The Dark Cage

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The Dark Cage Page 25

by Dana Gricken

  His reply was almost instantaneous. Are you okay? What happened?

  “Just come…and bring the Healer with you. I’ll explain everything when you get here,” I said.

  Okay, stay there, the words inside the crystal said. Be safe, Riley. I’m on my way.

  I put the crystal away, curling up beside Angel, where I could keep an eye on the Dark Queen and Spencer. I made sure the pistol was in my holster, just in case Spencer tried anything. They were sleeping now, but they’d be awake soon.

  And what could happen after that scared me the most.

  It took Caleb twenty minutes to arrive. When he got out of the truck, sprinting toward the submarine, I saw the Healer making his way behind him.

  Had I made the right choice involving the Healer? The Dark Queen was injured—probably from over-exertion, like I had been. She needed medical attention, but would the Healer be willing to give it? And would he tell the others?

  I opened the porthole door as soon as I saw Caleb approach. Before I could get a word out, he wrapped me in his arms, holding me tight.

  “Please, tell me you’re all right,” he whispered. “I was worried the whole drive over here. I ran through so many bad scenarios in my head…”

  I nodded, pulling back. “I’m fine, but there’s someone here you need to see.”

  He furrowed his eyebrows. “Someone else is here? The submarine is supposed to be empty.”

  “That’s what I thought too, but… Well, you’ll see for yourself in a minute.”

  The Healer entered the porthole door next, shutting it behind him. “Nice to see you. Missed you at the headquarters. Not the same without you.”

  I smiled weakly. “Thank you. I miss everyone too…but maybe this is for the best.”

  “Still… Wish I had said something. Done something to support you.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Victor. The others were pretty convinced I was some evil monster. I doubt you could’ve changed their minds.”

  He opened his white laboratory coat, revealing many rows of crystals. “Brought all my crystals. Especially healing ones. Was worried for you, you know.”

  “I’m sorry. My message wasn’t clear, but I was trying to hurry. The ones who need help are in the other room.”

  Wordlessly, I led Caleb and the Healer to the back of the ship, where the Dark Queen and Spencer were still in bed. Spencer was beginning to stir, as I had known he would, but the Dark Queen’s comatose state worried me.

  I couldn’t believe I was actually worried about the Dark Queen.

  “Is that…my mother? And Spencer?” Caleb asked, rushing to the Dark Queen’s side. He went to reach for her hand before he pulled away, looking at me. “What happened?”

  “Spencer found us—I guess he had the same idea as you about living here. When he shot at us, the Dark Queen put him in the Mindfield, but it weakened her. It’s like when I used too much power and had to rest. Anyway, I think she needs help. Healer?”

  The Healer shook his head, taking a step back. “Can’t do it. Murderers deserve death.”

  “I know the Dark Queen has put you and your people through a lot, but—”

  “The X! Look!” the Healer replied, gesturing to the burn mark on his neck. “Branded me. Tortured me. Evil woman!”

  “Then please, give me the crystals and I’ll do it,” I replied. When he didn’t budge, I sighed. “Being a Samaritan means doing the right thing—even if we don’t want to. If we let the Dark Queen die, how are we any better than her?”

  The Healer was quiet for a moment, unmoving. Then, he leaned over and handed me several Health Crystals. “Makes me sick, but…made your point. Do it.”

  I nodded, smiling to thank him as I placed a bunch of Health Crystals on the Dark Queen’s body. A yellow glow spread around her, signaling it was working.

  “Thank you, Healer. I won’t forget this,” I said.

  “I won’t, either,” Caleb said, surprising me. “The Dark Queen may be a killer…but she’s still my mother. I hate that I fear for her life, but I do.”

  Spencer started to fidget in his bed, and then his eyes popped open. He rose to his feet, looking around in a panic. When he tried to reach for anything that resembled a weapon, Caleb took a step forward.

  “Stop,” Caleb growled, igniting a fire around Spencer’s bed. “Think twice before you do something you regret.”

  “Am I your prisoner again?” Spencer asked, crossing his arms.

