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Who is Erebus: Bad Boy meets Good Girl romance (Bad Boys & Good Men Book 4)

Page 4

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  The last thing she remembered before falling asleep was E curled around her, spooning her and knowing she wanted his hardness against more than her back.


  Erebus listened as her breathing deepened and she fell asleep in his arms. The thin nightdress did nothing to hide the shape of her body from him, and it took all his self control to keep his arm around her waist and not stretch his fingers to her breasts.

  For the first time in years, he enjoyed the company of a woman without sex being the goal. And yet tonight found him in a bed with a beautiful woman who defied him in so many ways.

  Felicity, what a beautiful name to roll off his tongue. The graceful, enigmatic, Felicity had shown him an innocence that he wanted to explore, without breaking. A sense of humor and intellect he found humbling and challenging at the same time. Thinking back, he couldn’t remember the last time he held a real conversation with a woman without playful and sexual innuendos.

  This woman deserved to be, was worth more than a one night stand – for both of them. If this led to something in the morning, already he knew he wouldn’t want to walk away. Yet he didn’t know how he could stay in her life without her ending up hurt in some way.

  Streams of daylight appeared through the window and his senses awoke to the smell of freshly baked bread. Felicity barely stirred as he moved his arms from around her. It took all of his self control not to kiss the rose-colored lips, barely visible through the blonde strands of hair down her face.

  She deserved better than waking to a man lying next to her with an erection and he needed to do something before his primal urges replaced common decency.

  He found the coffee machine and pods. She either didn’t entertain a lot or didn’t drink a lot of coffee herself – it usually took a whole pot to get him started in the morning. In the daylight, he learned more about her better by looking through the different board games in the cupboard as he returned the Monopoly. From the worn boxes he discovered she liked games of strategy rather than chance. There were some familiar titles and others he hoped to have the chance to get to learn.

  Next to the cupboard were two, large wooden bookshelves. One filled with text books and books which he assumed she used for her teenage students. Yet another thing to admire about her. With her enthusiasm and energy, any school would love to have her in their primary school classes. But she had gone back to study so she could move on and work with teens who had become disengaged with school.

  The other bookshelf contained double rows of biographies and autobiographies. A collection of politicians, sports stars and normal people. He thumbed through a few before settling on an amputee who cut off his own hand to save his life while rock climbing. Erebus remembered watching the guy interviewed after his rescue so it was easy to settle into one of Felicity’s comfortable arm chairs and start reading about the resilience and faith of a man fighting and willing to do anything to stay alive. Truthfully, it was easier to stay and read than to leave.

  “Well, that’s a sight I didn’t expect to see this morning!” The most glorious vision, dressed and ready for the day walked into the room.

  “I hate to tell you, but it’ll take me more than a day or two for me to finish reading all these books.”

  “I’ll give you a couple of days, then you’ll get bored.” Her eyes became guarded. How could she think that of him!

  Not caring that he lost his place in the book, he set it aside and within three large steps was close enough to pull her into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere unless you ask me to go.”

  “I’m not asking,” she kissed him, tentatively at first and then he felt her desire burn.

  “Felicity,” he stopped for a moment, kissing her on her perfect nose, “I told you last night what would happen if you kissed me again.”

  “I remember,” her arms tightened around his neck, pulling his face to hers.

  Oh, someone forgive him. He tried to be good and give her space and time to back out. Now, his body was taking over his head. He had been in a perpetual state of readiness since she first walked towards him at the house. Now every part of him wanted to unleash on this woman.

  His hands explored everywhere over her clothes, feeling the curve of her waist, the soft cheek and firm legs. Avoiding the urge to draw her skirt up, he started again at the front, unbuttoning the top of her dress, exposing the pale pink, cotton bra. No lace or beads or anything to indicate she bought it with another man in mind. He would be the only man to remove it from her body, and expose …

  She opened to his kisses, as he ravished her mouth. Soft bites on her lips, tongue caressing the inside.

  What was he thinking!

  While his hands expertly caressed and explored her body, Felicity remained in place, kissing him. Passionately, but something else was wrong. Her arms were still around his neck – they hadn’t moved down to his chest or below. Was it possible she didn’t know what else to do?

  He checked himself, again.

  “Wait, not yet.” Kissing her one last time before his arms returned to frame her hips. “You and I have a house to buy,” he kissed her gently lips to lips, “Then, I’m buying you lunch. Then we’re going to get to know each other better – and only then,” he kissed her, damning himself, “If you want to, we can take this further.”


  Felicity rang Sonia with the good news, “He’s emailing you a firm offer – cash with a quick settlement. Be warned, it is a lot less than what the house is on the market, but he has also prepared a list of all the work that’s required for it to be lived in.”

  “Fantastic – how did you do it?”

  “Nothing really. Once he saw the potential, he made up his mind,” she pulled her head away, to avoid being kissed while still talking to her friend. Still, she couldn’t take her eyes away from the man leaning against his rental car, his legs gently parted so she fit between.

