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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

Page 18

by J. L. Clayton

  “Oh, Sweetie, it is lovely. Who do you think got this beautiful gift for you?” Mom asked.

  My eyes were wide with amazement. I shook my head and sat down on the bed beside her, clutching the dress to my chest. I was trying to figure out who had bought me this dress. And why didn’t they put their name on the letter? If it was Jace, why didn’t he want the credit for this remarkable dress? I was confused.

  “I have no clue, Mom. Uh, your guess is probably as good as mine.”

  Mom nodded and then she got up to leave the room still looking at the dress as she shut my door. I sat there a little while longer trying to puzzle this mystery gift—trying to figure out who would buy something this nice and came up blank. Of course the obvious suspects were Jace or Tru, but this was too much for a somewhat boyfriends to buy someone they had only known a little while. As I sat there pondering this, my phone rang.

  I leaped off the bed, carefully placing the dress back in the box. I frantically searched for my phone. Finally I had a call. Yay! Finding it, I fumbled to answer and almost dropped it. Don’t go to voice mail! Don’t go to voice mail! I silently pleaded. The phone bounced back and forth between my hands. I grasped for a hold almost out of breath. I flipped it opened saying, “Hello.”

  “Hey, C, I told you I would call.”

  Tru. I smiled as I heard Tru’s sexy voice chime through the phone line.

  “Hey back at-cha. So you’re finally using your call time. Wow, I’m so proud.”

  Tru chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “Whatcha doing?” That was so lame. What he was doing was talking to me. But I was a little nervous.

  “I missed you and wanted to call just so I could hear your voice,” Tru said in a low husky tone.

  “Aw, Tru, you’re so sweet. I miss you, too.”

  “So, C, did you buy a dress?”

  “No . . .” I hesitated. “But . . . I have to ask you something, and I hope it doesn’t sound weird . . . Um, did you buy me a dress?”

  “Me? Should I? I mean, I will if you want me, too?” Tru said with a shaky voice.

  “Oh, God no,” I laughed nervously over the phone. “It’s not your responsibility to buy me something, Tru. But someone bought me a dress, although I don’t know who would do that. There is no name on the letter that came with the dress to give me a clue.”

  “Oh … Um do you think um—” Tru paused. I heard a catch in his voice. “Shit. This is hard, but do you think Jace bought it for you?”

  He sounded so mad. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t Jace, but the fact of the matter was I didn’t know. I kinda thought it was Jace. However, I was not willing to lie to Tru. I braced myself for the impact, thanking God I didn’t have to see his face when I told him what I was about to say. “Yes. I think it might be from Jace.”

  Silence and heavier breathing filled the phone line. Then Tru said in a harsh bitter tone, “Fuck. He would try to outshine me.”

  “Tru,” I breathed out slow. “I don’t care about material things, and this is not a competition to see who can outshine the best. Trust me, I am not for sale.” I was pissed that he would even think that.

  “Look I like you the way you are. You don’t have to start buying me things because you think Jace did.”

  Sounding a little defeated Tru said, “I’m sorry, Charlize, but I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow, OK?”

  God, boys and their feelings! I was not going to baby Tru. I felt bad that once again I was hurting someone I cared for. But I was more ticked off than sorry for Tru’s feelings right now. “No, you wait a second. You don’t think you can hang up on me that easy, do you?” Without letting him say a word I pushed on. “If so, then I guess you won’t see me tomorrow,” I finished.

  While waiting for him to say something I felt a pang of guilt. He only called me Charlize when he was serious and that sucked. What could make him this serious that he didn’t want to talk to me anymore? “What’s going on, Tru? And you better not bullshit me!”

  “I’m jealous that’s all,” he blurted out. I wasn’t expecting that, but as always I never expected the right thing. “C, look this is stupid. I’m sorry for being all down on you. It’s just that I never thought I would be the jealous type. God, C, I like you so much.” There was a long breath then Tru blurted. “Fuck, I’m jealous! I’ve never been jealous in my life over somebody.” He laughed bitterly. “It hurts, but, yes, I’m jealous of Jace.”

  “I’m sorry, Tru, that all I’m doing is hurting you. I don’t know what to do about it.”