  I stepped forward. “Of course not, Spence. You can leave if you want to, but it’d be a mistake. There’s nowhere else for you to go, and I think you should stay.”

  Caleb looked back at me, scoffing. “Riley, you can’t be serious. I barely approve of you spending time with my mother, and Spencer is just as risky!”

  “Everything is risky, Caleb—even being on my own. The Dark Queen wants to help me learn my power, and she thinks we can stop the Cardinal,” I replied. “And Spencer… Well, he’s made some bad choices, but the Samaritans help people, Caleb. He’ll die on his own.”

  Caleb didn’t reply to that. I took a seat, sighing. Caleb eventually dimmed his flames, letting Spencer out of the circle of fire. The room turned quiet, and I looked over at the Healer.

  “How did you manage to get away from the others?” I asked.

  “Lied. Supposed to be looking for food. Supplies,” the Healer said. “Wasn’t hard.”

  “Will…you tell them about me and the Dark Queen?”

  “You know I won’t, Riley. Healer?” Caleb asked.

  The Healer sighed, shaking his head. “No. Still respect you, Riley. Will do what you ask.”

  “Thank you. How long will it take for the Dark Queen to recover?”

  The Healer shrugged. “Not long. Powerful woman. Will be back to normal soon.”

  Caleb reached into his pocket, retrieving a Purity Crystal. “When you messaged me, I brought this just in case something had happened to yours. But maybe you could give it to my mother—she may never come around to it, but if you can convince her to wear this, it could save the world.”

  I took it from him, slipping the crystal inside my pocket. The thought had crossed my mind, though I doubted the Dark Queen would approve. She was a stubborn woman, and as Dahlia had told me, you couldn’t force a soulless to wear the Purity Crystal. They had to choose it for it to work.

  For whatever reason, the Dark Queen enjoyed having the Primal’s voice in her mind, convincing her to do terrible things. I’d never understand her.

  We sat in silence again, waiting for the Dark Queen to wake. When she did, it was slow and languid. She took a long look around the room in disbelief, especially when she saw Caleb.

  “Caleb? What are you doing here, my son?”

  “Saving you. Don’t thank me too much.”

  She scoffed, sitting up. “I don’t need saving. I am the Dark Queen—an unstoppable force!”

  As she rose to her feet, she stumbled again. Caleb caught her, setting her back down on the bed. “Unstoppable? I think you should rest, Mother.”

  She shoved Caleb away. “There is no time. The Cardinal grows stronger with each minute, as does Riley. I said we would train tomorrow, but I now see waiting is foolish. With what little strength I have left, we should begin now.”

  I nodded. “If you think you’re ready, then I am too. Caleb, Healer, thanks for your help, but I think you can go now.”

  “I’m not comfortable leaving you with them, Riley—especially Spencer,” Caleb said.

  “Relax, soulless. I couldn’t hurt her even if I wanted to,” Spencer replied. “She took my gun, and my head is pounding. I need rest—not another fight. And Riley? I’m sorry for what I did to your dad. I really, really am.”

  I said nothing. I didn’t want to remember Dad’s dying moments ever again.

  Caleb looked over at Spencer, fire glistening in his hands. “If you do anything to hurt her…”

  “You’re forgetting I love her too. I don’t think I could kill he
r—not now,” Spencer replied, lying back down. “I won’t cause trouble. I promise. And…thank you, Riley. I think.”

  “I believe him, Caleb—now go. Our people will get suspicious if you’re gone too long.”

  Caleb nodded, leaning in to give me a passionate kiss. “Be careful, Riley. I love you.”

  “I love you too. And don’t worry—I’ll be safe.”

  After Caleb and the Healer walked away, toward the exit, I watched them leave and approach their truck through the window. When I looked back, the Dark Queen was staring at me curiously.

  “Your love for my son has never faltered. Why?”

  “Well, he’s been there for me when no one else has. He’s my best friend,” I replied. “I’ve always loved Caleb, and that will never change—not even when things get difficult.”

