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Now Wouldn't You Like to Know

Page 9

by Curtis Bennett

  Heading into the cavity of the tunnel, which sloped downward and under the Baltimore Harbor, my eyes were instantly bombarded by bright tunnel lights. It felt as if I was traveling inside of a long and endless cocoon of concrete, tiles, and asphalt. Ten minutes later we exited the tunnel and were immediately enveloped by darkness again. I paid the $4.00 toll and pressed on. Several miles later I pulled the Navigator onto the off ramp leading into a rest area.

  Diana opened her eyes and looked around. Uncrossing her arms, she asked me where we were.

  “Some rest stop just a few miles north of the Baltimore.” I answered, shutting down the Navigator.

  Together we walked over to the restroom area. Neither one of us saying a word to the other. Like I always do when I have to wait on her, I walked over to the concession area and dropped a dollar worth of quarters in one of the machines and retrieved the bag of Famous Amos cookies I had selected. I was munching on my cookies when she approached me.

  Though it was cold, Diana wanted to go and sit down at one of the picnic tables a short distance away. I asked her why and she said that she just wanted to get some fresh air and stretch her legs. So I walked with her over to the table and we sat down.

  “God, will you look at that,” she said looking up at the stars and a bright full moon. “It’s so beautiful and the night sky so clear.”

  “Yes, it is,” I agreed. I offered her some cookies. She took one from the bag and handed the bag back to me.

  “So, Philadelphia is our next stop, huh?” she said, taking a bite of the cookie and chewing on it.

  “Yes, it is,” I answered, gazing into the distance.

  “You’re ready to get rid of me, aren’t you?” she asked, gazing up into my eyes. “I can tell that are.”

  I shrugged defensively. “Why would you say that Diana?”

  “Because you don’t seem to enjoy my company anymore, not like you did in the beginning of our drive up.”

  “Listen Diana, I enjoy your company,” I began. “I always have, but somewhere along the way I overstep my boundary with you. And I had no business or right to do so.”

  “But I’m over that, Sheldon,” she said, touching her hand to mine. “After we left Washington I gave a lot of thought to what you said about me having ignored you, or appearing to have ignored you. I realized that I did give a lot of my attention to Ray, while at the same time, depriving you of my time. And I apologize for that slight.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” I said, buttoning up my coat and raising the collar up around my neck. The temperature had to be in the 50s.

  “Yes, I do have to apologize,” she declared, shifting around on the concrete bench. “I’m sorry Sheldon. I really am. What I should have told you, but didn’t, was that the reason why I paid Ray so much attention is because you had been paying me so little of it lately.”

  “Now, why would my attentiveness or the lack of it mean anything to you Diana?” I asked, turning my gaze on her.

  “Look, that’s something you’ll have to figure out on your own Sheldon,” she snapped in exasperation. Rising up she tore her gaze from me and took off.

  Coming to life, I sprinted after her. When I caught up to her I took her by the arm and swung her around gently. At that moment, a moonbeam reached down and illuminated her lovely face in a brilliant silvery sheen. Her full red lips never looked more succulent and inviting, her sparkling brown eyes wanton with desire.

  She opened her mouth to speak but I didn’t give her a chance as I pulled her into my embrace and kissed her long and hard. The experience was sweet and intoxicating. When I came up for air, she still had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly parted.

  “Diana, I don’t know what’s come over me,” I attempted to explain. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have,” she murmured in a firm tone, her gaze locked on mine. “But if you let me get away without doing it again, I’ll never forgive you.”

  Lowering my head I pressed my lips to her lips a second time, this time much longer. The sensation was more thrilling than the first kiss.

  “Diana,” I said looking into her eyes. “Can we forget all about what happened in Washington and start anew?”

  “I would like that very much Sheldon,” she replied smiling, as she wrapped her arm around my waist.

  “Good. What do you say we get back on the road?” I asked, placing my arm around her shoulder as we began to walk.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she said keeping pace with me. “Besides, it’s getting much colder out here.”

