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Wyt and Wild

Page 5

by Wyt

  They fit. Like no one she had ever met before.

  “I was alone on Earth. My family wasn’t close and no one even noticed when I left. I went from there to the mass training and from there to the surgery and the tank. I was so alone, if it hadn’t been for Stonor, I would have gone insane.”

  He held her against his chest, stroking her hair away from her forehead. “He was your friend?”

  “The maintenance manager for the station I was installed on. He kept me maintained and kept me fed.” She smiled and cuddled against him. They were both fully clothed, but she had never felt this close to a person in her life.

  “Would you feel better if he were here?”

  “Well, he and his wife, Palari, are expecting and I don’t think they can move the egg yet.” It was her fondest wish to put in for their staff transfer.

  “You may want to get a staff transfer underway so that when they can, if they wish, they can join you here. You need some staff.”

  She didn’t want to be seen as a weak leader. “Hyder got along without it.”

  “You were part of his staff. But think of it, Palari and Stonor already have complete clearances.”

  “Fine. I will place the request in the morning.” She realized then that she was still wearing the halo. A few thoughts and the forms were filled out and the request was in the pipe. “Or now. I just did it.”

  “Good. If they accept the position, you will have the response shortly. If I am ever needed off base, I want you with people you trust.”

  Panic flared in her. “Off base? Where?”

  “Hyder mentioned a few species with specific requirements in the village as well as coming to the Citadel. I may be doing house calls.” He cuddled her to him. “I don’t want you left alone. Though I can feel you through the link, I want you to be able to interact physically with the people around you. Grabbing members of the Guard seems like a bad idea.”

  Allie laughed, a stuttered snort. “Grabbing Star Breaker would be a very bad idea. I don’t think you can counter that much radiation.”

  “No. So please don’t do it.”

  “Wasn’t intending to.” She smiled at the concern in his voice. “If you promise to keep me in physical therapy, I should be fine.”

  “I promise to get physical with you anytime you want.”

  She giggled and leaned against him tiredly, giving in to her fatigue.

  His hands stayed around her as she gave in to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  “Now, I want you to connect with the data stream and walk with me through the halls, greeting the staff and holding a conversation with anyone who stops to talk.”

  Allie had woken to a naked make out session that had left her breathless and she had reluctantly taken her morning shower when Effin separated them. A new uniform was waiting for her, so she scrambled into it as rapidly as possible.

  His touch on her skin had nearly had her climbing him with intent to ravish, but it was his self-control that kept them from consummating their partnership. She would have been on him in an instant if not for his rapidly rolling out of bed to stare at her, his pupils dilated and aroused, his chest heaving. Effin had ordered her into the shower so he could compose himself and by the time she presented herself all neat and tidy, he was under control with his arousal hidden from view. Darn.

  Her current assignment didn’t seem too arduous, but she wasn’t counting on him having shared her information with the entire staff via special announcement. She had to greet maintenance staff, the kitchen staff, housekeeping and a number of couriers. At the same time, she was getting the updates from the data stream and after a few hours, she didn’t have to fight to split her attention. It started to come naturally.

  Allie had lunch with Mala, enjoying the camaraderie with the expectant mother. Isabi was having his check up with Effin. Apparently, Mala had made some alterations to her mate’s physiology during their last off-world assignment. He was now cleared for duty, but refused to leave his wife’s side during her pregnancy. They had gotten pregnant without medical intervention and their two primary races made for an unknown combination. If anything happened to Mala or the baby, he was determined to be at her side.

  “It would be cute if it wasn’t so frustrating. He is watching my meals, hauling me into medical twice a week for checkups. And generally driving me nuts. It’s bad enough when we are on duty, but all this down time is killing me.” Mala was munching on her vegetables, dodging intense glances from the dining staff.

  “Why are they staring at you like that?” Allie knew the answer, but was trying to make conversation.

  “I have a rather extreme reaction to my talent. I needed to replace my energy with food. It made for some late nights for the cafeteria. They have not let me forget it and they are waiting for my pregnancy to drive me into another feeding frenzy.”

  “That has to be a little embarrassing.”

  Mala shrugged and grinned with good humour. “I will live up to their anticipation when the baby is born and my talent is back in full swing. I have so many ideas and plans for larger projects that my head is bursting with them.”

  “Tell me about them. I plan on being here when those projects become reality and I can arrange to have Shade on diplomatic duty with the Citadel if you want privacy.” The conspiratorial grin that the two women shared led to laughter.

  They where still grinning and chuckling when Isabi and Effin met them in the commissary. They laughed harder when the men asked about their source of amusement and chalked it up to girl talk.

  Effin touched her mind and she shared what she was feeling. Her amusement, her feeling of acceptance and most of all, her deep contentment. Her mind was running the data streams in the background and she was carrying on a conversation. It was a good moment and she wanted to remember it forever and always.

  Effin took her hand and held it tight, sitting next to her.

  She was looking into his eyes and going in for a kiss when she received notice that the Citadel rep was at the gate.

