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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

Page 12

by J. L. Clayton

  One of the stones looked like liquid silver with a twining gold fringe around the edge. The second stone was bright reddish-yellow like the sun. It too had a twining pattern, but this pattern looked like it was spun tightly around with silky black spider webs. The third stone was the color of dark-blue night with a bright glow about it so you could see how beautiful it was. The dark-blue-night stone had no knots or patterns, but all the same, it was wonderful. The fourth stone was the most amazing. Pardon my cheesy pun, but this stone stuck out like a sore thumb. It had all kinds of colors going from red, brown, and green. The green color, although, on the fourth stone almost over took the red and brown. I felt myself reaching out trying to touch it, like the fountain was calling me, wanting me to touch it. I wanted to reach out and touch it. However, I felt myself resisting, hesitating, and controlling the urge.

  “Well, we’re here, Charlie. What do you think of the house? Isn’t it just beautiful?”

  “Yes, Mom, it is beautiful and the fountain, wow it’s so. It’s so. . .”

  “I know, dear. You don’t have to say a word. I know just how wonderful it is.” Mom gave me a look like she knew something that I didn’t. “Sweetie, I’m sorry, but I need to go home. Your father will be there shortly. Do you think you’ll be fine?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be OK, Mom. Love you. Bye.”

  “I love you, too. See you later.”

  Mom pulled away, and I just stood there looking at the fountain in awe, listening to the humming sound it gave off. I took one step toward it, then another and another. My arm was stretched out. I was almost there, just one more inch.

  “Hey, Charlie, whatcha doing?”

  Startled, I looked up to see innocent Rose swaying back and forth. I watched the wind blow her fiery-red hair up off her shoulders. Rose smiled at me knowingly. I immediately pulled my hand back down to my side. I was embarrassed at how I must have looked just then.

  “Hey, sneak,” I chided her teasingly.

  Rose giggled. “Oh, man, you should’ve seen your face. Priceless.” She shook her head and doubled over laughing. “Boo.” She almost fell down. “Too funny!”

  “Just make some kind of noise, OK? God, it like runs in your family.”

  “Now, what’s the fun in that?” She smiled. I rolled my eyes at her. “Are you looking for Jace?” I nodded. “He’s in that building over there.” Rose lifted her hand and pointed to the left of us. “I don’t think Mom told him you were coming. Oh, well, he’ll be happy anyway. I can’t wait to tell him about what just happened.” I frowned and Rose giggled saying, “Go on. It’ll be OK. Trust me. He’ll be happy, very, very happy.” Smiling mischievously, she turned back to her house.

  I shook my head. Reluctantly, I pulled myself away from the fountain, and I slowly started to walk toward the building Rose said Jace was in. It was nothing fancy, just a regular white siding shop, so to speak. As luck would have it, the door was opened, and I didn’t have to knock. Uh, maybe I could sneak up on Jace like he did to me at school. Like his sis just did. In the building/shop were red and blue mats laid out on a gunmetal-colored concrete floor. The walls were a bright-white sheetrock color. Punching bags hung from long poles leading up to rafters. There were two good-size weight benches on either side of the room. Four long mirrors hung side by side lining the wall, and right in the thick of it all was Jace. He looked tall and strong standing there in comparison to me. I was a short petite girl with some curves, but it was nothing like Jace‘s well-defined body. Wow. Looking at him, I could see how truly tall he was. Almost a foot taller than me. The top of my head could have rested under his chin. That’s how short I was. However, when you are only five-two, I guess most people in general are taller than you.

  Jace moved around the punching bag with precise, stealth sharp skills. As if he had done this all his life. I watched his muscles ripple from the impact of each hit as he swung. As he maneuvered around the bag with such expertness and grace, one would have thought he was a master of this skill. That is, if there was a master over punching a bag . . . could be who really knew for sure? And, man, he was sexy. Jace’s body was . . . how do I put this, he could be a sex God. I had to admit, his body looked like it should be on the cover of a magazine. My imagination did not do him justice at all. Although, it was not helping me that Jace wasn’t wearing much either. Jace had no shirt on and was only in a pair of black boxers. So, I could see every curve of his body, and his black shorts clung to his . . . um! Yeah. It totally emphasized his assets. I do mean all of them. Jace stood there barefoot. On his hands were what looked like gloves with the fingers cut out. I took him in, watching him sweat and loving every second. Jace leaned down to pick up a towel that was on the floor. He turned around and looked at me. Jace grinned wickedly and then slowly, very slowly he wiped the sweat off his chest. Had he known I was here all along?

