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Twisted Perfection

Page 5

by Glines, Abbi

  “I’m sorry,” he finally said as he placed his hands flat against the wall on each side of my head. “I think I may have snapped.”

  I hadn’t been expecting an apology. “Okay,” I replied waiting on more of an explanation.

  “I want to be inside you again, Della. I want to pull this sexy ass excuse for a skirt up and bury myself in the tightest pussy I’ve ever been in.”


  Woods lowered his head until his breath was warm against my ear. “It’s a real bad idea. Fucking you is all I can think about but it’s a bad idea. Push me away and leave the room. It’s the only way I can keep from touching you.”

  That night we’d spent together was one I still dreamed about when my dreams were good. How could I walk away when he was offering it again? Why would I want to? I liked Woods. He wasn’t just sexy and really good at making me feel wanted. He was thoughtful and well liked by everyone. He was one of the good guys. I needed affection. I had lived most of my life without it. Sex made me feel close to someone even if just for a little while. I’d lost my virginity to a guy who had held me and touched me. I’d wanted to be touched so badly. I’d wanted to feel close to someone. It had been a mistake. The guy hadn’t been caring and thoughtful the way Woods was. Having Woods touch me was so different. I craved the way he made me feel.

  I moved my hands to his chest and laid my palms against the hard muscles under his shirt that I had licked thoroughly, every wonderful ripple. “What if I don’t want to leave? What if I want you to pull my skirt up?” I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes. It was a simple question. An honest one.

  “Damn, baby,” he murmured just before his mouth covered mine. The desperation in his kiss made me tingle between my legs. Our tongues danced and tasted until we were both pressing our bodies closer while our hands fought with the clothing between us. I managed to jerk Woods shirt off by pulling it over his head and then covering one of his dark nipples with my mouth and sucking hard. My panties were jerked down and I quickly stepped out of them as he pulled them down over my boots.

  “You’re keeping these boots on. I want it all off but the boots,” he growled as he pulled my shirt off and then made quick work of my bra.

  As soon as he had me naked I went back to kissing his chest. Jeffery’s chest hadn’t looked like this. I had never touched a chest like this but with Woods.

  Woods hands circled my waist and he picked me up and pressed me against the wall as he slammed into me.

  “WOODS! YES!” I cried out as the pleasurable pain engulfed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on.

  “Fuck yes… fuck yes… damn Della baby, I’ve fantasized about this since the last time I was up in here. It’s like some kind of fucking utopia. I don’t want to ever come out.”

  Woods’ breathing was heavy as he leaned over my body and buried his head in my neck. “So good,” he groaned.

  “Fill me, then you can do it again,” I promised, wanting him to move. I craved the orgasm I knew he could give me. That one moment when I couldn’t tell where I ended and he began. Bad memories weren’t there to haunt me during that nirvana. It was my one moment of relief. I intended to get a lot of those from him tonight. I didn’t care about anything else. Just how Woods could make me feel.

  Woods let out a crazy growl before he started pumping in and out of me. He licked a trail down my neck and bit me on my shoulder and just above my breast several times .I watched, desperate to get as lost in him as I could. His tongue trailed a path down to my nipple and flicked it several times before pulling it into his mouth. I was so close to coming.

  My legs started getting weak from the impending orgasm. Woods noticed and he grabbed both my legs and moved even closer to use the wall as support. His eyes lifted and the moment they locked with mine my pleasure exploded and I cried out his name until it was a whimper.

  “Uhh, fuck, Della, uuuh, God yes.” Woods’ release shook his body so hard it sent a second ripple of pleasure through me. I managed to hold onto him tightly and rested my head against his chest.

  Our breathing was hard and heavy. It sounded like we’d both just run a marathon. I felt like I’d just run a marathon but had managed to reach heaven in the process.

