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The Virgin’s Dance_Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 25

by Michelle Love

  From Cosimo, another long letter of apology, and an invitation to spend a week in Italy with him and his family while she recovered. Call anytime, Alicia, please. We’d love to have you—return business class tickets included! Cosimo and Biba.

  That was nice. Cosimo was one of the few directors who made being on the set a pleasure. His wife, Biba, often came to set, and she’d chat with anyone who wanted to talk. She and Alicia were of a similar age and temperament and they’d often laughed together at the craft service trailer.

  Alicia read through the other cards, helping herself to some of the many candies she had been given. There was also a long, official-looking letter from the studio’s lawyers, setting out her compensation—of course, it depended on her relinquishing any right to sue later on, but the compensation was enough that she could take a year off and not notice.

  She sighed and put the letter down. Taking a year off sounded like hell to her—she loved to work—but maybe it was time to think long-term. She had her master’s degree, and she certainly wasn’t using it jumping onto crash mats and hanging off of high-rises.

  Glancing at the clock, she decided to change the sheets on her bed, telling herself the whole time that it was just because it was time to change them, not because her bed might see some action later. Do not sleep with him. You just got out of the hospital …

  But when she opened the door to him later that evening, she knew, without a doubt, that all of her resolve had disappeared. “Hey” was all he said, but she went into his arms and kissed him. Ezra picked her up, his lips rough against hers, and carried her into her bedroom. She was yanking his T-shirt out of his jeans before he stopped her, breathless. “Ali, are you sure? You just got out of the—”

  She silenced him with her mouth, tugging at his clothes. Ezra chuckled, a deep rumbling through his chest, and tugged her dress open. “Still as fucking beautiful as ever.”

  “Shut up and fuck me, Hemsley.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She freed his huge cock from his underwear as his hands slipped inside her panties and started to caress her clit. She stroked his hot length against her belly, trailing her fingers up and down it until it was rock-hard and quivering.

  They lay on her bed, Ezra covering her body with his, and as he hitched her legs around his waist, he asked her again, “Are you sure you’re up to this?”

  Alicia grinned up at him as she rolled a condom down his trembling cock. “Hemsley … get to it.”

  Ezra chuckled, then thrust into her. They both sighed happily as they began to make love. “God,” he groaned, burying his face in her neck, “I’ve waited ten years to do this again.”

  And he was right—it was like coming home again, and yet it still had that excitement of brand new love. “There’s never been anyone else,” she whispered, her eyes suddenly serious, “Not since you.”

  His eyes widened. “Oh, Ali ... I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for what I did to you.”

  “It doesn’t matter now.”

  His lips were fierce against hers. “If it’s any consolation, not one day has passed when I didn’t think of you.”

  They made love slowly, savoring every touch, every caress. Alicia bit her bottom lip as she came, gasping his name finally as her back arched up. She heard Ezra’s long, deep groan as he reached his peak, and tightened her vagina around his cock as it jerked and shuddered.

  Afterward, Ezra lay on his side and stroked her body, his obvious enjoyment and admiration making her feel sexy and adored. He pressed his lips to the myriad bruises on her body and shook his head. “Truth? I honestly never expected you to follow your dad and your brother into this line of business. Selfishly, I kinda wished you hadn’t.”

  She grinned at him. “If I hadn’t, we might not have met again.”

  “I don’t believe that, Ali. We would have found our way back to each other, I know it.” He kissed her again. “Now … are you going to let me feed you?”

  He took her to their favorite burger joint, Red Mill Burgers, on north 67th Street, and they both ordered the Red Mill Double Deluxe with Cheese. Ezra grinned at her as they waited for their drinks. “You know, as a doctor, I should really advise against red meat.”

  “But as Ezra?”

  “I say gimme.” They both laughed. Alicia took a long sip of her cold soda.

  “Mm, sugar and fat, the basic food groups.” She smiled at him. “This is turning into one hell of a date.”

  “Even though we broke the rules.”


  Ezra chuckled. “We had dessert first.”