  “Interesting. A product of your Purity Crystal, no doubt. Speaking of relationships, where is King Bane? He was once my husband. I demand to see him.”

  I swallowed thickly. “Bane…is dead. I’m sorry.”

  She sighed, but didn’t seem too distraught by it. “I see. What a waste of power.”

  “That’s it? You aren’t even sad your husband died—someone you spent your life with?”

  She shrugged. “Love is a soulful emotion. It is fleeting and not worth my time.”

  “But you cared for King Lucius at one point,” I said. “Before you killed him, of course.”

  “I cared for what he could do for me—the power he would bring my reign. When he became an inconvenience, I disposed of him. It was never love—not by your standards.”

  “Then I pity you, Dark Queen. Love is the strongest force on Earth.”

  “No—the Cardinal is,” she replied. “I don’t have time for your self-righteous lecture, Stark. If you want to save the world, then we must hurry.”

  As she left the room, I looked back at Spencer, and he nodded. “Go, Riley. I’ll be fine.”

  When I followed the Dark Queen, I found her standing in front of her map of the city. She pointed at an area of green grass and tall gravestones.

  “This is the Evergreen Cemetery—the largest graveyard in the city. It’s where we will begin your lessons.”

  “Why a cemetery?”

  “Because it has the highest concentration of death. I understand the Cardinal’s power—how it operates. Your portals can be triggered by death and despair, and being in such a situation is the only way you’ll learn to control the Quintessence.”

  She had a good point. Why hadn’t Wanda ever taken me to a cemetery before, just to see what happened?

  Wanda. I suddenly remembered her letters, and I had to find out the truth.

  “Before we go, can I ask you something? It’s important.”

  The Dark Queen rolled her eyes, but nodded at me to speak.

  “I found letters in Wanda’s room—letters that concerned me. Did you know about them?”

  She sighed. “Why would I care about the ramblings of that old woman? Her diary doesn’t interest me.”

  “I think this would. She mentions that the Cardinal…is her husband.”

  Her eyes darkened even more. “Show me these letters. Now.”

  I nodded, leading her to Wanda’s bunk. I pulled out the box, handing it over to the Dark Queen, who grabbed it out of my hands. Her eyes skimmed the letters, and I heard her growl.

  “That lying, traitorous bitch!”

  “Wait…you never knew you were related to the Cardinal? I know it never says he’s your father, but I just assumed…”

  She looked up at me, glaring. “Does it look like I knew, Stark?”

  “I guess not. What are you going to do about it?”

  She threw the letters back in the box, tossing it on the bed. “We must confront my mother. The letters mention coming to the Cardinal’s aid, which I find disturbing. Even I knew better than to fraternize with the likes of him.”

  “If she is helping him, what do you think her plan is? Could she be just as dangerous as him?”

  “Possibly. When I find my mother, she will answer my questions—one way or another.”

  “Let’s deal with Wanda last. You promised you’d train me now.”

  “No. I would be too distracted,” she hissed. “If Wanda is a traitor, do you really want her around your people? Who knows what her devious mind could be planning right now?”

  As she left the room, I sighed. My training really couldn’t wait…but if Wanda was going to do something, I had to protect the ones I loved.


  Wanda’s Ways

  It was a little strange sitting in a car with the Dark Queen, a woman I had hated for so long. It was even stranger working with her, seeing her as an ally instead of an enemy, but she was the only one who could help me defeat the Cardinal.

  As I drove through the late-night streets, I glanced over at her in the passenger seat. Her face had twisted into a seemingly permanent scowl, and her hands gripped the handle of the door so hard, I was sure it was going to break.

  I had fought her many times, ruined her plans and weakened her power, but I had never seen her as furious as this.

  “So…” I began. “You really didn’t know the Cardinal was your father?”

  She glared at me. “How many times should I repeat myself, Stark? No. My mother lied to me—just as she has lied to you, for whatever plan she’s conceived.”

  “How did you find out about the Cardinal? I want to hear the story.”

