Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 22

by Marissa Dobson

  “I didn’t think you could, but I had to ask. Uncle James, I need answers.”

  “I know you do, child, but I can’t give them to you over the phone. It’s not safe.”

  “If you’re truthful in what you say, I can arrange for you to see Bethany,” Raja interrupted. “But if you try to harm her, or us, it will be seen as a threat and will be handled as such. I’m sure you’re aware of our laws.” Raja gently rubbed her leg, comforting her.

  “I mean her no harm,” James insisted. “She’s the last family I have left. I want her protected. I don’t want to see what happened to my brother and his family happen to her.”

  “Very well. You’re correct, it isn’t secure, so no details. Be ready.” Raja ended the call.

  “I don’t believe he had anything to do with it.” Ty ran his hand through Tabitha’s mussed-up hair.

  “I agree. I’ll get the pilot and a team to his location straightaway. Might I borrow Adam to accompany Leo? I need to send Shadow and Thomas to the hotel to collect Bethany’s things and check her out.”

  “Very well. One last thing, then we’ll take our leave, and you can put the plans into motion.” Ty glanced at Tabitha before turning his attention back to Raja. “Jinx and his team found a trail. They’re following it.”

  “Why do I think it’s unlikely they’ll find him at the end?” Bethany’s voice was low not wanting the others to hear her.

  “Either way, we’ll find him.” Ty glanced at her. “The detective is likely gone for the night but the message with arrangements will be waiting for him. We’ll send the plane and an escort the day after tomorrow. That will give them the time needed to complete their tasks. I’ve asked Tora to put together a small memorial service for your family.”

  Tears sprang to Bethany’s eyes. “Ty, that’s wonderful of you, but you didn’t have to. None of you knew my family.” She was beyond words that he would do such things for people he didn’t even know. She lost her family, but she was beginning to feel like she’d found a second one in these people. They accepted her when she had nothing to offer them in return.

  “It doesn’t matter that we didn’t know them. You’re Raja’s mate and that makes you, and them, family.” Ty stated it with such simplicity that she accepted it as a fact. “Lance can be used as an escort. With his latest blunder he’s off guard duty and needs something to occupy his time. With that, I’ll get my mate into her own bed.” He lifted Tabitha, wrapping the blanket securely around her. “I’ll have Felix bring the blanket back.”

  “Jessica wishes to speak with you.” Shadow told Raja as she placed Bethany’s suitcase next to the sofa.

  “What does she want?” Raja looked over at her.

  “Adam didn’t say. He only asked me to tell you that she urgently wishes to speak with you. I saw him as they were gearing up for North Dakota.”

  “She’ll have to wait. I can’t leave Bethany alone.”

  “I can manage on my own if there’s something needing your attention.” Bethany hobbled into the living room, freshly changed into a pair of pajamas that Tabitha brought over for her.

  “I’m not leaving you.” He ground his teeth.

  “I can try to find out what she wanted, but she’s insisting to she speak with you or Ty. I would prefer not to disturb Ty if possible.” Shadow stood close to the door, unmoving.

  “Fine, escort her here. Bethany, I’d like you to remain in the bedroom while she’s here.”

  “Why?” She made it to the sofa and was about to sit and prop her knee up as Doc instructed her.

  “She’s the one who received the video about your family. She knows what happened to you. I’m not sure she’s ready to face you yet.” He also didn’t want Bethany to have to deal with Jessica, she didn’t need to see the sister of the man who tried to have her killed. Raja watched as Shadow eased out the door. Obviously she didn’t want to get involved.

  “What, you’re concerned she’ll try to kill me like her brother did?”

  “No. I told you she’s in denial. I’m not sure she wants to face proof of it yet.”

  “Well, ready or not she’s about to.” Bethany lowered herself to the sofa and tossed a pillow under her knee. “I’m not going to hide in the bedroom like some scared chick. Maybe seeing me will shake her out of her denial.”

  “Or maybe not.”

  “If it doesn’t then you’re no worse off than you are now.”

  He threw his hands up in the air, unwilling to fight. Or maybe he knew she was right. Either way, she won this round. Is this what mating is like? Giving in to a woman?

  “You’re twisting me around your little finger just like Scarlet does,” Raja retorted. “Am I that easy?”

  “You want to make the people you care about happy. You hate to see sadness or pain in them. Therefore, you do whatever you can to avoid it. But no, you’re not easy. You’re an honorable, loving man. I don’t know how I managed to catch somebody like you.”

  He grabbed another throw pillow, grateful to his sister for insisting on them, and used it to prop her knee higher. “I’m glad I’m not transparent,” he quipped. “Scoot down. Let me sit behind you with my arms around you, and you can still have your leg on the sofa. I want to feel your body next to mine.”

  She did as he asked, and he slipped behind her, pulling her close to him, his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Comfortable?”

  “Umm…Raja, why haven’t you completed the mating?”

  The question stunned him momentarily. She’d seemed shy earlier, blushing when mating was mentioned. Now she was boldly bringing it out in the open. “You’ve been through a lot the last few days, and you’re in pain with your knee. I’m giving you the time I thought you needed.”

  “I don’t need time, it’s you I need.”

