The Dark Cage
Page 26
“Wait a second! I can explain,” I said.
“Explain what, Riley?” Jade asked, placing a hand on her hip. “That you’ve joined the Dark Queen? Save it. We’d rather just kill you.”
“I’m not on her side, I swear! Please, just listen—”
The Dark Queen shoved Patrick to the side, and he went careening into the wall with a slam. Everyone raised their weapons, aiming them at me and the Dark Queen. She just laughed.
“You realize I could cripple you all with a wave of my hand, correct?” the Dark Queen asked, and I wondered if she was bluffing. Her power wasn’t as strong as it’d been in the past, not since I had broken her Mindfield.
Tyler walked closer, raising his gun near her face. “Do you remember me, Dark Queen? How you brought me into the Underworld and tortured me? It’s time you know how I felt.”
The Dark Queen rolled her eyes. “We have no time for petty feuds. Where is Wanda, my mother? I must speak to her immediately.”
Jacob scoffed. “And why would we let you do that, Dark Queen? So you can hurt her? I don’t think so.”
I stepped forward, shaking my head. “We found letters that suggest Wanda is working with the Cardinal—or she plans to. We need to talk to her and see if it’s true. If it is, everyone’s in danger—especially here.”
Patrick groaned, rising to his feet with the help of a few soldiers. “Can’t believe you’d stoop this low, kid. Helping out the Dark Queen? You two best friends or something since we kicked you out?”
“We’re not friends. She wants to help me master my power to stop the Cardinal. She isn’t looking for a fight—I promise.”
Caleb pushed through the cluster of soldiers, nodding. “I don’t know anything about Wanda, but I believe Riley. She’d only agree to help the Dark Queen if it was absolutely necessary. Trust me.”
The room was quiet. No one had expected this.
“Mother?” Princess Ivy asked, walking closer. “Is it really you?”
The Dark Queen nodded. “Indeed, my daughter. I see you’ve allied with these fools—and you’re wearing a Purity Crystal, no less.”
Princess Ivy lifted her hand, her snakes twirling around her body. “I had no choice after you murdered my father. How could you do that to Lucius?”
“He was no better than Doctor Zero—someone who wished to control me,” the Dark Queen replied. “I don’t plan to harm any of you. My anger lies with my mother, but I warn you—do not test me.”
“This is getting us nowhere,” I said, moving past them. “I’m going to find Wanda.”
Patrick rushed over, blocking me from exiting the room. “I don’t think so, kid. I trust you as much as I trust the Dark Queen over there.”
Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them away. “Patrick, are you serious? You know I wouldn’t hurt anyone. You know I’m just trying to look out for our people!”
He shook his head. “But I don’t know that. You’ve got this crazy power, one you can’t get a grip on, and now you show up with our biggest enemy? See it from my perspective, kid. It looks bad.”
I could admit that, but I had no choice. How could I change their minds? Would they even listen to me?
A scream echoed down the corridor. Everyone looked in its direction, going quiet to listen for anything else. A second later, Marissa and Tom came running into the lobby, their faces completely white.
“Amanda Brooks is dead—and Wanda is missing!” Marissa said, tears forming in her eyes.
Tom nodded. “And it isn’t pretty. It looks like a bloodbath, Patrick.”
Lara’s face dropped. “What? Mom’s…dead? No, she can’t be. Take me to her right now!”
As Patrick and the majority of the room rushed down the hallway, I took a step forward to follow. I hadn’t known Amanda very well, but she had been my half-sister’s mother, and I needed to know what had happened with my own eyes. But when I took another step, Jade and Ruby blocked my path.
“We haven’t forgotten about you,” Jade said, her arm transforming into a sword. “Stay where I can see you…or you’ll regret it.”
“Your mistrust of us will cost you,” the Dark Queen spat. “What further proof do you need that Wanda is a traitor?”
Ruby shook her head. “I know Wanda. She was our leader for years—one of the best of us. It can’t be true!”
I nodded. “That’s what I thought until I read the letters, Ruby. It’s real.”
