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The Elf Girl

Page 33

by Grabo, Markelle

  I was getting closer. Just a little bit more….

  “Ramsey, everything is okay! Zora is alive! You did it, Ramsey! Now come back to us!”

  Zora was alive! I finally had enough strength to open my eyes. I had a stronger reason to fight. I hadn’t failed after all.

  Stellan’s face was the first thing that came into view.

  “Oh, Ramsey, thank God,” he said. His hand brushed my hair.

  “Stellan…,” I croaked. Tears formed in my eyes. They were hot and stung my cheeks. “How bad is it?”

  “Bad,” he admitted.

  I moaned.

  “But you will live. Galen is here and he is healing you. Just hold on,” he told me.

  “Stellan, you have to keep her awake. The healing will work better if she is awake. Otherwise, she won’t receive all that I can give her. And remember, this may not be enough to heal her completely,” Galen reminded him.

  “I understand,” Stellan snapped, his features showing both anxiety and heartbreak. He looked back at me. “Ramsey, you need to stay awake, all right?”

  “Okay…,” I whispered. “Stellan…it hurts so badly,” I said through my tears. “It hurts.”

  “I know it hurts, but it will get better, all right? Everything will get better soon,” he said tenderly, bending down to kiss my forehead.

  “Do you promise?” I asked.

  “I promise,” he said gently.

  I winced and my eyes started to close. It was too hard to stay awake. I just wanted to sleep. I would even accept the darkness again if it meant sleep. The exhaustion was so incredible….

  “No, Ramsey!” he cried. “Stay with me.”

  “Where’s Zora?” I asked.

  I wanted to stay awake. I needed something to keep me awake. I hoped seeing Zora alive would help me hang on.

  “She’s okay. Galen already healed her.”

  “Zora…,” I moaned.

  She was at my side a few seconds later.

  “Ramsey, I’m here,” she said, taking my hand in hers, the only part of me that wasn’t on fire.

  “Hi, Sis,” I said.

  “Ramsey, you were so brave. I knew you would rescue me.” She smiled, tears clouding her eyes.

  “I’m glad you are safe,” I said. I struggled to say the words. I was so weak.

  “Me too,” she replied.

  “Stellan…did you get my note?” I asked.

  He nodded. “It was clever of you to leave it in Zora’s journal. After you didn’t show up at dinner, we looked all over Tarlore and the palace because we knew Brielle was gone as well. We finally went to your room. When we noticed the journal, it was Addison’s idea to look through it.”

  “Addison?” I asked.

  “Yes, she is here,” Zora told me.

  “I saw a hawk,” I told them.

  “Yes, both Aditi and Galen came with us,” Stellan told me.

  “Does the Queen know?” I asked.

  “Yes. She would have sent more with us, but I told her I could only use my ability on one person at a time. I took Addison and then Galen. Aditi flew here by herself. We got here just in time.”

  “Yeah, you did,” I muttered.

  “How’s it going, Galen?” Stellan asked.

  “The healing is working, but not fast enough. I’m not sure she can survive this without more healing power…power that I simply do not have,” he said ominously.

  I started shaking with fear. I couldn’t die! Not now! Not after knowing Zora was okay! Not after knowing it was all over.

  “She has to make it!” Stellan and Zora said together.

  They exchanged a glance I didn’t understand. Zora seemed confused. It appeared as though Stellan was worried about something other than whether I lived or died. What was happening?

  “You said she would be okay, Galen,” I heard Addison say.

  “I know, but the wounds are extremely serious,” he said gravely. “My power is already drained….”

  “We won’t just let her die. What can we do?” Addison asked.

  “I can heal her.” I heard Brielle’s voice from the other side of the room.

  “Brielle, is that you? Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. Galen healed me right away,” she replied.

  I saw Brielle walk over to me and kneel beside Zora.

  “What were you saying, Princess? Can you truly heal her?” Galen asked.

  “Yes. It’s part of my ability,” she said.

  I realized Brielle had never told me about her ability. And I had never asked.

  “What ability is that?” Zora asked.