  “Yes, we did.” Alicia felt absurdly happy, as if she was high. Her body felt sore, yet her skin tingled with excitement and pleasure. Ezra held her hand as they chatted, then he met her gaze.

  “Was that true? No one since—”

  “It’s true.”

  Ezra shook his head. “How is that possible? Have you seen you?” He ran his hand down her long dark hair.

  “I guess … I just didn’t want to risk my heart. Sorry, that’s not me blaming anyone, blaming you. I just … it wasn’t worth it to me to find someone, when I never stopped loving you.” She could feel her face burning and Ezra cupped her cheek in his hand.

  “I know. I know. I never stopped loving you either, Ali. Not for a minute.”

  Ali took a deep breath in. “Is this crazy? I mean, a week ago, I didn’t even know you were back in Seattle and now …” She rubbed her head. What was wrong with her? She’d gone from heady to confused in a matter of minutes. Was she just freaking out?

  “Hey.” Ezra took both of her hands and made her look at him. “We’re just having burgers. Breathe.”

  She chuckled. “Sorry. It’s just a lot.”

  “Look, we can take this slow. So, yeah, we may have skipped a few steps, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do this on our own terms.”

  “I know, you’re right.” Ali took a deep breath in. Maybe it was just the rush of endorphins—and hormones—through her body that was making her feel squirrely.

  Their food arrived, and they both fell on the burgers, laughing at each other as they smeared ketchup and mustard on their faces. “We’re animals,” Ezra laughed, and she grinned. God, it was just like being back at college with him, eating junk food, laughing, making love.

  Later, he took her home but wouldn’t stay the night. “We’re taking it slow, baby. We’re going to do this right, this time, okay? And you need to rest.”

  He kissed her, then rested his forehead against hers. “This is it, okay? We’re not going to mess this up again.”

  Ali smiled up at him. “Come back tomorrow.”

  “I will, and I’ll call you first thing in the morning, I swear.”

  She wanted to tell him she loved him again, but she held back. “Goodnight, Ezra.”

  “Goodnight, baby.”

  She climbed into bed, still breathing in his aftershave on the sheets. God, that man … she felt like a teenager again, but there was also something different about this time. Back then, she had always felt as if she was running to catch up with him. Now, it seemed as if Ezra was the one who wanted things to be settled, resolved, and it gave her hope.

  Alicia went to sleep happily but woke in the early hours feeling sick. Had she overdone it? Her left shoulder was aching badly, and she went to the kitchen and grabbed some ice from the freezer. She sat on her couch, trying to breathe through the nausea and pain. Maybe screwing Ezra hadn’t been the best idea health-wise.

  She couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night, instead flicking through the channels on the television. Finally, she settled on a movie and was delighted to see Lucas Moore in an early role. As she watched the handsome leading man, she remembered he’d sent her a gift she hadn’t yet opened. She got up and went to find it.

  It was in a small package and when Ali opened it, she gasped. There were two diamond stud earrings, at least four carats even to her unexperienced eye. A small card read:

you could wear them on the date I’d like to take you on? Love Lucas x

  “Shoot.” Alicia sighed. She liked Lucas a lot and there was no doubt he was a gorgeous, and, more importantly, a good guy … but he wasn’t Ezra. She would have to make sure Lucas knew it couldn’t go further than just friends. She would give him the earrings back—she couldn’t possibly accept such a gift.

  Her brother came over in the morning to see how she was and Alicia nodded when he asked her if everything was okay. “It’s just you look pale, Ali. Maybe you got discharged too soon.”

  “I’m fine, just a little tired and sore.” She made them coffee, and they went to sit out on the tiny balcony. James studied his sister.

  “So … Ezra’s back in your life?”

  She nodded. “I know you think he’ll hurt me again. It’s different this time; we’re both adults.”


  Alicia smirked at her brother’s sulky tone. “So passive aggressive.”

  James chuckled. “Look, I like Ez, I always have. But I remember what a wreck you were when he left.”

  “Yeah, I know. But like I said, it’s different this time.”

