Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 21

by Marissa Dobson

  “More to drink?” Raja asked.

  “Don’t even try it. Mated?” Her tone was terse, demanding.

  “It’s a term shifters use.” Raja plopped down on the kitchen chair. Defeated, he let out a sigh. “Shifters don’t date like ordinary people. We have mates. Our tigers know who they are, even when we don’t want to admit it. Unusual things happen when we find our mate.”

  “Unusual things?”

  “Things like this.” He touched her hand and focused on relieving her pain.

  “My knee, it’s—” She gasped.

  “The pain is gone, I know. My touch relieves your pain. As your mate, I can feel your emotions and your pain as if it’s my own.”

  “But mating…isn’t that…isn’t it supposed to be sexual? It sounds sexual.” She flushed with embarrassment.

  “Oh, it will be.” He chuckled. “With everything you have gone through, and your injuries, I won’t rush you. I desire to make you mine, the tiger in me wants to claim you completely, but I’m trying to give you the time you need.”

  “Could someone else claim me as a mate in the meantime?”

  He shook his head. “We believe shifters only have one mate. Sometimes they will have more than one mate, but they are found at the same time. The mating cannot be completed until the mates have joined together. If two out of three come together they will feel a piece is missing. I’m your only mate, and my scent is on you. No one in their right mind would try to claim you. It would be seen as a direct challenge to my authority.”

  “Your authority? Over me?”

  “I’m Ty’s Lieutenant, second-in-command. It would be a challenge to my position within the clan.”

  “What happens when there’s a challenge?”

  “You fight to the death or until one submits. With Ty’s position and mine, it’s a fight to the death. You can’t have the old Alpha or Lieutenant around if you want to take over the clan.” To him, it was as if she asked about the weather outside—simple, a part of life.

  “You could…die?” Her voice was brimming with sorrow.

  “We all die sooner or later.” He shrugged.

  “How can you sit there as if it doesn’t matter?”

  “It’s the way of life, but I have no plans to die anytime soon.” He set his coffee aside and leaned across the table. “Especially now that I found my mate.”


  “Love, there’s nothing to worry about. Someone would only challenge me if I appear weak. If I’m weak, then it’s their right. Clan life is survival of the fittest. I’m around for the long haul.”

  “What happens to your mate if you are killed?”

  “It depends on the situation. If the mate is human sometimes they leave, return to their families. No matter what they decide, women are precious to us and protected at all costs. The mates can stay within the clan, protected, or join another clan if they choose.”

  “Wouldn’t the challenger see the mate as a threat?”

  “It wouldn’t matter. She would still have to be treated with the same respect that’s given to other women of the clan. Though, it’s unlikely they would be seen as a threat. Few women hold positions of power. Shadow is the only female guard we have within the clan. There are a few others in different clans.”

  Raja’s ear bud clicked to life, and he heard Ty’s voice. “Raja, a situation has arisen. I’m heading your way with the team.”


  Chapter Eighteen

  Raja cleaned the kitchen table off quickly to allow the team to gather there. With a fresh pot of coffee already brewing, he placed the last of the dishes in the dishwasher before facing Bethany again. “I’m not sure how long this will last. Do you want me to help you into the bedroom and you can rest, or would you rather sit on the sofa and watch television?”

  “Is that a nice way of saying I’m not welcome?”

  “No. It’s a nice way of saying this isn’t something that would be enjoyable and if I were you, I would scram.” He snorted. “When situations like this come up, they’re not for the faint of heart. I’m sure it’s not anything you need to deal with.”

  “But if I wanted to stay?” She still sat at the kitchen table, watching him.

  “Then you’re more than welcome.”

  “Do you think Ty will feel the same way?”

  “He would have asked me to his quarters or to the conference room if he was concerned with you hearing anything. Plus, as the mate of the Lieutenant of the Alaskan Tigers, you’re always welcome at the Elder meetings.” He went to her, putting his hand on her shoulder. “I wasn’t trying to get rid of you, as if you were unwanted, but was thinking of everything you have been through. I was trying to shelter and protect you.”