Jade scoffed. “Letters we haven’t seen? I don’t believe you. You could be making it up!”
I cursed myself. I should’ve known they wouldn’t believe me and brought the letters to convince them.
“But what if I’m right, Jade? What if Wanda is evil and you’re letting her get away with it?” I continued, trying to get through to them.
The two girls looked at each other, uncertain. It was hard to believe someone close to you could be a traitor, but I’d have to make them see the truth.
“I’ll watch Riley and my mother,” Caleb said. “Just let them see what’s going on. If they try anything, I know how to stop them both.”
Jade and Ruby nodded, letting me and the Dark Queen pass. When we rushed into the barracks, Mom was rocking back and forth on herbed. She looked traumatized.
“Mom, are you okay?” I asked, approaching her.
She backed away. “I…I’m fine. Please, stay back, Riley.”
Even Mom was afraid of me. Besides Caleb, was anyone willing to trust me anymore?
I looked down and noticed Amanda lying in a pool of her own blood, her limbs mangled and torn. Lara hovered over her, crying softly. I didn’t see Wanda anywhere, but it seemed obvious this had been her doing.
But why? What had she gained by killing Amanda Brooks, a woman she had hardly known?
When my hand began to glow, I realized it. “Wanda had to kill someone to trigger my power. It didn’t matter who it was, just that it created an aura of death here in this building. She probably ran into Amanda and chose her at random. Wanda’s hoping I’ll open the Quintessence!”
With a swirl of energy and a gust of wind, a giant portal opened in the middle of the room. Furniture began to get sucked in, and the bed Mom was lying on jolted toward it. I couldn’t do anything but watch in horror.
“Riley!” Mom cried, trying to hold onto something. “Make it stop!”
The Dark Queen sprang into action, slamming her fist into my face. I groaned, knocked back from her strength, but it helped my power fade. Caleb didn’t look too happy with her, though.
“Mother, enough!” Caleb growled, lighting his hand on fire. “Touch her again and you’ll die!”
“No!” I said, wiping the blood from my mouth. “It’s the only way. Trust me, Caleb.”
A second later, the portal began to grow smaller. I focused all my energy on it, willing it to close. When it shut with a loud pop, I breathed a sigh of relief. Mom and everyone else in the headquarters were safe…for now.
Pain had given me something else to focus on instead of the portal, which in turn had made it easier to release my power over it. If it hadn’t been for the Dark Queen, who knew what I might’ve done? For a change, her help had saved lives.
“If what you say is true, how did Wanda know you’d be coming back?” Patrick asked. “This doesn’t add up, kid.”
Mom shook her head. “Wanda…gave me a message. It’s for you, Riley.”
“What is it?”
“She said she can feel the Dark Queen becoming weaker, and it’s only making her stronger. It’s letting her see visions again, and she knew you’d be coming here. She said she wanted you to find the letters.”
The Dark Queen sighed. “I should’ve killed my mother years ago. Now our link is going to destroy the world. Once I find that woman, she will bleed.”
“Anything else?” I asked Mom.
Mom nodded. “She says you’ll see the light—that you’ll go to the Cardinal. He’s the only one who understands you, she claims.”
bsp; “Claudia, did you see the murder? Can you confirm Wanda did this?” Patrick asked.
Mom shook her head, still traumatized. “No, but…I heard the attack. It sounded bloody and brutal. From what Wanda told me, I believe it’s true, Patrick.”
“Do you believe us now, you simpletons? Or will you continue to fight us while the real battle rages on?” the Dark Queen asked.
I expected Patrick to help us, to put aside his old lust for revenge, but he retrieved a gun from his holster. It was the same type the Darkhunters had used—one I hadn’t been able to destroy in the artillery room.
“You’ve taken a lot from me, Dark Queen. Family, friends…even Helen Price. You probably don’t remember her. Why would you? You’re nothing but a coldblooded killer. Savage, just like Wanda and the rest of your kind.”
“Patrick, put the gun down,” I said. “This fighting isn’t going to help us stop Wanda or the Cardinal.”