  “Let’s just say that jewels give me various abilities,” she said.

  “Jewels?” we all said at once. I heard Aditi’s voice in the mix as well.

  “I can use jewels to do different things. Ramsey, remember when I dried your clothes?”

  I nodded, refraining from speaking because the pain was so great. It had been very strange.

  “Well, I used a ruby to generate enough heat to dry them,” she explained.

  “How does that work?” Zora asked.

  “I have a special connection with gemstones. When I hold a jewel in my hands, I can channel a specific ability from it,” she explained.

  “That is really strange,” Stellan admitted.

  “So? I have more power than all of you put together. I have various abilities because of the jewels,” Brielle said, holding her head up high.

  “How can you heal her?” Zora asked.

  “Each jewel has its own ability. Rubies for heat, sapphires for cold, pearls for cutting things….”

  “Is that how you got in the barn?” I interrupted.

  “Yes,” she confirmed. “I touched the pearl from my necklace to the sword. It received the ability and was able to cut through the barn wall.”

  Confused faces looked at Brielle.

  “Once again, I can’t help it if my powers are unique! If you all want to know every detail of my ability, I’ll explain it to you over tea when this is over!”

  “Can we please get to the point of this long explanation? Ramsey doesn’t have time to waste,” Galen reminded them.

  “Of course,” Brielle replied. “Emeralds can be used for healing. So if I have an emerald, I can heal her.”

  “Do you have one?” Galen asked.

  “No,” she said crossly. “I would, if my necklace hadn’t been ruined. It fell off when I was injured. Then when you guys came in like heroes and kicked Finn to the ground, his flaming body burned it to a crisp.”

  I now knew why Brielle was such a jewelry hoarder. The memory of her necklace with every jewel imaginable floated through my mind. It left when I realized the question I should have asked right away.

  “I almost forgot! What happened to Finn?”

  “He got away before we could stop him. But he did receive some nasty wounds from Aditi,” Stellan said, looking over at her.

  I strained my neck just in time to see her grin with satisfaction. “I went after him, but lost his trail,” the guard explained. “At least the other two are dead.”

  “You mean the other one. The air fairy is still breathing. I healed her after Zora and Brielle,” Galen corrected.

  “She is? I thought she was dead! Why would you heal her? I’ll kill that witch for throwing me around!” Brielle said, clenching her fists.

  “No! Ramsey comes first,” Stellan demanded.

  I witnessed another perplexed glance from Zora.

  “Where am I supposed to get an emerald?” Brielle asked.

  “I have one!” I remembered. “The shoulder bag you bought for me in the city has an emerald on the front!”

  “Oh, yes! I remember now! Where is it?” she asked.

  “I dropped it when Finn attacked me,” I said, feeling a wave of dizziness crash over me from all the talking.

  “I’ve got it!” I heard Addison shout.

  “Bring it over,” Brielle instructed.

Here,” Addison said, coming to her side and handing her the bag.

  Brielle started picking at the emerald. “It won’t come loose!”

  “I’ll help!” Aditi volunteered.

  In an instant, she shape-shifted into her hawk form. She flew over to Brielle and ripped at the bag with her beak. Soon the emerald was free and in Brielle’s hands.

  “Hurry, Brielle. I can’t stay awake much longer,” I whispered.

  “Just hang on for a few more seconds,” she said.

  Brielle knelt down beside me and started rubbing her hands together. I could see the emerald begin to glow and then turn her pale hands green. She placed her glowing green hands over my stomach and pressed down. I cried in pain and struggled to stay conscious.

  “I know it hurts, but it will be over soon. My kind of healing isn’t always gentle. It just doesn’t work that way. Everyone’s powers are different,” she told me.

  “I got that!” I screamed.

  “Just hang on!” Brielle shouted.

  Zora stroked my hair and tried to calm me down. But the pain was just too great. I was ready to scream again, when suddenly I didn’t feel anything anymore. I mean, I didn’t feel any pain. Everything was fine. I was perfectly fine.

  “There,” Brielle said, standing up. She wobbled a little, but Aditi, back to her elfen form, was there to steady her.