  He heard the door in the living room open. Ty hollered, “It’s us.”

  “In the kitchen,” he called before bending down to kiss her. “It’s up to you, love.”

  Ty entered the kitchen followed by Tabitha, Felix, Adam, and Connor, each with an expression of gloom. Tabitha looked as if she struggled the most. Ty held her as if to comfort her, but the agony was clear on her face.

  “Bethany, you’re more than welcome to stay for this meeting, but if you wish to rest, Raja can fill you in later.” Ty took a seat at the end of the table, pulling Tabitha into his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

  “I’d like to stay and help in any way I can.”

  Ty nodded while the rest of the men took their seats at the table. Adam stood close to the doorway, while Raja took the last seat next to her.

  “What’s going on? Tabitha, are you all right?” Raja studied her with increasing concern.

  “The change is close. I pleaded for her to stay in bed, rest, but she wouldn’t listen,” Ty explained as Tabitha rested her head against his chest.

  “Your touch makes it bearable,” she whispered, her eyes closing as her face scrunched with anguish.

  “I know, Tabby.” He stroked her arm, misery in his eyes. “Connor.”

  Connor nodded. “We found James Thompson. He still has the cabin in North Dakota, and it’s his permanent residence according to the records. Your suspicions are true, he’s a shifter.”

  “Okay. Send a team there. Bring him back if possible.” With any luck, he’d have the answers they needed.

  “I researched him, and I think you might have a better chance at getting what you want if you contact him directly. It’s possible he would come to Bethany if she asked. It would be better coming from her than a team sent to return with him,” Connor advised.

  “I think he’s right. Uncle James might be more forthcoming if I contacted him.” Bethany sat up in her chair, tensing. “Connor, were you able to locate a phone number for him?”

  “Yes.” He handed her a printed piece of paper. “This is all the information I was able to get.”

  “Thank you.”

  “We’ll contact him after the meeting.” Raja reached back to grab the pot of coffee that had just finished brewing. The mugs already sat on the table for anyone who wanted coffee.

  “Bigger problems still to go.” Ty frowned. “Your turn, Felix.”

  “We received another video from Pierce.”

  Bethany gasped, squeezing Raja’s hand. He placed his arm around her, pushing his chair closer to her. He wished she’d gone in the other room to rest; she was a strong woman, but it seemed too much for her. The grief in her eyes was laden with terror, fear for her own well-being.

  “The video was addressed to Jessica.” Felix spoke as if the words were bitter and distasteful on his tongue. “He desires to see his sister.” He poured himself a cup of coffee before pouring one for Ty, who still had his arms around his mate.

  “Why?” Raja could feel Bethany’s tension. They were all thinking the same thing: had Pierce attacked again?

  “I’m assuming he wishes to gain information from her.” Felix stirred sugar into his coffee cup before looking back up at Raja.

  “Do you
think she would betray us, especially after the last video?” Raja rubbed his thumb over the back of Bethany’s hand.

  “I don’t think she would do it willingly. We all know he has ways to gather information when he wants it. I’d rather not risk it.” Ty looked troubled, but continued rubbing Tabitha’s arm—maybe to soothe her, but more likely to comfort himself and calm his own tormented thoughts.

  “Agreed. What does she have to say about it?” Raja wondered.

  “She believes she could get him to surrender.” Felix snorted. “She’s still in denial about what he is.”

  “His sister is here? She’s one of you?” Bethany inquired.

  “She’s here, but she isn’t a shifter. We sent Connor and Leo to bring her here, expecting she would bring some insight into Pierce.”

  “You aren’t concerned she’ll betray you, giving him the location of the compound or your plans?” Bethany asked. Raja could tell by the way her body tensed that she was concerned Pierce might attack the compound.

  “They flew straight into the compound. We have a small runway here, so she wouldn’t know the location,” Ty explained. “Not that it matters since Pierce’s men already attacked the compound shortly after Tabitha arrived. She might still be in denial, but in her heart she knows what he is.”

