Book Read Free

You are invited to the wedding of Audrey and James

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by Susan Bella Ikin

  You are invited to the wedding of Audrey and James….

  First published 2017

  Copyright © Susan Bella Ikin 2017

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  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.

  You are invited to the wedding of Audrey and James….

  "You know, if it wasn't for me, taking a chance and going on that cruise alone, we wouldn't all be here together like this, and by the way, you're all welcome for me putting in motion a chain of events that led to you all finding the loves of your lives". Sarah delivered her lines smugly, and stood back, folding up the veil she had just helped Audrey to remove.

  Audrey looked at her over her shoulder, she had her back turned as her sister and matron of honour Emily worked on undoing the row of tiny pearl buttons that ran up the back of the dress. Emily snorted as she worked.

  "Do tell, Sarah, I can understand how you could claim that Lucy and Nick met because of you, after all they did meet for the first time on your wedding cruise, but how do you claim credit for Audrey and James, and for me and Richard? Come to think of it, the cruise that you met Adam on was one that I suggested, so I actually am the reason that you met Adam if you want to look at it like that!"

  "Yes, Sarah”, piped in Lucy, “I could just as easily say that I met Nick because he’s Adam’s brother, and it was Adam who invited me to the wedding, not you".

  "Ah, you ladies are a bunch of pedantics – is that even a word? It doesn’t matter. Let me just enlighten you a little", she said as she packed the veil away in a bag and turned to help Emily. "This is just the most gorgeous dress Audrey, did I tell you how beautiful you looked in it by the way? When James turned to look at you when you started walking down the aisle, I nearly cried. The look he gave you – it just made me turn to mush! The man clearly is head over heels for you. Ok, Ok" - this last was said as Emily gave her friend a gentle nudge - "I'll start my story. As you know, Emily booked the cruise. Then the stupid woman - yes, Emily, I'm talking about you – walked in front of a car and couldn’t go on said cruise because she was injured. I went on the cruise anyway, and had an absolutely wonderful time with Adam…”

  Audrey interrupted at that point with a wicked smile, starting to pull the sleeves of her dress off her arms.

  “Is that when you got knocked up Sarah? Did you have too good a time on your holiday?”

  Sarah blushed and patted her abdomen. She had just passed the first trimester in her second pregnancy, and had only recently shared her news with family and friends.

  “No, cheeky woman. Our little oops moment happened after we returned home. What are you laughing about Lucy?”

  Lucy, whose second baby was due in a matter of days, held her side as the tears of mirth rolled down her cheeks.

  “Oh, this isn’t good. If I keep laughing, I’m going to pee. I just loved hearing you describe it like that! Our oops was in New York. Don’t tell Nick I told you, but the condom broke. We have some faulty latex to thank for our little William. I’ve never been so happy for a defective product in my life. Was that what happened to you? I’ve often wondered”.

  Sarah blushed again. “Um, no actually, we just got carried away and forgot to use one. Anyway, where was I? Ok, so I go on the cruise, meet Adam, fall in love, have a falling out with Adam, and don’t see him again for weeks. During that time, I take you, Emily, to meet my architect about the renovations to my house, and she offers you a cottage by the sea to recuperate in. So that’s where you are when I meet up with Adam again – thank you for your help in making him see sense by the way Lucy – and we sort everything out. Now, Emily, you then had the most dramatic first meeting with your future hubby out of all of us – I don’t know how you got him into the house after finding him in that car crash – I don’t know if I could have done it, or if I would have been brave enough, or silly enough, to take a strange man into my house at night when I was all alone”.

  “He wasn’t a risk”, said Emily, “While he was unconscious, I tied him to the bed and didn’t untie him until I was sure he was safe”.

  “NO!” Shouted Lucy. “I’ve never heard that before. Oh, that is so hot. Oh, I’m going to have to try that one on Nick, that should really spice things up”.

  “Lucy!” Squealed Emily. “It wasn’t like that, although don’t think I didn’t think about it. Besides, I don’t think you and Nick need any spice, that baby makes two in two years for you, any more spice and you’re going to need a minibus!”

  Lucy smiled and shifted her weight as she helped Audrey get the dress over her head. “Remember Nick and I are a bit older than all of you. We didn’t want to be too much older when our kids were growing up, so thought we would have them quickly. You know Nick still has that phobia that something is going to happen to me, after his first wife died in childbirth, so I figure it’s better to get the babies happening quickly anyway, before he has time to worry. So tell me Sarah, how is it that you claim it was you that I have to thank for meeting Nick, rather than Adam?”

  “Well, you worked for Adam for years, and you never met Nick, did you?”

  “Yes, but I would have met him at your wedding anyway, and remember I barely knew you then”.

  “Ah, but whose idea was it to go on a cruise to Bermuda for a wedding, hmmm? It was mine! If Adam and I had got married at home, you might have met Nick at the wedding, had a few hours to chat at the reception, then you would have gone home. But on a cruise ship, you had all that time away from the everyday and let the romance blossom. Of course your Mum helped, crafty old Rose with her plotting and scheming!”

