Forever Seventeen

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Forever Seventeen Page 18

by Lizzie Bowen

CHAPTER FIFTEEN: You never loved him

  I woke up in the morning feeling grouchy and awful. What I really needed was a nice, long nap, but that wasn't going to happen. We had a jam-packed tour schedule and tonight the boys were headed to a huge awards show. The finest celebrities would be there, but the rest of the band wasn't invited. I guess Kade and I would just have to watch it on the television from the comfort of our own rooms...bummer. I got dressed and got ready for rehearsal. I bounced in the room ready to rock. This was a time to let loose and forget everything that had happened yesterday. It was a moment for me... not Ryan. Ryan had taken up so much of my time and thoughts already and quite frankly he didn't deserve any more. I'd given him everything and I knew he wasn't thinking twice about me. The place was empty. The boys much be running a little late. I walked onto the stage and began to tune my guitar. Hunter came bounding in.

  “Hey, Sam!” He cried a little too excitedly.

  “Hey.” I replied back looking up from my guitar.

  “So, you know tonight is the big awards show.” Hunter said.

  “Yes...” I replied, not really knowing where he was going with this.

  “Well, I wanted to know if you'd be my date to it.” I winced a little. That awards show had a lot of cameras and celebrities there...pretty celebrities. I knew it would be really easy to see who were the superstars and what the cat had dragged in.

  “Hunter, I don't know. There's a lot of people and cameras there and I think your fans would be really jealous anyway. I just don't really think it's a good idea.” I said. Hunter sighed threw his head back in an annoyed fashion, as if we'd been over this a million times before, but we kind of had.

  “Sam, it'll be fun! I promise I won't let the big mean celebrities get to you.” He said in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes. He got down on his knees and took my hands in his.

  “Samantha Baker, I would like to cordially invite you to a simply gathering where awards of high status will be handed out to subjects worthy of it. If you refuse, I'm terribly afraid I will have to result to screams and cries of anger and sadness. So please accept this simple invitation.” Hunter said in a loud obnoxious voice. I smiled a little and also blushed at his loud, embarrassing invitation.

  “Yes, kind sir', I accept.” I said with a slight curtsy. He let out a low raspy chuckle and kissed my hand.

  “That's my girl.” He said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He looked me deep in the eyes and grinned his signature, cheeky, charming boyish grin.

  “They're gonna love you.” He whispered. Kade came in right then. When he saw Hunter's face so close to mine he jumped a little. A strange look filled his eyes that I was unable to read. Anger? Jealousy? All of the above? I wasn't sure. Hunter looked at him then back to me as he leaned in and pecked my lips. I stood there frozen, completely paralyzed. Kade looked down at the ground for a moment then back at me. There was so much hurt in his eyes and he gripped his chest a little as if the sight he'd just witnessed pained him. Hunter had kissed me before right in front of Kade. Before Kade's expression was confusing and unreadable. Now, it was clear. His hand remained gripping his chest and his eyes bore holes into Hunter. If looks were capable of killing Hunter would be long dead. I wiggled uncomfortably out of Hunter's arms. Hunter smirked a little at Kade and I wanted to slap him silly.

  “What's wrong with your face, Kade?” Hunter asked. I stiffened up. I shook my head ever so slowly at Kade. He looked at me then back to Hunter.

  “I fell and ran into a pole.” Kade replied quickly. He scratched his head and shifted awkwardly. He was so bad at being unsuspicious.

  “Must have been a pretty special pole.” Hunter said nodding toward his bruise that looked exactly like it had been marked by a fist.

  “And a special fall.” He added quietly. He looked at me with a little gleam in his eye as he said that and I looked down too embarrassed to meet his eyes. He followed Kade's gaze to me and slid in front of me, blocking Kade's view of me. His hands hovered in front of me like a predator protecting it's food. Hunter kissed my head, marking his territory. I flinched a little. I didn't like to be thought of as territory. As a matter of fact, I didn't like any of this. I didn't come here for a love story. A love story is what so many girls dreamed of in their life time. Not me... my dream was to make it through this crazy thing called life and survive. This feeling of being fought over was one that I wasn't used to. I didn't like this.

  “You should probably get in your position. We'll be starting any time now.” Hunter said to Kade. Kade grunted and walked toward his guitar. As Kade walked past Hunter as was able to see me again, he smiled at me. Hunter shifted around to my side quickly, blocking me once again. Hunter's eyes were full of fiery and he had a “go ahead and try me” expression on his face. Kade didn't move nor did he break eye contact with Hunter. Their heated stares were setting the room on fire with tension. No words were said and you could pretty much hear a pen drop in this place. I guess it was a matter of who would surrender first. I stood there awkwardly caught in the middle of all this. Neither one seemed like retreating was an option for them. Kade growled a deep frightening growl that came from the back of his throat and turned on his heels slowly. He walked to the backstage area, his every step echoing in the silence of the room. I stood there quiet and frozen, not quite sure what had just happened. Hunter spun around quickly and put his hands on my shoulders. I jumped back a little at the sudden break of the lingering silence.

  “I don't want you near him, you hear me?” He almost hissed. I pulled my head back quickly with righteous indignation.

  “What do you mean you don't want me around him?” I snapped.

  “I mean he's bad news, Sam. Trust me, that guy is nothing but a trouble maker. Stay with me...where you're safe.” Hunter said. Oddly enough, I didn't feel safe with Hunter. Especially not now when he was clucking like a hen at me and telling me who to do be with. It made me angry when he did that. He said he was only trying to protect me, but he wasn't my father so there was no need for him to act like he was.

  “Why did you hire him if he's nothing but trouble?” I demanded. Hunter let out a loud sigh and ran his fingers through his gorgeous locks. He did that when he was frustrated and I was usually the reason for his frustration.

  “I didn't know, Sam! Why do you have to have a perfect explanation for everything?” Hunter said, the aggravation clear in his tone.

  “You drive me crazy.” I muttered angrily.

  “YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY!” He screamed angrily. I jumped at his booming voice. His voice echoed and bounced off the walls in this place, ringing loudly in my ears. He saw a fright in my face which was uncommon for me because I usually wasn't scared of anything. He sighed when he saw my frightening expression. He touched my shoulder lightly. I jumped again.

  “Would you stop that?” He said through clenched teeth.

  “What?” I asked, shrugging his hand of my shoulder.

  “Flinching every single time I get anywhere near you.” He replied. He was trying to keep his cool and I was almost tempted to test him, but I stopped myself. I didn't want to take it too far.

  “Listen, Sam I love you. I love you a lot and I just wanna do what's best for you, okay? I don't want you to get hurt. I honestly don't know what in the world I'd do if you got hurt because you mean so much to me. Now, can we please try and get along?” He grinned like a cute little kid when he said please. I smiled back a little. He was a charmer, I've got to admit. It was hard to stay angry with someone like that, but I've got a lot of experience in being angry with people. I nodded slowly, accepting the invitation to start over.

  “Okay.” I said. I didn't mean it though. He couldn't stop me from seeing Kade. I'd do what I wanted to do. I guess I was just a rebel at heart. I looked at him defiantly, but I nodded and pretended I was listening all the same.

  “We're gonna have fun, o
kay? Tonight is gonna be great. Don't even worry about Kade.” Hunter said. I nodded again, but I knew I would be worrying about Kade anyway. For some reason, the thought of him being all alone while I was out living the dream gave me a sort of unsettling feeling.

  “I already told our manager that you'll be coming and he found an extra seat. I also told our stylist to help you get your hair and makeup down if you want.” Hunter offered.