  “Something isn’t right…I don’t feel very well.” Tabitha moaned, grabbing her stomach.

  “It’s all right, Tabby. Don’t fight it.” Ty brushed his mate’s hair from her face. “She’s burning up. Felix, get Doc.”

  “Maybe she would be more comfortable on the sofa.” Raja went to the sink and ran the dishtowel under cool water for Ty to wipe Tabitha’s head.

  Ty nodded, lifting her into his arms.

  “What’s happening?” Bethany stood, using her crutches to keep her weight off her injured knee.

  “Tabitha’s completing the change and will shift for the first time soon.” Ty carried her into the living room while Bethany followed. “The first time can be painful as your body makes the necessary transitions.”

  Ty lowered her to the sofa and used the rag Raja handed him to wipe her face. Her body started shaking uncontrollably as if she was having a seizure. “Raja.”

  He went to them, grabbing Tabitha’s flailing legs, as she screamed in torment. “Where the hell is Doc?” His voice laced with concern. He hated to see his Queen in such pain.

  “Don’t fight it, Tabby. You’re strong, you can do this.” Ty held her to the sofa. “I need more hands.”

  Connor stepped forward. “Not you, Connor.” When a grief-stricken look showed on his face, Ty continued, “Your wolf might spook her tiger.”

  Adam waited by the door and Felix went in search of Doc, leaving Bethany the closest. She tossed her crutches aside and balanced herself, placing the majority of her weight on her uninjured knee.

  “Hold her head,” Raja ordered as his mate came near.

  She finally got a good grip on Tabitha’s head when Doc dashed through the door. “What did you do to my patient? I saw her this morning.”

  “Things have steadily gotten worse throughout the day until she bent over with stomach pains.” Ty growled. “We were meeting with Raja to go over some things. We brought her in here when this started. Help her!”

  “I can ease the pain, but that’s it.” Doc placed his bag next to the sofa, looking nonchalant and unconcerned. He’d seen a lot of shifters go through their first change.

  “What do you mean, that’s it?” Ty snapped.

  “She’s started the change. If I stop it now, it will be worse next time.” He pulled out a syringe. “This will help the pain.”

  “What’s happening to her, Doc?” Raja had a firm grip on her legs.

  “It’s rare, but her body has transitioned faster than expected. Her tigress wants out, but her body isn’t ready. What should take a few more days is happening before our eyes.” Doc readied a syringe with the drug. “Bethany, let go of her head. I need you to help me with her arm.”

  Doc took hold of Tabitha’s flailing arm, holding it straight out. “Hold it still like this. If I don’t get the vein, it will take longer to work.” Bethany took hold of her arm while he tied it off, making the vein stand at attention. “Hang in there, Tabitha. This will help.”

  Tabitha roared as Doc pushed the needle in and the plunger down. Slowly the violent movements of her limbs gave way to shakes and then tremors. Bethany’s legs shook as she reached for her crutches, but she was unable to get to them before her legs buckled. Raja reached out and caught her before she could land in a heap on the floor, injuring her knee more. His mate had risked herself and her injuries to help Tabitha, that was major for Raja. Damn, he’d found a keeper in Bethany.

  “Will she be all right now?” Bethany whispered as she cringed with fresh pain. Raja placed her in the chair closest to the sofa.

  “She still has to complete the transition. It shouldn’t be long now. She’ll have to stay here until it’s over. We can’t risk moving her,” Doc said, closing his bag.

  “Connor, I’d suggest you leave. The transition could bring your wolf out and we need you to trace the last video.” Ty sat on the sofa, Tabitha’s hands in his.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Adam, stand guard at the door. No one is allowed in.”

  “Why don’t you let me look at your knee while I’m here?” Doc suggested, kneeling before Bethany.

  “It’s fine.”

  “You’re in pain.”

