A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 6

by J. L. Clayton

  It was true. He did deserve respect from me. Granted, I wasn’t actually giving him respect. Which honestly, made me feel like dog poo. Yet, what I thought he would say didn’t happen. No, instead Dad’s voice had more compassion in it than I ever imagined. That made me feel 10 times more like a big piece of crap on toast.

  “I’m sorry, Kiddo. Come on, you know how bad I am talking to you about things.” Dad chuckled nervously. And then a flash of determination crossed his eyes. He added, “That’s why I let your Mom do all the talking. She’s just so much better at explaining things.”

  A wry smile played along my lips. I laughed. Well he was right about that. Every time Dad attempted to explain anything, he would fumble the ball, making himself look utterly foolish. So yeah, I guess it was better that Mom told me. Or, we might still be discussing everything snail-like: slow.

  Dad smiled. “All the same, I do hope you like it here, Kiddo. Although, if I upset you, that was not my intention. Nevertheless, you don’t look upset anymore.” Dad’s eyes narrowed sharply. “As a matter of fact, you look very happy. So my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me when you came through the front door, were they? And I can assume you like it here.”

  “Wow, Dad, I didn’t know I was that noticeable.” Not. I looked down, “And I’m sorry, too. I‘m not upset. You were right,” I smiled. “You are bad at explaining things. So, I guess I forgive you this time. Do you forgive me?” I kept my eyes downcast.

  Dad smiled at me and nodded. I smiled gratefully. I loved him so much. Yeah, he could get under my skin, but he was still my Daddy. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mom grinning from ear to ear. Even though she acted like she wasn’t paying us any attention, her face showed a different story.

  “Mom,” I coughed. “I’m a little sleepy. If it’s okay with you, can I go take a nap? You can get me up before your friends get here.”

  “That sounds good, Sweetie,” Mom smiled. “You’ve had a long day. Don’t worry. I’ll let you know ahead of time so you can get ready.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Chapter Seven

  Déjà vu

  I headed up to my room. I was spent from that long drive, and then going with my mom to the store had me very tired. So when my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light and dreaming. It was that dream again, the one I’d had in the car. In retrospect, I should have realized that this was a bad sign, what with me having it earlier today. And that voice! That haunting, melodic voice!

  “It’s you! I found you! I found you! Finally, I found you!”

  I shuddered. Glancing around, I noticed that this dream was slightly different. Meanwhile, as I contemplated it, I observed an impossibly beautiful meadow in front of me. Dang, my imagination was far out. Me in a meadow, yeah right? That was way funny and just too crazy. Plus, I was having a major déjà vu moment, or what I thought was a déjà vu moment. However, I didn’t want to think too hard. I was just dreaming; right? And if I heard that voice, it would be OK, too, because this was just a dream. And, until I believed it, I was going to keep telling myself that. Shrugging, I started walking gracefully through the meadow, and that had to be all the confirmation I needed: dream. That’s not me at all. I’m not a graceful person. No, I’m far, far from it—more like clumsy.

  (Check out chapter three. It tells you all about my clumsy ways.)

  I pulled my gaze away from the ground and glanced down at my body. Nice. I had on a wonderfully dreamy cotton dress, with beautiful colors decorated in intricate designs filling the dress full of gorgeous flowers. The dress itself was amazing. I looked hot. I never considered myself sexy. Yeah I was pretty, but sexy? Hell to the no. However, this dress was giving me a big head. It had no sleeves, and it clung to my body like silk. Plus, the dress pushed my breasts up nicely, showing off some seriously visible skin. It was a little more skin than I normally allow, but, hey, I was up for anything. Both sides of the dress were slit up to my knees, showing off my legs. I was barefoot. The grass tickled my feet as I walked. I peeked out of the corner of my eyes as I swayed in a blissful serenity with the wind. Just then I thought I saw . . . umm, what did I see? What was going on over there in the darkness? Knowing me and how weird my dream had been earlier that day, it could have been a number of things. Just then, I saw shadows flickering and moving oddly within the massive trees. All at once I was surrounded by the dark shadows.

  Yet, that same distinctive moon from my dream earlier hovered above me. As a result, I had a little light. The moon casted bluish silver light that framed the meadow beautifully. I wish I had a camera so I could capture this moment. It was stunning. But all too soon the beauty faded, as in the next instant my dress was being torn off my body. I let out a yip of fear, and then an eerie screech sounded in the back of my throat.

