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Building Heat

Page 17

by K. Sterling

  “We should go for a swim when we get to your parents’ house.” Mason announced as Avery drove.

  “If you want.” He said as he brought Mason’s hand to his mouth and rubbed it against his lips. Mason bit his lip as he felt his cock start to throb. Bourbon always made him touchy-naughty.

  “Poooool sex.” Mason whispered and Avery raised a brow and turned to Mason as they waited at a light. Avery looked at Mason dubiously.

  “Is that a thing?” He asked as looked ahead. Mason slid his hand between the gaping halves of Avery’s shirt and let his fingers slide down his stomach.

  “Driving doesn’t actually require a shirt…” He murmured and Avery clenched his jaw to keep from smiling. “Pool sex is a thing.” Mason stated as he pulled Avery’s shirt loose. Avery stilled Mason’s hand.

  “We’ll be there in like… five minutes.” He guessed. Mason shrugged as he traced Avery’s nipple with his finger.

  “Lots of lubricant is good. You’d think with all that water… but, no. We’re going to need to grab the lube.” Mason smiled at Avery and giggled as he realized that he couldn’t feel his face. “Luuube. How is that a real word? Luuuuube.” He said the word about ten times. Avery laughed softly as he shook his head.

  “It’s definitely a word.” He said as he gripped Mason’s thigh and slowly drug his hand toward Mason’s groin. Mason groaned as his hips lifted from the seat. He was so hard.

  “I need you to touch me.” He whispered urgently and Avery nodded.

  “We’re here.” He said as he parked the car and turned it off. A moment later, Mason’s door opened and Avery’s hand was reaching for his. Then, Avery’s hand was pressing at Mason’s back as they rushed up the walkway. Avery threw the front door open and called for Vivien. He relaxed when there was no response. She was gone. “I’ll be right back. You better be naked.” Avery growled before he sprinted for the stairs.

  Mason nodded as he turned and started flicking the buttons of his shirt free as he made his way through the foyer toward the back yard. He started dropping his clothes as he passed through the living room. His heart beat faster as he stepped onto the back patio in his boxer briefs and stripped them off. He smiled when he heard Cosmic Love rising from the rocks around the pool. Mason ran and dove into the water. It was just cold enough to make him gasp as he surfaced and he felt a little less drunk as he spotted Avery peeling off his shirt on the patio.

  “Hurry up!” Mason called impatiently. Avery ignored Mason as he sat to remove his shoes and socks. Mason could see a grin tilt Avery’s lips as he moved with exaggerated slowness. Mason pushed his hand through the water and a wave washed over Avery’s hands and feet. He cursed and quickly stripped.

  “You’re going to get it.” Avery declared as he stared down at Mason.

  “Bring it.” Mason said as he splashed again. Avery shook his head and Mason saw the bottle of lube land at the edge of the pool before Avery’s body curled into an elegant arc and he dove into the water. Mason gasped to fill his lungs and slid into the water. He reached to pull himself forward but Avery’s hands closed around his waist and he was trapped against Avery’s hard, slick body. Avery pushed from bottom of the pool, taking Mason with him and reached for the surface.

  Avery’s mouth closed over Mason’s and Mason breathed through him as their bodies slipped and intertwined beneath the water. Avery’s teeth grazed Mason’s neck and he moaned as his fingertips dug into Avery’s back.

  “Wait.” Mason panted as he let his lips slide along Avery’s cheek.

  “Hmmm?” Avery’s hands closed around Mason’s thighs and pulled them around his waist as he guided them toward the shallow end of the pool. Mason felt Avery’s cock bobbing against his ass and his own erection twitched.

  “What about the water?” Mason whispered. “You got it in your mouth.” He said. Avery grabbed a handful of Mason’s hair and sucked his lip hard.

  “It’s chlorinated. Now, shut up.” His lips pressed hard as his tongue beat against Mason’s.

  It was a long time before Mason said anything coherent. After Avery bent him over the steps and fingered Mason’s ass, loading him with lube, he pulled him back into the water and drove his cock deep into Mason’s tight passage. Mason was weightless and boneless, all of his consciousness centered on where Avery’s body pushed into his. Avery begged Mason to wait as he thrust hard and came deep inside of him before he lifted Mason to the edge of the pool and sucked his release from him.