  I swallowed. “Jace, hello, you-you’re working out.” I said in a startled tone, gesturing my hand in the direction of his body. Pathetic! I was gawking at him, and he had just caught me in the act. “Ss-so,” I cleared my throat. “Are you having fun? You look like you’re working off a lot of sweat.”

  Still smiling seductively, Jace raked my body with his blue eyes. He gave me a look of approval with one eyebrow raised. In a husky voice just a little out of breath, he murmured, “Fox, so glad you could make it. I was hoping you’d show up. If you like,” Jace gestured at the punching bag, “I can show you some moves.” He did a little one-two-punch. “You know just in case you’re attacked, and then you could protect yourself.” Jace smirked. “I can teach you all I know. Besides, you don’t want the big bad wolf to get at the little Fox, do you?”

  My stomach knotted up as heat surged through me. Why did I feel like melting every time I saw him, or heard him talk? “Stop that right now.” I blushed. “I know what you’re doing, Jace, and it’s not going to work.”

  OK, so I really had no clue if, or what Jace was doing to me. But, God, I need more control than this, and if he was doing something to me, then Jace needed to stop. I needed to be in control. And one way or another, I was going to be in control. Darn it!

  “What?” Jace sounded and looked hurt, but I wasn’t falling for it.

  “Don’t play mister innocent with me, Jace. You’re doing something to make me feel like this. I know it.”

  “Fox,” Jace spread his hands in mock surrender. The look that he gave me said it all. He was doing something. “I’m only doing what you want. You’re not innocent, you know. You like it. Why else did you come over tonight?”

  “I came . . . I came over to see how you’re doing.” I waved my hand at him. “What you’re doing.” That made so much sense.

  “OK, if you insist, come here and I’ll show you.” Jace curled one finger beckoning me. “Or do you prefer I come to you?” Jace curled his lips, taking three big steps forward. He was almost on top of me before I had time to blink. Looking him right in the eyes, my heart started to pound in my ears.

  When I spoke it came out breathless. “Jace?”

  “Yes, Fox?” He raised one eyebrow.

  I put my hand up and pushed at his bare chest. Oh God, bare skin. Bare skin! Bare skin! Red alert! I dropped my hand and took a step back, but he grabbed me throwing me down onto the mat laughing.

  “Now, how are you going to protect yourself when you can’t even push me away?”

  My eyes went wide with anger. I was so flippin’ mad. He thought he was funny and smooth. I’d show him. Gripping my thighs around Jace’s waist I yanked him over, flipping him onto his back. I smiled down at him with mocking satisfaction. I was very pleased with myself for throwing this tough guy off me. Now what, Jace? Jace looked up at me grinning. He clapped his hands. However, before I could revel in my glory, Jace grabbed my wrist, yanking me back over and onto my face this time. I let out a harrumph of air and a yip of shock. With my cheek pushed firmly into the mat, my words came out like a hiss.

  “OK, I get it. Now, get, of-f-f.” I sa
id this through hissed-clenched teeth, slurring the “off” word. Jace smoothly hopped off me and put one hand on my wrist, yanking me up to my feet. “Oh, you’re so good, Jace. You can beat up girls. Well done,” I said sarcastically.

  “Thanks, I do work hard. Just ask my little sis.”

  “Shut up,” I snarled, rolling my eyes at this smug-cocky-guy. He thought he was all that, well maybe he was a little. Grrr!

  “Your wish is my command,” Jace said.

  Jace did a zipping move with his fingers, closing his lips shut and twisting his hand in a movement like he was locking his lips together. I watched as he pretended to toss the non-existent key over his head. I rolled my eyes thinking, when did my life turn out like this? All of my life I’d been off the radar. However, now it was like there was one crazy turn after another. It kinda felt like pandemonium, too confusing for words.