  “Oh, God, someone please help me,” I said desperately.

  As I called out for help, I heard the voice.

  “What dream realm have you pulled me into? I seek you out, and you pull me in! How is that even possible? I have searched for you and now I have found you, and it was by your own making!”

  I shuddered, feeling a cold stab of dread clenching my insides. What did it mean? And why did I keep dreaming it? I clenched my fist, wanting so badly to wake up then I heard someone call my name.

  “Charlie,” the voice was in a soft whisper. “Charlie.” It was so low, as if muffled or coming from far off. Fortunately, I figured out that the voice was my mom and not some scary creepy dark shadow thing. Not that enthralling voice!

  “Charlie, Charlie? It’s time to get up! Boy, you sure are out of it lately. Are you OK?”

  “Yes, Mom, I’m fine.” I replied groggily sitting up, trying to shrug off the dream.

  “Well I’m glad, Sweetie, but you’re starting to worry me. You know if you’re not OK, you can tell me, right? You can come to me with anything.”

  Mom had the most concerned look. Sheer worry was implanted on her face. However, there was no way I was going to tell her about my dreams. Rubbing my eyes, I thought of how real the fear felt in my dream. No, this wasn’t a dream. Nightmare—this had to be a nightmare and not a dream. My body shivered with worry. Why was this happening to me? But I didn’t have time to think on it just then. My mom was leaning over me waiting for an answer.

  “Yeah, Mom, I know. But everything is A-Okay. Please stop badgering me. Don’t worry so much. I was just sleeping, that’s all.” I shrugged.

  “Fine, discussion over.” Mom waved her hands in the air emphasizing the word over. “Charlie, I came up here to let you know that there isn’t much time left. They’ll be here in twenty minutes.”

  I heard her, but I just couldn’t focus. Thoughts of that terrible nightmare kept on replaying in my mind. And that voice—that lovely voice! Then finally, Moms words registered. I only had twenty minutes? That wasn’t enough time. I looked down at the clock on my nightstand. It showed that I had fifteen minutes not twenty.


  Meanwhile, my mom was already heading out of my room leaving me without a chance to dispute her word. Perfect. I hurried up and took a shower. It took about two minutes. Damn, I was setting a record. What to wear for dinner? I stood there pondering, scratching my head. That took another two minutes. Oh, there it is, the perfect outfit, something simple: a t-shirt and jeans. Yeah, that’ll be fine. I pulled my clothes on and started fixing my still-wet hair. Add on another two minutes. I’d better hurry up. I settled on putting my hair up in a bun. I grabbed my cherry blossom lip gloss and applied it to my full lips. Two more minutes, please. I was so running out of time. I gazed at myself in the mirror.

  “Well, Charlie,” I said aloud. “That’s as good as it’s going to get.” I nodded. Sighing, I headed downstairs to help Mom in the kitchen, but a knock at the door startled me.

  “Charlie,” Mom called. “Will you get that? I’m not quite finished yet.”

  All of a sudden, my stomach had this unexpected nervous feeling. I opened the door uncertai
nly and gazed upward. There they stood: Kate, Jerold, Rose, and Jace. At once, this powerful feeling hit me in the pit of my stomach when I saw Kate and Jerold for the first time. It was as if I was looking at familiar faces. Kate and Jerold resembled my mom and dad. Uncanny! Their hair and eyes had that same distinctive color as my parents. I looked at what they had on. Kate was wearing a simple black dress that slit up on both sides, showing off her sexy legs, with one strand of pearls resting on her neck. I’m not a lesbian, but Kate’s body was rockin’. God blessed her alright.

  I gazed up a Jerold, and quickly noticed that his hair was feathery looking. I pictured myself blowing air toward him. I thought if I did that, Jerold’s hair would float off his head. I stifled a laugh. I did, however, smile slightly. Jerold was all man. His size was like that of a bear’s massive body, strong and intimidating. Jerold’s attire was plain looking. He wore jeans and a dark-blue shirt. And, man, they looked so much like my parents that it made me wonder: Were we related? No, no, that was impossible. Why would Mom lie? I almost laughed again. Why wouldn’t Mom lie? It was second nature to her.

