my answer.
“Fine,” I whisper, hoping Babs forgives me. “I walked out to where you have been parking, and a car came hauling ass toward me. The driver door checked me, making me fall.” I point toward the road rash eating my kneecaps. “A group of guys got out and said ‘this was for Darin’ before beating the Hell out of me with a bat.�
�� I’m strangely calm as I tell him all that.
“Darin?” Shadow questions in confusion.
I turn my head, not wanting to give him anymore.
“Dani,” he threatens.
I won’t be a rat; my status around here is already exactly that.
I look him in the angry eyes staring back at me. “You’ll have to ask Babs about the rest,” I tell him.
The word angry is not even in my vocabulary right now. I’m beyond that. I pull my boots on hobbling down the hall to Bull’s room.
I knock loudly, my fist pounding against the old door.
He swings the door open. “What the fuck?” he yells. His hair is a mess and he’s wearing nothing but threadbare boxers.
“Get dressed; we need to see Babs now!” I demand before walking away.
I wait out by my car for Bull to crawl his ass out of bed.
“You want to explain what the hell is going on?” Bull asks, walking out of the club and lighting a cigarette.
“Jump in the car. I’ll explain on the way there,” I tell him, climbing into my car.
“Don’t fucking park up here like this again. How many times I gotta tell you, boy?” Bull questions, getting in beside me.
I start the car and pull out of the courtyard, ignoring him.
“You going to tell me why you woke me up, Shadow?” he drills, resting his head back on the headrest.
“Dani and Babs’ attacks are related. They have gotten themselves into some shit and Dani won’t tell me,” I inform. Bull looks at me instantly.
“That one’s stubborn like her momma,” Bull chuckles. “What did Dani say?”
“That I should ask Babs,” I respond, lifting my eyebrows, irritated at the situation.
“Shit,” Bull mutters under his breath. “You two figure out your shit?” he asks, referring to Dani’s pregnancy.
“Yeah. I stopped at some pregnancy store to pick up books and shit for her,” I reply.
Bull laughs. “You’re learning.”
I remember walking into that damn pregnancy store before heading to the club last night. I knew I fucked up leaving Dani to figure my shit out, but I didn’t want to say something I didn’t mean, so I left.
“Can I help—” The little lady stops as she notices me standing in a store full of pregnant-women crap, me wearing my cut and rough attitude for everyone to see. I’m sure I looked like I took a wrong turn.
“My girl is pregnant and she’s sick all the time,” I respond, feeling anxious.
“Oh, congratulations,” she chirps. “I’ve got just the thing.”
That lady sat there explaining a box of suckers to me for twenty minutes, and then showed me a shelf full of vitamins for another twenty minutes. I about said ‘screw it’.
When I checked out, the lady started talking about baby names and celebrity baby names; she wouldn’t shut the hell up. I just wanted my change back.
“There’s a spot,” Bull says, pointing to a parking spot close to the hospital doors.
I ignore him and park in the ‘no parking zone’ instead.
We enter Babs’ room and see a bunch of nurses and a doctor standing around her bed.
“I’m calling time of death: 4:45,” the doctor says, looking at the clock on the wall.
“What the fuck?” Bull questions.
“I’m sorry. Are you family?” a nurse asks, rushing in front of Bull.
“Damn right, I am,” Bull yells, pushing the nurse out of the way. He makes his way to Babs and hangs his head low. “What happened?” he asks softly.
“I was in surgery when I got the distress call. She had a stroke; it could have been caused by a brain clot. Her head took quite the impact when she fell, and brain clots are hard to find. We did everything we could,” the doctor says, his tone somber, looking at a chart.
“I called the husband ten minutes ago when the patient started having problems,” a nurse says, stepping up behind the doctor.
“Did you get a hold of him?” I ask.
“Yes, I did,” she responds.
Bull grabs Babs’ hand and closes his eyes, his body slumping forward with a sob. I always wondered if Babs and Bull had anything on the side, and now I know they did.
I walk up to Babs and look at her, knowing I will not see the mother of the MC again. Her bright red hair is curled around her face, and her freckles are vibrant against her pale skin. I close my eyes and rub them with my fingers, the emotion of the situation weighing heavy on me. She was like a mother to me and Bobby, the only one I really ever had.
“Someone will pay for this,” Bull threatens, his eyes closed and his lips pierced with anger.