  “Thanks.” I said. The words felt funny on my lips. I wasn't used to thanking people for things because not many good things were done in my favor. He grinned at me then walked backstage to get his mic stand. My head wasn't really in the rehearsal that day nor was my heart. I was really worried about the awards show tonight. What was I supposed to wear? Were celebrities as stuck up in real life as they were in the movies? What if I wore a totally whack outfit and I was on a “What Not To Wear” episode? What if Hunter ran off with some other pretty girls and left me all alone? All these thoughts were raced through my mind. I sat there defeated. I couldn't believe that I had agreed to go honestly. I liked the idea of going, but the reality of it was quite scary. After rehearsals, our hair stylist, Kelly came running up to me with a giddy look on her face.

  “Are you ready?” Kelly asked.

  “Ready for what?” I questioned in reply.

  “To get ready for tonight!” Kelly cried, as if the answer was completely obvious.

  “But that's in like nine hours.” I protested.

  “Beauty takes time, babe. Now lemme see the dress.” Kelly said, a sparkle lighting her eyes. I raised my eyebrows. I had no idea what she was talking about.

  “, no, no, no, no! Don't tell me you don't have a dress!” She practically yelled. She was grabbing her hair and I thought if her grasp got any tighter she might rip it right out of it's roots. I honestly didn't see what the big deal was.

  “Kelly, it's okay. I'm sure I've got something.” I said, waving her off. I turned to go, but she grabbed my shoulder and jerked me violently back around to face her.

  “Sam, you obviously do not understand what things are like in this world. This isn't your typical Sunday attire. Sam, people spend weeks sometimes even months picking out the perfect dress for a night like this. We have one night. This is a huge deal and many people dream of going to events like this with a guy like Hunter. As a matter of fact, not a guy like Hunter, a guy who is Hunter. You do realize he was voted Hottest Man Alive. You're dating America's don't blow it.” With that, she grabbed my hand and whisked me away to her car. I didn't really get what the big deal was and to be honest her dramatic words and hand gestures annoyed me.

  I also hated how much she was stressing how incredibly hot and wonderful Hunter was. I get it, okay. The world loves him and not me. I didn't need that being waved in my face every five seconds. It was a pretty known fact without the announcement. We rode in her hot pink convertible in absolute silence. I didn't even want to go to this stupid thing. Why was I being dragged to go shopping. Shopping...ew. I hated it. It was so girly.

  “We have so much work to do.” Kelly muttered. I rolled my eyes dramatically and prayed that she didn't see it.

  “I don't even have money.” I protested, half-heatedly. Kelly waved a pink credit card in the air. much pink.

  “It's on the house.” She said, smiling with her glossy lips. I wasn't sure she was allowed to dip into the band's bank account like that.

  “This card is for emergencies and I considered this a fashion emergency.” She said, as if reading my mind. Fashion emergency or not, I didn't want to be doing this.

  We rolled into a huge building with a sign on the front that said “Lilian's” on it. It was an extremely fancy looking place with glass doors that you could see practically to the other side of the building with and a beautiful garden lining the outside area.

  “Where are we?” I asked Kelly.

  “Only at a world renounced fashion designer's business.” Kelly replied.

  “World renounced?” I echoed. Kelly nodded.

  “He's pretty much the best.” Kelly said with a satisfied smirk.

  “No, no, no! He? Please, don't tell me this guy's a dude.” I begged.

  “That would be what the term he means.” She said. I clapped my palm against my head.

  “Well, this should be fun.” I muttered, as I reluctantly rolled out of the car. As I walked in I realize just how “world renounced” it was. The ceilings were set high with glass chandeliers hanging from them and the lobby was enough to fit about four football fields. There were secretaries on every corner chatting away into her headsets, smart-looking people running around with clipboards, and cameramen filming it all go down. Wait, what? Cameramen? No, this couldn't be...

  “They have their own reality show.” Kelly, said confirming my nightmares. They'd better not film me. It was bad enough Hunter had convinced me to go to this event where there would be cameras snapping away at us. That was totally enough publicity for one day.

  “But there's hundreds of customers a day, right? Surely they've got plenty of footage.” I said nervously. Kelly rolled her eyes and shook her head slowly.

  “Sam, don't you worry your pretty little head. They won't film you. I'll make sure of it.” Kelly stated. I breathed a sigh of relief. That was one less thing to worry about.

  Kelly strode up to the receptionist. Her face light up at the sight of Kelly.

  “Kelly, baby! It's been forever. What can I do for you today?” She asked.

  “The girl needs a dress for the award show tonight.” Kelly said, nodding toward me. The receptionist looked at me with a little smirk playing on her lips.

  “Ohhh, I recognize you. You're Hunter's girl. It's nice to meet you. The tabloids are hot on your tail, missy.” She said with a mischievously grin. I forced a polite smile. I hated to be known as “Hunter's girl.” I was a real human-being with actually feelings, and a name, and everything. But I was well-aware of the tabloids. I had been trying to stay away, but you simply can't shelter yourself from everything.

  “It's awful late to be getting a dress.” The receptionist stated. Oh, whatever. I didn't come here to get shunned, ya know?

  “Yes, I know. She's still learning the ropes of the whole Hollywood thing.” Kelly stated.

  Oh, the “Hollywood thing” is that what they call a bunch of brats in tight dresses?

  “It's quite difficult to grasp. I'm still trying to get a handle of it.” The receptionist said with a laugh. Kelly began cackling her obnoxious witch laugh as well. To be honest, they both sounding like a bunch of snorting pigs when they laughed. But most everyone in this business sounded like a snorting pig most of the time. I laughed along awkwardly anyway even though I found nothing funny in the slightest. '

  “Sheri will show you the way.” The receptionist said. Sheri jumped up at the sound of her name. Sheri was an eager, bubbly, little blonde who enjoyed talking. As we neared the elevators she was already yammering about her new french poodle and how she didn't get along with her hairless cat that she had recently adopted. I also got a good informative of how water from the Swiss Alps was much better for your skin and the guy who could hook me up with some if I came into some alley at midnight with money. I swear I could tell you the girl's life story by the time we finally reached our destination.

  “Alright, good luck with the dress. Oodles!” Sheri cried as she bounced off.

  “She sure is a peppy thing.” Kelly muttered. I shrugged.

  “Surprisingly...I kind of like her.” I admitted. Kelly shrugged as well then pushed through the heavy double doors. The doors had a huge star on them that read “Marcos.” Yeah... this guy was gonna be a total weirdo. I could smell the nut case already. When we entered, the first thing I saw was a man with extremely tight pants on. He also sported a turtleneck and white hair that was in a bowl cut around his strangely square face. He had thick black glasses and one white glove on...just the way I pictured him.

h, Keeeelllyy, babyyyy!” He said throwing his noodle-like arms in the air. Oh. My. Gosh. Ew.

  “Oh, it's just been too long.” He said playfully swatting her arm with his ridiculously small wrist. He giggled a little and jumped up and down. I lowered my head in shame. This was simply too much for my eyes to bare.

  “Oh, and who is this lovely little lady?” He asked, putting his hands on his lips.

  “I'm Sam.” I said weakly. His hand fluttered to his mouth.

  “OMG, could you happen to be the girlfriend of Hunter Thompson. The Hunter Thompson? That boy's band is bigger than the Beatles, you know. Oh, I'll be right back.” He said clapping his hands excitedly. No way. He just said OMG out loud and he was a dude. This was too much. I tossed my head over at Kelly as if I'd just been slapped.

  “Kelly, I want out.” I said firmly.

  “Don't be so dramatic.” Kelly, said as she applied MORE lip gloss.

  “I'm not being dramatic. The guy is absolutely nuts. Why would I let a fruit cake like that put me in a dress?” I questioned. Kelly smiled at little at my little “fruit cake” comment. She pursed her lips and forced the smile to fade, but diffidently not before I saw it.

  “He's a very well respected man. You should be ashamed of yourself talking about him like that.” Kelly stated.