  We climbed back into the Navigator and let it warm up before taking off. Within minutes we had rejoined the stampede of vehicles heading north on the I-95 corridor. It wasn’t long before we entered Delaware. By now it was close to 10:00PM and traffic was finally thinning out. Diana was wide awoke and talked to me throughout the remainder of the drive in an effort to keep me alert. I was appreciative of her sudden attentiveness and her loving gestures. At one point she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

  It wasn’t long before we passed through Wilmington, Delaware. The city lights were a relief from the darkness of the countryside. In many ways, I wished this was the end of our journey. I had grown tired of our long drive and was anxious to get it over with. But it wouldn’t be long before we arrived in the Keystone state. Inside, I had mixed emotions about Diana and I coming to the end of the road. There was no doubting it now, we both had grown on one another. To what extent, I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t even sure where we were going with this new development between us.

  “Sheldon,” she cooed.

  “Yes sugga,” I answered peering over at her.

  “We never ate dinner,” she said. “How did we miss out on dinner?”

  “I don’t know but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m rather hungry.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I’ll take the next exit,” I said. “Perhaps we’ll find a restaurant that’s still open.”

  “Thanks babe,” she said, drawing closer to me, her fragrance smelling as enchanting as ever.

  Five miles later I pulled off the highway and located the Denny’s restaurant that was advertised on the billboard a few miles back. We were seated and in a short while a waitress appeared and handed us a menu, then returned minutes later to take our orders. While we waited on our food, we took turns going to the restroom. Normally she’s sit across from me whenever we stopped to dine. This time she sat beside me. We talked, held hands, kissed, and acted like high schoolers madly in love for the first time.

  Once our meal was served, we shared one another’s food, and we even fed one another occasionally. I ordered dessert to go. Diana ate her pie there.

  “Well, are you full now?” I asked her.

  “Yes, I am,” she said leaning against me.

  “I’m glad that you are,” I injected.

  “Hey Sheldon,” she sang.

  “Yes,” I answered as I kissed her temple then her forehead and her lips.

  “Are you dropping me off at the bus station tonight?”

  “Of course not,” I answered in a reassuring voice. “We’ll sleep over at the hotel suite the company already made arrangements for me to stay in. I informed them from the start that I might arrive a day later than scheduled.”

  “I was just wondering if I needed to buy some pepper spray.”

  “Diana, I will never leave you to sit in a bus station at night. Never again,” I emphasized in a firm voice.

  “I appreciate that Sheldon, I really do.” That statement seemed to put her mind and heart at ease.

  “You’re welcomed.” I said.

  “I know you must be tired, Sheldon,” she said. “When we get to Philadelphia, I’m going to prepare you a warm bath and then give you a well-deserved massage. How does that sound?”

  “Great,” I said spiritedly. Talk about feeling on top of the world. If I floated any higher I’d touch the moon.

  Passing a couple of RVs I s
ettled into the middle lane and set my cruise control at a cruising speed of 65mph. Within twenty minutes we crossed into Pennsylvania. Next we passed through Chester, Pa. and tuned into a Philadelphia radio station. I looked over at Diana who was still wide awaked.

  “I’m still awake,” she assured me, rubbing my shoulder.

  “I was just checking. You got kind of quiet over there.”

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About you and this trip and the wonderful time I have had, especially meeting your family members. And getting to visit all of those wonderful places was awesome. Considering how this all started out for me a few days ago, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the ride.”

  By now we had entered Philadelphia’s city limits near the airport. It was around 11:30PM and traffic remained sparse. Driving nonstop, the drive from Washington should have taken no more than two and a half hours. But stopping here and there along the way lengthened the trip. But I wasn’t complaining. Not at all.