  Sometimes, I didn’t even think she knew that she was doing it. However, that thought doesn’t add up. (Okay, I just had a robot moment. I wanted to say: The thought does not compute, the thought does not compute. Yeah, I know, lame.) Anyway, it did not add up. Mom told me they were her friends. It didn’t make sense to tell me that, and it not be true. All the same, they looked like my family. I had an overwhelming feeling I couldn’t explain. I was so pleased to see them. I felt comfortable, as if I had known them all my life. I stood gazing intensely at them, smiling my dorky grin, taking them in with one swift look.

  But just when I thought that nothing could grab my attention from Kate and Jerold, I was wrong. Swaying back and forth was a breathtaking girl, so sweet and innocent. Her hair was the color of fire. Her eyes were hazel—she had plump lips and red cheeks: Rose. She had on a summer dress with all kinds of bright colors. I started to think I wasn’t dressed for the occasion. Rose smiled at me. I noticed her eyes. Wow, her eyes were captivating, drawing me in and catching my every gaze. As if they were keeping me locked in their innocence—they made me wish I was naive like her—wishing I didn’t know what kind of cruelty the world could bring.

  “Hey, you,” she said in an innocently sweet voice, laughing. “We’ve been waiting a long time, you know. What took you so long to show up?”

  Before I had time to respond, Rose was through the door and in the house pushing her way into the kitchen. Huh? I turned back to Kate and Jerold. Instead I wasn’t looking at them. No, my eyes were only on Jace. Gulp. So does this town grow good looking guys, or what? Jace was not at all what I was expecting. For some reason, I expected him to look younger and not this good looking, but, dang, he was smokin’. His hair was a messy silky blond color. His eyes were shaped like crescent moons in a pool of dark blue. Jace had on a white dress shirt with a dark-blue tie. His shirt was not tucked in like a dress shirt should be. It hung over his dark faded jeans and fit him just right, showing off his ripped body.

  His body could make a girl melt into a thousand pieces. Hello, this girl would love every wonderful excruciating minute. For some unexpected reason, I felt drawn to him. I wanted . . . no, I needed to touch him. He was enchanting, amazingly wonderful. What . . . touch him? What? I shook my head trying to concentrate, trying not to look completely and utterly foolish. As if I don’t always look foolish around a hot guy. I tried to devote all my effort into my voice and not so much into Jace. That way it wouldn’t come off shaky. I paused for several seconds; it seemed like a lifetime. I breathed out slowly then opened my mouth to speak.

  “Hello. Come on in, I’m—,”

  But before I could finish, I heard a soft voice. I turned to see Kate, the woman who looked so much like my mom. She had that same goddess look, so compelling in every way. “No need for an introduction. We know who you are, Charlie. What Rose said before about it being a long time, well, it has been. You’ve grown up.” She smiled at me. “You’re gorgeous.”

  That compliment felt kind of fake and forced. I became a little uneasy, but when Jerold spoke, my uneasiness faded.

  “Yes, yes you are beautiful,” Jerold said in a deep manly voice, seeming to mean his words and that making me think I had imagined the way Kate said gorgeous. “You know what else? Something smells good. What’s for dinner? I’m starving.”

  I was dumfounded. My face must’ve had a peculiar look because Kate’s expression was giving her away. I shook my head and forced a smile.

  “I know, dear, it’s all overwhelming. But don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” Kate said in her soft velvet tone. She gave me a little smile and followed right behind Jerold to the dining room for dinner.

  Chapter Eight

  My First Kiss

  “Uh, thank you,” I murmured under my voice.

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they didn’t hear you. Saying it louder, I’m told, usually gets the desired effect.”

  A sexual, slow, soft voice whispered on the back of my neck, sending shivers up my spine. I trembled all over. “What?” I spun around to see whose voice had startled me so much, to see whose voice could send this intense feeling through my whole body. When I turned around, my face was right in Jace’s chest. I looked up from his strong chest to see him smiling wickedly. I swallowed. “I guess you’re right,” I said with a nervous laugh. “But I only get loud toward my parents.”

  Jace let out a chuckle. “You’re cute, Charlie.” He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head slightly to the right. There was something about Jace. He had an extreme look that was very attractive. Somehow he felt familiar. That made me feel strange, and I tensed up.