  “Kelly, he said OMG... out loud. Like he was a sixteen year old white chic or something.” I stated. Again, Kelly pursed her lips to suppress the smile that was threatening to spread across her face. I'd gotten my point across.

  Just then, Marcos came bounding in with cameramen on his tail. I nearly fell out of my hot pink feathered chair. I threw my hands in front of my face, blocking the camera's shot of me.

  “What are they doing here?” I practically shouted.

  “Oh, this is just gonna be so perfect... a segment on the girlfriend of the most popular man in the world getting the perfect dress. Samantha, you'll be a fashion icon.” Marcos said putting his hand on his heart as if saluted fashion or something.

  “First off, don't call me Samantha. Second, I think you're completely bonkers and I don't like you-” I began to rant.

  “SAM!” Kelly snapped. Her eyes were daggering into me, but I wasn't done... not even close.

  “Third, there is absolutely no way on this earth you are filming me and lastly, I will hit you with your own Prada bag if front of your mother if you address me as “Hunter's girlfriend” one more time.” I said. You could pretty much hear a pen drop in the room after that. It was really silent really quickly.

  “Um, Sam can I have a word please?” Marcos asked, as he motioned for me to follow him out. With a dramatic eye roll and throwing of the head I followed him reluctantly outside. He led me down the plush red carpeted hallway to a corner. I was sort of scared to be following this looney toon. People like him were unpredictable.

  “Sam, darling... please can you do this for me? This could boost my show to an all new level. I won't lie to you because I love you... the ratings haven't been their best recently.” Marcos said ringing his hands nervously. You tell me because you love me? Uh, ew.

  “Listen, I'm sorry about your ratings, but there's nothing I can do. My hands are tied.” I said.

  “Well, then untie them because I need you.” He whined. He was whining now. I repeat, the grown man is whining. He looked at me then back to the camera men.

  “I know about Kade.” He blurted out.

  “What?! What are you talking about?” I hissed.

  “You're in with love him.” He said, a greedy little smile on his ugly face.

  “I am not! There's nothing between us.” I insisted.

  “Isn't there?” He asked, pulling out his phone. A picture of Kade and I embracing flashed onto the screen. I just stood there with my arms crossed. I seriously couldn't believe this.

  “You're a monster. An ugly, weird, soap opera, rom-com, Prada bag carrying, monster.” I muttered.

  “I didn't wanna have to go there, but you left me no choice.” He said putting his hands up innocently. I grabbed at the phone, but he quickly held it above his head and out of my reach.

  “Not unless you do the episode.” He said, wagging a finger at me.

  “You're wasting my time.” I said through clenched teeth.

  “You don't think I'm a busy man as well? I've got appointments that I'm missing as we speak.” He said, planting a hand on his hip.

  “Fine, but under one condition. No more hands on hips, clapping of hands, flipping of hair, wagging of finger, squeals, shrieks, salutes, or jumping up and down.” I said. Marcos sighed.

  “I do believe that's more than one condition.” He muttered. I rolled my eyes and followed him back into the room.

  “I'll do it.” I announced as I entered.

  “You will?” Kelly asked in disbelief.

  “She will.” Marcos echoed. Instantly, the cameramen were up in my face. I sighed and tried to make the best of it. I sort of felt like I might be sick though. My hair was a tangled mess, my makeup lazily done, and my baggy clothing stood out like a sore thumb in this fancy up-scale place.

  “LET'S GET STARTED!” Marcos cried, as he pulled dresses of the rack.

  The first Marcos pulled was a frilly pink halter top dress with rhinestones and bow on the stomach area. I could already tell this was going to be a nightmare. I changed into it and walked onto the catwalk that was set up out of my dressing room.

  “I like it.” Kelly said.

  “I think it makes you look like a sparkle sensation.” Marcos said.

  “I think it looks like a unicorn threw up on me.” I stated.

  “NEXT!” Kelly and Marcos cried. The next one was a long sleeved turquoise dress that was cut to the knees in the front and long in the back. I strut playfully down the catwalk.

  “I like the color.” Kelly stated.

  “I don't know... it just doesn't scream Sam.” Marcos said.

  “You're right... next!” Kelly cried. Next was a sparkly, short black strapless dress that was frilly at the bottom. Maybe this wasn't so bad. I actually felt...kind of pretty. I walked onto the catwalk.

  “We're getting there...” Kelly said.

  “I'm just not quite feeling it.” Marcos stated. This process continued until we found a long red dress with small embroidery going across the waist. The sleeves were slim and embroidered as well. I walked out, both Kelly and Marcos gasped.

  “Oh my gosh.” Kelly muttered.

  “I think I'm gonna cry.” Marcos said, dabbing his eyes.

  “No, no, noooo! No crying or you'll loose your non-existant manhood.” I said. He even laughed softly at my unnecessary comment.

  “You look so beautiful, Sam.” Kelly said, walking beside me. I peered in the mirror. I didn't even really look like me in this dress. My face even looked different. There was a light in it. I looked and felt confident.

  “I think I've found it... I've found the dress.” I said, touching my reflection. Tears shimmered in Kelly's eyes. She fanned her face to keep her makeup from running. I did a little twirl in my dress.

  “ does it feel?” Marcos asked, hoping behind me and peering at my reflection over my shoulder.

  “Perfect. I feel...beautiful.” I said. The room erupted into applause. Even the cameramen that I had treated so poorly earlier. The minute I saw my reflection, I knew that this entire day had been completely worth it. The name-calling, the screaming, the drama, and the overall uncomfortableness of the situation was well worth it now.

  I smiled at the confident, striking girl I saw in the mirror. Shopping wasn't so bad really. To be honest, I think the only reason I disliked it so much was because when you shop the focus is entirely on you. You're picking out clothing specifically for the indulgent of yourself and indulging in myself wasn't a habit I had acquired. Besides, I gave up trying to look perfect a really long time ago.

  “Now, come with me, darling. We have to do a short interview for a segment in the show.” Marc
os said, leading me into a small closed in room. I looked at him suspiciously.

  “Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head. It'll be fast, I promise.” He assured. I obeyed hesitantly and followed. Practically, the second I sat down a light switched on and questioned were rapidly fired at me. One of the questions was what I was getting this dress for today and why the appointment was made.

  “Um, I made the appointment today because I'm going to my very first award show.” I said a bit nervously.

  “Who's your date?” I should have seen that question coming.

  “Hunter Thompson.” My voice wasn't as confident as I would have hoped.

  “Do you love him?” Oh, what a lovely-blunt question there. Make sure and not hold back at all, just come right out with it. But for some reason the words flew out of my mouth before I really even realized that I was saying them. I was never like this. I never opened up, but for some reason my heart was saying it was time to tell the world my store when my mind was screaming otherwise.

  “To be honest, I'm really undeserving of the love I've been given not only by Hunter, but by everyone on the “All4U team.” I started. Shut up, shut up, shut up! I tried to tell myself to stop, but I couldn't. The words continued to roll off my lips.

  “I've had so many issues for so long now. When I auditioned to be in this band, I couldn't accept the fact that they actually liked me. Because...that was a first. I don't know how to deal with someone liking me since all I've ever been is pushed away. When someone loves me, it won't even register because it makes me question why they'd do that when I've been rejected and burned so many times.” I stopped for a breathe. I tried to bite my tongue, but I just couldn't.

  “Every girl dreams about this fairytale romance, but I've never wanted that. I realized that only the pretty, perfect girls get the happy ever after ending and it was made clear pretty early on in my life that I wasn't one of them. I don't want happy ever after anyway. I've just wanted to make it through life. Yes, I'm extremely hard to handle, obnoxious, rude, and selfish. But then when someone loves me through that I'm like...why? Why would you stay with me when I'm so used to people leaving? It scares me when people stay. Hunter has stayed with me when I'm hard to handle and I'm really grateful for that.” I had let my feelings out. Now, it was time to tell the world my story.