  Silence. Then he said, “It’s cool. I understand. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just forget I ever said it, OK? Anyway, I do have to go. Not because I’m mad or sad, or whatever you are thinking in that cute head of yours. Mom needs me at the store, so I’ll see you tomorrow? I can’t wait.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow, Tru, bye.”

  We hung up the phone, and all I could think about was Jace. Yeah, crazy right! Talking to Tru made me think of Jace. If that was Jace on the phone, and I told him I was sorry that I was hurting him—and I didn’t know what to do to stop from hurting him—Jace would have said pick him. . . Choose him! However, Tru just shrugged it off like it was nothing. I was somewhat disappointed. Subconsciously, or maybe not! I dialed Jace’s phone number. I had to know if he was the one who bought me the dress. Three rings later, Jace answered his cell phone.

  “Hey, Fox. What’s up? Are you already missing me?”

  I could hear the smile in his voice and the sexy rasp as he said my last name. “You’re so full of yourself, Jace.”

  “Aw, so you’re not missing me! Now that just hurts, Fox.”

  “Oh, and you’re not funny either, Jace.”

  “Ouch, you’re killing me here! Come on, tell me what I can do to make you miss me . . . My sweet sexy little Fox,” Jace purred.

  I laughed. “Oh, you’re good. Sorry, but I didn’t call to flirt with you. Even though you wish I would. I called to ask you something,” I pointed out.

  “OK,” he said hesitantly. “What’s going on?”

  “Well, this might sound strange, but did you buy me a dress?” I asked.

  “A what?”

  “You heard me just fine. I said did you buy me a dress?” I retorted.

  “Sorry, Fox, but I cannot say I did. However, if it’s nice and you like it . . . then, yes, I bought it. I most definitely bought it.”

  He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

  “You’re not funny, Jace, but if you didn’t buy it, then I just wonder who did?”

  “So, you got this dress you like and you don’t know who bought it for you!” Jace sighed and continued. “Did you ask Tru?”

  “Oh yeah,” I said exasperated. “I asked him, and, no, he didn’t buy it. Actually he thought you bought it.”

  “Great! Now I not only have to worry about winning your heart from Tru . . . now I have this mystery guy to compete with. Will, life ever give me a break?” Jace demanded with a dramatic sigh.

  “Uh, sorry,” I said.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Jace retorted.

  “Well I have to go, Jace. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Aw, you’re already leaving me for the mystery guy?” He asked.

  I laughed. “Nooo, I’m just tired that’s all, and I’m not leaving anyone for a mystery guy I’ve never met. Trust me, you are already too much. I have enough to deal with so I definitely don’t need some other guy in the mix,” I replied.

  “Good. Then I’ll see you tomorrow, Fox.”

  “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, Jace.” I smiled as I hung up the phone.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  He had found her. She was right there for the taking, but Crispin did not seize the opportunity. Once he learned of her location, he quickly manifested himself on the earth’s plane, dead set on stealing the girl away and taking what was rightfully his. Nevertheless, as Crispin laid eyes on her in a little shop, he was transfixed—unable to move
—captivated by her soul. She was full of life and beauty. He watched her as she smiled and laughed with her friends, all the while he commanded his body to move. Telling it to do what his brain demanded of him. Yet nothing! Crispin had not moved—he had not grabbed the opening to steal her away—instead he had done something that was a foreign concept to him: He conjured up a gown for her. It was as elegant and beautiful as she was. Crispin did not understand why he gifted her with such a superb item. Somehow, he knew it was right. He sat on his throne considering what he’d just done. Crispin frowned, clenching his fists.

  “Bring me someone!” He demanded.

  “My Lord: One of his knights quickly knelt before him. “Who?” He asked with all the confidence of a strong warrior. “Who is it you ask of?”

  Crispin turned cold eyes on the man and smiled. ‘You! Yes, I think you will do quite nicely!’

  Fear clouded the man’s face as he shook in terror, knowing what was to come. He could see his death in his Lords eyes. Crispin leaned down placing a hand on the man’s face and smiled. It was a cold sinister smile that had the knight jerking in protest. Yet, it was hopeless; he had no chance of escape. The knight sobbed as Crispin caressed the side of his face lovingly. Crispin closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, shuddering as the sickly sweet smell of fear overwhelmed his whole being.