  “Soon, love, soon.” Her words filled him with joy, and he buried his face in her hair, breathing in her scent. “They’re coming. You sure you want to do this?”

  She nodded as the door opened and in stepped the women. Shadow kept a close eye on Jessica but gave her space so she wouldn’t feel crowded.

  “Jessica, what’s so important that you had to see me tonight?” Raja inquired, his voice calm.

  “Ahh…umm…” She eyed Bethany with obvious pity.

  “Whatever you need to say can be said in front of my mate. If you don’t wish to, then Shadow can escort you back to your room.”

  “It’s…I didn’t expect her here.”

  “She’s my mate. Now what did you want?” he repeated, unwilling to coddle the woman and her denial.

  “Mate?” She shook her head, as if trying to set aside the new information and focus on why she was there. “I was going through email conversations I’ve had with Pierce through the years. I found a few things that might be of importance.”

  “What did you find?” Raja relaxed against the cushions, talking to Jessica was like pulling teeth.

  “He mentioned a James Thompson. I don’t know who it is, but I recognized the last name.”

  “My uncle,” Bethany whispered.

  “What about him?” Raja’s thoughts were spinning out of control.

  “I’m not really sure. I remember him saying it all started with James.”

  “Started with him how?”

  “I’m not certain.” She shrugged her narrow shoulders, looking sheepish. “After he was bitten, he said it boiled down to being James’s fault. James didn’t bite him, but somehow he’s tied into it. In all the years since, the name never came up, except in that instance.”

  “Okay. We’ll find out how he fits into this. Anything else?” Raja gently fingered the edge of Bethany’s pajama top.

  “There’s also a hunting cabin in North Dakota our parents owned,” Jessica continued. “I own it, but never use it. Pierce has a key and goes there when he needs to regroup or hide. It’s possible he’s there, or maybe there’s a clue at the cabin that might help you find him.”

  Bethany gasped at the
words North Dakota, but when Raja squeezed her arm, she said nothing.

  “If that’s all, Shadow will escort you to your room. Give her the address and we’ll get a team to investigate it.”

  With Jessica gone, Bethany leaned forward, pulling nearly out of his embrace. He could feel emotions surging within her. The guilt and fear taking hold as she fought the urge to vomit. Terror seeped from her as she realized Pierce might be in North Dakota so close to her uncle. “We’ve got to do something. Help me save him…please, Raja.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “Adam and Leo are an hour out from James’s location. We’ll need another team for Jessica’s tip. I want them to investigate the cabin and if he’s there, wait for backup to arrive. We’ll send in two teams, but more will be sent if he’s there.” Raja stood in Ty’s living room, giving him the update. Bethany was asleep in his quarters with Shadow standing guard.

  Ty nodded. “I’ll get the teams on it. When James arrives we need to debrief him first. Bring Bethany here, she can stay with Tabitha and her guards. I don’t want the women in danger if James is tied in with Pierce. I also want Shadow with us. She’ll know if we can trust him.”

  “I have a feeling the women aren’t going to be very happy with either of us when we tell them they have to sit this one out.”

  “True, but it’s for the best.” Ty snickered.

  “What’s for the best?” Tabitha asked, coming out of the bedroom.

  “I’ll let you handle this one. I have my own to deal with.” Raja turned to make a quick exit as Ty gave him a dirty look and Tabitha stood with her hands on her hips. He chuckled, closing the door behind him. Now to tell my mate.

  While he strolled through the main building back toward his quarters, he took a moment to text Adam: Be on guard. Pierce’s sister has a cabin in North Dakota. He might be there.

  Then he sent Tora a brief message: Your big mouth is going to get us in trouble one of these days. He grinned, remembering all the times he’d covered for his sister. Her big mouth had already landed them in some tricky situations in the past.

  His cell vibrated in his hand. Tora’s name popped up. She must have taken it well…you’re still alive. You can thank me later.

  “Thank her? She must have lost her marbles,” he mumbled, reaching his door as he slipped his cell phone into his pocket.

  He found Shadow sitting on the window seat hugging her legs. Even in the dark he couldn’t miss her bright pink leggings and white and pink sweater. The bright color stood out against the darkness of the room.

  “Shadow, when Adam and Leo arrive with Bethany’s uncle, I’d like you to attend the debriefing before I allow her to meet him. We want to make sure he has nothing to do with Pierce before we endanger her.”

  “Do you think it’s wise to leave her alone?”

  “She’ll be with Tabitha and her guards while we meet James.” He leaned against the back of the chair closest to her, whispering so not to disturb Bethany.

  “Very well. If I might make a suggestion?”

  Shadow was still unsure of herself, especially around the Elders.

  “You’re one of our most trusted guards. You may always speak freely and give your suggestions. We might not use them, but we’re always willing to listen.”

  Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but it was warm. “She needs her own guards, especially until Pierce is caught. She’s in as much danger as Tabitha. He’ll come after her again if he gets a chance.”

  “Funny you should bring that up. I was considering the same thing this evening. Are you applying for the position?”

  “I prefer the field, but I could be persuaded, I’m sure.” Her eyes held a twinkle of excitement.

