The Dark Cage

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The Dark Cage Page 24

by Dana Gricken

  “Yeah, I know. Lucky me.”

  “This is no time for jokes. Many of my people consider the Cardinal a God—saying that his power could not be so formidable otherwise. Do you understand the severity of your power, Stark? The sheer destruction you could cause?”

  I rose to my feet, standing nose-to-nose with her. “Of course I do. Why do you think I’m here? My people kicked me out because I’m too dangerous.”

  “For once, I agree with those foolish soulful,” she said. “You’re a threat to everyone and everything.”

  I scoffed. “You’re one to talk. You control the Mindfield, Dark Queen. You’re dangerous too!”

  “Perhaps you think so, but my Mindfield cannot alter reality, nor can it unleash spirits. It has no effect on our physical world—only the mental one—even now, after Doctor Zero helped it evolve.”

  “Then now that I’m here, what are you going to do to me? Put me in the Mindfield again?”

  “I should lock you up—trap you in a tomb as I did with the Cardinal. My Mindfield kept him contained, along with the energy of the Underworld,” she said, before she paused. “However…I see an opportunity here. One I didn’t realize was possible when I tried to kill you earlier.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Opportunity? If it involves working with you, I’ll pass, thanks.”

  “If you want to save the world, you’ll agree. By some stroke of irony, you are the only threat to the Cardinal. Even my Mindfield could not be half as effective on him as your power.”

  “Why not? The Mindfield trapped him once. You just told me that.”

  She scoffed. “That was decades ago, you fool. Since then, the Cardinal has gained more power and strength—perhaps because of his connection to you.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “I believe I could train you—as much as it pains me to say. In doing so, you could learn how to harness your power and kill the Cardinal. Have you considered training in the past?”

  I nodded. “Wanda was trying to train me, but we didn’t get very far. The Quintessence is…stubborn, to say the least. I can’t even open it on command, let alone close it.”

  She laughed. “My mother can’t possibly understand the Quintessence. No, my Mindfield is the only thing that comes close. I would be a much stronger, wiser teacher.”

  “How do I know I can trust you? Training requires a lot of it, you know. I can’t focus if I’m afraid you’re going to stab me in the back.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You say you’ve been banished by your own people, and the Cardinal is loose somewhere. Tell me, Riley Stark—what other choice do you have?”

  I sat down in one of the seats, thinking hard. For once, the Dark Queen was right—and I wasn’t happy about it. The decision seemed obvious.

  “I’ll do it—but only to protect my people from the Cardinal.”

  “Good. Perhaps becoming soulless has given you some sense,” she replied, before she stumbled. I caught her, holding her in place.

  “Are you all right?”

  “As I mentioned before, every time you interrupt my Mindfield, it weakens me,” she said, panting. “And my fool of a mother gets stronger because of you.”

  I scoffed. “You’re the one who made that link between you two when you sent her into the Mindfield. Speaking of links, if my power improves, won’t the Cardinal get stronger too?”

  “Yes, you’re correct,” the Dark Queen said, taking a seat to steady herself. “But it’s a risk we must take. You must be at your strongest to stop the Cardinal. That requires you to be equals.”

  I heard a growling again. I turned my head to notice Angel sitting in the corner. He was glaring at the Dark Queen, but he wouldn’t attack her—he was probably too afraid for that. I had completely forgotten he was here.

  “Ah, Kratos,” the Dark Queen murmured, holding out her arms. “Come to me, my old hound.”

  Angel didn’t move. He looked apprehensive, and continued to growl.

  “Your Darkhound?” I asked. “I found him in the Grove. I thought he was a stray.”

  She shook her head. “No, this is Kratos—my prized Darkhound. He used to sit beside me on the throne. I named him after the Greek God of strength.”

  When Angel refused to go near her, I shrugged. “I think he’s chosen a new master.”

  She sighed. “I see you’ve taken my loyal Darkhound from me as well. He’s no doubt attracted to your power—as he was once with mine. Is there anything you won’t steal from me?”