  He savored the panic in his follower’s body, loving the way the knight trembled before him. Crispin laughed, allowing the melody of his laughter to stroke the knight intimately. The man stiffened and then relaxed as the erotic tones of Crispin’s voice settled within his body. Shuddering in ecstasy, the knight gazed up into Crispin’s eyes affectionately. He falsely believed that his Lord was rewarding him for quickly obeying his master. He smiled up at his Lord with trust and loyalty. However, once Crispin was sure he had lolled his knight into a sense of vulnerability, he struck.

  Crispin latched onto the knight’s mind viciously, destroying it as if it was merely paper and he was the device that shredded the paper. The knight moaned in agony. His eyes filmed over a milky white, and then he started to shake violently. Fluids and other substances poured from all of his orifices, a disgusting stench of rot and decay started to permeate the air. The knight jerked his head back and forth, slinging spittle and blood upon Crispin’s cheek. As the man painfully faded away, Crispin thought, soon—soon I will be sated with his life, youth, and his warrior’s strength.

  As soon as he was finished draining the life and magical power out of his loyal servant, he sat back knocking the now-brittle lifeless body to the side as if it was nothing but rubbish. Crispin wiped the blood and spit off his cheek and smiled all the while thinking of her, and how much fun it was going to be when he has her . . . Her body to play with. And then a plan began to form in his mind, a plan that would definitely succeed.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The Big Dance

  It was finally time for the. . . Oh. My. God—the big dance, or that’s what Tammin would say. It was finally here, and I never even asked a guy to go with me. So accordingly, when I told Tru I was going alone, he wasn’t too happy. Here’s how Tru’s and my conversation went.

  Tru: “So, the dance is coming up?”

  Me (laughing): “Yeah, I know.”

  Tru: “I love to dance. It’s fun!”

  Me (sighing): “It’s okay.”

  Tru (looking innocent): “I wish someone would ask me.”

  Me (dang): “Uh, Tru?”

  Tru (eyebrows arched): “Yes?”

  Me (oh crap): “About the dance. . .”

  Tru (grinning): “Yeah?”

  Me (gulping): “I, uh, err. Well, you see—“

  Tru (frowning): “What?”

  Me: “I’m going by myself.” (Grinning sadly.)

  Tru: “Oh, OK. Uh, fine. Yeah, dudette, that’s, uh, cool.” (He turned and walked away!)

  Me: . . . ? (Stunned!)

  Also as a result of what I decided, when I told Jace I was going alone; his reaction was not as calm as Tru’s. And Tru’s kinda sucked.

  Jace: “You ready to work out?”

  Me: “Bring it on, big boy.”

  We rolled around the floor, Jace not going easy on me at all.

  There were a lot of grunts, and no floor play. Ha-ha. Grin.

  Jace: “So did you ask Tru to the dance?”

  Me (panting): “No, why?”

  Jace (flipping me onto my back): “Because, I thought if you’re not going to ask him, then you must be holding out for something better.” (Jace smirking.)

  Me (kicking out and falling face first on the floor): “Crap!”

  Jace: (Laughing.)

  Me (frowning): “Something better meaning?”

  Jace (grinning): “Why me, of course.”

  Me: “I’m not going with anyone. I’m going alone.” (Big grin!)

  As expected, Jace put a fist through his punching bag.

  I guess maybe he wasn’t too happy with my decision either.

  Jace (punch, punch): “Dammit, Charlie, is this because you like us both and you don’t know who to choose?”

  Me: “Uh, err, maybe.”

  Jace (punch, punch-thwack): “Let me help you out. Just pick me. I’ll make you happy. Will have a killer time.”

  Me: “Jace . . .”

  Jace (glairing): “Forget it. I hope you have fun . . . alone.”

  Me: “Jace, don’t be like that.”

  Jace: “I’m sorry. I don’t want to fight.”

  Me: “OK.” (Smiling sadly!)

  Jace: “Charlie?”

  Me: “Yeah?”

  Jace: “Save me a dance?”

  Me (hugging him): “You got it.”

  I thought my life would always be boring. Oh, how I was wrong. So in all, my first two weeks were a rollercoaster of fudged-up emotions. Now it was time to get ready, and I had to admit I was starting to get a tad bit nervous going alone. I mean, come on, I knew it was my fault. I could have pick Jace or Tru. However, the jitters running through my gut didn’t seem to mind one way or the other. I told myself to stop getting so bent out of shape. I shrugged it off and put my awesome dress on. I fixed my face, pinned my hair up in a bun with little ringlets falling across my cheeks, and after one more glance in the mirror I headed down the stairs.