  James’ eyes lit on the small jeweler’s box on the table. Alicia had forgotten to put it away last night. “God, please tell me he hasn’t proposed already?”

  She laughed. “No, those are from Lucas Moore.”

  James opened the box and whistled. “Wowser.”

  “I’m giving them back obviously, but yeah, wow. That was sweet of him. Don’t read the note, you nosy … goddamn it, Jay.”

  Her brother’s eyebrows had shot up. “Lucas Moore wants to date you?”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Alicia said dryly. She took the earrings and the note from him. “He’s just being nice.”

  “He’s an actor,” James scoffed. “He wants in your pants.”

  “Eww, Jay. Boundaries.”

  James shrugged. “So, Al, I’m just weighing—loser ex or famous film star.” He made a motion with his hands and Ali, annoyed, smacked them away.

  “Ezra is not a loser, you a-hole. When was the last time you saved a person’s life?” She was irked now, her brother’s attitude casting a pall on her happiness. James seemed to sense it and made a face.

  “I’m sorry, Ali. I don’t mean to dump on Ez. We’re just—”

  “—worried. I got it. I’m an adult, Jay. You and Dad will just have to get used to it.”

  Ezra called her as promised and just hearing her voice made her relax. “How are you feeling, baby?”

  She chuckled. “Ever the doctor. I’m fine. Had a little nausea in the night but otherwise, good.” She didn’t tell him about the shoulder; it was just sore from the accident. “Listen, I have something to tell you.” She told him about Lucas’ gift and note. “I need to give him back the earrings, obviously, and make it clear that I’m not interested.” She paused. “That I think I’m … unavailable.”

  “You are unavailable,” Ezra said with meaning, but the chuckled. “Sorry, I have no right to be jealous. But I am.”

  “You have no need to be, Ez.” Her voice quivered a little. “If you want me, I’m yours.”

  “And I’m yours, my darling. Listen, I have a full schedule today, but tonight … can I see you?”

  Alicia felt a wave of pleasure. “I’d love that.”


  She called Lucas and arranged to have coffee with him that afternoon. As she changed into her jeans and T-shirt, she felt another wave of nausea and her stomach ached. Damn accident. Ali sat for a few minutes, trying to get her bearing, then grabbed her purse and the earrings.

  She took a cab downtown, not wanting to drive with a concussion. Lucas was waiting for her at the coffee shop and kissed her cheek. “Hey, gorgeous, how are you feeling?”

  Alicia sighed inwardly, already sick of the question. “I’m good.”

  They chatted idly for a while then she slid the box across the table to him. “I can’t accept these, Lucas, I’m sorry. Thank you for the thought, but I can’t.”

  She explained about her relationship with Ezra and Lucas was magnanimous in defeat. “Hey, he saved your life, I get it. Also, he looks like a freakin’ Greek god.”

  She chuckled. “I went for Norse god, but yeah. We have a lot of history.”

  Lucas tapped his coffee mug against hers. “Well, I’m happy you’re happy,” he said with a grin, then his eyes took on a mischievous look, “but if it doesn’t work out, don’t forget me.”

  Alicia laughed, then regretted it as the movement pulled on her aching stomach. “You just don’t give up, do you?”

  “Never. Listen, another coffee?”

  “Sure, but it’s my treat this time.”

  Lucas excused himself to go the bathroom as Alicia ordered some more coffee. She asked for some ice water too, hoping the cool water would ease her stomach pain. It seemed to be getting worse, and the shoulder pain was back. A wave of dizziness overcame her, and she sat down heavily.

  The barista seemed to notice. “Hey, are you okay? You just went white … hey …”

  His voice sounded like it was coming down a tunnel and her vision blurred as her face went hot and her ears buzzed. Alicia tried to speak but no sound would come out. She stumbled to her feet as Lucas came back from the restroom. She tried to ask for help but then dark spots crowded her vision and the last thing she heard was Lucas shouting for help.

  Ezra looked up as the paramedics burst through the doors to the emergency room and then, as he saw a pale and shaken Lucas Moore following the gurney, he knew. Alicia.