  Raja could feel the pain. She did it to help Tabitha. What a woman I found as a mate. He placed his hand over hers. “Let him look at it.”

  “He should be worried about Tabitha.”

  “I got Tabby. Let him look at your knee,” Ty insisted. “I’d hate to know you did more damage to it helping my Tabby.”

  Doc was examining Bethany’s knee when Raja felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Tabitha had called the magic forth, bringing on the change.

  “We should have cleared the building,” Raja said, looking at Ty, who nodded in agreement.

  “Too late now.”

  The room filled with energy, as Tabitha’s soft moans turned into purrs. Hair started to grow over her skin.

  “Get her on the floor, if you can. It will give her more room to shift,” Doc said, pushing the coffee table out of the way while Raja and Ty slid her to the floor.

  “Don’t fight it, embrace your tigress.” Ty knelt beside his mate, who now lay on her stomach.

  Her hands became paws as her body grew, her stunning strawberry fur mixing nicely with white stripes across her back. She rose to stand on her newly acquired paws and roared.

  Raja had witnessed others shift for the first time but there was something magical about being there to witness his Queen completing the change. The magic and desire to shift hung in the air, teasing along his skin until he was ready to embrace his tiger and celebrate. The only thing that held him back was knowing his mate needed him and there was still work to be done.

  Tabitha’s roars echoed throughout the space and he was sure the whole compound could hear it.

  “Do you think that means she likes her new form?” Ty joked.

  Tabitha tried to take a step and toppled over.

  “It’s from the drugs I gave her. It should work its way through her system in a few moments now that she’s in her tigress form. Then she’ll be able to shift back when she’s ready.”

  Tabitha lay there contentedly licking her paw, observing everyone with her big blue cat eyes.

  Once she rested comfortably, Raja turned his attention back to Bethany and her knee. His mate needed his attention now and he wanted to make sure she hadn’t injured herself more. He smiled down at her, pride seeping from him. “You were amazing, my sweet mate.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “We have to trust your uncle isn’t involved with Pierce. Be up front with him but don’t give him too much information over the phone. Our end is secure, but we cannot be sure his line
isn’t tapped. We need him to come to us.” Ty sat on the sofa with his sleeping mate’s head in his lap. After shifting back to human form, she fell asleep. Doc thought it was from the stress of the situation and the leftover medication. She had on Ty’s dress shirt since her clothes were ruined, and a blanket covered her.

  “I understand.” Bethany twisted the ring on her finger, nerves getting to her. What if Uncle James wants nothing to do with me? What if he’s behind everything and working with Pierce?

  “Stalling isn’t going to help your stomach. Let’s do this. I’ll be right here with you.” Raja squeezed her hand as he grabbed the phone. He dialed the number and placed the call on speakerphone, allowing everyone to hear it.

  He isn’t home. The phone rang and rang before someone answered. “Hello?” A rough voice came through the speaker.

  “Is this James Thompson?” Raja asked.

  “Who’s asking?”

  “My name is Raja Harrison. I’m here with your niece, Bethany.”

  “Bethany—is she all right?” He sounded harried, his voice edged with worry.

  “Uncle James?” The words felt strange on her tongue. I haven’t seen this man in over fifteen years.

  “Oh, child. I heard what happened to your parents and little Jamie. I was afraid they got you too. Where are you?”

  “I’m safe.” She brushed off his question because even though he was family she wasn’t sure he could be trusted. “Do you know what happened?”

  “I’m afraid I know who is behind it, yes. I can’t tell you over the phone. You must come to me. I know somewhere you’ll be safe.”

  “I’m safe where I am. Uncle James, did you have anything to do with what happened to Mom, Dad, and Jamie?” Her stomach turned at having to ask the question, but she needed to hear his answer.

  He sighed. “I know I haven’t been in your life, but how could you think I could have anything to do with murdering my brother and his family?” There was no anger in his voice, only disappointment and sorrow. He’d been crying, too; they could tell. It was clear in the way he spoke, the heaviness of his words.


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