  I didn’t respond to that. It was true—I had taken a lot from the Dark Queen—but she had brought it on herself with her Darksiege and destruction. I had seen her as a villain for so long that I’d forgotten she was still a person too.

  “When the portal opened, you slapped me. After that, it closed pretty quick—quicker than in the past. Did you just hit me for fun, or did you know what you were doing?”

  “You really don’t understand? Physical pain can interrupt the portal, which weakens your hold on it. I did the same to the Cardinal before I trapped him in the tomb. His capture was not easy.”

  I had a million more questions, but my stomach growled. The Dark Queen nodded, rising to her feet. “I was about to eat dinner myself. I suppose…I wouldn’t protest if you wished to join me.”

  That was the nicest thing the Dark Queen had ever said to me.

  I nodded. “Just one more thing. If we stop the Cardinal and I learn how to control my power…what happens to you after that?”

  “I’ll disappear. I’ve been thinking of leaving this city—moving somewhere far away. I hear Europe is a lovely place.”

  “What do you plan to do there?”

  “Whatever I want,” she growled. “I won’t be seeking another war, if you’re concerned. I’ve seen enough of it. If you won’t give me my freedom, then I’ll revoke my offer to train you.”

  I sighed. It looked like I had no choice but to agree.

  “Fine. But if I let you go and you cause trouble, I’ll come looking for you, Dark Queen. And by then, I’ll know how to use the Quintessence.”

  For once, I saw fear written across her face.

  We ate our dinner—mostly canned food from Wanda’s cabinet—in total silence. Angel nibbled on some beef jerky we’d found, while the Dark Queen glared at me, eating her meal.

  When I finished, I rose to my feet. “So, when does our training start? I want to learn as fast as possible.”

  “Not today,” she mumbled. “I’m sure you’re exhausted, and I refuse to deal with a grumpy pupil. Our lessons will begin tomorrow, exactly at sunrise. I suggest you get a lot of rest, as I intend to make you work hard.”

  I nodded, awkwardly. “Well then…goodnight. Uh, sleep tight.”

  She said nothing, and instead bowed her head at me. As I exited the room, I passed a detailed map on the wall. It had every nook and cranny of New York City, even the hidden layers of the Underworld.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  She walked over, running a hand across the map. “I designed it myself. I’ve been searching for the Cardinal. He’s a clever soulless who knows how to hide well, but I will draw him out one day.”

  “How were you originally planning to kill him? Before I came along, I mean?”

  She shook her head. “I wasn’t. I doubt I could, as weak as that makes me sound. Instead, I was going to subdue him with physical force and trap him in the tomb again. The Mindfield would work on him for a short time, which I hoped would be enough.”

  “But now that I’m here, with his type of power, you’re sure I can kill him?”

  “Would I offer to train you if I didn’t think so? He’s a soulless who requires equal force to kill—something I didn’t think was possible. I admit, my discovery of your power was…surprising, but fortuitous. We may find a way to kill him for good.”

  With everything I’d learned swimming in my head, I decided I needed my rest. I found a comfy-looking cot in the back of the ship, dec
orated with many pillows and blankets. They smelled like Wanda, and I realized this was probably her bed.

  As I lay down, trying to get comfortable, I felt something heavy digging into my neck. I removed the pillow and found a small, locked box hidden underneath it.

  It most likely belonged to Wanda, and I didn’t want to intrude…but my curiosity consumed me. Using my Sentinel implants, I pried the lock off the box, and it clanged on the floor.

  When I opened it, afraid of what I might find, I only saw a stack of handwritten letters. Wanda must’ve had decades’ worth of writing here. I was about to put the box away, not wanting to be rude, when a phrase caught my eye.

  “To my husband,” it read.

  Wanda had had a husband? When? And who?

  I grabbed the first letter, unfurling it and skimming the page. I gasped as I finally understood everything.

  To my husband, Emmanuel:

  It has been so long, and so much has changed. One thing remains true, however—my eternal love for you.

