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Now Wouldn't You Like to Know

Page 12

by Curtis Bennett

  Diana started the car up. Within minutes we were riding along Sand Lake Road and heading towards the Florida Mall. Diana wanted to walk around. We spent an hour there and then headed over to Downtown Disney. We did two hours there. As if that wasn’t enough, we headed over to International Drive, a three mile stretch of stores and restaurants and hotels and amusement attractions. Dusk was setting in when we headed out.

  “God, you don’t know how this reminds me of our time together on the road Sheldon.”

  “Yes, I have to admit that I felt like we were supposed to get on the interstate and drive forever.”

  “Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?” she asked, as she took a right turn onto Sand Lake Road.

  “Packing and making reservations for a U-Haul truck to take my belongings up to Philly.”

  “When are you returning there?”

  “Tuesday is when I plan to head back up there.”

  “How about us going over to Daytona Beach tomorrow after you pack and make your reservation?”

  “Sure, I should be ready to hit the road by 12:00 noon.”

  “Good. I’ll stop by around 9:00 to help you, okay?”

  “You don’t have to but I could use the help.”

  “Hey, you’re my man. And by the way, bring overnight clothes for Daytona in case we decide to stay, okay? My treat.”

  “Sure, babe.”

  Pulling up into the carport, Diana idle the car while we kissed goodnight.

  “Hey, if you have any problems with Jack, just give me a call. I’m serious.”

  “I will.”

  “See you tomorrow morning,” I said, kissing her one last time.

  “I’ll see you tonight in my dreams,” she said, smiling.

  Before turning away, I gave her a dose of my own dreamy eyes and climbed out of the Mercedes. I watched as she backed out then took off waving. I waved back.

  Chapter 14

  Diana arrived around 9:15AM the following morning just minutes after I started packing boxes with books, DVDs, and CDs. I also packed my iPad 2. Wiping my forehead with the back of my arm, I paused to let her in.

  “Good morning, dear,” she said gingerly reaching up to kiss me.

  “And good morning to you,” I replied, pulling her into my embrace and holding her.

  Releasing her, we went to work packing my belongings.

  “You get much rest last night?” she asked, admiring a photo of me.

  “Sure did, what about you?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Why pretty much and not yes I got plenty of rest?”

  “Jack and I got into another argument after he stopped by to pick up a few more things.”

  “So, he’s found a place I gather,” I said, lifting a cardboard box and setting it off to the side.

  “I believe he is staying with a friend until he gets his own place.”

  “I see,” I murmured. “So, what were you two arguing over?”

  “He wanted a little more time to move out but I said no. In addition to that he asked me if I was seeing someone else.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him that it was none of his damn business.”

  I smiled.

  “I just want him gone,” Diana emphasized, as she taped up the box I had just set to the side.

  “That’s two of us, baby,” I chimed in.

  An hour later we called it quits. Before we decided to head out, we both indulged in a small glass of rum and coke along with Reuben Rye sandwiches I had made for the two of us. The corned beef was out of this world. It was on the way up to Philadelphia that she told me rum and coke was one of her favorite drinks and Reuben Rye one of her favorite sandwiches.

  After I cleaned up my mess in the living room area I tidied up in the kitchen, with Diana’s help. I left Mike a note telling him that I would probably be staying overnight in Daytona with Diana. I also gave my word that I would introduce him to Diana the following day. Grabbing my overnight bag we headed out to her Mercedes Benz.

  After gassing up at a local convenient store, she handed me the keys to the car and told me that I could drive. Within minutes we were on I-4 and heading east to Daytona Beach, Florida.

  Traffic was heavy the first ten miles but thinned out after that. Once I set the cruise control at 74mph, Diana and I talked and listened to music and talked some more. Having traveled the interstate together we were quite at home in each other’s company and in such small surroundings as her car. The moments we sat quietly without speaking were as normal and as stressed free as when we were talking. As I had told her before, I felt like I was married again. I found it amusing that before we ended our trip in Philadelphia we had taken to referring to one another as husband and wife, even to others in jest.

  We arrived in the Daytona Beach area inside of an hour. By now we had merged with I-95 north. A few miles later, I eased the Mercedes into the right lane and took the ramp onto International Speedway and headed east. In a short while we passed by the famed Daytona International Speedway and further down the road we passed through historic Bethune Cookman University.

  Diana wanted to check in at a hotel before we did any walking around. She said she wanted some place to retreat to when she got tired or was loaded down with bags. She guided me across the intersection of International Speedway and US1 and three blocks later, across a bridge anchored over the intra-costal waterway. The closer we drew to the beach the more alive and spirited she became. Four blocks later we turned left on a very crowded A1A.

  Pedestrians were everywhere, most wearing beachwear. The hoochie fashions some of the young females wore were thought provoking. I’m talking girls 14, 15, 16, and 17, built like twenty-four year olds. Their adolescent behavior and playfulness was what betrayed their matured bodies, as they chased after, reached and grabbed for, or held onto their boy toys with starry eyes and girlish grins.