  She gave him a quick kiss and leaned back before he could participate. “The Citadel rep is on base. I have to have a meeting.”

  Allie stood quickly and her knees buckled. She had been running around a little too much for her current state of mobility.

  Effin sighed and took her arm. “I will come with you, but you owe me lunch.”

  “Will do.” Gripping his arm tightly, she walked with him to the receiving area of the base. The Citadel rep was of the Srevalin species. Scales covered a standard bi-pedal body, large, muscular and male. Allie’s flicker of sexual interest spurred Effin to squeeze her hand tightly.

  A trickle of guilt swam through her and then dissipated. Nothing wrong with looking.

  “I was expecting Commander Mihal.”

  “Commander is off-world on a mission. I am the new base commander.” She nodded formally.

  “What may I call you?”

  “Relay Wyt. You are Balzulo?”

  “Mind Master Balzulo, yes.”

  “This is Dr. Nywyn, the new base physician.”

  “Pleased to meet you. I have a selection of options for the Citadel personnel that are interested in posting on Morganti.” He held out a data chip, but Allie ignored it. She fished the names out of the stream and nodded.

  “Kale-Gant will be joining us. He is eager to discuss the expansion.” Allie and Effin turned to lead the rep down the hall to the meeting room.

  They moved as a team, walked as a team and when they discussed the stats of the likely candidates, they spoke as a team. All concerns were addressed so that no one discipline was more heavily represented than another and the storm of emotional satisfaction flowed from Allie to Effin and back.

  That evening, alone in their chamber with no one else to witness what occurred, Alessandra and Effin formalized their joining. She removed her uniform and let him caress skin that would have been too sensitive if he hadn’t been able to feel her responses via their link.<
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  His touch flowed lightly over her skin, their minds meshed as he brought her higher and higher up the scale of pleasure.

  When she touched his mind with her desperation, he moved over her and they became one in mind and body, moving together to reach their peak as one being.

  Groans and sighs filled their room as they relaxed in the aftermath of their joining. The sweat that Allie felt on her body made her laugh. She hadn’t broken a sweat in half a decade, so it was nice to have this memory attached to the experience.

  She almost had a flash of insecurity when he mentioned that she was dangerously underweight, but the heat in his mind had overridden her fears. She was too thin. Her body had begun to waste in the tank, not needing to move to do anything.

  “This sort of exercise will probably increase my appetite.” She had giggled and then yelped as he rolled her under him again to assist in her recovery. It had worked. Effin had snuck out to the commissary to obtain a late-night dessert to replace her burned calories.

  Life took on a pleasing pattern. Days were spent planning the direction of the Sector Guard while her nights were spent learning about Effin, his family, friends, hopes, dreams and ticklish spots.

  The Guardsmen were all coming home. It had taken some string pulling, but Station 13 had sent replacements for Seer and Order as well as Morph and Thinker. The Morganti Guards would be home and Kale’s wedding plans were underway.

  Carella wouldn’t know what hit her.

  Bridesmaids’ gowns were ready for Helen and Isaro. The town seamstress had been eager to fit Allie with a gown, but she had demurred.

  Kale had asked her to officiate in a Terran tradition to compliment his Berhar wedding plans.

  Effin and Kale had segregated themselves in medical for days, keeping whatever they were doing to themselves.

  Even Gant got excited, blooming plants out of season so that they would have a lovely venue in which to hold the ceremony.

  The day that the shuttles started landing, Allie took her position on the tarmac, waiting for her people to emerge one at a time. Each was greeted and welcomed back, ordered to medical for checkups, as well as being told of a formal dinner to be held that evening in the commissary.

  She greeted them all. Even the beaming Hyder and Helen who looked as if the time together had been well spent. She knew that glow—she saw it in the mirror every morning.

  It still surprised her that she could feel this happy, this at home on a strange planet with a strange man. She counted her lucky stars often and frequently.

  With all of the Guardsmen home and in the base, a sense of completion ran through her. There was nothing happening in the sector that could not be handled by local personnel and she wanted this moment for Carella and Kale more than she could say.

  Dinner was a blast. Terran specialties mixed with Berhar traditional foods were enjoyed by all and all even enjoyed the impromptu food fight between Haaro and Thalik. The Dhemon-Enjel war fought with green beans was something to see.

  Mala discussed the plans that she and Allie had come up with for some assisting units as well as plans for new alterations to the shuttles. Helen and Agreha looked relieved to see Mala so chipper. They had known her the longest and her frustration over her grounding had caused a cloud to fall over the whole team.

  That cloud was now lifted with Mala’s cheerful chatter. Even Isaro looked relieved that her sister-in-law was in better spirits.

  When dessert was brought out, everyone fell silent. Kale pushed his chair out and circled the table to kneel at Carella’s feet.

  “Carella Masal, will you do me the honour of becoming my bride? Share my considerable life with me and enjoy the fruits of our union?”

  Everyone held their breath as Carella’s eyes welled with tears.

  “Kale-Gant, I will take you as my husband at the earliest opportunity and the stars will remember our joining.” Her smile was blinding, literally, a flash of light came from her exposed skin.