  “A few months ago, I was at school...the kids would always call me these really cruel names and I pretended like it didn't hurt me. I've always pretended to be an emotionless, heartless, jerk, but I swear I have feelings. The kids didn't know that. I remember every time I'd be in the bathroom there would be this group of girls...the minute I came in they'd turn and wait until I left to continue talking. I stayed behind the door one time and realized the topic of conversation was me. I think they wanted me to hear it. It was almost like they planned it because every single day that would happen. Well, eventually it got to be too much. One day, a girl tore me down in front of everybody and I just lost it. I honestly couldn't control myself. I remember hearing their laughs and it was like fire in my ears. I can't even really remember what happened next, but I do remember hitting everyone I saw. I punched everyone I saw. Needless to say, I got kicked out of school. So then I was just kinda of what? I had absolutely no friends and to be honest, not much family to lean on. I'd just play my guitar because it was literally my only friend. I just sat around wondering what in the world I was going to do with my life. I felt like I was in a rut going through the same motions every day. There was nothing special in my life. I think All4U was that one special thing I needed in my life.” I said. The whole room was quite now. My story was sent a hush over them all. Finally, someone asked a question. I think it was more to break the horrible silence than out of interest.

  “Do you think your experience has made you bitter?” He asked. I paused a moment before answering.

  “Well, I've been told that I tend to push people away. It's just...I feel like my life is series of disappointments so taking the chance and being happy just isn't worth it. Friends leave, boyfriends leave, I found out this week that even family leaves so...why take the jump when you know in the end you could fall. If I take the jump I'd better fly, because another fall is just too much to take.” I replied. My reply was deeper than I even knew I was capable of being.

  “What would you do if you hadn't made the band?”

  “Before all this, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I'd just sit in my room all alone and wish that something would happen to me. I was just bored of my life. I didn't really like to be alone and cooped up all the time, but I had to kind of get used to it.” I said.

  “Has Hunter saved your life?” I didn't know how in the world I was going to answer that one. Neither yes or no seemed like an easy answer.

  “Yes.” The word came from my mouth without me even knowing it had. With that, the camera men all grinned at me and started to take their equipment down.

  “Alright, we're all done here.” They said, as they packed up their gear.

  “Thank-you.” I muttered as I swiftly exited the room. I was extremely discomforted by the fact that I had just poured my heart out to complete strangers. Marcos tapped me, destroying my thoughts.

  “Sam, dear, if you wanna watch the show it'll be airing Sunday night. You see, we tape every week then release the episodes which is what makes us different from the other shows. They film for a few months then release week by week, but we film and release week by week. We're special.” Marcos bragged.

  “You sure are.” I muttered. It didn't matter anyway. I didn't even really care to look in a mirror much less see myself on television. I wouldn't be catching it, I wouldn't have even done it if Marcos hadn't bribed me with the picture of Kade and I.

  Kelly and I paid for the dress and carried it out on it's hanger and proper protection. I looked over at Kelly, she was all smiles.

  “I knew you'd like it.” Kelly said with a smirk.

  “I never said I liked it.” I replied stubbornly. Kelly did a long dramatic eye roll.

  “Oh, won't you just admit you like being a girl?” She groaned.

  “A girl? Mmm, that doesn't sound like me.” I said with a shrug. She shook her head at me.

  “Samantha Baker, I will turn you into a lady if it's the last thing I do.” Kelly stated.

  “Well, good luck with that one.” I muttered.

  “I heard that! And for that we're gonna make your hair and makeup tonight extra girly.” She smirked. I let out an annoyed groan, but to be honest I was really looking forward to getting all dolled up tonight. I loved looking and feeling pretty.

  “Hunter is going to be so impressed.” Kelly stated. I laughed a little at her comment because to be honest, I wasn't seeking to impress him. I was seeking to impress his snooty, pretty celebrity friends. Next, we stopped off at the stylist for some hair care. I sat down and instantly the brush began ripping away at my hair. I winced a little. I'll admit I didn't take very good care of my hair, but I had no idea there was so many tangles. She brushed as if she was starting a chainsaw.

  “I' sure glad you came to me, sweetheart. I don't think your poor hair could have taken much more of this kinda treatment.” I smiled at her thick southern accent. I liked it. I could listen to her talk for ages even if she was chewing me out about my hair.

  “So, doll lemme see the dress.” The stylist said. I walked over to the other side of the room and unzipped it from it's plastic bag. Her hands fluttered to her mouth.

  “It's beautiful! I've got the perfect hairstyle for that dress. Have a seat, sweetie.” She said as she whipped out her curling iron.

  “So when's this little award show?” She asked, just making conversation.

  “Four hours.” I replied. She gasped loudly and it made me flinch seeing as she was holding the curling iron awfully close to my face.

  “I'm not gonna be able to do my masterpiece in four hours, darlin' ya know beauty takes time.” She sounded almost insu

  “Well, you're going to have to try because we still have makeup to do as well.” Kelly stated. She looked at Kelly and I as if we had lobsters coming from our ears. She actually looked as if she might faint.

  “We'll never make it.” She muttered.

  “We're going to have to.” I stated. She flashed me an angry look.

  Then, she began working once again on her little “masterpiece.” I sat there quietly not even quite sure what she was doing. She had this little string or roses and thousands of bobby pins. She was braiding my hair and pinning it in ever spot imaginable. There was also a lot of hairspray involved and I knew that I'd probably toxicate the whole room when I entered because the stench of hairspray was so strong. Most of the work seemed to be going on toward the back of my head and Kelly would occasionally look up from her phone and give a satisfied smile so I assumed that it was looking good. After about an two and a half hours she declared she was done.

  “It's the quickest job I've ever done, but...would you like to she?” She asked. I nodded eagerly. She held a mirror in front of me and I was able to peer at the back of my head. It was beautiful. She had curled my hair then braided it, making the braid extremely thick and wavy. The braid started at the roof of my hair then wrapped around making a crown effect. After that, she had weaved a string of red roses throughout it that matched the color of my dress perfectly. Some of the tight spiral curls had not been put in the braid and went in a perfect line on either side of the braid, lining it perfectly. I gasped a little. She had made such a fuss, but I get why now. Things like this diffidently took some time.

  “Oh, it's so beautiful... thank-you so much.” I said. I couldn't stop staring at it. For once, I actually wished I was someone else so I could look at myself. It was a prideful thought, but to be honest, I was proud of my pride. I had never had the confidence to be prideful and even though it was wrong it felt good. It felt good to be proud. I gave her a hug, thanked her several more times, then told her for the millionth time what a beautiful job she had done. Kelly grinned over at me.

  “Still hating the girl thing?” She questioned. I shrugged. I wasn't about to admit to her that I was having the absolute time of my life. I liked being pampered. For once in my life, I liked the focus just being on me. For once in my life, I was proud to be doing something useful with my life and not sitting in my room alone all the time. Our makeup artist, Anna greeted me with a big hug and compliments on how beautiful I looked once we entered. I returned the hug and blushed at the compliments.

  “Alright, take a seat. I think we're gonna go for a pretty bold look because that is one bold dress and some sophisticated hair so... bold and sophisticated. That's the kind of look we're striving for, okay?” Anna said, as he pulled his pallet out.

  “Bold?” I echoed. That word made me nervous.