  Chapter 10

  Diana and I pulled up to Hyatt at The Bellevue Philadelphia Hotel around 12:35AM. With a hard right, I swung the Navigator onto the cinnamon brown colored brick-paved crescent moon shaped driveway that led up to the main entrance. I parked the SUV long enough to go inside and check in. The check in counter was located just around the corner from a large sitting area with three plush sofas and three love seats, all grouped around a stone fireplace. There was a 42” flat screen television to the right of the fireplace. The place was definitely five stars.

  Returning to the Navigator, Diana and I unpacked what we needed and turned it over to a bellhop. I gave my keys to a young college-aged valet for parking. Diana and I followed in the wake of the bellhop who led us to our suite.

  Once we arrived at the suite I handed the polite bellhop a five dollar tip. Then I returned my attention to Diana.

  “Wow, get-outta-here! This must be the presidential suite,” she said excitingly, enamored by her surroundings. “I thought you told me that you were looking for a job?”

  “Of course I am,” I replied, marveling at the interior myself. “Like I said before, this suite was reserved for me, compliments of the company that is interested in hiring me.”

  “You must be one hell of a computer analyst and computer repair man,” she said looking around the suite.

  “Actually I am a super freak computer analyst and repair man,” I added colorfully. “Just the same, the position I am vying for is an upper managerial position. They want me to take over their repair division. Basically, I am going to be a senior manager.”

  “Wow,” she sighed. Whether her remark was on account of my promotion or the fine trappings we were in, I did not know. But the place was out of this world. To our right was a spacious living and dining room area with an abundance of natural light and a great view of the city of Philadelphia. Both room areas had parquet wood floors.

  Walking into the bedroom we took note of the King size bed to our left, covered with sumptuous black satin linen, all piled atop an irresistible pillow top mattress along with a sculptural chaise in a deep blue fabric. In one corner of the bedroom was a roomy work area. High-speed internet was on the house. Going over to an opening we entered a luxurious marble bathroom with a tiled floor. A dark blue oval bathtub sat front and center of the marbled wall. I felt like we had hit the lottery and had gone to Vegas to celebrate. Diana said that she felt like a princess, someone born in wealth and had royal blood flowing through their veins.

  After our whirlwind tour, Diana and I settled in. True to her word, she ran me a bath in an oval shaped tub.

  “God, with you here and the setting that we’re in, I feel like a married man again,” I said, delighting in the romantic atmosphere I found myself in. “Matter of fact, I feel like I’m rich and married.”

  “Hey, I thought you had no plans of ever marrying again,” Diana said in jest.

  “I didn’t say that I wanted to get married, I just said that I feel like I am.”

  “Well, at least that’s a start,” she said smiling.

  “Just the same, I thought you said that you were never going to fall in love again?” I said, tossing the thought like a hand grenade.

  Closing the gap between us, she pressed her warm body against mine and wrapped her arms around my broad neck. “I giess I’ll have to admit that Lady Fate has changed all of that.”

  Encircling her small waist with my arms, I pulled her closer as I placed my mouth over her hot mouth, the two of us savoring the wave of excitement coursing through our beings.

  “Sheldon, are you falling in love with me?” she asked coming up for air and gazing at me with those dreamy eyes of hers.

  “Diana, I can honestly say now, that I fell in love with you the day I saw you standing there on the curb waiting for a cab.”

  “I didn’t know that Sheldon,” she professed, her eyes glittering.

  “So, when did you start feeling something for me?” I asked curiously.

  “I realized I was falling for you after you ran over to assist that guy who flipped his car. But I tried my best to resist what I was feeling inside until I knew how you felt for me. It wasn’t until we went to the zoo that I was certain you felt what I was feeling for you. By then I had already fallen in love with you Sheldon.”

  “But you barely said anything to me after the night we arrived in Washington. And then you spent all of that time with Ray, especially at the zoo.”

  “Sheldon, don’t you know that was just my way of getting your attention?”

  “Oooh,” I sighed in response. I had sensed all along that she was trying to make me jealous back in Washington by way of Ray. But she was right; I had grown jealous at the time. Quite jealous. But her tactic worked. It brought me out of my shell.