  “Very funny, Jace,” I glared. “Now, tell me what you’re doing to make me feel this way,” I rightly demanded. He just stood there with a sly look of amusement on his face, not saying a word. “What now, you’re not talking to me? Um, Jace, did you run out of witty comebacks?” I gasped bringing my hand to my heart. “Oh no, you mean to tell me I finally win?” Fake shock rolled off my face as I clasped my hands together, throwing them above my head in a raw, raw move. Jace—the jerk—did nothing but smirk. “OK, OK you can talk, I’ll be nice, I promise.” I did the cross-my-heart salute, but still nothing. “What, come on, tell me? What do I have to do to get you talking again, Jace, which won’t morally corrupt me?” He shrugged then looked over his shoulders at the pretend place where he had thrown the fake key. Jace smiled and pointed at his mouth then at the nonexistent key. “Oh, I get it. You want me to pick up the imaginary key and unlock your mouth?” Jace nodded. I sighed. “Fine,” I said dryly.

  I moved over to where the key should have been, that is, if there was one. I was confused, were you? I picked up the pretend key and walked over to Jace, ready to free his lips, all the while I kept thinking what a freaking jerk he was for making me do this. However, it was kinda fun, but he didn’t have to know that. It was strange how we fought and did this whole back-and-forth bantering. It was like we’d been friends forever. I stopped and looked at Jace while I thought this. His eyes were wide and he nodded. What? Why? Sometimes, I got this funny feeling that Jace was reading my mind. As I thought this, he quickly looked down. Huh? Anyway, back to the game. There would be time for thinking later. I came close to his lips, but Jace stepped back.

  “Uh,” I went. “Are we playing a game of tag?” I smiled amused and almost giggling, but I held it back. And still the thought of Jace reading my mind would not let up. “Don’t you think we’re too old for that, Jace?” I said, trying to shake the mindreading thoughts out of my head.

  Besides, that was just silly. I heard Jace snort. I looked at him sharply. Did he snort because of what I had just said, or because he was reading my mind? I was beginning to get frustrated. I considered him closely, trying to find something. Jace swallowed and then coughed, almost laughing. Something was up.

  “What’s funny, Jace?”

  He shook his head. I exhaled. Screw this. I wasn’t going to think about it. I was just going to have fun. And it was taking all of my willpower not to smile. Jace shook his head and stepped farther away. However, at this point I was getting a little fed up with all this nonsense, and I couldn’t have fun when a huge thing like mindreading was running through my head. So, clearly, I wasn’t thinking when I charged for Jace’s mouth. Woops. My body crashed into his. We both fell onto the mat hard. Of course, I was on top once again. As if this was not pretend, I quickly put my hand to Jace’s mouth unlocking the imaginary lock with the fake key. Wonderful, we were 3 years old again. All the same, it was fun. We both burst out laughing. Jace let out a sigh and propped his elbows on the mat. All the while I was still on top of him, straddling his waist.

  “Good job, Fox.” He grinned at me. “You won. I’m very pleased with my student.”

  “Get a grip, Jace. I’m not your student.”

  “Well . . . you could be if you want and in so many ways.”

  I thought about what he was saying. It was hot, but I wasn’t thinking along that line. Shocking, right? I was thinking that I might like to train with him, for real. It could be fun and that would be it, nothing more, just training, right? Right, as if I could keep my hands to myself. Evidence, look where I was sitting: on his lap! I hopped off him quickly when I realized this. I was stunned that I had let myself sit there that long, and I still needed to ask him what charm he had that could make me feel this good when he was near. That was why I came over, right? And mindreading, ask about that.

  “Jace, are you going to share your secret with me?”

  Jace grinned broadly showing his dimples as he set up fully. “What secret?”

  I shook my head. “The secret on how you make me feel this way.”

  “What way would that be?”

  “Come on, Jace, tell me.”

  “Well,” Jace still smiling shrugged. “I, for one, always thought it was my dashing good looks and charming personality.”