  Woods hand ran down my hair and my back over and over as we stood there. It was a soothing gesture from him that only made me like him more. I’d never even had a hug until Braden had held me the night I found my mother dead. Woods gave me something no one else had. I sought out affection from others. Not only could Woods give me that but he made everything else fade away. If I could take him home with me at night would I have my nightmares? Could he exhaust my body with the ability to bring me pleasure until all I could remember was him?


  I was going to take her home with me tonight. I needed more of this. I wanted to taste her again and spend hours rolling those candy red nipples against my tongue. She was like crack. It had taken all my willpower to walk out on her the last time we’d done this. Now I needed to get her out of my system or at least die trying.

  She snuggled deeper into my arms and her soft satisfied sigh only made me hard again. Damn, she was all kinds of sweet. I shouldn’t be doing this with her but my body had other ideas.

  I slowly pulled out of her before I got completely hard again. If that happened I’d end up fucking her just like this again and I needed to change my condom.

  “Woods Kerrington I’m going to kick your ass if you’re doing what I think you’re doing! You need to get out here. Angelina just showed up.” Bethy’s angry snarl wasn’t missed as she pounded on the door.

  Hell! I didn’t want to deal with Angelina right now. I wanted to change my damn condom and sink myself back inside Della.

  Della leaned back from my embrace and she frowned up at me. “Who’s Angelina?”

  Who was Angelina? Did I lie to her? No. I couldn’t. But telling her the truth meant that I wouldn’t get to do this again. I needed to find a way to explain it so that I didn’t end this… this thing we had going.

  “Please answer me, Woods,” she said as she dropped her legs to the floor and stepped away from me. I felt cold without her. I jerked my pants back up. Her arms crossed over her chest protectively. It only made me want to pull them away so that she wasn’t blocking my view.

  “Woods?” She was waiting.

  I couldn’t do it. I could not lie to her just to get her to keep fucking me. DAMMIT! Why did I have to be so honorable?

  “She’s my soon to be fiancée.” The words physically hurt coming out of my mouth. The idea of marrying Angelina and never knowing this again almost made me throw all this shit with my dad out the door and say screw it. But I couldn’t. It was my future and Della would leave soon. I couldn’t throw my future away for a few weeks of the hottest fuck of my life.

  “Soon to be?” she asked, reaching for her bra. I wanted to help her put it on but I knew she wouldn’t want me to. Not after I clarified this.

  “I’m going to ask her to marry me tomorrow night during the Delamar Benefit at the club.”

  Della’s eyes went wide and she began clumsily trying to put her bra back on as she put more distance between us. “Ohmygod,” she whispered and jerked her shirt over her head. I watched helplessly as she pulled her skirt down and adjusted it. “Ohmygod, I did it again,” she murmured and shook her head in disbelief. When she started for the door I panicked. This couldn’t be it.

  “Della, wait. Let me explain,” I begged and she shook her head.

  “No, don’t. I get it. I’m an easy lay. You’re about to tie yourself to a girl for the rest of your life so you used me. One more last night of fun.” She let out a hard laugh. “I’m an easy target. I know that. Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. I hope she says yes.”

  I couldn’t find words to make this right when she jerked the door open and came face to face with a very angry Bethy.

  “Are you okay? No, you’re not. Come with me,” she said to Dell
a in a soothing tone. Then she shot me a glare. “I can’t believe you,” she snapped.

  I watched them both walk away from me. I zipped my jeans, grabbed my shirt, and slipped it on. The pink scrap of fabric I’d jerked off her in my insanity to be in her lay forgotten on the floor. She was walking around in that short skirt with no panties. Damn. I picked up the last memory I’d have of knowing just how good Della Sloane felt and tucked it into my pocket.

  Grant met me in the hallway. I owed him an apology too. Not that I was in the mood to give him one. He’d probably be the next one to find out just how amazing Della felt. My blood heated up as images of Grant touching Della flashed in my head.