  “What happened?”

  “She collapsed. She went white, then just pitched forward.”

  “We think it’s her spleen,” the paramedic said, “she was conscious enough to tell us her shoulder was hurting, and her upper left abdo. She had an accident, right?”

  Ezra nodded, already going into surgeon mode. He examined Alicia, who was now unresponsive. Ezra dragged an ultrasound over to her. “She’s bleeding into her abdomen. We need to get her to surgery right now.”

  Ezra had to leave his feelings at the door to the operating theater. He and his team worked for hours and managed to save Alicia’s spleen—and her life. It was only when Alicia was back in her room, stable, but still asleep, that he allowed himself to break down. Ezra put his head in his hands and sobbed quietly. A few minutes later he felt someone put an arm around his shoulder.

  “It’s okay, kid, you saved her life. Again.”

  Ezra looked up to see Alicia’s father, Jim, nodded down at him. “You did it, Ez. You saved my girl. Thank you.”

  At that moment, Alicia made a sound and opened her eyes. She smiled groggily at them. “My two favorite men.”

  Her father chuckled. “Glad to hear it.” He stroked his daughter’s forehead. “Just don’t go giving us a scare like that again.”

  He stayed for a while then gave the couple their privacy, thanking Ezra again. “I mean it. You did good.” He kissed Alicia’s forehead. “Get some rest, pickle.”

  Ezra waited until he’d left before kissing Alicia’s lips. “Hey, you.”

  “Hey, gorgeous.” Her fingers weaved around his. “What happened?”

  “You had a ruptured spleen, baby. We missed it, I’m so sorry. But we’ve repaired it and you’ll be just fine—in about three to six months.”

  Alicia looked horrified but Ezra just shook his head, smiling. “Sweetheart, you need to listen to your doctor on this. And your boyfriend. Luckily, they happen to be the same person.”

  Ali nodded, sighing, then grinned. “No more sexy shenanigans?”

  Ezra grinned. “Not for a few months … but think of the anticipation. When you’re well, we’re going on vacation together, and then dirty times will once again be resumed.”

  “How dirty?”

  “Filthy. Disgusting. Barely legal,” he grinned, and she laughed, then winced.

  “Ow, don’t make me laugh.” She sucked in a
deep breath then looked at him. “I love you, Ezra Hemsley.”

  “I love you too, Ali. Never stopped.”

  There were tears in her eyes. “Would it be completely inappropriate to ask my doctor if he would mind kissing me?”

  Ezra smiled and leaned over to her. “Completely. But he’s going to do it anyway …”


  Eight months later …

  Paris, France …

  Alicia stretched her naked body out on the huge four-poster bed and wondered which famous people had lain here in this suite at the Ritz. Ezra, champagne bottle in hand, smiled down at her and he climbed onto the bed next to her, gloriously nude, his cock huge and proud against his belly. He poured some champagne into her navel and she giggled as he quickly sucked it back out. “We are so decadent,” she said, taking the bottle. “Now, I’m going to take a swig of this and your cock and see how you like the bubbles.”

  “Good idea … as long as I can do the same thing to your already delicious cunt.”

  “You’re on, big boy.”

  As his mouth found her sex and the champagne bubbles hit her clit, she gasped, then took his cock into her mouth, letting the bubbles burst onto his sensitive tip. They brought each other to the brink of orgasm, then Ezra turned quickly and hitched her legs around his waist. He poured champagne onto her breasts and as his cock thrust deep inside her, he sucked on her nipples as she arched her back and gasped his name over and over again.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair, momentarily distracted by the white-gold band on her left hand, the one that matched Ezra’s. His wife. Her husband. She hadn’t known, all those months ago, that when he said “vacation”, he actually meant honeymoon …

  As she came, she cried out his name, and he murmured again and again how much he loved her, then afterwards, they talked quietly, bodies wrapped around each other, skin-on-skin, lip to lip.

  “So,” she said, stroking his handsome face as his cornflower blue eyes twinkled at her. “What’s next?”


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