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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

Page 3

by J. L. Clayton

  Avani smiled. “Yes?” Her voice was low and a little raspy.

  I grinned. “I was wondering if you could tell me a little about this object.”

  “Why of course, that’s my job,” she said sweetly. “Let me see what you’ve got there.” I walked over and handed her the item in question. She raised her eyebrows. “Where did you find this?” She asked, gazing at me intently.

  “Well, it’s kinda funny,” I blushed scuffing my feet from side to side. “See I’m clumsy.” She frowned. I rushed on. “No seriously, it’s this issue that I totally need to get fixed. Anyway,” I laughed nervously. I sounded like a moron. “With me being clumsy, I have this tendency to trip over things. So, I stumped my toe on the stone you have in your hand. That’s how it caught my attention.” I shrugged.

  She patted my shoulder sympathetically, probably realizing what a complete and utter dope I was. “Oh, I’m so sorry. There’s not supposed to be things lying on the floor. I’ve been looking everywhere for this. Thank you for finding it. However, I hope you don’t want to buy this article, because it’s not for sale. I’m sorry,” she said with a tentative smile.

  “Oh, huh, um . . .,” I stammered. “That’s totally fine. I really wasn’t going to buy it. I was just interested in what it is, that’s all.”

  “Oh.” She smiled, and turned back to the counter heading for the back room.

  “Wait,” I blurted out with one hand extended.

  She stopped rigidly. “Yes?” She looked at me warily.

  I scratched my head. “If, umm—you . . . would you mind telling me a little about that item? I mean, if that’s okay and you don’t care. I’m a little curious.” Loo—oo—ser! “And, that would absolutely make my day.” I grinned broadly.

  She looked doubtful, but with a shrug Avani said, “Well, that’s not a problem.” She paused. “However, it’s a very long, sad story. Will you have time to hear it?”

  “Oh,” I giggled, waving my hand at her. “Phish, I have plenty of time. My mom’s shopping; she’ll be in the store forever.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Good,” Avani nodded. “Let’s go sit down, and I’ll tell you all about the stone. But like I said before, it is a very long, sad story.”

  I nodded my understanding. We sat down on two small stools. I pulled my legs up crossing them Indian style. Patiently, I waited for her to tell me the story. I watched closely as Avani rubbed the stone reverently. I could see that it was hard for her to tell a complete stranger the story. I just hoped I wouldn’t cry and make it more painful for her. And, sappy me wasn’t a pretty picture.

  Avani opened her mouth to speak, eyes looking deep into mine as she took in one deep breath. Sighing, Avani began her story. “When I was little, my father told me of a legend that had been passed down through our families for generations. He said our tribe is now descendants from wolves, and the true guardian of this stone.” Avani lifted the stone indicating it. My mouth had dropped. Rewind, rewind! Descendants from wolves? How?

  Avani laughed. “Oh, dear, I know what you’re thinking. How can one person be a descendant from a wolf?”

  Well yeah, I was thinking that.

  She grinned and patted my knee. “Once I tell you the story, you’ll understand.” I nodded. “My tribe protects the stone. Safeguards it from the one we call Traveller. My father said that his great grandfather’s ancestor Isha encountered someone many centuries ago that called himself Traveller. He said that his father told him the story about Isha, and how he came in contact with the Traveller.” Avani had a far-away look, remembering.

  “My father told me that Isha was the leader of our tribe, a true warrior. He held much respect within our Cherokee bloodline. He said that Isha was feared by all who crossed him. Power seemed to beam off his strong body as he walked in shadows of the night. Beside him was his long-time companion, the great wolf. My father spoke of a time when our people hunted for food and clothing. He said some of our strongest men journeyed with their leader Isha to keep our people alive. Seeking out a new home and nourishment was hard back then, and their journey consisted of long days and brutal nights, traveling deep into valleys of unclaimed beauty.”

  I was enthralled. I could literally picture what she was telling me. As if I was there watching a movie. She was a really good storyteller. Thus far, she had me on the edge of my seat (or stool) wanting to hear more.