  “It’s said that he has always existed—and many believe he is much like a God,” the Dark Queen replied. “His existence used to be nothing more than a rumor—a fable used to scare soulless children. Then one day, he showed up in the Underworld, promising the soulless glory and respect if he led us.”

  “And then what happened?”

  “He ruled over us…for a short period of time. This was when I was a little girl. But as I grew, he became bold—reckless with his power. He began to show off, to flaunt what he could do. The Veil separating our world from the afterlife thinned because of his hubris.”

  “What do you think changed?”

  She sighed. “I think it was me. If I am indeed his daughter, he was most likely planning to have me rule alongside him. Perhaps he sees you in the same light—as the daughter he wanted, but never had in me.”

  I gulped. The Cardinal might’ve seen me as a daughter, but there was no way he could have ever been my father. No one could have replaced Dad.

  The Dark Queen continued, “Despite my thirst for power and domination, I could not risk the afterlife being opened. The dead must stay dead, or else the entire world is at risk—the Underworld, as well. As I mentioned before, I banished him to his tomb, where he stayed for many years…until now.”

  “Why would Wanda and the Cardinal keep their marriage a secret? Why not just tell you about your father and get it over with?”

  “Perhaps it was to test me—to see if I was worthy of being his child. I can only speculate, Stark. Wanda will fill in the blanks, however.”

  I glanced in the rearview mirror, watching the submarine become smaller and smaller in the distance. Had it been a good idea leaving Spencer on his own, even if Angel was there to watch over him? Should I have brought him along?

  The Dark Queen glanced at me. “You have that look in your eyes again—a look of worry. It annoys me. Speak.”

  “I’m just worried about Spencer, that’s all. If someone finds him and I’m not there to protect him… Well, I don’t want to think about it.”

  “Protect him? He murdered your father. I am not capable of love, but I never forgive those who betray me. How can you forgive him?”

  “It’s…complicated,” I replied, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. “Despite what he did, he was my best friend. I feel like it’s my duty to protect him—to protect everyone.”

  “Duty? Your duty is to stop the Cardinal—and Wanda, it seems. You have no room for emotions. I suggest removing the Purity Crystal to fo

  I glanced down at the crystal around my neck, shaking my head. “No, I can’t do that. The Primal’s voice would take over, and then I’d be as power-hungry as the Cardinal.”

  She scoffed. “Be stubborn, then—even if the crystal may be holding you back from using your full power.”

  “How do you handle the Primal’s voice in your mind?”

  “I enjoy it. The more you struggle, the more it tortures you,” she replied. “But remember this, Stark—the Cardinal wears no foolish crystal. You must learn to be his equal in order to stop him.”

  Was the Dark Queen right? Was it necessary to remove the crystal to rise to the Cardinal’s power level, and then defeat him?

  I could deal with that decision later. Right now, I would focus on confronting Wanda and learning the truth—even if I didn’t want to know.

  When we pulled into the courtyard, I sighed. Going back to the headquarters was risky. No one wanted me here, and no one would want the Dark Queen here, either. As she opened her car door, I grabbed her arm to stop her.

  “My people…aren’t that fond of you, to put it nicely. You should stay here.”

  She scoffed. “My mother is inside, Stark. You couldn’t stop me even if you used your power.”

  As she exited the vehicle and approached the front doors, I shook my head. This was not going to go over well.

  I rushed to her side, knocking on the doors. It was an odd feeling to knock on a place that had once been my home, but out of courtesy for the others, I decided not to barge in. When the door didn’t open fast enough, the Dark Queen took matters into her own hands.

  Using her boot, she slammed it into the door. “Let us in, you fools! The fate of the world is at stake!”

  The door opened a moment later. Patrick stood in front of us, holding his Deathblade up. A swarm of soldiers stood behind him, ranging from soulless to soulful, but they had one thing in common—they were heavily armed and ready to kill us.

  “Riley? What the hell are you doing back here, kid?” Patrick asked. His eyes hardened as he noticed the Dark Queen. “Hold up—what’s going on? Are you trying to get killed today?”


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