“No, but it’ll sure as hell stop the Dark Queen,” he muttered. “Bet I can pull the trigger before she uses her power. What do you say, people?”
Lara nodded, standing up and wiping her tears away. She reached for her gun as well. “We’re all with you, Patrick. I know no one would question your orders.”
Caleb walked over to me, shielding my body with his. “Patrick, you’re the General now. It means making hard choices. Letting the Dark Queen go is one of them, but it’s necessary to save us. Trust me.”
“Is that so? I don’t trust you either, soulless. You’re her son. Could be working with both of them,” Patrick said, before he looked at me. “Choose, Riley. Kill the Dark Queen with us…or die by her side.”
I gasped. How could Patrick even consider killing me? I’d thought we were like family—he’d even said he felt the same way! I had known my terrible power and my support of the Dark Queen wouldn’t win me any respect, but this crossed a line.
The Dark Queen shook her head. “I suppose it’s true what they say. You can’t reason with a soulful because their emotions cloud their judgment. Make them stop, or I’ll cripple them all, Riley—and you know how powerful my Mindfield has become.”
With my heart racing and the fate of the world lying in my hands, I made my decision.
Evergreen Cemetery
The room was silent.
“I’m sorry, Patrick,” I said, “but I have to go with the Dark Queen. She knows how to train me. Together, we can stop the Cardinal!”
Patrick growled, and that was when I knew I had lost him forever.
I prepared for an attack, waiting for Patrick to kill me, but I didn’t have to. Mom leaned forward, hitting Patrick over the head with the baseball bat she kept by her bed for protection. He fell to the floor with a loud slam.
The soulful and soulless soldiers swarmed around him, trying to protect him. Violet rushed to his side, trying to stop the bleeding from his head wound as best as she could.
“Run!” Mom said to me. “While you still can!”
“But…why did you help me?” I asked.
“I might not like what you’ve become, but I know you’re a hero,” Mom said, pushing me toward the hallway. “I trust you know what you’re doing. Do what you need to do, sweetie! Stop the Cardinal!”
I froze in place—shocked Mom would take such a violent course of action. Maybe she was more of a Stark than I had realized.
As I stood there, the others rose to their feet, anger spreading across their faces. They didn’t seem angry with my mother at all. No, the Dark Queen and I were the focus of their anger. We were their enemies now. Before they could attack, the Dark Queen started running, and Caleb pulled on my arm, forcing me to run with him after her.
I wondered if I should’ve taken Mom with me instead of leaving her here with the others. Would they want revenge on her? Or would they decide to focus their energy on capturing us?
The others who had stayed behind in the lobby—Jade, Ruby, and a handful of other soulless—didn’t even see us coming. We sprinted past them, rushing toward the front doors.
“Stop them!” Lara called out, trying to catch up to us. “Don’t let them escape!”
By the time Jade and Ruby had heard Lara’s orders, it was already too late. They tried to run after us, but by the time they’d reached us, I had already gotten into the driver’s seat. The Dark Queen sat beside me, while Caleb hopped in the back, and we sped off down the street with a loud screech.
“Are your friends always so traitorous?” the Dark Queen asked, trying to catch her breath.
I shook my head. “No. They used to be on my side. I guess a lot’s changed.”
“They had a hard time trusting you after you showed them your power, but when you came here with my mother?” Caleb asked, glancing at the Dark Queen, “I think that pushed them over the edge. While you were gone, Jade wondered if hunting you down and killing you was the best option.”
“Yeah, that sounds like her. And? What did the others say?”
Caleb sighed. “I tried to convince them it was foolish—that you weren’t our enemy—but the room was quiet. It wasn’t what they did say, Riley—it was what they didn’t that scared me.”
I glanced in the rearview mirror. The soulless and soulful Samaritans clamored into the trucks, arming themselves with their finest Deathblades and guns. It was more than just war they were preparing for.
They were preparing for a bloodbath.
“They’ll be coming after us,” I said, focusing my gaze back on the road. “If I know Patrick, he won’t stop. He wants to kill you, Dark Queen—and I just happen to be collateral damage.”