  “Don't worry, we're not going for something to dramatic. Just relax, and don't be nervous. This night is about you, right?” Anna asked. I nodded and smiled. He was right. This night was about me for once. This was my moment. Anna instructed me to close my eyes and I felt a him brush again and again across my eyes. Then, I was instructed to park my lips and I felt a dark, glossy color being layered on. Then, foundation was lathered on in a pretty deep coat. I was told to smile and blush was applied then a dark black eyeliner went on my top and bottom lids. My lips were lined with a soft pink color then a powder was put on my face to tone down the dark foundation a little. A brush was used to apply my foundation instead of a sponge to give that “flawless look.” False lashes were applied then coated with a little mascara to make them appear even longer and fuller. A little mascara was applied very precisely to my bottom lashes. Apparently I had the “cat and smokey” eye effect going on. But the “smokey eye wasn't too far out of the eyelid and the cat eye wasn't too dramatic.” Believe me, if I knew what that meant I'd explain it further, but he might as well have been speaking Japanese.

  “Are you ready for me to reveal my worth?” She asked.

  “Ready as I'll ever be.” I said. She spun me around and my breathe caught in my throat. I didn't even look like me. My face was completely different. This weird feeling I can't describe washed over me. I felt so happy and joyous... complete unlike myself. When I looked pretty I felt pretty. I wasn't afraid to make eye contact with anyone and I wanted to take dozens of selfies when I'd usually shy away from a camera. I felt like I could face the world. My lipstick was the same shade as my dress, my “smokey eye” or whatever was a soft gray color, and my lashes were so long and full. I blinked a few times in the mirror. I did a little twirl and peered at myself again.

  “You look gorgeous. Oh, but please don't cry. You'll mess up my work.” Anna said.

  “Don't worry, crying will be the absolute last thing on the agenda today.” I said, staring at my face again. Tonight... I felt so wonderful. I can't make up a word or phrase for this feeling, but it was just wonderful.

  “Well, are you ready to go?” Kelly asked. I nodded.

  “Thank-you so much, Anna.” I said. I meant it too. She had given me more than a makeover today. She gave me confidence too. I looked in the mirror one last time before going out the door. I just still couldn't believe that confident, young lady was me.

  “What do you feel about the girl thing now?” Kelly asked. I smiled to myself.

  “I think I love it.” I said, looking in the rear-view mirror at myself again.

  “Look at you! You simply can't take your eyes off yourself. Just imagine what Hunter is gonna think.” Kelly said, giving me a playful nudge. I grinned a little to myself. What was he gonna think? This didn't look like me at all. Maybe he'd want me to fix up like this more often. Maybe he'd never see me the same way when I'm not all dressed up. I tried not to think about all those things. This night was about me anyway.

  We finally arrived back at the hotel where everyone was staying. It was dark by the time we got there and we had about an hour and a half before we had to be there. It was a pretty far way so we decided to head out now. Hunter and the boys all came out in their suits, ties, blazers, and nice black slacks. Hunter had on a black blazer with a matching black bow tie, a white collared shirt, black buffed, shiny shoes and his hair in it's usual nice waves laying at the side of his face. He looks so handsome.

  He whistled softly when Kelly and I entered. I thought about whistling myself. He looked really, really good in that outfit. I kind of wished he'd dress up a little more often. But he was the kind of boy that literally never took a bad picture and looked good in everything so it didn't really matter. He was voted Hottest Man Alive last year.

  “Don't you look handsome.” I said softly.

  “You look... so beautiful, baby. I'm glad I'm taking such a pretty girl to this award show. I wouldn't have it any other way.'re” He said, pulling me a little closer.

  “No, noooo! No kissing. I just got my lipstick perfect.” I said, pursing my red lips.

  “Aww, but-” He protested.

  “Noooo, it took like two hours.” I said.

  “Oh, fine.” He pouted. He put his arm around my shoulder instead.

  “Are you excited?” He whispered. I shrugged.

  “Yes, but no at the same time. I'm sort of scared.” I admitted. He gave my arm a squeeze. I heard the sound of a camera go off on someone's phone behind us, but I didn't turn around. I really hoped someone wasn't taken our picture though. I looked back. It was Logan. He was the one that had taken the picture. He gave me a smile and a slight thumbs up when I turned back. I just shook my head at him. I didn't really know why he wanted us together so much. It was truly a mystery to me.

  “Don't be scared. Tonight it gonna be great and I honestly can't think of one person that I would rather be with, but you.” He giving me a quick hug. Another picture snapped. Seriously, Logan?

  “Oh, our limo is here!” Josh cried.

  “Alright, this is gonna be so fun! I've watched this award show since I was a l
ittle kid.” Corey said eagerly. I followed the boys into the limo. I hadn't ever been in one of these before. I felt like a genuine celebrity. I sort of hoped that we wouldn't have such a grand entrance. I would have been perfectly fine with a pick-up truck arrival or even my mom's mini van. This was a little over the top. I was here tonight in the perfect dress with the perfect boy, and now the perfect car as well. I wished someone would pinch me. I peered at my phone. Logan had tagged me in one of his post. There was a picture of Hunter with his arm wrapped around me. The caption was “Headed to the show with the lovebirds. Gonna have to deal with the PDA the entire show.” I rolled my eyes. He had millions of followers and now they all got to see my “wonderful” face. Yippee. On top of that, pictures like this is what started the unbelievable hate. I had stopped checking my twitter a long time ago because of the violent attacks on that site in particular. I now checked on a completely different secret account. But I knew it wouldn't be too long before the fans found that one as well. These guys were nuts.

  Okay, not nuts...passionate. I found a weird site with all these creepy facts about them. It had things like their head sizes, bicep sizes, and even phone passwords. It was scary. You couldn't keep anything from these guys. If they wanted to know then they'd find out. I had a few comments made on my private account, but not many. Still, a few fans had already fount it. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

  “”We're here!” Josh cried happily.

  “Oh, I can't wait.” Corey said eagerly.

  “I'm excited too, but man do I have to use the toilet.” Hunter said.

  “Typical Hunter.” Logan said with a roll of the eyes. Slowly, the car came to a halt. Logan stepped out first, then Corey, then Josh. Hunter looked back at me.

  “Are you ready for this?” He whispered. I could barely hear him over the loud screams of the fans and the paparazzi. I nodded and he took my hand and lead me out. Instantly, screams erupted everywhere when we stepped out. Screams from the paparazzi, the fans, and I do believe a few whistles from the celebrities in the car as well. Cameras flashes in every direction, practically lighting the night. I could hardly see. Hunter offered his arm to me and I gladly linked arms with him. This was scary.

  “Babe, I'll be right back. I gotta run to the lou. Stay with the boys while I'm gone.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he trotted off. I followed him and waited outside the bathroom so I'd be out of the lights for a little while. Logan slid closely next to me.

  “He's really happy you know.” Logan said.

  “Logan, I don't get why you're pushing our relationship so much. What's it to you, anyway?” I knew I was being rude, but he was really getting on my nerves lately.

  “Because I saw the things that you didn't see, Sam.” Logan replied a little harshly. I raised a brow.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “You've heard of his last girlfriend Bailey, right?” Logan questioned. I nodded.

  “Well, I walked into the bathroom one day and saw him on the floor sobbing. He was crying because she had broken his heart so badly. It took him so long to love again and I think that's why he went and did whatever he wanted. He just tried to take the pain away some how. I haven't seen him so happy in so long, Sam. You're just really something special for him to love you like he does.” Logan stated.

  “I thought he went out with other girls after Bailey.” I said.

  “Yeah, we tried to set him up. He was never happy or satisfied with anything. He was sure a girl would just fall out of the sky kind of did. He told me that night when he picked you that the way you played spoke to him and that he felt something when he looked at you that he hadn't felt in a long time.” Logan said solemnly.

  I looked steadily at Logan. I wasn't even quite sure how to respond to that. It scared me a little that someone loved me so much. I didn't usually have that affect on people. Usually, I actually stirred up quite the opposite reaction. This feeling of being loved was so new and unfamiliar and I hated it to be honest. I liked be numb and emotionless much better. I didn't like...feeling.

