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The Vampyre's Slave

Page 2

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  The vampyres stood together in a group to one side of the line. They seemed to be waiting for someone or something. They chatted together, pointing at certain people along the row. Elyse presumed these were the ones they had chosen. No arguments took place, but there were a few back and forth discussions and nods. Oh, how civilized of them to be able to accept each other’s choices. What a pity we humans can’t be so agreeable.

  The group became silent as the Brenwul look-alike appeared at the far end of the line. He strode along, merely glancing at one or two people and ignoring most of them. Twice he stopped in front of a man, and then a woman and thrust his hand on their chests. Both stumbled backward, and Elyse figured he must have taken more than just a taste of their essence. The previous people, who’d been touched by the other vampyres, hadn’t shown any reaction to being tested.

  When he drew level with Elyse, she could see a deep scowl furrowed his brow. He strode right past her as though she didn’t exist and only stopped once more in front of another woman some distance away from Elyse. She also appeared affected by his touch.

  “I was holding my breath, but he didn’t notice you or me. We’re lucky, and I think you’ll be dismissed. No vampyre checked your essence.” The woman smiled at Elyse. “It was good to meet you.”

  “Yes. Thank you for the information you’ve shared. I knew nothing about these gatherings, and you told me some things that helped. I’m feeling a little less afraid now.”

  “Look, he’s talking to the rest of the vampyres and probably saying who he wants. I’ve heard they have to agree or fight a duel to the death with him.”

  After a brief discussion with two of the vampyres, the blond vampyre yelled at the helpers to hurry over and hear their choices. They came and were instructed by the vampyres who to take out of the line.

  The young woman was pulled out, and several others went with her. Meanwhile, Elyse was hoping she was going to be released when a helper grabbed her arm and pushed her toward a small wagon. She could see the two women that the blond vampyre had tested already sitting inside the cage. Does this mean he chose me, too? Now I’m frightened again.

  She was thrust inside the cage and almost immediately the wagon began to move forward. Elyse attempted to remain calm, but she felt truly terrified.

  Chapter Two

  They journeyed out into the countryside, passing a couple of villages and eventually arriving at a large and neglected mansion. Ivy and other clinging vines festooned the front of the building to the extent that some windows were almost covered. The long driveway wound its way through grass, which needed cutting, and a large stone feature that must have once displayed a fountain. Now, it wore cracks through which weeds were sprouting. Is this where the one who looks like Brenwul lives? Why would he allow it to become so rundown?

  The wagon stopped in front of a large entrance with double doors that certainly hadn’t been stained in a long time. A helper was standing by them, and he walked to the back of the cage, unfastened the lock and dragged the occupants out and onto the crumbling driveway. The driver joined him. They pushed Elyse and the two women toward the entrance, and then one of them banged on the doors with his fist. After a couple of minutes, a man opened both doors, and the three women were ushered inside a wide vestibule. There was a long hallway branching off to the left, and the helpers forced them into it. They came to a door, and the man unlocked it. One of the women was pushed through the open doorway, and they didn’t move on until the door was relocked.

  Then it was Elyse’s turn to be locked inside a second room. She found a light switch and looked around the illuminated space. There was a small round table and a chair, a bed close to a window on which ivy covered most of its outside glass, and an oblong mirror hanging on one of the walls. Beside it was a small wardrobe that contained tops and frayed jeans. These clothes appeared to be a little large for her small frame. All of the furnishings were sparse and plain and not what she would choose. There was also a door that led into a small bathroom with a bath, shower, sink, and toilet, but nothing else.

  Elyse sat down on the edge of the bed and, once again, wished she’d gone straight back to the city instead of selling the jars at the marketplace. Is this the room where I’m supposed to live? I must try to escape as soon as possible. She lay down and was surprised that the bed felt comfortable. After dosing for a while, Elyse was awakened by someone screaming out in the hallway.

  “No, no, no! Don’t take me to him.”

  That must be one of the other captured women. Will I be next?

  The woman continued shouting until the sound of her voice grew fainter, and then it was gone. Elyse shuddered and hoped she wouldn’t hear a key opening the lock on her door. When that didn’t happen, she got up and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water onto her face. That helped, but what was she supposed to do in order to occupy her time?

  She looked around the room in the hope of finding a book or something of interest. There was nothing. Apparently, it was her fate to wait in the room until the vampyre drained all of her life-force essence. Even as this thought occurred, she heard a key turning in the lock. The door opened, and there stood the blond vampyre. Behind him, she saw two helpers carrying one of the captives along the hallway. She looked unconscious.

  Elyse backed away from the vampyre as he walked into the room. He’d left the door open, so she tried to dart to one side of him in order to go toward it, but he grabbed her arm.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  His grip tightened even more.

  “Do you really think I care?”

  She tried to pull her arm free, but with his other hand, he clasped the back of her head and forced her to look up at him.

  “You belong to me now, and I can do whatever I want to you. Stop struggling and listen.”

  His green eyes bore into hers, and she felt compelled to relax. He eased his tight hold a little and asked, “Do you remember me?”

  Elyse didn’t answer. What does he want me to say?

  “Do you remember me?” Each word was emphasized.