  “What the hell are you doing? I thought you were gonna ask Angelina to marry you tomorrow night. Jace said you have the ring already.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “I am. It’s a little deeper than the way it looks. I hooked up with Della about four months ago when she was passing through town. She’s memorable.” I wasn’t about to tell him just how good she was because I had no doubt he’d try her out himself and I knew his heart was too abused to ever love again.

  “So you needed one more taste? She know that was what was up? If she did then that’s cool. But if she didn’t then you’re a sorry ass motherfucker.” The last part came out in a soft voice laced with an angry threat.

  “I’m the motherfucker,” I replied and shoved past him as Angelina made her way toward me. I had her to deal with now.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?” she asked. I started to lie when I decided she didn’t need to think this was a fairytale. She needed the truth.

  “Having really hot wild sex. If I’m asking you to marry me tomorrow at the benefit then I needed to have one more fond memory.”

  Most girls would have flinched but I’d known Angelina wouldn’t. This was a business transaction for her too.

  “I hope it was a good one because I won’t allow it once I’m wearing that ring,” she hissed.

  “It was incredible,” I replied and headed for the front door. “Let’s go.”


  I didn’t want to go back out to the balcony with Bethy. I saw Grant walking toward us and I just wanted out. This time it hurt. With Jeffery I’d just been disgusted. But with Woods… it was painful. He had been different. Or at least, I’d thought he was different. The way he touched me and wanted me had given me hope. I was silly to think hot sex was the answer to my problems. It had all been selfish. Woods wasn’t giving me pure affection. My heart still hurt. I’d wanted that so much.

  I felt the edges of my vision starting to blur and I knew I needed to be alone. This wasn’t something anyone needed to see. I didn’t want these people to think I was a freak too.

  “I just want to be alone if you don’t mind,” I told Bethy and forced an apologetic smile her way before heading outside into the cool night air. I didn’t look back and I didn’t try to find my car. I wasn’t in any condition to drive. I needed somewhere dark and quiet. Somewhere safe. I needed somewhere safe. The words “safe” kept up a chant in my head as my vision became more and more blurry. I managed to find a house that looked empty and sat down on the backside of it facing away from the road. I pulled my knees up and tucked my head between them. I could get through this. It was just a symptom of my trauma. Or at least that’s what the doctors kept telling me.

  Don’t go outside, Della. It’s dangerous. Your daddy is dead because he went outside. Stay here where it’s safe. With me. We’ll be safe together. Just the two of us.

  I felt tears fill my eyes as my mother’s words began tumbling through my head. I tried so hard to repress the memories. But when I was emotionally spent they came back. They didn’t just hide away in my dreams.

  Shhh, Della dear. I know you want to ride a bike but so many bad things can get you outside. You’re only safe in here. Remember that. We can’t leave or bad things will happen. Let’s sing a song, okay? One that is happy. One that is safe.

  “No, no, no momma. You aren’t going to do this to me. I’m stronger than you. I can beat this,” I said as I pushed the memories back. I wasn’t my mother. I wanted to live life. I wanted to face danger and I wanted to know all the emotions that went along with it.

  I sat there a long time and stared up at the moon. It was something I used to long to see. I knew at night that I could get away from the safety of my house and see Braden. I could ride her bike down the dark streets and I could breathe in the fresh air. The night sky had become my friend.

  Finally, I wiped my face with the backs of my hands and stood up. I was okay. I’d made it through this alone. Braden hadn’t been here to tell me to breathe and make me laugh while she kept her arm wrapped around my shoulders. This time it had just been me. I was proud of myself.


  I had lain awake last night thinking about packing up and leaving but in the end I decided that I was done with running. I couldn’t run every time I came in contact with pain or a problem was placed in my path. It was time I reacted like the rest of the world and faced it head on. However, I might need to find another job. My boss might not want me working for him anymore. I’d just ask him. I would walk right up to him, be very professional, and ask him if I still had a job or if he needed me to look elsewhere for one. That would be easy enough.

  If I could keep from remembering how his face looked when he got off. Dangit. That was going to be a problem. Thinking about Woods in a sexual way had to stop. He was my boss. Nothing more.