  “Look, I had better go and check on your bath water, okay.”

  “Sure,” I said, giving her a smile that held mystery and promise.

  “I’ll definitely be back after that sexy look,” she beamed, taking off.

  When she returned, I was wearing only my black designer’s briefs. The way she paused and looked at me with wide opened eyes, for a second I thought I was prime rib about to be served.

  “God, I see that you come with the complete package,” she said, closing the gap between us and running her hands on my chest and shoulders and arms. “Hey, I better get you in the tub before I lose all control.”

  “We wouldn’t want that to happen, now would we?” I said in jest.

  “No, we wouldn’t,” she said with an amusing smile.

  Taking me by the hand she led me into the bath area and then left to return to the bedroom. The tub was full of large bubbles. Stripping, I stepped inside and lowered myself down. The water came up to my chest. To my delight, it was warm, comfortable, and soothing. I was scrubbing myself down with an all-natural sponge swollen with water and soap suds when Diana walked in wearing a long white cotton robe, and apparently nothing more.

  Pausing in front of me, she opened it wide, and when she did I took into view the most perfect and sensational body I had ever bared witness to. As beautiful as she was with clothes on, even I was stunned by her natural and flawless beauty without them. I continue to watch in amazement as she let the robe drop to the tiled floor. The work of art I witnessed before me was as magnificent and priceless as any sculptured done by the famous sculptor and painter Michaelangelo. Her face was angelic, her breasts more than ample. Her thighs and legs were as shapely as any reigning Ms. Universe, and her luscious bushy forest, it was as dark and as mysterious as the African continent itself. It was a jungle that begged to be explored. Stepping into the tub to join me, she eased her lovely form down into the warm water then faced me smiling.

  “You like what you saw?” she asked, taking a bar of soap in hand.

  “Baby, you don’t know the half of it. I loved it,” I answered with a toothy smile.
  Taking the sponge in hand, she soaped it up and rubbed me down. When she was finished with my chest and shoulder area she had me turn around so that she could wash my back. Then came my turn. I cannot describe the sensation I felt when I touched her bare breasts for the first time. I will say that my arousal level was off the chart. My mind was no longer on bathing or washing; that was for sure. But Diana wouldn’t allow me to deviate from what she had in mind and that was to wash me and explore all of me with her hands. I guess it was some sort of foreplay for her. For me, one touch of her body had been enough set my hormones on fire. The urgency of my longing was immediate and indescribable. I was ready to get busy.

  After we finished bathing, we dried one another off with large towels. Then she led me into the bedroom, her hand clasping my hand. Once we arrived by the bed she turned and gazed up into my eyes. From that moment I took charge.

  Lowering my head, I brought my full lips to hers in a mutual sharing and exchange of exotic sensations and unspoken passion. What coursed through my body and soul was an ecstasy not of this world. Her wet kisses left me drunk with desire. Her clean and spicy fragrance left me numbed. Over the years I had forgotten how wonderful, magical and powerful love could be. But Diana was here to remind me every step of the way. Her warm and soft nude body was pressed against my hard nude body. Our bodies were locked in an erotic tug of war of sorts, as we kissed and explored and took liberty with one another. It was obvious to her that my innate desire had reached its full potential. Though we kissed and sighed and explored one another’s body and with abandonment, I was ready to probe deeper. Much deeper.

  Coming up for air I said, “What about that massage you promised me?”

  “I’m going to have to put that off until tomorrow morning,” she said with a sexy gaze. “Right now, I have something else in mind I want to massage.”

  With that line, my mouth moved over hers in an unhurried, almost casual way, our heads spinning, the sensation from our hot lips spreading and expanding until we both felt our hearts pounding against one another and a rising heat inside of us that begged to be doused. Her kisses lingered, refusing to go away, and long after I’d stop kissing her. As for Diana, I knew that I had instinctively created little fires inside of her that would not quickly go out. But I was more than willing to try.


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