  “I don’t understand your question. Do I remember you from the marketplace? Yes, you glared at me.”

  He yelled, “No! Do you remember me from years ago? You wanted to show me how to make a daisy chain.”

  “But that was a dream, it didn’t really happen.”

  “It did, but I made you believe it was a dream. I would have drained you dry if that woman hadn’t come looking for you.”

  “She was my grandmother, and I loved her. I came back to the town because she died.”

  “That is of no consequence to me. You are now my essence slave and must obey me.”

  “You’ll have to make me. Vampyres have no right to take a person’s essence. Someone told me you were cursed by a witch, so that makes you even more evil.”

  “Yes, I’m cursed, and that means you should be afraid of me. I do whatever appeals to my dark nature.” He laughed and pulled her hair.

  Elyse squealed out loud from the pain. With her free hand, she punched his chest, but he just laughed again.

  “I hate you!”

  “Okay. We’ve renewed our acquaintance. I’ll send for you when I need more essence.” Brenwul released his hold on her, but continued to stare down menacingly into her eyes.

  “You’ll regret taking my essence. It will bring you bad luck.”

  “I’ve already been claimed by misfortune, so that won’t bother me even if what they say about red hair is true.” Brenwul turned away from Elyse, but then seemed to notice her bag on the bed. He picked it up and unzipped the top. “Let’s see what you have in here.” Out came the comb, the compact, and cash disc, which he stuffed into a back pocket of his jeans. The two other items were replaced, and he threw the bag back on the bed without zippering it. “You don’t need a cash disc. I can’t have you trying to buy your way out of here.”

  “There’s very little left in it, so I couldn’t do that. But don’t take my disc.
That’s theft.”

  “Ha! You and everything you own belongs to me. Your cash disc is my property now.”

  Brenwul moved toward the open door. Turning back, he added, “This is your home until I have no further use for you. You don’t need to buy anything, not food, nor clothes. One of my helpers will bring you something to eat tonight because I need you to keep up your strength so that you have plenty of essence for me.” This time, he chuckled.

  “Wait! There’s nothing to do in this room. Do you have books, magazines, or games to occupy my mind? I’ll go crazy if all I can do is sleep and eat.”

  “Why should I care? You’re just a source of essence to me.” Brenwul strode out of the room, closed the door, and she heard him turn the key in the lock.

  Well, he didn’t take my essence right now. He’s probably full after what he took from that poor woman. With that thought, Elyse lay back down on the bed and waited for her evening meal.

  When a helper brought it in, there was chicken broth, a plate piled high with vegetable lepalto, and some chopped fruit for dessert. However, there was only a glass of water to drink. She couldn’t eat the entire main dish, there was too much, but the other food was very welcome. A sandwich at lunchtime in the marketplace was all she’d eaten earlier. Well, thank goodness he feeds his captives, although that’s only to ensure they have plenty of life-force essence for him.

  A while after she’d finished eating, the same helper collected her dishes, and she was left alone in the room. What to do now? It’s too early to go to sleep. I’ll try to imagine I’m outside and enjoying the evening air. Elyse lay down on the bed, closed her eyes, and recalled one of the groves where she and her grandmother had enjoyed a picnic.

  She could see the trees, grass, and wildflowers. A few purple bees were continuing to buzz around the small blooms, alighting on some, but passing by others. They would be returning to their hive soon and settling there for the night. Didn’t a rabbit go hopping by while we’d sat here? I’ll imagine that and...

  The sound of a key turning in the lock interrupted Elyse’s train of thought. Surely he doesn’t want my essence tonight? She sat up and stared at the opening door. A young man came into the room.

  “I’m here to take you to the master. Please come with me and don’t make a fuss.”

  Well, I don’t need to worry about how to amuse myself. I’ll be dead soon. Elyse felt her stomach churn as she stood up from the bed and followed the helper into the hallway. They walked to the end of it and entered the vestibule.

  “He wants to see you in the library. I’ll show you where that is.” He led her to a beautiful ornate door, knocked once, and waited.

  She was shaking nervously as someone yelled, “Come!”

  The young man turned the knob, gently pushed Elyse inside the room and closed the door

  Yes, it’s the library. Every wall was covered from floor to ceiling with bookshelves, and each one was filled with books. There was a blazing fire in the grate of a large, marble fireplace with a leather armchair positioned close by. Off to her left were an oak desk and chair. Brenwul was seated there, busily writing in a book. Without looking at her, he ordered, “Choose some books to read, and then leave.”

  She stared at him in disbelief. He hasn’t sent for me to steal my life-force essence?

  His writing hand paused, and he glared at Elyse. “Come here!”

  She hurried over to stand beside the desk. “Yes?”

  “Are you deaf or stupid? Choose!”

  “I heard what you said, but I couldn’t believe it. You’ll let me borrow some of your books?”

  “You don’t want to be bored, do you?” Now he was scowling at her.

  “No. I’m just shocked by your kindness.”

  “I am never kind. Hurry up and get some books before I change my mind.” He went back to writing, and Elyse began reading the titles of those that were close by. She chose two mysteries and one book about Kurbridor.

  “Thank you. These three are fine.”