  I walked in the back entrance of the clubhouse and headed for his office. Might as well address this right away. Get it over with so I wouldn’t waste anymore time thinking about it.

  I knocked on his door and waited. No answer. Crap. Turning, I headed back down the hall toward the kitchen entrance when Woods walked into the building. His eyes locked on me and I stopped. Just seeing him again was hard. I had let our sex become more than it was. I’d let myself think I needed it. I mentally shook my head to clear it.

  “Hello, Mr. Kerrington. I was looking for you. I need to make sure I still have a job or if you’d prefer I resign and go find one elsewhere.” That sounded very cool and no-nonsense. I was impressed.

  Something I wasn’t sure I understood flashed in Woods’ eyes. He took a step closer to me and stopped. “You have a job here as long as you want one,” he replied.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” I didn’t wait for an answer. Instead, I headed for the kitchen entrance and never looked back.

  When the swinging doors closed behind me, I let out the breath I’d been holding. I’d done it. We’d had our closure. No more words needed. I could ignore him and he could ignore me.

  “Oh good I get to work with you instead of Jimmy today. He drives me nuts in the mornings.” A girl I’d only seen once before, my first day, smiled at me as she walked into the kitchen tying her apron around her waist.

  “Della, right?” she asked and pulled her long brown hair up into a ponytail.

  “Yes and you’re...” I glanced down at her nametag, “Violet,” I replied.

  She laughed, “Caught you cheating. But that’s okay we just met once before. I’ll take the right side tables seven through fourteen. You take left side tables one through six. The right side is a harder morning crowd. A lot of regulars. Don’t want to throw you to the dogs just yet.”

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  “No problem. I want you to stick around. We can’t keep good help.”

  I managed to only forget only one thing and it was the apple butter for table three’s toast. Luckily, they had been good with the slip up and still tipped me twenty percent. Not bad. In Dallas you rarely saw twenty percent tips from men over sixty. I was about to cash out and end my shift when Violet came in smiling.

  “You got a hot table. Three of the fab four are sitting at their regular table, number two. Woods isn’t with them so they’ll flirt and Grant’s there today so enjoy. They are so yummy to look at.
I gotta run. My tables are clear and Jimmy will be here for the lunch shift.”

  She bounded out the door and I was stuck there looking out toward the dining room. I wasn’t ready to face Grant or any of them just yet. Last night was still too fresh.

  I wanted to run again. I had to stop this. I grabbed my tray and pitcher of ice water and made my way out to them. Thad, Grant, and Jace were all talking and not paying any attention to me approaching Good.

  Grant’s eyes lifted to meet my gaze and he smiled that slow sexy smirk thing he had going on. “I’m real glad to see you here this morning,” he replied.

  He knew. Crap. Did they all know?

  “It’s my job,” I replied. “What can I get y’all to drink?”

  “You sure make that uniform look good,” Thad replied leaning forward with his gaze on my chest and not my face.

  “Shut up,” Grant said and shot him a disgusted look. “I want some coffee, black.”

  “Coffee for me too but I need two creams and a sugar,” Jace replied.

  “A tall glass of milk,” Thad said.

  “Put it in a damn bottle because he’s acting like he needs one,” Jace said, rolling his eyes.

  “I’ll be a baby if she wants me to, a big ‘ol titty baby,” Thad replied with a wink.

  “You’re an ass.” Jace shook his head.

  I didn’t wait for any more comments. I headed back to the kitchen to fix their drinks. I was positive that Thad was not someone I wanted to mess around with. He was cute but I had a feeling he could get annoying.

  When I got back out to their table Woods had joined them. I kept my smile polite and served the other guys their drinks.

  “Mr. Kerrington, what can I get for you sir?”

  I managed to look at him as I asked but I didn’t miss Grant’s eyebrows shooting up.

  “Coffee black, please.” He barely glanced at me as he said it and went back to talking to Jace.


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