  Lucy smiled as she and Emily bagged Audrey’s beautiful dress. Audrey and Emily’s mother had helped Emily to dress, but Audrey’s parents were busy settling the account with the reception venue manager, so Lucy had offered to help Emily and Sarah.

  As Sarah dropped Audrey’s going away dress over her head, Audrey tried to talk, but the sound was muffled by the thick material. She popped her head out the top, and as she started running the zipper up the back of the dress, she laughingly said:

  “Ok, my turn. But let me guess what you’re going to say. On the cruise you met Tom and Judy. James is Tom’s brother, so that’s the link, right?”

  “You’ve got it Audrey. Now, have you got everything? We haven’t left anything behind? Let’s get you out there to throw that bouquet, then you and James can hit the road. I can’t believe you are doing a road trip for your honeymoon!”

  “Well, that’s how we spent our first three months, on a road trip through America, each of us falling for the other, but not knowing. This time, we’re hitting the road right here in Australia, although we’ve only got a month this time, so we won’t get to see anywhere near the amount of sights we want to. At least this time we won’t have to share a room with anyone!”

  Audrey and James

  “James, careful, you’re either going to drop me, or hurt yourself. This is
only a hotel you know, not our home – you don’t have to carry me over the threshold just because we got married today”.

  “Sssh woman, don’t spoil my fun. Just as well we sent our bags ahead, I couldn’t manage carrying you and the bags too! I wanted to carry you in, because I’ve always wanted to do this”.

  Without saying anything further, he bent his head to hers and took her lips in a passionate kiss, not breaking his stride until he reached the bedroom of their suite. Pulling his lips from hers, James looked into Audrey’s eyes for a moment, before grinning wickedly and dropping her on the bed, following her down before she could even complain about the short fall to the soft mattress.

  James then laid down half on, half off Audrey, taking her lips again and teasing her lips apart from his tongue. At the same time, one hand was bunching through her hair, angling her head so that he could plunder her mouth, while the other was running up her leg, slowly pushing the hem of the heavy cream coloured dress up while he ran his fingers along her inner thighs. Encountering the garter, he paused, then broke away from the kiss, sitting back and using both hands to push the skirt high up on Audrey’s thighs. Audrey lay there, watching him as he discovered the underwear she had been wearing under her wedding dress.

  “Audrey, when did you get these?” James whispered as he discovered the white, lacy garters and white frilly panties.

  Audrey smiled. “I bought them to go with my dress. Wait until you find the bra”.

  The pupils in James eyes dilated and he grabbed Audrey by the hand, pulling her so that she sat upright and reaching behind her to unzip her dress. Audrey ended up stepping off the bed so she could remove the dress, and as she pulled it over her head, she heard James draw in his breath on a small moan.

  Audrey stood before James in her matching bridal ensemble, enjoying the look in his eyes. After more than a year together, he still desired her as if they had just started dating, that much was obvious. Also obvious was the large and growing bulge in his trousers, and she leaned forward to run a finger down it, returning the finger to her lips coquettishly and looking at him as she sucked on her finger gently.

  James reacted by grasping his shirt and pulling the two sides apart, sending buttons flying in all directions. He scrambled off the bed to remove his clothes quickly, Audrey hooked her fingers through either side of her panties, and pulled them down just a little, teasingly. James paused, then pushed his trousers and underwear down in one movement, hopping on each foot as he pulled off his shoes and socks. In a very short time, he stood facing Audrey, naked and fully erect, and reaching for his bride, he guided her to sit on the side of the bed, then eased her back so that she was laying down, settling in between her legs. He bent down and tried to work out how to get her panties down while leaving the garters and stockings in place, causing Audrey to cover her face as she giggled.

  “Don’t laugh Audrey! Stockings are certainly sexier than pantyhose, but I don’t know how to get these off” – indicating her panties – “while leaving these on” – indicating the garter and stocking tops. I know it’s a bit kinky, but you’ve got no idea what a turn on it is having sex with you when you’re wearing them”.

  “James, how long have we known each other? We’ve done it in every position we could think of, everywhere in our house, clothed and unclothed. I think I do know that you like stockings, I’ve been a bit turned on all day knowing I was wearing them and that you were going to find them tonight!”

  James leaned down to pull at the panties with his teeth.

  “Mmm, you have been turned on, haven’t you, you’re wet already”.

  Audrey gasped as James whispered those words against her folds, his breath was cooling on her hot flesh. He was right, she had been looking forward to tonight, and she was certainly looking forward to what she knew he would do next. Before long, James had Audrey hurtling towards the crest of her first orgasm for the night, he had pulled her panties to one side and held them in place with his thumb while he stroked her with two fingers. At the same time, he was nibbling on her clitoris, alternately licking, blowing and nipping, the differing sensations causing Audrey to gasp as he held her on the brink. Finally he leaned a bit further down, removing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue, thrusting it in and out of her flesh, making her cry out his name as she pleaded with him to stop teasing her. As James felt her shuddering in her release, he moved forward, pulling her hips towards him and lifting her legs over his shoulders. He pushed into her as she was still in spasm, groaning as he felt her inner muscles clenching his shaft as he eased in and made sure he was fully seated. Not giving her a chance to recover from her climax, he began thrusting in and out, going in deep because of the position they were in, and continuing to exert pressure on her clitoris with one thumb while he grasped her buttock with the other hand and pumped in as deeply as he could.