  I have been seeing visions of the future—of many paths. It is confusing, but one thing is certain. Riley Stark plays an important role as the Prophet. Once I know more, you will as well. If you ever require my assistance, all you need to do is ask.

  My greatest regret was letting the Dark Queen imprison you. A soulless like yourself deserves to be free—to do with his power as he wishes. I will make it up to you. I will find a way to further your plans…no matter the cost.

  Whatever your title—Cardinal or Emmanuel—you will always have my heart.

  Love always,


  The Cardinal was some soulless named Emmanuel, and, at one point, he had been Wanda’s husband. If that was true, and Wanda was the Dark Queen’s mother…was the Cardinal also the Dark Queen’s father?

  The tone of her letter was concerning. She had been insistent on helping the Cardinal—whatever that meant. The letter had no date, so I didn’t know how old it was, or if her feelings had changed since then. It wasn’t the only letter, either—there were many more that talked about saving him, and about making up for her abandonment with the Hidden.

  Wanda wasn’t planning on helping the Cardinal…was she? All this time, she had seemed intent on helping me hone my power—teaching me how to control it. But what if that had been all a part of her plan to strengthen the Cardinal himself?

  Our power connected us—and empowering me would empower him too. If that was the case, why had Wanda sent me away? Wouldn’t she want to keep me close, to further whatever agenda she had?

  She hadn’t sent any of these letters, so maybe that was a good sign. Maybe it meant she had decided not to help the Cardinal unleash the afterlife.

  When I heard the Dark Queen’s boots coming toward the room, I stashed the letters inside the box and tucked it away. She crossed her arms once she’d found me, her face tight and irritated.

  “It appears we have a visitor.”

  I rose to my feet, excited. “Really? Who is it?”

  Could it have been Caleb, coming to find me already? Or was it Patrick and the others, coming back to apologize? To tell me this nightmare was over?

  “See for yourself,” the Dark Queen replied, “before I kill him for bothering us.”


  The New Alliance

  I rushed to the window, trying to peer out onto the docks, but the sky had grown darker and I couldn’t see anything. Sighing, I grabbed my flashlight and rushed to the porthole door. The Dark Queen was close behind me, her heels clicking on the floor.

  Squinting, I opened the porthole and climbed up. I could see a figure in the darkness, wearing all black and carrying a pistol. They walked closer, taking slow, small steps, as if they were uncertain of approaching. I didn’t think they could see me from this distance—at least, not yet.

  When they neared the docks, I could finally make out their face. It was Spencer. Somehow, he had found me.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered. “How is he here?”

  “I take it you know this fool?” The Dark Queen asked, lingering behind me.

  “That’s my best friend—well, he was, before he suffered brain damage. He murdered my dad.”

  “Ah. I assume you want revenge?”

  I stopped to think. Did I want revenge? To watch Spencer die, just as brutally as I had watched my father slip away? I shook my head.

  “No. If I take revenge on Spencer, then I’m exactly what the soulful say I am—bloodthirsty and evil. I’m better than that.”

  The Dark Queen tsked in disapproval. “You say that now, but there might be no chance to show mercy if he attacks.”

  She was right. And if something happened, I felt like I owed it to the Dark Queen to warn her.

  “If Spencer attacks, his gun can kill soulless,” I said. “The Darkhunters made them for that purpose. It’s basically a Deathblade. Watch yourself.”

  She chuckled. “You don’t have to protect me, Stark. I am more than capable.”

  I didn’t want a fight with Spencer, so I stepped out of the submarine onto the docks and waved my arms in the air. Spencer saw me and shot at the submarine, and I dodged the bullets just in time.

  “Spencer, stop! It’s just me!”

  He lifted his gun and walked closer, gasping in shock. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with the Samaritans, or whatever you’re calling yourselves?”

  “They kicked me out, Spencer. They were afraid of my power. I had no choice but to come here.”

  He sneered. “They should be scared of you. I saw what you did to Rachel and the Darkhunters! If I hadn’t run, you would’ve done the same to me too!”