  “Then go. Don’t bother me, I’m busy.”

  She almost ran to the door, opened it, and stepped into the vestibule. The young man was waiting for her. He took the books from her, saying, “I’ll carry these for you.”

  They made their way back to her room, and Elyse gave a sigh of relief. Perhaps he is not totally evil. He did actually allow me to choose some books rather than drain my essence.

  Chapter Three

  Brenwul watched Elyse hurry out of the library. He fought the urge to call her back. Why do I want her to stay with me? She’s nothing but an essence slave. And why did I allow her to borrow some books? It’s ridiculous. I should take her essence, and then get rid of her. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

  He attempted to return his thoughts to the information he was recording in the book, but she filled his mind. When he’d taken her essence years ago, he was surprised by how special it felt. He’d never experienced any other energy quite like it. Then it had given him much pleasure, but now it would only take him into even deeper gloom. That was the nature of the witch’s curse. With each supply of life-force essence he stole from a person, he would be plunged into ever deepening unhappiness. At first, he’d thought it was a useless threat but, as time passed, he’d painfully realized the power of her spell. Nothing gave him any pleasure, not essence, not food, and not even any activity, including sex. His life was filled with darkness and despair. He hated everything and everybody. Hurting others didn’t please him, yet it offered a sense of satisfaction. If I have to endure the curse, why shouldn’t everyone else feel pain and misery, too?

  Of course, the witch had said there was a way of ending her curse but, as yet, he hadn’t found it and now, even if it was true, he no longer cared to look for the spell breaker. Only one person in the whole world of Kurbridor could destroy what the witch had cast, by giving his or her essence willingly to Brenwul. In the early days after the curse, some had given their life-force essence to him willingly, but none had broken the spell. Now, he believed that witch might have lied about how the curse would end. Sure, she made it sound possible, yet, as the years rolled by he’d lost faith in ever finding that special person. It will never happen. Everyone loathes me and tries to stay far away. I’ll stick to taking essence from my slaves or some unsuspecting victim wandering around the town.

  Earlier that day, he’d removed most of one woman’s slave essence, so he wouldn’t need any more for a while. Then he’d take most—no all of Elyse’s—and have his helpers leave her where the gatherings take place. Yes, that’s what I should do. Let’s see if she wants some books to occupy her interest when her body is rotting into the ground.

  Brenwul laughed out loud and realized with surprise he’d given himself a little perverse pleasure.

  * * * *

  When they reached her room, Elyse reclaimed the books and smiled at the young man.

  “Thanks. I could have managed, but I appreciate your help.”

  “Anything I can do to make your time here a little easier is why I carried them. Being an essence slave must be dreadful. You probably think that’s a weird thing for a vampyre’s helper to say, don’t you?”

  “No. You work for him, but that doesn’t mean you agree with everything he does. I hate the fact that vampyres steal life-force essence from people, yet they would die without it. It’s not always easy to know right from wrong.” Elyse smiled and paid closer attention to this helper.

  He was not as tall or well-built as the vampyre, but he looked agile and able to do whatever work was required of him. His hair was brown, curly, and cut short. He wasn’t handsome, yet she liked his even features and blue eyes.

  “I didn’t have a home when he found me living on the street and offered me the job as one of his helpers. That was before the witch cursed him. If it had happened after her spell, he would have drained my essence dry and left me dying there.”

  “So he was different before she cursed him?”

  “Yes. A
s vampyres go, he was okay. Now, he’s either angry or cruel and quite often both. Of course, that’s when he’s around. There are times when he stays in his bedroom for days and nobody sees him. He doesn’t take essence from anyone and becomes a raging beast.”

  “If no one sees him, how do you know this?”

  “We can hear him cursing, banging on walls, and kicking objects around. Then he storms out of his room, knocks anyone and anything out of his way, and heads for town. I’ve been told he pounces on whomever he finds and drains them until they’re dead. That spell has really changed him.”

  “Yes, it must have done that. Anyway, thanks for not being like him. I appreciate knowing you feel sympathy for his essence slaves.”

  “I’ve tried to find other work, but nobody wants you once they know you’ve been a vampyre helper. At least with Master Brenwul I have somewhere to live, food, and clothes. When he first hired me, he gave me a disc machine with some cash credited in there. I’m much better off than when I lived on the streets.”

  “I’m grateful you’re here. What’s your name?”

  “It’s Damian. Don’t say it if anyone else is near. Helpers and essence slaves are not supposed to speak unless it’s necessary.”

  “Okay. My name’s Elyse, but maybe you already knew that?”

  “No, I didn’t. Vampyres tell their helpers nothing about the essence slaves, and I mustn’t call you by that name. Master Brenwul would either dismiss me or more likely drain my essence if I did.”

  “It can be our little secret and something to brighten my short stay here. We know our names and will only use them when we’re alone.”

  “I agree. You’d better go into your room now before someone notices us talking to each other.” He unlocked her door, and she stepped inside. After placing the books on the round table, she chose one and sat in the chair ready to read. However, for a few minutes and before opening the book she thought about Damian and what he’d told her. She was grateful to have found a friendly person in this dire circumstance.


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