  When it was over, Mason laid on the cement and stared at the stars as he tried to remember what it felt like to have a body.

  Chapter 20

  “I still can’t believe you got a dog.” Linda shook her head as she sipped her wine and reclined on the sectional.

  Avery felt his cheeks heat and looked over at Mason. He was at the grill with Ben talking about baseball. Avery shrugged and pretended to be interested in the way the sun shone through his wine glass as he held it up. He wished the sun would hurry and set so his mother wouldn’t have the satisfaction of seeing him blush.

  “He wanted a dog. She’s growing on me.” Avery said and Linda snorted.

  “All those years, we tried to get a dog and you wouldn’t have it!” She laughed and Avery sighed.

  “Darcy stays at Mason’s most of the time.” He said defensively, which only made Linda laugh more.

  “It’s wonderful, sweetheart!” She said as she leaned close and rubbed Avery’s arm. “That’s how we knew you were really in love.” Linda whispered as she curled her feet under her. Avery looked down the back lawn and admired the reflection of the setting sun on the river. He decided that the house he bought with Mason needed something like his parents’ back patio and yard. He smiled as he looked over at his mother.

  “We’re house hunting. I want something in The Hamptons.” Avery said before he took a sip of his wine. Linda’s brows rose.

  “That’s pretty swanky!” She said. She frowned and set her hand on Avery’s. “Just be careful with Mason.” Linda said softly. Avery’s head pulled back in surprise and she squeezed his hand. “He’s perfect and we love him. I’m just worried, I think that he might get scared.” Avery’s brows pulled together and he looked over at Mason.

  “Scared?” He said.

  Avery was about to ask what she meant when Mason’s phone rang. It was the ringtone Mason had assigned to Marla. He saw Mason apologize to Ben before he pulled his phone out and answered it. His relaxed smile fell and he became pale and turned his back to Avery and walked in the other direction quickly.

  “Just a minute, mom.” Avery said as he got up and went after Mason. Avery jogged along the patio and slowed when he reached Mason.

  “Call all the plumbers!” Mason whispered urgently. “I don’t care what it costs, you have to get it fixed before we get back tomorrow afternoon.” He pushed his hand through his hair and groaned. “Hire every contractor in the city if you have to!” Mason begged. Avery felt his stomach clench in anticipation. Whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Mason nodded as he listened. “Just keep me posted. Please, Marla, if there was ever a time for a miracle…” His voice died away and he sighed. “All right. I’ll talk to you later.” Mason hung up and pressed his hands to his face and Avery heard a soft, muffled scream. His eyes widened and he started to back away instinctively. Mason turned and froze when he saw that Avery was behind him. Mason’s expression was a blend of panic and frustration. Avery didn’t like it.

  “What happened?” He swallowed past the lump in his throat and tried to brace himself. Mason held his hands up as he moved toward Avery slowly, like he was approaching a mountain gorilla or a man with a gun.

  “Let’s go have a seat, first.” Mason said gently as he turned Avery and led him back to the sectional. Avery frowned at Mason.

  “Why can’t you just tell me what happened? You’re freaking me out.” He saw Mason grimace and his stomach twisted tighter. Mason guided him back to his seat and squatted in fro
nt of Avery when he sat down. His eyes flicked to Linda and widened in warning. She tensed and sat up. Mason took a deep breath as he took Avery’s hands in his.

  “Something happened in your apartment.” Mason said slowly. Avery felt all the blood drain from his face.

  “Oh, dear Lord!” Linda gasped. Avery blinked rapidly, trying to keep his vision from blurring.

  “My apartment?” Avery’s voice cracked and his hands were sweating. Mason stretched his neck and cringed.

  “Actually, it’s your bathroom.” He said and Ben dropped the tongs. Avery shook his head.

  “No. What could happen to my bathroom?” He shook his head again. “I have that t.v., someone could have broken in and taken it. Or, the stereo. There’s nothing in my bathroom.” He argued. Mason’s head fell and he sighed.