  “Believe me when I say I have no control over it. I didn’t mean to use my power!”

  “That doesn’t make me feel better, Riley. It only proves you’re more dangerous than we thought.” He shook his head, sighing. “If I had known you were here, I wouldn’t have come.”

  “Why did you come here?”

  He sighed again. “I thought this place would be empty. Now that the Darkhunters are gone… Well, I have nowhere else to go.”

  “This place has been claimed. I suggest you leave,” the Dark Queen said, hiking up her skirt as she exited the submarine. “Out of respect for Stark, I won’t harm you—unless you refuse to go.”

  The Dark Queen respected me? That was new. I guess my power did have its upside.

  Spencer’s eyes hardened as he aimed his gun at the Dark Queen. “You’re here…with her? What kinds of evil things are you planning? Murder? Torture?”

  “No, wait! We’re not doing anything wrong. I didn’t know she was here, but she’s agreed to help me, Spencer. She can train me to take down the Cardinal.”

  “And you’re trusting her? I’ve seen the Dark Queen kill people—almost burn this city to the ground,” he said, creeping closer. “If I kill her, I’ll be a hero—and this world will be safe again.”

  “Spencer, stop!”

  As Spencer lifted his gun, aiming it at the Dark Queen, she twirled her wrist. A strong gray fog circled Spencer, consuming him. The Dark Queen had unleashed the Mindfield on him, just as she had done to subdue me.

  Except this time, Spencer couldn’t destroy it. Only I had that power, and I wasn’t willing to risk using the Quintessence again.

  “No!” he muttered, clutching his head. He started to sway as the fog became thicker. “The pain…Please, make it stop!”

  Whatever fear he was seeing, it was driving him mad. He tried to squirm away, all the while screaming at the top of his lungs. But the fog held him in place—trapping him in his fear forever.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, turning to face the Dark Queen. “Stop it!”

  “Why would I? I was merely defending myself, Stark,” she replied. “He must learn his lesson. The Dark Queen is someone to be feared. I am powerful, and…and…”

  As the Dark Queen fell to her knees, I caught her. “What’s going on?”

t seems my power has…weakened more than I thought because of you. Perhaps…you are stronger than me.”

  As the Dark Queen faded in and out of consciousness, the gray fog around Spencer disappeared. He dropped his gun in the process, and I rushed off the docks to retrieve it. I pulled his body through the grass and onto the ship.

  Once he was in bed, Spencer grabbed my arm, still delirious from the pain. “Don’t let her hurt me, please…”

  “The Dark Queen won’t hurt you, Spencer. I promise.”

  He shook his head. “No, not her… The other one.”

  I gasped. Spencer’s vision of what he feared most…had been me. Not losing me, but just me in general—hurting him with my Quintessence, as I had done with Rachel and the Darkhunters. With the fog’s influence still present in his mind, he must not have realized he was speaking to the girl he feared the most.

  I felt like a monster—like the Cardinal himself.

  Spencer released my arm, passing out. I hurried back outside and grabbed the Dark Queen, who was also out cold on the deck of the ship. I dragged her back inside, placing her in a bed opposite Spencer.

  As they slept, I feared for their safety—as strange as that sounded. Would the Dark Queen die? Would Spencer, when he recovered from the Mindfield’s influence, wake up and try to kill me again?

  I needed help. There was no way around it. But who would be willing to help me? Rather, who would be willing to help a dangerous Quintessence user, the Dark Queen, and a Darkhunter?

  I glanced over at the nearby desk where I had put my stuff. Angel lay beside it, sleeping without a care in the world. I wished I could be as calm as him right now.

  As I reached for my armor, I realized the Communication Crystal was still in my pocket. When I picked it up, I knew I had no choice—I had to ask Caleb for help. Would he even get the message in time? And could he sneak away long enough?

  I sighed, lifting the crystal to my mouth to speak my message into it. “Caleb, I made it to the submarine. I need help. Come see me right now.”


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