“Then he’s a fool,” the Dark Queen said. “The Cardinal grows in strength, as does my mother. If her visions of the future have returned, it may be impossible to outsmart her—to remain one step ahead.”
“Then how will we stop them? What can we do?” Caleb asked.
The Dark Queen sighed. “I must train you quickly, Riley. A battle is coming sooner than I’ve anticipated. Take us to the Evergreen Cemetery immediately. You must learn how to control your portal before it’s too late.”
I shook my head. “First, we’re going back to the submarine. I couldn’t get my mom out of the headquarters, but I need to protect Spencer. If they find out he’s there, they’ll go after him. They still want revenge for my dad’s death.”
“If you dally, it will cost you,” the Dark Queen said. “But I know you, Riley Stark—you’re as stubborn as a Darkhound. Fine, take us to the submarine if you must, but make it quick.”
“You mentioned the portal,” I said. “Is that what the Cardinal wants? To open the portal for good with my help?”
The Dark Queen nodded. “Oh, yes—and he’ll stop at nothing to achieve his goal.”
When we reached the submarine, I noticed the lights were on. It looked like someone was sitting near the controls, trying to force the ship to descend into the water.
“Spencer’s trying to start it up! He wants to take off!” I said, parking the truck on the docks and opening my door. “Quick, we need to stop him!”
I rushed to the porthole door, tugging on it as hard as I could, but it wouldn’t open. Caleb caught up to me, fire twirling around his fingers.
“Let me,” he said as fire lit up the door.
It burst into a series of flames, destroying the door, which let us enter. Angel waited by the door, growling loudly. He was trying to alert us, clearly hoping we’d hear him and figure out what Spencer was doing.
“I told you to shut up, mutt!” Spencer bellowed, seemingly trying to figure out the ship’s controls. “You’re lucky I haven’t thrown you overboard!”
“Going somewhere?” I asked, reaching for my Deathblade.
Spencer gasped, standing up. “You were supposed to be gone for a long time. Why are you back?”
“I’m the one asking the questions. Explain yourself.”
Spencer laughed. “Do I have to? I’m trying to get out of New York, Riley. We both kno
w there’s a war coming for us—either against your people or the Cardinal. Stop kidding yourself. We’re not going to survive it!”
“I forgot—Darkhunters always run when things get hard,” I replied, shaking my head. “You’re not going anywhere. In fact, you’re coming with us to fight.”
“I…am? But I can’t take the Cardinal down!”
“Maybe not, but you still have your Sentinel implants. You’re a soldier. I need an army—and the four of us are all I have left now.”
Angel whined.
I rolled my eyes. “Okay, the five of us—but I don’t want you to get hurt, Angel.”
“Your people finally turned against you? Was it your power or your alliance with the Dark Queen that did it?” Spencer asked.
“Both,” I muttered. “Now get dressed and prepare your weapons. We’re heading to the cemetery. I need to train before I take on the Cardinal.”
Spencer nodded, rushing into the back of the submarine to get ready. As we waited, I heard the screech of tires in the distance.
The Dark Queen knocked on the side of the ship. “Stark, get out here. We have unwanted visitors.”
As I peered out the window, my worst fear was confirmed. Patrick and the Samaritans had arrived in dozens of trucks. They parked near the docks, fencing us in. Judging by the looks on their faces, they were ready to kill.
“How did they know we were here?” Caleb asked. “We outran them!”
When I spotted the Healer in one of the trucks, I gasped. “The Healer. He must’ve told them about the ship.”
Caleb’s fire flickered in anger. “He was supposed to be on our side. I can’t believe it!”
“I’m ready to go,” Spencer said, walking into the room with his armor on. “Did I hear Patrick and the others outside? Won’t they be trying to kill me too?”
I nodded. “Everyone, to the truck! Hurry!”
As the five of us fled the ship, running back to our truck, soulless and soulful soldiers got out of their trucks and surrounded us. They pointed weapons of all kinds at us, trapping us by the docks.