  “Think it over and let me know your requirements. I’d like to have you as the Captain of her Guards if you’re interested.” He slid his hands into his pockets. He’d been worried he’d have a hard time convincing her, when all along she’d been interested and hadn’t let on.

  “I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.” She rose, stretching her long, lean body. “Go to your mate and rest. You both need it. I feel something bad is coming this way.”

  “Where were you?” Bethany whispered as he tried to sneak back into the bedroom. “Why are you dressed?”

  “I had to meet with Ty.” He slipped his gun holster and knife off and laid them on the nightstand.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You were sleeping soundly. I had Shadow here in case you woke.” He unbuttoned his shirt with her gaze on him.

  “You should have woken me.”

  “And what? Dragged you with me? You need the sleep. You were safe here with Shadow, and I was just down the hall.” He tossed his shirt aside, moving his hands to his belt. “Plus, what I spoke with Ty about wasn’t something you had to be there for. We were discussing sending teams to locate Jessica’s cabin.”

  “You’re right. Sleep was better.” She smiled at him. “Now, are you coming to bed?”

  “If you want me to.”

  “Oh yes, I want you to.” She slid over eagerly, giving him more room to join her.

  I want all of you. I hunger to feel your hands on me. But she didn’t speak the words aloud, for fear it was too soon.

  He slipped his jeans off, letting them fall to the floor. The moonlight reflected off his toned, muscular body, as he stood before her in only his boxers. His black, shoulder-length hair cascaded around his face, and desire flickered in his piercing green eyes. Perhaps it wasn’t too soon after all.

  “Come here,” she whispered, almost raw with need. She lifted the blanket, inviting him in.

  He slipped under the covers with her. Lying on his side with his arm propped under him, he studied her.


  “You’re beautiful.” He played his fingers lightly on her arm.

  “I want you.” She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

  “We should wait. Give your knee time to start the healing process.”

  “I don’t want to wait. My knee will be fine as long as we’re careful. Don’t make me wait, Raja. I need to feel your hands on me.” She leaned her head forward, bringing her lips close to his. “Please.”

  He tasted like bold, black coffee, rejuvenating her. His tongue teased her lips open, turning it from passionate into a deep, hungry kiss. His hand ran through her hair, keeping her close.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, breaking away from the kiss, reaching for her nightshirt.

  “I’m sure.” She leaned forward, allowing him to slip the shirt over her head. “I need you.”

  He tossed the shirt away and kissed her neck. He rubbed his cheek against her neck, like a cat nuzzling her.

  “What are you doing?” She laughed as his hair tickled her.

  “Marking my mate. I want my scent all over you. You’re mine.”


  “There will be no going back from this. You’ll be mine. If you have reservations, we should deal with them first.” He rested his head in the hollow of her neck.

  Mating. “I have no doubts when it comes to you. I love you, Raja.” It didn’t matter that it happened quickly, he was the only part of her world that made sense right now.

  “Good, because you’re my world. I love you too.” He kissed her. He slid his hand deep under the covers, gliding smoothly down her torso until he found her sweet spot. His fingers slipped between her lips, entering her core, tantalizing her with yearning.

  “These must go.” She hooked her hand in his boxers, and tugged.

  “All in due time, my love.” He winked at her. “I want to enjoy every moment, feel every inch of your body against mine.”

  She adored when he called her love. It was something so simple yet made her feel completely cherished. She wasn’t sure when the connection between them had bloomed but it had developed into a fierce bond.

  She groaned. “You made me wait this long and now you’re going to take your time?”
/>   “Yes,” he teased with a wicked grin on his face.

  “If I didn’t have this damn brace on my leg, I’d roll you over and take control of the situation.”

  “You could try, but shifters are stronger than humans. Now lay back and let me enjoy myself, bringing you pleasure, or I could draw this out longer.”

  With no visible choice, she leaned back against the pillows, watching the moonlight bounce off his chest. There was enough light coming through the window to allow her to see him. She had no doubt he was able to see better than she could. Will he like what he sees?

  “You’re beautiful.” He took her nipple in his mouth, sucking gently, before letting it slide out again. His cool breath made her nipple harden.

  She raked her hands through his hair, moving it out of his eyes, allowing her to truly see him. She loved the feel of the silky strands of hair between her fingertips and the way his hands caressed her body.

  Raja tenderly kissed her neck as he delved his fingers inside her, stoking the fire that burned within her.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered, his breath hot against her neck.

  “Please, Raja. I need you.” She turned her head to him. “Don’t make me wait.”

  He lifted his head from her neck and met her gaze.

  “Please,” she whispered again as their lips touched. She ran her hands down his chest, feeling his tight abs, then slid her hands inside his boxers, wrapping her fingers around his hard shaft. Their kisses grew deeper as she worked her hand up and down his warm, hard length.

  “Let me.” He leaned back and ripped the boxers off. The sound of fabric tearing filled the room before material was tossed to the floor to join her nightshirt. She felt her eyes widen with surprise. “What? They were in the way.”

  She laughed, loving his cocky grin and the way he seemed to make her forget about everything that was going on so they could just be together. He couldn’t have come into her life at a better time.


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