  “My point is, Sam... I hear the way he talks about you. I see him staring at you when you're not looking and how he gives his undivided attention when you speak. Just...don't blow it. The boy can't go through another heartbreak again.” Logan said. I nodded slowly. Just then, Hunter came out. Logan gave me a knowing look, clapped me on the shoulder, then jogged off to the other boys. I stared after him.

  “What was that all about?” Hunter asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” I said, dismissively. Hunter shrugged then grabbed my hand.

  “Are you ready?” He asked, swinging our hands back and fourth. I watched as the paparazzi screamed at all the other celebrities.

  “Look over here! Smile! Can you smile for us? Please, smile! Come on.” They all screamed obnoxiously over each other. It was as if the place was a shouting match or some sort of auction.

  “Okay, I changed my mind.” I said, turning in the opposite direction.

  “Sam, you can't turn back now.” Hunter whined.

  “Too late, turning back now.” I said, getting ready to make a run for it. Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

  “I'm not going. They're scary.” I stated firmly. Hunter sighed.

  “I didn't wanna have to do this.” He muttered. With that, he scooped me right up into his arms and carried me in front of the backdrop. The camera men laughed a little at his strange behavior. I squirmed in his arms. Blinding lights were flashing in every direction and I could barely see. When I closed my eyes I saw spots.

  “If I set you down, are you going to run?” Hunter asked. I sighed and shook my head reluctantly. He smiled at me and set me back on the floor. The men were all screaming my name and Hunter's as well. Commands were shouted from every direction and I couldn't heart a word any of them were saying. I felt Hunter's mouth come to my ear.

  “Don't be scary, babe. I'm here and they won't hurt you.” He whispered softly in my ear. I smiled a little. His breathe tickled. I felt him rub my back soothingly.

  “Pretend it's just you and me right now. The cameras aren't even here. Just you and I.” Hunter said, turning my face to look at him. He tucked a fly away curl back into it's proper place. He kissed my head gently.

  “Oh, come on! How about a real kiss?” One of the paparazzi shouted.

  I laughed and blushed a little. Hunter looked at me with a shy little grin. I kind of hoped he wouldn't do it, because.

  “No, it's okay. The fans don't appreciate that kind of thing and to be honest, I really don't either. It's embarrassing, unnecessary, and I don't particularly like to be touched anyway-” I began.

  “Oh, shut up and kiss me.” Hunter said with a smirk. He cupped both sides of my face and kissed my lips. We posed for a few more pictures then he took my hand and helped me off the platform where the backdrop was. He grinned at me once I had hopped down.

  “What?” I said.

  “You did great and looked beautiful too. I bet you'll make the cover for sure.” He said.

  “No, no, no, Hunter. I don't want to make the cover. I'm perfectly happy being invisible.” I said.

  “Well, your invisible days are over now.” Hunter said. I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing. Just then, Hunter's body completely stiffened. His face went as white as a sheet.

  “Hey, what's wrong?” I asked. He looked down quickly.

  “Nothing, let's head inside. We need to catch up with the boys, anyway.” He said, swiftly pulling me away. I had no idea what was going on.

  “Hey, mate! We've been waiting on you-” Logan began. Logan's eyes went wide as he looked behind Hunter.

  “Alright then, boys! Let's head inside.” He said, trying to push us quickly inside. I had no idea what was going on. But the boys were kind of weird anyway so I decided to just go with it and not ask any questions. We stood at the door waiting to be seated.

  I looked at handsome young Hunter. I wanted to hug h
im really badly, but kept from doing so. There was too many witnesses. Before I could think of it again, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. His arms were so nice and strong. I could feel him flexing his biceps a bit.

  “You showing off?” I asked.

  “Just for you.” He said, rolling his sleeve up. I rolled my eyes. He kept an arm around my shoulder as we were seated. I sat down and scanned the room. There were celebrities literally every direction I looked. Big celebrities. Gosh, this is so intimidating. I looked across the room and saw my favorite actress. I had watched every single one of her movies. I nearly screamed.

  “Hunter, Hunter, Huuunter! Ohhhhh myyy gosh!” I squealed.

  “What is it?” Hunter asked.

  “Th-that's only the best actress in the entire universe...standing in front of me.” I nearly screamed. I couldn't believe I was in the same room as Lilian Scott. I won't lie. I looked up to a lot of people in Hollywood, mostly because I just needed something to look up to. But that one day, in the church changed that. I've found Someone Else to look up to and... He's a lot better than those Hollywood idols.

  “Oh, yeah I know her.” Hunter said dismissively.

  “What? You...know her? How? Why? When? You didn't date her did you?” I interviewed.

  “Yes, movie premiere and keep in touch on twitter, because she's nice, a year ago, and absolutely not.” Hunter said.

  “She's so...ah! I don't know. She's just...perfect.” I said, propping my face with my hands and staring creepily at her.

  “Come on, let me introduce you.” Hunter said. I gasped.

  “No. No, I'm not worthy.” I said. Hunter laughed.

  “Oh, come on! Now isn't the time to be shy.” Hunter said, tugging at my arm.

  “No, I'd rather admire her from afar.” I said. Hunter started dragging me closer and closer. I tried my best to wiggle out of his grip. I was thrashing this way and that. He pushed me a little and I stumbled into her.

  “Oh, hey sorry. Um, I didn't mean to bump into you. I just-” I stammered.

  “Oh my gosh. I love your dress! Where did you get it?” Lilian asked.

  “Oh,, from this place. Uh, the guy's name was Marcos.” I fumbled.

  “No way, shut up! I love Marcos. I go there like all the time.” Lilian said.

  “Really? Yeah, uh he's erm um a handful.” I stuttered.

  “Oh, I know. But it is totally worth it in the end. He's a great guy.” She said.

  “Sure.” I muttered.

  “Not to mention your hair is to die for. I just hate you right now.” Lilian gushed.

  “Wait, what? You do? Why?” I asked. Lilian laughed her high pitched cute laugh. It rang like a bell in the loud room. I'd actually heard that laugh millions of times before in various interviews...not that I spent all day on YouTube looking up her interviews.

  “Oh my gosh, you're too cute. It's an expression. You're hilarious.” Lilian said.

  “Oh, I knew that. I love all your movies.” I stated.

  “I wish we had a stylists like the one you use in my movies. Your hair is just so cute, I can't get over it.” She said, tightly touching my braid.

  “It has rose petals too? You're seriously the luckiest girl alive.” Leslie said.

  “Not as lucky as you. I'd die for your acting skills.” I said, returning the compliment.

  “Oh, you're too sweet. What do you do?” Leslie asked.

  “I'm a musician.” I replied.

  “No way...your All4U's band, aren't you? I knew I recognized you from somewhere. You're the one who's lucky. You're dating Hunter, right?” She practically squealed. I nodded and blushed.

  “He's a hottie. Hold onto him. I saw a magazine the other day saying he got voted Hottest Man Alive again.” She warned.

  “I'll be careful.” I assured. I meant that too. The thought of me being with the hottest guy alive was a horrifying thought. If I dwelt on it too long, I'd end up running right out of this hotel and screaming down the road.

  “Well, hey here's my number in case you ever wanna hang out.” She said scribbling on a piece of paper. Oh my gosh... Oh. My. Gosh. She's about to give me her number, I'm about to pass out.

  “Oh, thanks. I don't call many people... I'm awkward.” I blurted out. WHY WOULD I SAY THAT?!

  “Don't go spreading' it around, but I'm extremely awkward myself. One time, I started asking some random guy if he wanted to see pictures of my dog. If that wasn't weird enough, I remembered that I don't even have a dog.” Leslie said with a laugh. Ooooh, I loved her laugh.