  Avani continued. “Nevertheless, seeking out a place unknown to the hunters far from where they normally hunt their pray and striving to replenish our people was becoming more and more difficult with every passing day. The great lands they had loved so much were wasting away, all due to the pale-face men who were slowly taking over their ground. As Isha and his men traveled on their journey, they came upon a marvelous valley. The tribal men were extremely impressed by the valley’s glorious beauty. Within the valley they could see amazing, massive white-tipped mountains, with astonishing lands stretching out too far for the eye to see. Roaming the land was rare wonders of untamed life. The sun held a remarkable charm as it cast shadows over the crystal river, bringing the valley’s earth and sky together, reflecting it as one. On Isha’s long voyage, he would look to his wolf companion for support, knowing that the wolf was as impressed with the extraordinary valley as he was. Isha was very pleased that he could share this with his wolf and the mighty tribal warriors. It gave him much pride knowing that they had found food and a new home for their people.” Avani absently rubbed the stone. Her eyes were glossy, and sweat trickled down the left side of her face.

  “Isha felt part of the burden he carried with him lifted, like maybe he might have more than his wolf for a friend. The way his tribal men were looking at him had Isha reconsidering that the wolf wasn’t his only friend now. The warriors gazed at him with respect. That brought Isha joy. Yet, doubt was always there. He loved his people unconditionally, for they were his family. He felt that they trusted and held him in high regard, but until now he thought his people did not consider him a friend. Many of the tribal men thought Isha was crazy for talking to the wolf and always keeping himself safeguarded from his people. But still, he always looked to his wolf-friend for help. He had known the wolf since he was a small boy, and the wolf had helped him in times were there was no one. He also knew that the wolf protected his people without their knowledge.”

  I frowned asking, “How long ago was this?”

  She shook her head. “Many-many centuries ago, long before I was born.”

  I was stunned; disbelieving that one person could have that much passion over something they/she never lived through.

  She smiled and cleared her throat. “Let me tell you about Isha’s wolf! He was very strong and powerful, never afraid to take risks. The color of the great wolf’s fur was blackened silver, and his eyes were like metallic stars. The beauty of the wolf was unknown to many but Isha. He could see how wonderful his wolf was. Isha as a young boy, named his wolf Little One; knowing the wolf didn’t like to be called little always seemed to make Isha laugh at his friend.”

  (Little One! I like it.)

  “Now just like all the times before they came near their prey, Isha would instruct his wolf to get ready for the buffalo. Isha crouched down beside his friend in the deep mass of grass, slowly etching toward their next kill. Tracking their prey and killing it was always easy. Isha and his men rejoiced with every kill, knowing that it was good for their people. As he and Little One moved in for the next kill, something distracted the great warrior’s concentration. Isha lost sight of the buffalo as he looked up. My father said this was where everything changed. Standing in the middle of the valley smiling dangerously wicked was a pale-face young man. He looked a little older then you.” She pointed at me. “But much younger then Isha!”

  I nodded wide eyed as she continued. “Momentarily startled, Isha jumped back throwing his hands up in the air in a friendly gesture. However, it seemed like the young man was not going to be his friend. Isha gazed into dark sinister eyes, holy-ev
il eyes. And the young man’s smile was mischievously wicked. Knowing something bad was going to happen, the wolf snarled clenching his teeth and fangs, growling deeply, ready to strike. Isha desperately tried to talk to Little One, as the pale-face young man just gazed at him. Needless to say, Little One would not back down. His snarls seemed to increase.”

  I shuddered. There was something about the story that seemed to draw me in. Something about the valley, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

  I heard a catch in Avani’s breath. “Isha looked at the young man and in his deepest voice Isha said, ‘Hello, my name is Isha and here are my mighty warriors. We have traveled for many days and nights seeking food and nourishment for our people. We mean no harm. Let us obtain the food we have killed and leave you be. However, if there is something we might be able to help you with, please do not hesitate to ask.’ The young man brought one hand up, placing it onto his chin. He shook his head. Then he pointed his finger at Isha, narrowing his eyes laughing wickedly. He stepped forward and said, ‘Need help from you, I think not. And, I know you do not think you can come into my domain, and not feel the repercussion of spilling the blood of my follower’s food. Do you, wise-one?’ My father said Isha was astonished at how evil his voice was. Surprised that this young man thought he could defeat him and his warriors. Isha gestured to his people to stay back. He knew he could handle this simple boy. There was no way he would be defeated. Except, just as he was getting ready to defend his food and tribe, the young man started laughing hypnotically. The boy’s laughter somehow froze Isha in place. Isha was immobile.”