  “I hope it didn’t put you out, having to babysit him all night.”

  “Not at all, we played some board games and cards and stuff.”

  “And yet he still wants to buy the house! Thanks Flick, I owe you one. Gotta go.”

  “I owe you a lot more than one,” E took away her phone before crushing her mouth with his own, again.

  “Now you have the house, what do you want to do?” She was becoming more confident with every kiss, the long forgotten feelings stirring.

  “Would you be shocked if I said, ‘You and very slowly’?” she shivered as his kisses trailed down her neck.

  “E, we’re standing in the middle of the street,” she looked around at non-existent voyeurs, “What will the neighbors think!”

  He broke away, “You are quite right, you deserve better than being ravaged in the driveway of a deserted house. Let’s go and let me buy you the lunch I promised.”

  With a tinge of regret, Felicity locked up the house and drove them to the nearby beach. “Best fish and chips in the country.”

  “That’s a big call.”

  “I like making big calls.”

  “Then I hope I live up to ours,” he squeezed her hand and she trembled again in anticipation.

  They ate in silence, walking to the end of the beach, where the rocks met the point. With cat-like grace, he helped her sit on the highest point, where they could see beaches either side and nothing but ocean ahead.

  “I’m not like you, Felicity. I don’t live in the same town I was born in, and, well, I’ve lived.”

  She didn’t understand, “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “I mean, I have a past.”

  “Haven’t you figured me out yet? I don’t care where or what you’ve lived. I only care that you’re honest with me.”

  He nodded, “I’m not married, no children and no crazy ex’s that might come out of the woodwork. I’ve changed careers a couple of times, and I’m looking to change again.”

  “You never talked about that last night. Actually, any time I asked you changed th
e subject. What do you do for a living?”

  “I pick up the odd laboring jobs – anything from brick laying to basic carpentry.”

  “It must pay well.”

  “As long as my body holds up, the money is okay.” Was that bitterness or regret she heard?

  Felicity sighed as a seagull chirped overhead. Nothing about the last day was normal for her. Yet, sitting here they could be the only people in the world. She couldn’t let him go and never see him again.

  “Will you live in the house?” She wanted to ask if he would be spending more time in town. Or would today be their only chance.

  “That depends,” he turned to her and she lost her breathe in his eyes.

  “On …” hoping.

  “On you.”

  This time, she didn’t want him to stop. Whatever was going to happen, she wanted him with every part of her body and soul. She also didn’t want to stop and go back to her house in case either of them changed their mind.

  Thinking quickly, or at least trying to, she said, “Around here,” and pulled him around the rocks to a crevice, hidden from view and protected from the ocean. The perfect bed for their first time.

  Erebus removed and lay his shirt on the ground to protect her from the sand.

  “Are you sure,” he asked, lying next to her, his fingers tracing figure eights on her stomach.

  “Very,” his chest glistened in the sunlight and he moaned as she stroked it gently.

  “One more kiss, and I won’t be responsible,” he warned.

  “Promises,” she leant up and kissed him, “Promises,” as he followed her to the sand.

  “Promises,” with her third word, her hands found a life of their own, pulling him to her, weaving their way down to unleash him from his shorts. Oh, he was huge. Instinctively she held him in her hands, gliding them up and down, marveling at the power of it, and of him.

  He slipped the dress from over her shoulders, taking one of the bra straps and exposing her breast. His lips soft as they closed around her nipple. As they tightened she felt his teeth nibble, sending an electric sensation through her body.

  Her hands guided him towards her. One touch, all he would need was one touch and he would find her ready, ever so ready for him, wantonly so.

  He poised above, removing her panties with one hand, his eyes never wavering.

  She pulled his hips towards her, feeling him fill her as she adjusted her hips to accommodate his precious gift.

  Then he took her on her own journey. His fingers, his mouth were everywhere and more. Pinning her to the sand, his fingers found their way, parting her cheeks as he thrust his hips to hers. As she dug her nails into his ass, he gently bit down on her nipple, again sending electric pulses through to her core.

  Screaming his name, she clamored for more, with every thrust she clawed at him, until he went still, holding himself half inside her and half out.

  His hands released from underneath her, one balancing him, and one with fingers finding her bud.

  Panting, she looked up at him. She had never … well she had … but she never … ohhhhh.

  As he rubbed her, she felt her body explode into ecstasy. This is what the books and the songs were written about. Ohhhhhhh.

  Only after her shuddering slowed, did he continue until they came together.


  Erebus cleared his calendar for another two weeks. The real estate agent allowed him access to the house to measure up for some of the work that needed to be done, and he started looking for an old car to save money on renting every time he came to town.

  He made friends with the locals as he purchased some clothes, filled Felicity’s refrigerator and even dropped in as a surprise guest at the library.

  “That was seriously cool,” he hugged her as the last of her students left.

  “I told you they’d like you.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous,” he couldn’t tell Felicity that he’d rather get all his gear off in front of a crowded room of horny women than risk making a fool of himself in front of her students.