  Kale slid a ring onto her finger and stood to take her into his arms.

  Allie leaned into Effin and smiled happily. She was the newest member of this family, but it warmed her to become a part of it.

  When the newly engaged couple came up for air, everyone applauded and offered their congratulations. “When is the big day?”

  “Tomorrow. Everything is set and ready.” Kale didn’t open his arms—he kept Carella flush against him.

  She shrieked in shock. “Tomorrow? But I need to get my hair done, makeup, a gown…”

  “It is taken care of. I made your gown and the hair and makeup have been arranged by Relay Wyt. She has also gotten a maid of honour gown for Helen and a bridesmaid gown for Isaro.”

  Star Breaker turned to look at Allie. “You did all that? For me?”

  “For both of you. Also for the team. A wedding is a happy event and should be shared by family. As a Terran, your family is made of the people you choose to spend your time with.” She nodded in affirmation of her words, knowing in her heart that she was speaking to herself as much as to Carella.

  Tears glowed in her eyes. “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome. I haven’t asked, but I believe Hyder may be willing to give you away.” The human tradition also had another meaning. If she was to officiate, then Hyder would be giving up his claim to the team by handing Carella over. He would be the father figure, but Relay would be in charge.

  “That is a helluva good idea.” Helen elbowed her husband and then leaned over to whisper in his ear.

  He grinned. Hyder turned to Effin to ask, “So when are you two going to take the plunge and formalize your arrangement?”

  “As soon as Kale-Gant and Carella are wed, I will begin my courtship of the base commander. No sense rushing these things.” He kept his arm around Allie so that the punch she landed on him was less than effective.

  Laughter rippled around the table and Alomar began to tell them of seeing his family for the first time since the Moreski had stolen him as a child. Stories of home and family were shared, the couples around the table enjoying the simple pleasure of being around others who were exceptional in so many ways.

  Allie and Effin melded their thoughts and emotions, letting the camaraderie bring them into the larger whole. They were responsible for everyone at this table now and it was a duty that neither of them took lightly. Stars would flare, disasters would strike, ships would fail and calls would come in for the Sector Guard to risk their lives on a daily basis.

  But first, a wedding.


  “And do you, Carella Masal, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do.”

  The couple was beaming, the flowers rioting with colour in the forest glade that Gant had prepared for the event. Support staff from the base was present and enjoying the sight of the Guards in their formal finery.

  Mala had refused to let Allie wear a simple uniform, her body sparkled with iridescence. The bridesmaids looked lovely, as did the other women of the Guard. The local seamstress was a miracle worker.

  Kale had done wonders with Carella’s gown. She was wearing a nude-coloured bodysuit under it, so it looked like an elegant blue and pink gown. The colours made her eyes glow and the fit outlined her curves faithfully. He knew what he was doing when he designed the gown—it was alluring and modest at the same time.

  “Then I now pronounce you man and wife…or avatar and avatar…or avatar and stellar avatar. You may kiss the bride.”

  Kale didn’t waste a second. He went in for a kiss that would have overpowered an average woman, but merely brought Carella’s instincts to the fore.

  When the kiss went on a little too long, Allie began to laugh and applaud, triggering a cascade reaction in the audience. They followed suit and in a few seconds, the noise got through to the newly wedded couple.

  Allie entered the data stream and registered the marriage the instant that everything was final. It was not often that the avatar of a planet
took a spouse, so it had to be registered with the Alliance in case of offspring.

  Carella was highly radioactive, so it was unlikely she would be able to carry a child to term, but if she did, that child would be entitled to the mineral rights of any transactions within the planet’s purview.

  Carella took her bouquet and hurled it into the air. Several females lunged for it, but a blast of air from Livin sent it tumbling back toward the podium. Out of reflex, Allie caught the fragrant projectile in her arms.

  Silence reigned for a few seconds before more cheers burst out.

  Kale lifted Carella into his arms and strode off into the depths of the forest. It was a Berhar tradition. The couple would remain secluded as long as the guests could keep the party going.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it is our solemn duty to party as long as we are able. Bring on the food!”

  A cheer rang out as the couple completely disappeared from view.

  Allie stood to one side and watched the musicians take up their positions. The scent of the flowers was lovely and she took a deep breath. Effin glided up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Care to dance?”

  “Are you insured?”

  “I know a good doctor.” He winked and swung her onto the dance floor.

  Holding her close, the scent of the flowers that were crushed between them filled their nostrils. “This was a good day.”

  Mala and Isabi started dancing nearby, the ex-companion moving with a smooth surety his wife must have appreciated.

  Isaro and Alomar swayed together, his tail wrapped around her waist for safety.

  Livin was moving formally with Vasu, the two Drai shifting in a dance that was hundreds of years old.

  Haaro held Agreha carefully, his wife a little too prone to making an ideal body shape for a purpose. He liked her the way she was and it showed. His horns gleamed in the afternoon light, his bat-like wings fluttering to the music as they danced.


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