  I watched Avani suck in a deep breath. She sighed, saying, “My father said that the powerful being stepped forward, lifted his hand, and bellowed out. ‘I am forever. You can call me Traveller—I am knowledge, power, and strength. You will not defeat me. Better have tried and all have failed. You wise-one, are going to watch in dismay as your people die, and that pathetic creature ripped to pieces right in front of your eyes—as you will be helpless, not able to move.’ The man stepped forward once again. He waved his hand in the air in an odd method. And like magic, or black sorcery, three other strong men materialized out of thin air. Isha was stunned at what had just taken place.”

  He wasn’t the only one. I was pretty freaked and I was just hearing about it.

  “Seeing men,” Avani was saying, “or maybe sorcerers assume a physical form out of nowhere utterly frightened him. He shook the thought out of his head and charged the Traveller with all his strength. However, he was still motionless, frozen in time just like the evil one said. He looked on in terror as all his strong and mighty warriors fell to the ground, defeated. Isha watched helplessly as his people’s powerful blood spurted out of their ravaged bodies like lava. Slowly their blood seeped into the ground, staining it for all time. One by one, the warriors were eradicated. Isha watched in dismay as the Traveller’s followers didn’t receive a single scratch from his mighty warriors. Isha called out to his dear friend Little One, yet the wolf was motionless. Somehow, Isha thought Little One knew there was something wrong with him. The wolf seemed to not understand why Isha was not helping his warriors. It was unlike his master to do nothing. It was as if Little One dared not leave Isha’s side. All the same, Isha commanded the wolf to help his people.”

  My eyes were wide as Avani told the story. I was afraid for pour Little One. However, I knew this was where the sad part came in. Yet, I was still fascinated and that really blows monkeys balls! OK, so I never said I was a girly-girl, and saying monkeys’ balls proves it.

  “Isha,” Avani was saying, “knew this was it for him. This time he would draw in his last breath. Little One saw the pain on his master’s face and bounded forward with more strength than any one wolf should have. Surprising the Traveller’s men, Little One started ripping and tearing at their bodies. They could not stop the wolf. Their magic was of no use. The great wolf didn’t let up his hold, until there was nothing. Until, the wolf knew they would fall to their deaths. Isha tried to open his mouth so that he could warn Little One. Even so, this time no words would come out. He was locked in a hypnotic spell. Isha felt powerless. He had let his tribe down, his people down, and now the only companion he called friend was about to face the powerful Traveller. Little One did not see the biggest, the most evil, unholy being creep up on him. The Traveller moved up behind Little One with smooth stealth. Isha’s eyes widened at what was about to take place. The evil one was poised and ready to strike.”

  I closed my eyes in dismay, but it did not help. Avani kept on speaking.

  “By the time the mighty wolf felt the Traveller’s presence, he quickly spun around to strike, but it was too late. The Traveller picked Little One up like a rag-doll. He smiled as the wolf struggled for freedom, growling and snapping at the darkened soul. However, it seemed to not faze the Traveller. The Traveller shook the wolf violently. Laughing, this is what he said, ‘So, wolf? You have defeated my men, but I guess that is fair seeing as all your people are no more. However, I am tired of this game we play. My men were of no use to me if they cannot destroy a pathetic wolf such as thee. So, now is the time for your final breath.’ The evil one looked at Isha and laughed.”

  Chapter Four

  Isha’s Chant

  My heart was pounding hard, and I was breathing really fast. This was it. This was the sad part. I desperately hoped I could keep it together. Just keep it together, I told myself.

  Avani went on. “He balled his fist up and grinned as he shoved his hand into the wolf’s chest. The wolf howled in agony, and then went limp. Isha cried out in dismay for his friend. He could hear the tearing of Little One’s skin and this awful sucking sound as the Traveller ripped out Little One’s heart. The Traveller looked at Isha, and with a mocking smirk, he licked the blood off his fist. Laughing, he tossed the heart to the ground beside Isha.” Avani stopped and wiped her eyes. She was crying now. It took everything I had in me to not cry as well.