  When his orgasm hit he arched his back to push in to Audrey as fully as possible, feeling her inner muscles clench him and massage him again as she had her second climax for the night, and crying out her name in ecstasy.

  Afterwards, as they lay together lazily touching and talking, James realized that he hadn’t removed any of Audrey’s underwear. Oh well, he had the rest of the night to rectify that little oversight, in fact, they had the rest of their lives to enjoy each other. He felt Audrey giggle and looked over at her.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Well, I was just thinking about a conversation I had in the bride’s room while I was getting changed out of my dress. It just made me think about how funny life is, and how a couple of small changes here and there make such a difference to how your life could work out. I’m so glad my sister is a klutz”.

  Before he could ask what she meant, she leaned down and kissed him, the light of love in her eyes.

  Sarah and Adam

  “Your sister is a jewel, Adam”. Sarah said, turning her head on the car seat and looking at her handsome husband as he drove home from the reception. He turned to her quizzically.

  “Amelia? Why?”

  “Well, it can’t be easy taking on both Hannah and William, she’s had them all day while we’ve been at the wedding, and she’s keeping them tonight too, she’s got her own kids to look after, imagine taking on two toddlers as well”.

  “Robert’s no slouch either you know, he’ll do his share. Plus Lana and Josh will help out a little. It was probably easier for her to keep them overnight anyway, if they’ve gone to sleep it would only disrupt everyone if we showed up at this hour to pick them up. Besides, you, Lucy, Nick and myself are all going to have broken nights again soon, a good night’s sleep will be appreciated at this stage”.

  Sarah looked at Adam. She didn’t want a good night’s sleep. She never tired of the pleasure that Adam could give her, and the pleasure she could give him, and just because she was pregnant she didn’t see any reason to stop yet. But he didn’t have to know that now.

  When they arrived home, Adam suggested she go and get ready for bed while he put the car away and checked that the house was secure. Sarah went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. She stayed in there a while so that Adam had time to get everything done and get ready for bed, when she finally ventured out, he was just climbing between the sheets. She pouted.

  “Why are you wearing boxers? Hannah isn’t here, we won’t have to share the bed with any little visitors tonight”. As she spoke, she lightly ran a hand over her own body, from her breasts to her thighs, and was rewarded by seeing Adam fumble under the sheet, pulling his hand out with his boxers dangling over one finger. He spun them around and flung them to the side, a broad smile on his face.

  “Are you sure you’re not too tired?” he asked as she approached, totally naked.

  As Sarah drew closer to the bed, she noticed that the sheet was rising in the region of the top of Adam’s thighs, and smiled as her eyes traveled up his body to meet his eyes. She leaned down, gently eased back the sheet and lightly touched Adam’s swollen shaft. He

  “No, not tired. Looking forward to a night where we can take our time, leave the lights on, and make as much noise as we want. I love our baby girl, but she does seem to be able to interrupt at the most inconvenient times, doesn’t she?” Sarah said as she climbed onto the bed and leaned down to place a kiss on the tip of Adam’s shaft, licking the little bead of moisture from the top as it welled up.

  “Yes!” Adam shouted. Sarah didn’t know whether he was responding to her question, or her actions, and didn’t really care. She leaned over him and took him into her mouth, as deeply as she could, sliding her lips down slowly, licking along the underside with her tongue, scraping the big pulsing vein, as Adam moaned and writhed under her administrations, lifting his hips from the bed and trying to thrust deeper into her mouth. Pushing her hand down firmly on the base of his shaft, Sarah managed to both keep him in place and give him more pleasure. Adam pushed at her leg with his hands, they had been married long enough for Sarah to know what he wanted, and wanting it herself, she was only happy enough to oblige. Without taking her mouth off his shaft, she slightly raised herself up and turned around so that Adam was able to reach her core with his hands, which had been fidgeting in the sheets and now found something far better to do. As she began to move her head up and down on him faster and faster, Adam stroked her inside and out, bringing her almost to the edge of her climax when suddenly he grasped her thighs and tried to sit up. Grumbling in displeasure, as she had been so close, she stopped complaining when Adam moved to kneel behind her, repositioning her so that she was on all fours, facing away from him. Just as during her first pregnancy, Adam was reluctant to rest his weight on her when they made love, but in this position, he was able to push in deep enough to give them plenty of pleasure, without feeling as if he was going to hurt the baby. Without wasting any time, he placed the tip of his shaft at the entrance to her moist folds, and grasping her thighs, pushed in deeply, groaning as he did. The pressure was enough to send Sarah over the edge, and as she climaxed, she felt Adam continue to pump in and out of her, moaning as he enjoyed the spasmodic tightening of her inner muscles on his shaft.


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