  “I’m not sure what happened but the plumbing behind the toilet… it burst and flooded your bathroom.” Mason held his breath and looked up. Avery’s skin started to prickle and colors were floating in front of his eyes. He kept shaking his head.

  “No. Not my bathroom.” He whispered shakily. Mason started rubbing his arms.

  “Marla’s there and she’s got it under control. She’s got an army of plumbers and contractors in there and they’ll fix it quickly. You won’t even…” Mason stopped when Avery gasped and tried to stand up. Avery’s knees gave out and everything tilted as he fell back into his seat.

  “There are people in my apartment?” He yelled. “In MY apartment?” Avery screeched. His chest became tight and he started to gasp for breath as a wave of nausea hit him.

  “Calm down, dear.” Linda ordered gently as she rubbed Avery’s back. He turned and his eyes were wide as he stared at her as if he thought she had lost her mind.

  “My…” His lips were starting to feel numb. “My… bathroom.” Avery wheezed as he continued to gasp.

  “Darling, you have to calm down and breathe!” Linda said loudly as she took Avery’s face in her hands. “You’re having a panic attack. Breathe, Avery!” She commanded. He shook his head as he tried to force his chest to expand.

  “I think I’m having a heart attack.” Avery mumbled as he reached for Mason. “Dad! I’m having a heart attack!” He rasped. Ben rushed over and squatted next to Mason and took Avery’s hand. Linda jumped from her seat and ran into the house.

  “Look at me, Avery!” Ben ordered. Avery’s eyes were burning as he blinked at his father. Ben grabbed his shoulder and shook. “You need to breathe, son. You’re not having a heart attack.” He promised. Avery wasn’t buying it. It felt like a giant vise was wrapped around his chest. He’d had panic attacks before but they were never like this.

  “Avery, it’s going to be ok. I’m here and Marla is going to fix your bathroom.” Mason said firmly. Avery tugged at his shirt, trying to pull it away from his throat as he fought for air.

  “My bathroom!” He whispered hoarsely. There was a sharp sting and his arm burned. “Ow!” Avery yelled as he looked down. Linda was rubbing his arm and holding a syringe. Mason frowned up at her.

  “What was that?” He asked. She grabbed Avery’s wrist and pressed her fingers to it, taking his pulse.

  “Valium.” Linda said. Avery turned and looked up at her angrily.

  “No!” He yelled. Avery wanted to tell her she shouldn’t have something but he sagged onto the cushions and his body felt like it was made of lava lamp stuff and was warm. Avery looked back at Mason and he felt like he was floating toward him. The sun was setting behind Mason and he looked like an angel. A really sexy, naughty, naughty angel. Avery saw his dad and he was so happy to see him. “I’m so happy you’re not dead, dad. I’m really, really happy about that.” Avery said. Ben laughed softly and kissed Avery’s forehead before he stood up.

  “Me too, son.” He said as he sat next to Avery.

  Avery sighed as he looked around at his parents and Mason. He loved them so much and their faces were becoming so soft and glowie.

  Chapter 21

  Mason stood and shook his head in disbelief as he stared down at Avery. He had a goofy grin on his face and was humming softly.

  “Wow. That worked fast.” He said as he put his hands on his hips. Avery’s head flopped toward Linda and he smiled drunkenly.

  “I love you, mom. And I love dad.” His head swung back toward Mason and his eyes became heavy. “But I loooove Mason. I really, really, really love him.” Avery whispered loudly. He reached for Mason and grabbed the pocket of his jeans. “I love everything about him, mom.” Avery giggled and Mason whispered a prayer as he looked nervously at Ben and Linda. Avery pulled at Mason, trying to get him to move closer. “I love, love, love him when he’s not in clothes.” He announced and Mason crouched in front of Avery.

  “Hey! I think its time we get you upstairs.” Mason said loudly as he tried to get Avery to sit up. Avery was boneless and it was like trying to position a corpse. “God help me, it’s like Weekend At Bernie’s.” He complained under his breath and Ben laughed as he grabbed Avery by the arm and helped pull him upright. Mason patted Avery on the cheek. “Avery, wouldn’t you be more comfortable in bed?” He asked. Avery waved wildly.