He stands up and kisses Bab’s lips tenderly. As their lips touch, a slight sob escapes him. I turn and walk out, giving him a minute. Seeing the President of your club—a badass who takes no shit—cry is not something anyone can take lightly.
Seconds later, Bull walks out of the hospital room, his face sad and hung low.
“You get Dani to tell you fucking everything,” Bull orders, his tone sharp and demanding.
I RINSE THE SOAP from my face and turn the faucet off, the smell of Shadow’s soap still lingering in the misty air. I grab a towel and hop out of the shower then I peer into the mirror, scared what I might see. I haven’t looked in the mirror since my attack. I noticed the little beady, black stitches snaking in and out the corner of my eyebrow and yellowish and bluish splotches on my neck and shoulders where they kicked me. I close my eyes to try to wash the images away but still see them swimming in the darkness behind my closed eyelids. I open them and turn to get dressed, putting on some jersey shorts and a light white tank top—something light and breezy.
The bedroom door opens and Shadow walks in, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Sit down, Dani,” Shadow demands.
I do as he says, hesitantly.
Shadow walks up and kneels in front of me.
“Babs has passed away,” he whispers.
“What?” I question, shooting off the bed, distraught.
“She passed away today,” Shadow affirms, standing with me.
“But how can that be?” I ask, shocked that her health disintegrated so quickly.
“The doctor said she had a stroke, possibly by a brain clot which could have been caused from her fall,” Shadow explains, pulling me close. I grab hold of his shirt and pull him close. A strangled cry breaks though my mouth, as Shadow wraps his arms around me while the turmoil of the situation hurls through me.
“Dani, I need you to tell me everything you know,” Shadow says, pulling my chin up. “I can’t keep you safe if you don’t.”
“Fine,” I whisper as tears slide down my face. That could have easily been me in that bed, and if I don’t tell Shadow what happened, it could be another ol’ lady.
“Babs had a niece whose boyfriend beat her up for getting into his drugs. So me and the girls went and picked the guy up in the club’s van and took him somewhere to teach him a lesson. Now they are coming back for us,” I blurt out.
“Where did you pick this guy up?” Shadow questions, his tone serious and jaw clenched.
“I don’t know. I was in the back of the van, so I couldn’t see anything. We found him behind some building with green lights all around it, and he was wearing a green bandana. That’s all I know.”
“Fuck,” Shadow mumbles.
“What?” I ask meekly.
“I think you girls threw us into a fucking turf war. We are not allowed over on that side of town, and they aren’t allowed over here. You girls going over there and messing with that guy was stupid. Why didn’t Babs just bring it to the table?”
“Babs said she told Locks but he told her no; that it wasn’t club business,” I inform.
“Keep your ass in here. I have to go find your father,” Shadow commands, pointing to the bed.
I sit back down on the bed, throw my face in my hands and sob. I can’t believe Babs is really gone
. She has been a friend to me ever since I arrived here, she was family.
“I’ve called you all here because I have some bad news, along with the club being on lock down,” Bull states, taking a sip from a full bottle of whiskey.
“What?” Bobby asks, eyeing Bull with concern.
“Babs passed away about an hour ago,” Bull reveals slowly, his eyes beginning to glaze over. I can tell he’s trying to act tough for the club, but he’s failing.
“What?” Bobby exclaims, standing from his chair.
“Stroke,” Bull says flatly.
“Where the fuck is Locks?” Old Guy asks.
I look next to Bull where Locks usually sits, but there’s only an empty chair.
“I imagine he’s probably taking it pretty hard,” Bull says. With the way Locks has been treating Babs lately I doubt that.
“Anyways, we are on lock-down because it seems our lovely ladies went on a mission to redeem the honor of Babs’ niece without our knowledge,” Bull continues, rubbing his hands up and down his face. “We think the guy they attacked is under the protection of Augustus.” He looks up from under his hands, waiting for the backfire from the guys which is bound to happen.
“The Kingpin?” Bobby questions.
“Yes. They kidnapped some guy, beat him and left him on the side of the road,” Bull informs.
“They picked him up behind a club with green lights. I’m thinking it’s The Green Room, which is on the wrong side of town, Augustus’s territory,” I pipe in.
“Damn women,” Hawk gruffs.
“Why didn’t they bring it to the table?” Bobby asks.
“Apparently, Locks didn’t find it worthy of the table,” I seethe. That wasn’t for him to decide; he should have brought it to the table for a vote.
“So, now what?” Old Guy asks.