  “Thank you, Brielle,” I said, feeling new strength flow into my veins.

  Brielle nodded and sat down against the wall to rest.

  “Ramsey, can you get up?” Zora asked.

  “I’ll help you,” Stellan offered.

  “Thanks,” I said, and put my hands out to him.

  He took them and brought me to my feet. Before I could give him the kiss I desperately wanted to share, everything went black. Then colors began flashing before my eyes. I tried to open them, but it felt like someone was holding them shut. What was happening to me?

  A picture formed before my eyes.

  It was a baby elf being rocked by his mother. The mother was Aaliyah. I realized I was watching Aaliyah rocking Stellan as a baby! The pictures started changing. I saw everything. Stellan’s whole life flashed before my eyes. I saw his first day of school, I saw him playing with Addison, and I saw the first time he received his ability. How was I able to see this? Had I passed out and this was a dream? Or was it real? What was this?

  I continued to watch the memories pass by. I realized how wonderful it was to see and to know, no matter how strange it felt. Stellan had had a very good and peaceful life, except for the death of his father. This entire experience would have been completely amazing if what I saw next had never happened.

  The next picture was like a huge stab to my heart. I felt my whole world crashing down as the image formed. I wanted it to stop, and I didn’t want to believe it, but nothing I did could make it go away.

  It was Stellan, but he wasn’t alone. I saw him place the “S” necklace around her neck. I recognized it from his memories. His father had given it to him before he left for war, to signify how much of a man he had become, and to help Stellan remember his father no matter what happened.

  Then I saw Stellan bend down to kiss the one person my life had revolved around for the past week.

  He kissed Zora.

  My eyes were finally able to fly open. I was too stunned and heartbroken to cry. Wordlessly, I released Stellan’s hands and backed up against the wall. How could he? How could he have done this? He had not only betrayed Zora, but he had also betrayed me. He had been with Zora when she disappeared and then he had kissed me. How could he? It was all I was able to think. I was so shocked I could barely breathe.

  I repeated the question aloud as I hit the wall. “How could you, Stellan?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. My heart was broken in two.

  “What? What’s wrong?” he asked. He obviously hadn’t seen what I had seen. He didn’t know that I knew.

  I steadied myself as a sudden realization came to mind. “Does anyone know what day it is?” I asked, ignoring him completely.

  “Midnight came a few minutes ago, so it’s early Monday. But in the Elf Realm it’s still Sunday,” Zora said quietly.

  “No, what is the exact date?” I asked, getting annoyed.

  “It’s June seventh in the Elf Realm,” Galen confirmed.

  “Happy Birthday to me,” I sang, my voice cracking, just loud enough for everyone to hear. “I’m sixteen today, you guys. You know what that means?”

  I had lost track of the days in the Elf Realm, too concerned with finding Zora to pay attention to my birthday approaching.

  “You received your power, didn’t you?” Brielle asked, awe creeping into her voice.

  “Yes, I did. But I wish I hadn’t.” The tears finally started pouring. I was shaking so hard I could hardly see straight.

  “Why? What is it?” Addison asked.

  Zora walked over to me and took my hands in hers. She gasped and took them away before I began to see her memories. She knew what my power was because of the special elf gesture. She looked into my eyes and I nodded slowly. Then she walked quickly over to Addison and whispered something into her ear. Addison replied back to her. Zora’s eyes widened. She whispered again and then walked back to me. Addison was left with her mouth hanging open.

  “Stellan…you didn’t,” she said, disbelief and horror wracking her features.

  Zora put her arms around me and held me. “I’m so sorry, Ramsey. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”

  “No, Zora, I’m sorry,” I told her. “I didn’t know…I wouldn’t have if I had known…”

  “What’s going on?” Brielle asked.

  I ignored her.

  “How could you?” I repeated again to Stellan, who I noticed was finally putting the pieces together.

  “Ramsey, I…,” Stellan began to say.