  Two miles north on A1A Diana had me turn right and onto the cobblestone driveway of the Daytona Beach Plaza Resort & Spa. The hotel sat facing A1A on one side and the beach and Atlantic Ocean on the other side. A pool was located at the rear of the hotel we were told.

  We checked in and parked our overnight belongings. While I waited on Diana to change her shoes and purse, I looked around the suite and out the window down at the beach and the vast Atlantic Ocean. Going over to the refrigerator I placed a six pack inside, minus one, I had purchased when we gassed up in Orlando. Sitting down on the sofa I picked up a brochure lying on an end table and went over the list of local attractions inside of it. At well placed intervals, I gulped down the can of beer and after I had drained it, belched.

  When Diana reappeared looking as lovely and as radiant as ever, we headed for the lobby with our itinerary in hand. On the way to the Mercedes, we decided to go on a historical visit of Mary McLeod Bethune’s Home and Gardens, over at her university. This two-story, five bedroom house was built on the Bethune-Cookman campus and was her home from 1920’s to her death in 1955.

  After some effort I found a parking spot and we joined in with a group of tourist who were being led inside of the home. Talk about good timing. The home appeared much like it was when Mary lived there, the tour guide told the group. As we were led around the main floor then taken up to the second floor, we viewed her furnishings, books and trinkets. The furnishings were period items but they provided us an intimate look into the life that Mary led. Returning outside we visited her memorial garden where she was laid to rest.

  Diana and I snapped a few pictures then headed over to Ormond Beach, about six miles north of Daytona, to visit the final residence of America’s first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller. His Florida home was known as the Casements. His former home was now a cultural center and museum. While there we toured the period Rockefeller Room, which contains some of the family's memorabilia.

  “Enjoying yourself?” I asked her as we returned to the car.

  “I’m having the time of my life, Sheldon,” she said, smi
ling back.

  “Good,” I replied, studying her.

  “Where to next?” she asked, slinking alongside of me in her slinky red dress, our hands clasped.

  “I was thinking perhaps you’d like to visit the Sugar Mill Botanical Gardens in Port Orange, which is only a couple of miles south of here. We could walk around, take pictures.”

  “Sure –” she began but stopped abruptly in midstride. It was as if she had seen a ghost. Curious, I followed her frozen gaze right over to the windshield wiper blade of her Mercedes. Protruding out from beneath the blade was a folded piece of paper. It was white with blue and purple birds visible on it.

  “What’s wrong Diana?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Jack uses that that type of letter paper,” she uttered, still visibly shaken.

  Going over to the hood of her car I dislodged the paper and unfolded it and read it aloud.

  It read: ‘I just happened to be in the Daytona area today when I saw what looked like your car driving through an intersection. Curious, I followed. When I saw you and your new lover boy strolling along holding hands, I knew right then your motivation for evicting me. Will be seeing you around, Ms. Thang. Tell lover boy he’s wasting his time with you. Jack.’

  Scanning the immediate area I searched everyone and everything to see if I could spot Jack. Diana did so as well. Ripping the paper up, I tossed it in a nearby trash bin.

  “Don’t fret about this,” I told her. “He’s just playing mind games with you Diana. Please, don’t let this asshole get to you.”

  “That’s all I need, a sick stalker,” she said coming out of her trance.

  “Look, I know you are a little shaken up. If you want, we can go back to the hotel.”

  “No, I’m alright,” she said finally looking my way. “I’m not going to let Jack control my life.”

  “Okay, then let’s get out of here,” I replied, opening the car door for her while scanning the area one final time.

  Our outing to the botanical gardens seemed to put her mind at ease. The serene atmosphere and beautiful flowers and color combinations proved to be therapeutic. Walking lazily, hand in hand, we paused at several floral arrangements and took photos, or asked someone to take photos of us, with lovely manicured landscaping or fountains as our backdrop. Birds of various colors and varieties were in abundance in the trees above chirping while their off springs darted after one another in flight.

  “Okay, I’m ready to return to the hotel,” she said, gripping my hand. Her brown eyes looked tired. On whole, she looked thoughtful. I knew Jack was on her mind. Whatever his motives were for leaving that note on her car, he got to her. Still, I gave her credit for having evicted him from her place. That took a lot of nerve. He didn’t know it yet, but I too had plans of evicting him and from her world permanently. “Sheldon, did you hear me?” I heard her say as she brought me back down to earth.

  “Yeah, let’s get out of here,” I responded. “It’s been a long hot day.”

  “You’re still planning on heading back to Orlando this evening?” she asked as we walked.

  “Probably in another hour or so,” I answered.

  “Remember now, just in case you’re tired and have forgotten, I booked us for two nights so we’re good until tomorrow morning,” she reminded me.

  “Hell, I guess we can stay one more night, but I have to get back early in the morning,” I stressed with a toothy smile. “I have more packing to do.”

  We returned to the hotel, bathed and changed clothes, and then headed down to get something to eat. We decided on eating in at the Veranda Lounge, which was located inside of the Plaza Resort and Spa. From what the receptionist had told us on our arrival, they offered a diverse menu of drinks and food served in an intimate atmosphere with an ocean view.

  An hour later, we went outside onto the sparse beach and took a stroll.