  My response as usual wasn’t the best one, but I said it anyways. “Thanks, I think?” Did I just sound rude? Good way to make friends, Charlie. That didn’t faze Jace, though. He just kept on smiling his wicked dimpled grin.

  With a slight movement of his hand, he touched the tip of my nose and said in a hypnotically low tone, “Well. We can’t all be as cute as you, Charlie.”

  My heart was thudding in my ears, and I think all my blood was rushing down south. My whole body was on fire, but in a good way. What was wrong with me? Maybe I was having a momentary lapse of judgment. Or I was losing my mind. Hopefully, I was just having a lapse of judgment and not going completely out of the realm of sanity. Crap, I saw two good looking guys, and my libido decided to kick in. Wonderful! I didn’t understand why I wasn’t acting like myself! This was totally out of character for me. How could I be attracted to him and also Tru? There was definitely something wrong with me, and of course Jace had to be charming and so close that I could touch. Oh, how I needed to touch him. Why? Jace was staring right at me, and we were so close that it made me nervous. As if he knew what I was thinking, he stepped back just a bit.

  “So, are you ready for school Monday? You know, I think you will fit right in with my friends,” Jace grinned. “I don’t know if your mom told you already, but I’m giving you a ride. To school that is.” A slow lazy smile played over Jace’s kissable lips.

  Hot! No, not hot! I didn’t like him! But I felt something! Something! Had we met? I swallowed. It took all my willpower to just stand there looking, not touching. Oh, but I wanted so bad to touch him and tell him that I had missed him so much. What? Missed him? What? I didn’t know him. Right? And OK, what was going on with my hormones? Testing, testing, please? Yeah, apparently my hormones were in good working order, and they were so working overtime.

  “I hope that’s fine with you?” Jace asked slyly, with his oh-so-sexy smile.

  I looked at him. What should I say? I didn’t want to sound mean, but I had to let him know that I appreciated it. Yet, I already had a ride. However, if Jace felt the need to kiss me, I would totally accept that. Totally! Oh, good God, help me!

  I was like, “Jace. Err, that’s nice of you to offer me a ride.” God, he just kept smiling at me. Ugh. “But, apparently M
om didn’t have a chance to tell you that earlier today I met someone that goes to your . . . um I mean our school.” Jace’s smile faded. “They asked if I needed a ride. Um, I said yes.” Jace was now frowning. I felt awful. “Look, I didn’t know you were going to give me a ride to school until I already told this other person yes. I’m sorry. Thank you for the offer, but I don’t think it would be right to take my word back. I hope you understand?”

  Jace shrugged. “I totally understand, Charlie. It’s not a problem.” He ruffled his hair, “Too bad I didn’t ask you first instead of your mom. Hey, it’s my loss. So, who are you riding with?”

  “This guy named Tru. He’s cool. He told me that he lives right down the road from us, so it’s pretty convenient.” After I said Tru’s name, Jace’s eye’s changed. There was no more kindness in them. It was replaced with resentment and hate. “Hey, Jace,” I touched his arm. “Are you OK?”

  He shrugged me off and in a harsh tone said, “I’m fine. It’s just that Tru and I aren’t friends.” Jace started glaring. Bring back the smile, please. “I don’t think you should be hanging out with him, Charlie. You don’t know Tru like I do. You just met him, and you are already willing to let Tru give you a ride? That’s a big deal. I can’t believe your mom is allowing this. I can’t believe she is letting you ride with Tru!” Jace spat.

  “Woo, hold up. What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, throwing my hands in the air. “I don’t know you, but it’s OK for you to give me a ride, and not him? Just because you’re not friends with Tru, doesn’t mean he can’t be mine.” I was furious with him in that moment. I didn’t even want him near me. Yet, we were so close that I could almost feel his breath, his warm breath so hot against my skin. Oh, how I wanted his breath on my body. No-no-no! I wasn’t thinking right. Snap out of it, I chided myself. Yeah, you’ll come to learn that I talk to myself, and then I get on to myself. I’m my own personal whipping boy. Woo-hoo! I took a step back away from Jace‘s warmth. However, I noticed something strange—with every step I took, he came closer.


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