  “No! You have no right to speak to me! I trusted you, Stellan! I trusted you! How could you do this? You kissed me knowing you were with Zora. You kissed me while my sister was fighting for her life. How in the Realm could you do this to us? You said you cared about me!” I screamed at him. I couldn’t control my rage and heartbreak any longer. It was like an erupting volcano, an unstoppable force.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Ramsey, and I didn’t mean to hurt Zora! We were only together for a short time. It wasn’t a deep relationship.”

  “It sure looked pretty deep when you put that necklace around her neck!” I cried. “How can you even say things like this with her standing right here?”

  “How did she know that?” Galen asked. “Ramsey, what is your power?”

  “When she holds both of your hands, Ramsey can see your memories. She can see what your whole life has been so far in a matter of seconds,” Zora explained.

  Zora took the liberty of explaining my new power in more detail to the others. Meanwhile, I was busy screaming my head off at Stellan.

  “Stellan, I thought you really cared for me!”

  “I do care for you, Ramsey! Remember your promise to me? You said you would remember that I cared about you no matter what.”

  “That promise means nothing now that I finally understand it,” I said sternly.

  “I believed what I had with Zora was important, but when I met you, I realized how wrong I was,” he tried to explain.

  I would have none of his pathetic excuses.

  “How can you say that? She was dying, Stellan! And you didn’t even bother to tell me you had a dying girlfriend!” I shrieked.

  “I didn’t know what to say. I was afraid you wouldn’t want to be with me. That you would think less of me….”

  “Well, I sure don’t want to be with you now!” I shouted. “What did you think would happen when I found out? You must have known it would come out sooner or later. Or were you hoping I wouldn’t be able to rescue my sister?”

  “Don’t say that, Ramsey! It’s not true!” he protested.

  “You betrayed my sister and broke m
y heart. Once we return to Birchwood, I don’t want to see you again,” I said, anger spewing from my mouth and forming into words.

  For a final touch, I picked up my shoulder bag and took out the “S” necklace I remembered was still lying at the bottom. I waved it in the air then threw it in his face. “I think you might want this. Maybe you can give it to the next girl you betray.”

  I turned my back on him and ran into Zora’s open arms.

  “I’m sorry, Zora,” I said.

  “You didn’t know, Ramsey. It’s not your fault,” she said, her eyes clouded with tears.

  I hadn’t thought about what this meant to her until now. She had been betrayed by Stellan too, but she was staying strong for my sake. I loved her for that.

  “Let’s go home, okay?” I suggested.

  She nodded, and I followed her out of the barn. I heard Galen ask Addison to help carry Lura, who was still weak after being healed. Aditi had shape-shifted and flew ahead of us down the hill. Brielle shouted an ugly name at Stellan and then ran to catch up to us.

  I looked back and saw Stellan walk out of the barn last…and completely alone.


  The Long Walk Home

  The walk back to the portal was the longest of my life. We could have teleported with Stellan, but no one seemed interested in doing so. He didn’t seem to want to himself. Everyone was too hurt and shocked by what he had done. Even Galen, who knew next to nothing about me, felt sorry for Zora and me. He also needed to remain with Lura. He had healed her, but she was still weak, and he didn’t want her to escape. He and Addison carried Lura silently the whole way. Brielle asked why we were bothering to take her with us, and Galen responded, “She’s a prisoner.”

  Brielle thought that was a poor excuse to keep her alive, but she didn’t pursue it after that. I could tell even she was too tired to fight anymore.

  Aditi soared high over our heads. She circled a couple of times and then went a little ways ahead of us. She always came back just to make sure we were okay. I wished I were a shape-shifter. I wanted to fly far away from all this. Our slow procession to the portal was agonizing. It just gave me more time to relive everything that had happened.

  How could this happen? How could I manage to find and rescue Zora, and then get punished for doing so? How was that fair? The endless tears stung my cheeks. I bit my lower lip to keep from sobbing again. It took me a while to become silent. I spent most of the return trip wiping my tears and clearing my throat. Zora was slightly better off than I was. She cried as well, but I think it was more for me than for herself. Our reunion should have been a happier one. Because of Stellan, it hadn’t been.


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