  “Hey, Kiddo, don’t you look beautiful,” my dad said as he pulled me into his arms so Mom could take a picture of us together.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I replied, happy to see he was not still out for Tru’s blood.

  I still didn’t know why they didn’t want me to see Tru anymore. And I felt bad, too, because I had yet to read Dad’s letter. However, I decided I was going to read it after the dance.

  “Oh, Sweetheart, our baby is growing up. Doesn’t she look breathtaking?” Mom murmured to Dad.

  “Yes, Janet, I can say Charlie is beautiful.”

  They both looked at me with so much happiness in their eyes. We took a few more pictures, and then there was a knock at the door. My dad walked over and opened the door. In walked a sharp-dressed Nikko: pinstripe black vest, a navy blue cotton shirt, sharp black slacks, and a pair of nice dress shoes. Awesome! As luck would have it, yesterday in class I found out Nikko was going to the dance alone. That’s when we decided to get together with some of our friends. It was a carpool thing.

  “Wow! Don’t you look spiffy,” I said lifting my hand palm up, pointing at him.

  “And you, might I add, don’t look too shabby yourself,” Nikko joked.

  “I know, what can I say!” I did a little twirl and laughed.

  Nikko took a bow saying, “My lady, your ride awaits.” He turned his body still in the bow with one arm wrapped around his waist, the other arm out stretched showing his palm straight up. He gestured to the SUV.

  “Wait, Charlie,” Mom pulled me back into the house. “Let’s get a picture of you and Nikko together.”

  “Mo—m,” I looked at Nikko then said, “Sorry. Is it OK with you?”

  Without a
word, Nikko grinned, wrapped his right arm around my waist, and pulled me into his shoulder. He held up his thumb with his left hand and grinned wickedly. After the photo-op that Mom insisted on Nikko and I walked to the SUV. Patiently waiting for us were Tammin, Simon, Dee, Nolan, and Z. I couldn’t believe it—the P without the J—Paco, without Jolon?

  “Hi, Charlie,” Simon said as I scooted into the back seat next to Tammin.

  Here’s the seating arrangement: Me, Tammin, Simon, Dee, Nolan were in the back. In front were Nikko who was driving, Z in the middle, and Paco in the passenger seat. If it wasn’t for Nikko, I might have felt alone. Remember you asked for this, a nagging voice in the back of my head reminded me. I quashed it. All at once everyone excluding Nikko turned and looked at me with big grins on their faces. Tammin, who looked very beautiful in her hot- pink dress, was beaming. Which she should. Simon looked exceptional. His messy hair was slicked back, and he was in a blue tuxedo. I’d be proud to call him my date. Although, I don’t think Tammin’s white-teeth wonderful smile was for him. Oh, and if words could describe how Dee looked at me. I thought Dee was just a little envious of me. She was practically gaping as she looked me up and down. But she looked pretty in her kick- me-out-of-the-dance dress.

  Noland, her date, was dressed to impress, Dee that is. He was in a tailored navy blue suit, smiling as he eyed me appreciatively. I studied Z. She had on a peach-colored strapless dress, with black diamonds going around her bust line. There was not really much you could say, but wow. I gazed at Paco. He had on a white dress shirt, black tie, and faded jeans with his Mohawk spiked up.

  “Golly, Charlie,” Tammin smiled. “Ya look wonderful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look this scrumptious. If I was a boy—umm, umm.” Tammin paused, whistled, and then continued. “Man, would ya be in trouble,” Tammin drawled as she cackled like a chicken. I blushed.

  I think Simon blushed after he said, “Charlie, you really are beautiful. I-I mean Tammin’s my girl, but you’re my good friend and I think she’s right, you know. You look as she would put it, scrumptious.”

  We pulled up to the school, and I was very happy to be there. Nikko, I could have sworn he almost hit someone, but we made it with our limbs intact. So, yeah, I was thankful. We all entered the dance hall. And yes, this school had a dance hall. I saw Tru first. I looked around and spotted Jace. Both of their eyes were locked on me, as if I was the only girl here.


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