  “Psshhtt!” His head fell back and he smiled up at Linda. “He doesn’t need a bed! He’s showed me how in a chair, in the shower, on the floor, with the door…” He started to giggle again and Mason squeezed his eyes shut.

  “Please, Avery! Stop talking now!” Mason whimpered. Avery held his finger up at Mason and made a shushing sound.

  “On the floor and with the door! I’m like a dirty Dr. Seuss!” He started laughing hysterically. Mason looked at Ben and Linda and they were laughing too. He offered them a weak smile.

  “I’m sorry.” Mason said. Linda waved dismissively.

  “It’s not like we didn't know our son was having sex. We’d be shocked if he wasn’t.” She said and Avery started to howl.

  “I’ve never had sex before!” He gasped as he pointed at Mason. Mason’s palm smacked his face and he groaned. “He’s the only one.” Avery declared. Ben’s jaw dropped.

  “Now that’s shocking.” He murmured and Linda swatted his shoulder.

  “I think it’s sweet!” She sighed.

  “Pooooool sex!” Avery exclaimed as he gestured toward the pool. “I really like that.” He slurred and Mason grimaced as he looked at Ben.

  “Yeah… Sorry about that.” He whispered. Ben shrugged and got up. Linda frowned.

  “Where are you going?” She called after him.

  “Gotta shock the pool.” Ben said as he went around the house and Linda laughed.

  “Sorry.” Mason repeated. “I had a lot to drink.” She rolled her eyes.

  “It’s fine. Why do you think we have a pool?” She winked. Avery started shaking his head.

  “Don’t be sorry, Mason. It was good.” Avery said as he turned to Linda. “He was really good. He let me…” Mason covered Avery’s mouth with his hand.

  “So, how long is he going to be like this?” He asked Linda and her eyes narrowed as she stared at Avery.

  “I’d think it would wear off by morning. He should fall asleep soon and sleep pretty well. He’ll be groggy tomorrow. I’ll get you some Xanax to keep him calm while you travel and until he can deal with this bathroom debacle.” Mason nodded and looked down at Avery.

  “Avery, I’m going to remove my hand. Can we talk about something less embarrassing?” He waited until Avery nodded before he removed his hand. Avery sighed as he smiled up at Mason.

  “I love you so much, Mason.” His eyes were hooded and unfocused. “We’re going to get married and have two little girls and live in a sandcastle.” He hummed happily. “They’ll be princesses! And we’ll get flags for the pointy things on the castle. Flags with unicorns because princesses love unicorns.” He murmured drowsily. Mason’s eyes shimmered as he smiled down at Avery. He bent and put his arms around Avery’s chest.

  “Come on, I really need to get yo
u to bed and you need to help me.” Mason pleaded.

  “Are we going to have sex?” Avery asked as he rubbed his face against Mason’s chest.

  “Maybe. You won’t find out if you don’t come with me.” Mason said softly. Avery lurched to his feet and swayed. He grabbed handfuls of Mason’s shirt as Mason’s arms wrapped around him.

  “I’m going to go have sex with Mason!” Avery whispered loudly at Linda. She smiled warmly and patted his arm.

  “That’s lovely, sweetheart.” Linda said and winked at Mason. She followed as Mason led him toward the house and opened the door. “I’m afraid he may not be able to… perform for a day or two.” She said delicately. “It’s a common side effect.” She added and Mason nodded.

  “Right.” Mason said as a flush crept up his neck. He guided a babbling, half asleep Avery up the stairs slowly as Linda held onto his arm.

  “It’s fine, Mason.” She insisted. “You’re both healthy young men. You should be having sex.” Linda said as she helped turn Avery down the hall. “I’m glad he found someone that cares enough to teach him how to have good sex.” She added and Mason groaned in embarrassment.

  “I swear, I wasn't some sort of manwhore before I met Avery.” He promised. “I hadn’t… with anyone for two years and before that, I was with my ex for four years.” Mason explained as he pushed Avery’s bedroom door open. “I played the field before Ryan but I wasn’t that bad and I was always careful…” He stopped when he saw that Linda was silently laughing at him.

  “You don’t owe me an explanation, Mason.” She said gently as she helped lower Avery to the bed. Mason nodded as he pulled off Avery’s shoes.


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