  “I couldn’t tell, well,” she gave him a cute kiss on the cheek, “Maybe a little at the beginning. But once you started, I could tell they just wanted to be like you.”

  If only she knew, he thought.

  “They’re a tough audience, but I saw how scared they were at failing. Trying so hard to impress you and each other that they didn’t want to stuff up.”

  “You got through to them.”

  “It’s easier to connect when they think you’re just kidding around. I totally respect them for not giving up and trying one last time to learn to read.”

  “I’ve tried for months to get them to want to, but now thanks to you, they’ve signed up for before school sessions.”

  “My pleasure, although does that mean you’ll be getting out of bed earlier, because I have to warn you,” he grabbed her ass. “I’m not willing to share you with a bunch of teenage boys.”

  “You could always join me …” her voice trailed off. An invitation to be an even greater part of her life. Crap, it was getting harder not to tell her the whole truth.

  In no time at all, he was building a home – in this town and with this woman.

  Felicity. Oh, sweet, graceful, smart, sexy Felicity. Everything he ever imagined or wanted. Smart, funny, and with a heart as beautiful as her body.

  Oh, physically – every time he lay with her, she opened up more to him. He was still gentle and other than their first time, every time had been in her bed.

  He prided himself on his restraint. Many times, when she stood in the kitchen or outside gardening, he resisted the urge to take her violently, holding her hands, pinning her body so he could be in control. After all, his heart was completely out of his control.

  The weight of his lies and untruths grew bigger.

  The darkness within him, he could never let her see. Felicity filled his heart with urges of making love and tender kisses. She could never understand and must never know the dark passion that built within.


  “Look at you, all dressed up for a Monday night,” Sonia stood behind her at the bottle shop.

  “I’m just getting something for dinner.”

  “Dinner, hey?” Sonia turned the bottle around to inspect the label. “I’m guessing this goes with a tall, blonde and fit owner of a white house that has the whole town talking?”

  Felicity blushed as she finished paying for it. “Perhaps.”

  “From the smile on your face, there is no ‘perhaps’ about it.” Sonia finished her own purchase and followed Felicity to her car. “I haven’t seen you for ages.”

  “You know how it is,” between school and her father, every spare moment was with E. Truthfully, she ached to be apart for any length of time.

  “I do and I’m happy for you. Is he treating you right?” Sonia had her share of misadventures in love. Her type seemed to be heros at first and cruel at closer inspection.

  “He’s amazing. And I’m late.”

  “Special night?”

  “He goes back to the city tomorrow, for work.”

  “Enjoy the evening – hope the wine goes with everything,” Sonia hugged her before she left.

  By the time she arrived home, the dining room was filled with candles.

  “Dinner is in the oven,” the rush from his first kiss never faded. Nor did her craving for his touch. She didn’t want to wait for the bedroom. Not with the scented candles surrounding them in a glow.

  “I’m not interested in what’s in the oven,” she quickly pulled his shirt over his head before he had time to respond.

  “I’m listening,” he returned the favor unzipping the back of her dress as she then moved to his shorts, dropping them to the floor with a flick of her wrist.

  “I heard you were good with your hands,” she removed one strap of her dress as his eyes looked to where a small cotton triangle threatened to release her breast, �
��That you could make magic out of any craft,” with the other strap removed, her dress joined his shorts on the floor.

  The plain underwear had been replaced by expensive lace, soft to the touch and from his reaction, visually pleasing. The teal was almost a match for his eyes and she shivered as he fingered the outline of her bra.

  “What are you going to do about it?” she asked more boldly than she felt. Who was this woman!

  In reply, Erebus picked her up and in one movement lay her down at the end of the long dining table. The long candles shook in their candlesticks as she tried to sit up.

  “No, lie back and don’t move,” he said, opening her legs with kisses. “You don’t want to burn the place down.”

  “The local firemen would save me.”

  “Sweetheart, if any man sees you wearing this, I will kill him,” he growled.

  Kisses, more kisses. Each one firmer, deeper than the last. By the time his fingers found her, she was ready. Not able to reach for him without losing her balance, she craved for more.

  “Please, I want you,” she cried between kisses. Instead of climbing onto the table with her, he leaned down, pushing aside her panties with his teeth. Blowing hot air to where she was waiting for …

  “Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” she cried as his tongue entered her. Throwing her head back the candles almost toppled.

  “Steady, I said lie back and enjoy it,” before he went back to work. Long, deep thrusts and gentle nibbles around her inner thighs.

  Without anything to do, she had to lie back and release herself to the sensation of what Erebus could do if she lay back and took it like a woman.

  He pulled her hips closer to the edge of the table, fingers joining his tongue. Opening her, teasing her, fulfilling every desire she never knew she had.

  Time and time again he bought her to the brink, only to return to kissing her outer lips and thighs.

  “Please, for the love of … please,” she begged. “Either finish me or fuck me, I don’t care anymore, I want you now.”


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