  “One time, I laughed really hard and spit milk all over the really good looking guys in my class.” I said, trying to top her story. She burst into a fit of laughter. I'd never really made someone laugh like this... and I loved it.

  “You're hysterical! We've gotta hang soon, okay? We can be awkies together. You'll probably have me laughing the night away.” Leslie said.

  “Oh, so it's a sleepover now?” I said.

  “You know it!” She said with a wink.

  “Okay, well bye.” I said, internally squealing.

  “Byeee! See you, beautiful!” She said, twiddling her fingers at me. Once she turned, I squealed like a hog at feeding time. I began skipping backed to my seat when I saw the hottest guy in Hollywood passing my by. It was Kenny Ortago, only the best looking actor in Hollywood. Now was my chance. I turned quickly toward him before he was gone.

  “Hey, Kenny! I love your movies.” I blurted out.

  “Oh, thank-you so much. What's your name?” He asked.

  “My name is Sam and I'm a big fan.” I gushed.

  “It's nice to know such a beautiful girl is a fan of my movies.” He said. I blushed. It was weird being called pretty or beautiful by celebrities. I got treated so much more different when I was dressed like a superstar. I liked it and I felt so wonderful about myself.

  “Oh, thanks. I don't get how you cry on command like you. Do you think of hurt puppies or something?” I asked. He laughed hardily.

  “No, no, just a lot of practice.” He said with a grin.

  “Well, it's amazing.” I stated.

  “Thank-you so much. I really hope we meet again some time soon. You'll be at more events, right?” He asked. I nodded and grinned.

  “It was so greet seeing you.” He said, giving me a hug. I just about died right then and there. Kenny Ortago just hugged me. Like... he hugged me. He touched me. Just then, Lilian popped up and gave Kenny a small hug. They started small-talking and as I turned to go, Lilian piped up.

  “This is my new friend Sam. Do you know her, Ken?” Lilian asked.

  “Oh, yeah we just met. She's very nice.” Kenny said. I grinned like a chessire cat.

  “She's hilarious! Sam, tell him one of your stories.” Lilian urged. I fidgeted uncomfortably.

  “I don't think he wants to hear any of my lame stories.” I said quickly. Lilian rolled her beautiful eyes dramatically.

  “Oh, come on! Pleease!” Lilian begged.

  “Okay.” I said reluctantly. Lilian clapped and cheered. I started telling the story of how I once stole and vandalized a wheelchair we found in the school. Before I knew it, I had a swarm of people around me listening intently and laughing as I told my story. That story led into another about when I farted during the Pledge of Allegiance which had everyone rolling with laughter. Lilian laughed so hard that she cried which didn't make her stylist very happy.

  “Oh my gosh, you're so funny.” Someone said.

  “Yeah, you should totally hang out with us.” Another said. I just grinned as they gushed over how amazing I was. This was the best night ever.

  “Well, the show is starting so I'd better get to my seat.” Lilian said. The others all agreed.

  “But we're gonna catch up with you later, okay? Wait up for us.” Kenny said. I grinned and nodded at Kenny. He gave me another quick hug and an air-kiss on the cheek. Apparently, that was the celebrity thing so do, but I didn't know that so I
didn't return the gesture. After I received a round of compliments, hugs, and air-kisses, I skipped off happily to my seat with a grin that spread from one ear to the other. I flopped in my seat and started spazzing and talking a mile a minute.

  “So I assume it went well?” Hunter said with a laugh.

  “I'm in love.” I said grinning from ear to ear.

  “Woah, now don't make me jealous.” Hunter said. I just laughed.

  “She gave me her number and Kenny Ortago hugged me and said I was beautiful and they asked me to hang out later, Lilian said we should have a sleepover, and Kenny told me to wait up for him and I just-ahhh I'm so excited right now!” I squealed bouncing up and down.

  “Wait, what? Now I'm seriously jealous. You're not cheating on me all of them, are you?” Hunter asked, nudging me playfully.

  “Sorry, Hunter...I've been meaning to tell you.” I said with a laugh. He rolled his eyes and laughed too.

  “You're emotionally unstable.” Hunter said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

  “Gosh, I'm so happy!” I practically shouted as I clapped my hands.

  “I can see that.” Hunter said, as I squirmed and twitched in my seat. To onlookers, it probably looked like I was having a heart attack, the way I was jolting and thrusting myself about. They probably thought I belonged in an asylum. Who cares?

  To the looney tune house it is. For once in my life, I just didn't care.

  “I saw them surrounding you. They acted like you were the President or something. I knew you fit in. I'm just so proud of you right now.” Hunter said, grinning at me.

  “Nothing could bring me down!” I stated with a huge smile. Then, I laid eyes on her. My whole body stiffened and I froze. I saw the world move in slow motion as she spritzed her perfume on and tossed her hair. My entire night was ruined right then and there.

  “Hunter... I recognize her from the interview I saw. Th-that's Bailey.” I hissed.

  “That's what the boys and I have been trying to keep from you all night.” Hunter whispered back.

  “Boy, I'd like to show that jerk a thing or two.” I muttered. He took my hands which were balled into fists. He pried them open and slipped his through mine. I jerked away.

  “Oh my gosh, look at her. She's drooling all over you.” I mumbled angrily. Hunter shook his head.

  “Would you like to take a picture, babe? Maybe it would last longer.” I muttered. She was still eying Hunter. When he meet her gaze, she gave him a flirty wave. I gripped both sides of my chair and tried my best to keep my mouth shut. She couldn't just trample his heart, throw it in the dirt, spit on it, and then expect him to just come crawling back to her. That's not how real life worked. But I forgot that this was Hollywood...and everything is different here.

  “What did you do to her to get her to look at you like that?” I said under my breathe.

  “Sam, you know I love you.” He said. He puckered his lips out, asking for a kiss. I hesitantly leaned in and pecked them quickly. But instead of looking into Hunter's gorgeous eyes which were a jade green color tonight, I locked my gaze back on my biggest competition. I watched her every move. She slathered lip gloss on her already slimy looking lips.

  “She's looking at you like you're a freshly baked batch of cookies.” I said bitterly. Hunter pushed me into his seat and got in the one that I was currently in so that my back was to her. He wrapped his arms around me in one his signature snuggles. He was the best hugger in the band. He was known for his warm cuddles. He nuzzled into my neck. Which gave me the shivers. I felt him softly kiss my jaw. I was ready to pull away, but his strong arms didn't retreat. He rubbed my back soothingly.

  “Why are you jealous?” He whispered in my ear. I pulled away and looked at him. His arms remained on my shoulders.

  “I never said I was jealous.” I said defensively. He shot me a “get real” look.

  “Okay, okay. Fine, I'm sorry. I trust you.” I said.

  “Thank-you!” He practically hollered. I smiled at him and the show started up.

  “How's everybody doing tonight?” The host asked. The crowd cheered loudly. I let out a few loud whoops myself. I was so excited to be here tonight.

  “Well, we've got a great time for you tonight. Debuting her first new single tonight, we've got Bailey Andrews performing.” He said. Cheers erupted all over. Hunter clapped politely. I threw up in my mouth a little.

  “Booo!” I said under my breathe. Hunter heard me and nudged me. I just gave him an innocent smile. He couldn’t resist my smile. He just smiled back and shook his head. I looked back. Her seat was now empty. That meant she was backstage getting ready and her performance was near. Oh, boy.

  The boys were nominated for “Best New Breakout Artist” tonight. I knew that they were shoe in. The night, was filled with puns, jabs, and beautiful music. It finally became time to announce Best New Breakout Artist. I knew the boys wanted this. I looked over at all their eager faces. As Hunter's hand rest on my knee, I looked down and saw his fingers crossed. The rest of the boys actually looked jealous of us. Their girlfriends couldn't make it so I was the only supporting girlfriend as of now.