  “God, what are we going to do?” I began, taking her hand in mine. “I’m leaving to head up to Philadelphia to start a new career in a few days and you are here in Florida locked into an existing career.”

  “I know, Sheldon,” she said shaking her head. “I’m just as stomped on how we’re going to work this out as you are. I really am.”

  “You could look into transferring up north, right?” I asked as the ocean waves drew close then receded.

  “I could look into seeing if we have a lab in that area,” she countered.

  “But will you Diana? That’s the thing,” I said in a slightly agitated voice.

  “Of course I will, darling,” she said, sensing my frustration. “What’s wrong Sheldon?”

  “I guess I’m just getting a little edgy. I mean I’m leaving you and I don’t want to, then there’s this Jack thing going on with you. I’m just concerned about you.”

  “Please, don’t worry about him, okay?’ she said as she tugged at my arm in a reassuring way. “He’s history.”

  “I understand all of that Diana but I know that sore losers can be unstable people and unstable people sometimes do unstable things.”

  “Look, Jack may act like he’s crazy, at times, but believe me; he’s far from being crazy.”

  “Either way, your ex had better chill out before he sees real crazy,” I said with a trace of a smile.

  “Yeah, that’s right, he had better chill out,” Diana chuckled. “It’s good to have a guardian angel.”

  “I’d feel much better if you were going back with me.”

  “I wished that I could Sheldon, more than anything. But I have to return to work as you know.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Trust me. I’ll work out something, even if I have to look for another job in that area.”

  “I’m down with that,” I smiled. “Come on…let’s head back to the hotel.”

  With my arm wrapped around her shoulders we walked back to the hotel as the tides rolled in.

  The following day we loaded up the Mercedes and made our way back to Orlando. I finished packing and had Diana drive me over to the U-Haul center to reserve a truck for the big move the following Tuesday. That evening we decided to return to her place so that she could freshen up and then go out to a movie. Knowing that we would be separated for a while, we wanted to make the most out of our time together.

  I dropped her off at her place and then headed over to a convenience store a block away to purchase five Lotto tickets and to get one of those health drinks that contain five or six different kinds of fruit and vegetables in it. I had started drinking them two months earlier and to my complete surprise, the blends were quite tasty.

  I returned to Diana’s place only to see another car parked in the driveway. Getting out of her Mercedes, I approached the entrance and pressed the doorbell. When she opened the door for me to enter, there was Jack standing off to the side and staring at me.

  Chapter 15

  Diana was speechless. She glanced from him to me, then back at him. Jack was a tab shorter than I and was wearing a plain light blue cotton T-shirt and faded blue jeans. The soft T-shirt molded to the muscles of his chest. He had one of those George Michaels unshaved faces. His hair was sandy blonde.

  Diana seemed lost for a moment and a little anxious as she contemplated her next move. Finally she said, “Sheldon, this is Jack, Jack this is Sheldon. We did not shake hands, just traded uneasy smiles. The tension in the air was thick.

  “So, I seem to remember someone who looked very much like you at the door a few days ago,” Jack began as he took a seat on a recliner and crossed his legs. “If I remember correctly, you were looking for someone and thought you had the wrong place.”

  “Yeah, that was me,” I said in a gritty voice eyeing him steely. “Once I saw that you were here I gave you the courtesy of turning away since I had not been invited over. I did not want to upset Diana more than anything else.”

  “What? No courtesy call today?” he said curling his lips.

  “None at all,” I retorted, smiling coolly.

  “Look, why
don’t you have a seat Sheldon,” Diana injected as she took me by the hand and led me over to the sofa. It was obvious she did not like the tone or direction our conversation was heading in. She sat down next to me.

  “Jack was just getting the last thing he left here, his cellphone charger, and was about to leave,” she explained, serving Jack a chilly gaze.

  “Yes, that’s right, I was about to leave,” he said with a touch of sarcasm. “But once she told me that you had gone to the store and would be back soon I decided that I’d like to meet you and wish you both the best of luck with your sudden union.”

  “Well, I’m back, you’ve met me, and you’ve said good luck to us. What else can we do for you?” I asked, placing my arm around Diana.

  “I guess I had better be leaving,” he said rising up. “Thanks for holding on to my charger, Diana. Look, would it be asking too much for me to talk to you outside for a minute in private? Just one minute.”

  “Hey, why can’t you say what you have to say right n–” I began as I leaned forward to stand up.

  “– It’s all right Sheldon. It’s all right,” Diana jumped in, touching her open palms to my chest, as if to fend me off. “I’ll be right back.”

  I remained standing as the two exited the front door. Curiously, I walked over to it and peered out the small oval window in the door. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but Diana stood there with her arms folded just beneath her breasts while Jack talked and quite animatedly at that. Around five minutes later he took off and she returned inside.

  Exasperated, she leaned back against the door and pressed her lips together and took a deep breath and exhaled. In the process one of her bangs floated upward.

  “So, what was so important that he had to say it outside of my hearing range?” I inquired.

  “The same old foolishness,” she replied with exasperation. “He wants to get back with me. He says he’s sorry about the way things turned out but will do a better job next time.”

  “And is there a next time?” I asked, studying her reaction.


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