  “OK, look, Charlie, we have a connection.” I rolled my eyes. He held up his hands pleadingly. “You feel it. You know it’s there. I see how you look at me. Besides, when I talk to other girls like I do you, they don’t look at me the way you do. Yeah, they like it.” Jace smiled, and I crossed my arms not liking that he talked to other girls the way he talked to me. “However, it’s different with you, and that’s all I can say. Did it help answer your question?”

  “No. It just seemed like you evaded my question.” And I am good at the whole evading questions. Hello, I live with two world-class liars. “But that’s fine. Answer this one, and I’ll let it go, but then again it’s going to sound strange.” Jace picked up a water bottle and took a big swig. “Can you read minds?” Jace spit all the water out of his mouth.

  “What? Read minds? Um, are you crazy? Come on, mindreading?” Jace looked a little scared.

  “Well, how else do you explain it? It seems like you know what I’m thinking.”

  “Sorry, babe. I have no clue what you are talking about.”

  You’re a big fat liar. I’m done with this. As the thought of being done with this ran through my head, I saw Jace stiffen and his shoulders sagged as he lost his smirk. Yeah, so busted.

  “Wow, that’s a lot to take in, Jace, a lot of bull shit.” I held up one hand, stopping him from saying anything else. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I would like to go home. Would you take me, please?”

  Looking defeated, Jace rubbed his hands over his eyes. Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “Let me tell my mom where we are going, Charlie, and I need to get something else on, OK?”


  As I stood out front by the fountain, I couldn’t help but think how Jace’s face looked when I told him I was done talking and wanted to go home. I watched as the light in his eyes faded. It felt like this was a turning point for us, as if there would be no more playfulness between us. I know it was selfish because finally I got my wish. He was going to back off, but I wanted him to back off. Maybe I was reading too much into the whole mindreading thing. Yeah, like he could read minds? Give me a break. And there was no spell he had cast to make me feel this way. I was simply going crazy. All the same, I thought I was about to do something I might regret. Walking to Jace’s car, I just kept on thinking I was crazy for letting him slip away from me—crazy for wanting him—crazy for what I was about to say.

  (Cue creepy music, dun-dun-dun!)

  “Jace, if it’s okay with you, I would like very much to take you up on that offer.”

  “Huh?” He looked bemused.

  “You know, you said you would teach me some moves.” Jace grinned and shrugged, casually raising his eyebrow like he didn’t understand. “You know what I’m talking about, Jace.”

  “I’m sorry, but yo
u lost me. I have no clue, Charlie. What are you talking about? Please, enlighten me on what you mean.” He smirked.

  OK, fine, I can play along. Besides, I didn’t like that he was calling me Charlie, I know it‘s my name, but I just wanted him to call me Fox, so that I would know we were OK.

  Batting my eyelashes, looking sweet and innocent I muttered, “Well, Jace, you said that you could teach me how to protect myself if I was ever attacked.”

  “Oh, I see, now you want me to teach you my moves.” Jace wiggled his eyebrows and swayed his hips a little after he said moves, making a bowchikawawa sound as he did it. It was funny, but if he was going for seduction, he didn’t pull it off in the car. “You know,” Jace licked his lips, grinning, “There are a lot of moves I’ll be happy to show you.”

  Smiling I pushed him and said, “Stop playing. You know what I meant.”

  Jace slyly looked over at me as we pulled into my driveway. He placed one hand on my cheek and brushed the hair out of my eyes. I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest it was pounding so hard. I just knew he could hear it.

  “Look at me, Charlie, and let’s get serious for once.”

  I brought my gaze back up to his. All I saw was Jace’s enduringly bright-blue eyes, trapping me and taking control. All I wanted right then—was the touch of Jace’s eyes on me—looking at me with the pleasure he always had when he looked at me. All I wanted was him. I swallowed hard.

  ”Charlie, please stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  He groaned, “Like you want to rip my close off and have your way with me. If you keep it up, I might die from the heat in your eyes. So snap out of it, Charlie.”

  The fiery need in my body subsided when Jace told me to snap out of it.


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