  “And the winner is... ALL4U!” The announcer cried. The boys all jumped a foot in the air. They drew each other into a huge group hug. I clapped for them and grinned up at their smiling faces. They looked so happy. Hunter drew my face to his. Oh gosh. No. Don't. Not on TV. He kissed my lips as the camera zoomed closer in on him specifically. I prayed the boys blocked the shot because that kiss would mean a whole lot of hate from the media. I think I managed to mutter a congratulations, but I don't really remember. I was especially angry because his annoying ex wasn't here to see it either. She was probably piling makeup on her already caked face. Just the thought of her made me cringe. But tonight, was about the boys...not her.

  They all jogged up to the stage and received their awards. The crowd was roaring with cheers and applause. The place was practically shaking because of the overwhelming noise. Everyone in the room rose to their feet and gave the boys a standing ovation. They stood there blushing and receiving the praise modestly. I rose to my feet as well and clapped. They deserved this. There was just something wonderful about them...they had a sort of undeniable charm that nobody else seemed to posses.

  “Thank-you so much for this. We honestly, never expected this.” Josh said. Corey took the mic next.

  “I would like to thank me mum and dad for everythin' they've done for me. I wouldn't be in the music industry without them and just me entire family. I love you all.” Corey said, as he began passing the mic to Logan.

  “I would like to thank everyone on the All4U team and our amazing fans.” Logan said. The crowd erupted into applause at the mention of their extremely wide fan base.

  “We couldn't do what we do without you and you're amazing so thank-you.” Logan continued.

  “Yeah, I wanna thank our security guard for keeping us safe, my mom and dad...I love you guys, and my beautiful girlfriend for supporting me tonight.” He said. The crowd burst into cheers at the last one. I blushed like crazy. The camera panned to me to see my reaction. I didn't know quite how to react though. I just sat there blushing, smiling, maybe even a little giggling like a fool. The crowd continued with their cheers as the boys were taken backstage to take a few pictures with their award. I was really proud to be with them tonight. I was proud to be able to say I even knew them. For once... I wasn't jealous of something someone else had that I didn't. I was proud.

  “Okay, next up is an actress who had exploded onto the music scene. With her hit single reaching number one on the Billboard chart in over twenty countries is... Bailey Andrews!” The announcer said. I groaned. Okay, okay, we get it...the girl is a big deal. Not only is she this award-winning actress now she's a megastar singer as well? What, no modeling contract? Oh, I forgot...she had that as well.

  Bailey rose up from the stage in a pink leotard. The music was loud and boomed in my ears. Her dancers were already
shaking like they were having a heart attack, the fog machine gushed like a waterfall, and her glittery makeup hurt my eyes. The boys crept in during the performance and were seated. I grinned at Hunter as he sat beside me.

  “We did it, babe.” He muttered.

  “Good job.” I said, offering a high-five. He slapped my hand and looked up at Bailey then to me.

  “I didn't know she was playing yet.” He muttered. I shrugged. I was going to be completely professional about this. If Hunter could put aside his pain and clap for her as she performed so could I.

  We were close to the front so we had a pretty good view of her performance...lucky us. She strut around the stage and when she got to the front she set her eyes on Hunter. She had such fire in her eyes when she looked at him... a blaze I actually think I seemed to lack. When she sang the lyric “We can start again and make it right” I swore she winked at Hunter. Then, she gave him a nod when another romantic lyric was sung. Oh, this girl better get off the stage before I have something to say about it. She gave him a flirty wave and pointed at him right before the song ended. I sat there with my jaw clenched tight. I glanced at Hunter so see his current expression. He looked uncomfortable and a little confused as well. I couldn't decide if that was good or bad. She blew a kiss in his direction right before she was lowered down. His eyes were wide and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

  “Wow, ew.” I heard him mutter. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. He smiled over at me, glad that he could be my amusement.

  Besides that little disturbance, the rest of the night went quite smoothly. Before I knew it, the fun time had come to an end and the host was doing his ending monologue. Hunter suggested we leave quickly to beat all the traffic that there would be. We started to sneak out. Oh, and you'll never guess who had the same idea... you guess it! The one and only Bailey Andrews. She saddled up next to Hunter.

  “Oh, Hunter! I didn't even see you there. Where have you been?” Bailey said with a laugh. She sounded like the wicked witch of the west when she laughed.

  “We've been busy. You know Sam right?” Hunter introduced.

  “Of course, that's your new little guitar player right?” Bailey said.

  “Yes, she's also my girlfriend.” Hunter added. That's right! You tell her, Hunter!

  “Ooh, so this is the one on all the magazines. Well, it's nice to finally meet you.” Bailey said.

  “I wish I could say the same.” I muttered. Hunter nudged me and gave me a really dirty look.

  “Your performance was great.” I said, trying to redeem myself. Bailey gave a laugh which sounded a little more like a snort. Well, that's attractive.

  “Thanks, we've worked on it for sooo long.” She said. She was string right at Hunter as she talked even though I was the one giving the compliments.

  “So how long have you guys been dating?” Bailey pressed. This was getting awkward.

  “A few months now. I think it'll be six soon. Right, babe?” Hunter said. I nodded.

  “Six months? Wow, so you're about to have your half a year anniversary? Oh, that's too cute!” Bailey cooed. Oh, shut up.

  “Yeah, it's been half a year. I can't believe it's been that long.” Hunter said with a smile.

  Bailey frowned a little at the happy look that was currently on his face. I really wanted to tell that bottle blonde to buzz off, but neither Hunter and I could be rude like that. Even if I wanted to be rude I wouldn't simply for the fact that I could already see a few flashes going off and I knew the paparazzi could catch every sour expression I made toward her. In fact, I could already see the headlines now. “Awkward Reunion” or something like that. This was awkward now that you mention it. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

  “Um, I need to use the restroom.” I said.

  “Sure, love, it's right over there.” Hunter said, pointing toward it. I went back inside the arena to find the bathroom. Bailey smiled and followed me. What in the world? Her smile disappeared the moment she was out of the camera's sight. She twirled she around to face. I jumped when she touched me as if I had felt something slimy... well, I kind of had. She put a hand on my shoulder. I slapped it off quickly. A sharp sound was made when my skin made contact with her. She squealed out loud, grabbed her wrist, and gawked at me. I figured I had probably crossed the line. But I wasn't a big fan of affection and especially not from a little bottle blonde like her. I went in here to get away from her not have a one-on-one, heartfelt talk... or whatever she was doing in here. Why don't you just go outside and have a twerk party with the paparazzi or something?

  “You listen here and you listen good. Hunter doesn't love you, okay? You're simply a comeback girlfriend. Now, I know it's sort of embarrassing that he's dating you this long to get back at me, but I've been playing hard to get. He calls me like every night. He's completely obsessed with me. Does he make you feel like you're special? Oh, don't let me guess he called you his princess. Well, I'll have you know Hunter Thompson has had a lot of princesses and he doesn't love you. So stop flattering yourself.” Bailey snarled.

  “No, how about you listen to me, you spray-tanned bottle blonde. You never loved him and don't you dare pretend for a second that you do or did. You ripped his heart out and laughed as you did it. You destroyed him. I don't know why you stayed with him or what angle you were working at, but I know girls like you. Love isn't real to people like you and everything is a game. Well, in this game you lost and you need to accept it. I don't know why you pretended for so long that you loved him. Maybe he just stroked your ego, or he was good for your self-esteem, or maybe you were just proud of yourself for having the boy that every girl wanted, but you never loved him. You completely tore him apart...and you don't tear apart someone you love.” I said. With that, I turned on my heels and left her with her mouth hanging wide open.



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