  Avani noticed she had stopped telling me the story, but smiling sadly at me she continued. “Isha cried out in horror, looking at Little One’s body lying helpless and him not able to move one muscle. The Traveller chuckled and looked right into Isha’s eyes, and in that same musically wicked voice this is what he said. ‘Tell your people of me, and I will let thee go free. There is no need to beg, just one simple request for your life. I do not think that is too much to ask, do you wise-one?’ Without waiting for a reply, the Traveller waved his hand, and the power over Isha was released and the Traveller was gone. Isha took in a deep breath and scrambled over to Little One’s side. Sickened by his surroundings, and disgusted from what had just happened, Isha cried out this time at his ancestors for answers of what holy-evil he had just encountered. Isha begged for Little One’s life, all the while knowing it was too late. He picked his fragile friend up, cursing the Spirit Gods as he did so.

  “He put the Little One onto a stone slab and buried his face in the thick fur. Isha was stunned, not knowing if he could go on living. He didn’t know if he should go back to his people and tell them what had taken place, or stay with Little One and fade away as well. All at once he heard the drums of his people, and he knew what to do as the words flooded his mind—he knew he would be able to go on living. In his native tongue, swaying back and forth chanting a sad song of grief, Isha called out to the Spirit Gods.”

  Avani started to speak in another language; I can only assume it was Cherokee. I loved it. It was sad, but still extraordinarily beautiful.

  “Isha chanted: -

  (Ooh nay kwa, ooh nay la nuh he, ay hay nah: Great Spirit Gods come. Ah dah nuh sss dee, ah yaw, ooh la knee guh guh, ah gee sss dee, ah yaw, gah luh la dee: Send me power, take me high. Ah lee sss day luh dee, ah yaw, ah tle ah sss dee yee, ooh gee nay lee, ah knee yuh woo you, ah lay, he ah, ay kwa, wah yaw, ooh gee nay lee, ooh nah lee ee, ooh sss tee, saw kwoo ee: Help me avenge my people and the great wolf, my friend Little One. Ah dah nay dee, ah yaw, ooh la knee guh guh, nah, ah yaw,
ah nah sss guh tee, ah chee dee he, he ah, dah nah dah sss kaw gee, ooh lee see gee, ah dah nah tah: Give me power that I may kill the enemy’s dark soul. Ooh chaw tee, oh yoh who saw, ah lay, gee guh, wee lee, ooh low suh gee, ooh gee nay lee, ah knee yuh woo you, wee lee, ah tloh yaw sss dee, gah nuh go ee, guh doe dee, ah lee hay lee sss dee: Much death and blood will fall. My people will cry out with happiness.)”

  Avani stopped her and Isha’s chanting. The spell that she and Isha cast seemed to be forming life in the room. I could almost feel the power, sorrow, hate, and love in that sad song.

  “Isha,” Avani continued, oblivious to the overwhelming feelings permeating the air. “He plunged both hands into Little One’s fur. Cupping them, he began collecting fistfuls of blood from Little One’s body. Isha placed both hands upon his face, and then he smeared the blood across his cheekbones. He then grabbed another handful of that same blood. Isha began pouring it into his mouth. He felt Little One’s lifeblood-essence flow into his mouth, mixing with his own. Isha spat the crimson color up to the heavens, laughing at the rage within him. Blood fell upon the ground. Isha watched as the leaves blackened with sorrow, shriveled up, dying.

  “Knowing he would avenge his people and Little One, Isha smiled savagely. Thunder rolled across the sky. The clouds darkened, and veins of lightning streaked down hitting Isha with pure power from heaven above. He felt the Little One’s spirit moving within him. Smiling, Isha vowed to find the young man that took his friend’s life, his people’s life, and his dignity. Isha picked up a small stone that lay beside him. Then, for some unexplainable reason, he started crushing the earth’s soil and Little One’s blood into the stone. He chanted some kind of spell over the small object, and just like before, lightning surged down to earth, but instead of hitting Isha, it hit the small stone. A beam of light shined bright within the stone. Isha could see his Little One’s eyes beneath the stone surface. That’s when he knew that he’d created a powerful weapon. Mixed from Little One’s blood, the spirit God’s power, and the earth’s soul, Isha knew that this would be the Traveller’s destruction. Isha vowed that his people would know of this evil, and guard the stone for all time. Stop the Traveller no matter what.”


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