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Love Slave (Ellora's Cave)

Page 3

by Anne Jacobs

  “I want your cock,” she said, squirming against his mouth while he ate her and gently finger-fucked her ass.

  Vaguely he noticed the music had stopped. Iris had shed her veils and knelt at the foot of the couch where she licked Alexandria’s pussy, while Alexandria sucked Bear’s cock and Bear pleasured Shana with his hands and mouth.

  He should have been ready to explode.

  Instead he wanted the other women gone. He lifted Shana and set her down at his side.

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered.

  He kissed her pouting lips. “I’ve no intention of stopping, love. The rest of you, get out.”

  Shana’s smile shot through him like an electric shock.

  “I want to ride you now,” she said, her eyes sparkling with desire and—he hoped—something akin to love.

  Bear looked like a man in love. And Shana wouldn’t do anything to spoil the illusion. After all, he’d sent the bimbos away and was rubbing fragrant oil into his hands and onto her hard, aching nipples. For the moment he was all hers.

  Hers. All nine or ten glorious inches of his hard, hot cock. Slowly she impaled herself on his rigid phallus.

  Shana had the rest of him, too, for now.

  She circled his small, flat nipples with her fingers, then bent and kissed first one and then the other while she tightened her pussy muscles around his cock. God, but he filled her so completely. Set her on fire. His balls shifted in their velvety sac against her swollen slit.

  He cradled her butt in his hands, helping her to set the rhythm. And again, he insinuated an oiled finger up her anus, one knuckle at a time until he got the entire finger inside.

  No one had ever touched her like this before. She cried out softly, because it hurt. Yet it felt good, too. Especially when he started moving his finger in and out of her there, maintaining the rhythm she set, riding his huge, delicious cock.

  When her climax hit her moments later, she collapsed on Bear’s chest, drained, barely registering his triumphant scream when he exploded, his hot semen scalding her wrung-out pussy.

  * * * * *

  Sunlight streamed through the double doors, making Shana blink. Was it morning already?

  She stretched and started to get up when Bear clamped down a muscular arm around her waist. “Stay, love,” he mumbled, obviously still half-asleep.

  He sent the bimbos away. And he let me sleep with him all night. Like a lover, not a captive houri.

  The sheikh of her fantasies had sent her away after taking his pleasure. Why hadn’t Bear?

  Did he feel more than lust? Would he be sorry when their time together ended? Did he want more?

  The idea thrilled her. It also terrified her.

  His half-hard cock nudged the back of her upper thighs, as though seeking the warmth of her pussy. Smiling, she let him in, squeezing her thigh muscles gently around him.

  He grew rock-hard between her legs, and that got her horny again. When he took her breast in his big hand and stroked it, moisture pooled between her legs.

  Hot. He was hot and silky and huge now. Close to her aching pussy but not quite there.

  Shana shifted to her belly, tugged his hand to urge him to come along.

  His muscular chest pressed hers into the colorful cushions. His warm, moist breath tickled the back of her neck. Then he nipped her with his teeth and sent more waves of sexual longing through her.

  His big hands were on her hips now, lifting her to her knees. His cock probed her, its hot, blunt head nudging her anus.

  She gasped. No way could he fit his monster cock in there!

  “Don’t be afraid, love. This is not the hole he seeks.” He shifted position and found her pussy. “He craves the tightness, the heat, the wetness here,” he whispered as he slid home.

  Slow. Maddeningly slow. But so deep that each time he sank his cock inside her all the way he touched her womb. Shana moaned. Yes, she wanted fantastic sex with this man, but she wanted so much more.

  The way he fucked her as though he cherished her, taking his time stroking her, nibbling her with his teeth and sampling her with his tongue, gave evidence that he wanted more, too.

  Her climax began this time deep within her body, a tiny rumble that bubbled up, grew, and blossomed into a firestorm of sensation when his cock grew impossibly larger and harder before he, too, shouted his triumph.

  “Why did you keep me with you last night?” Shana asked a long time later as she lay sated in Bear’s arms.

  He smiled, though his expression spoke more of regret than of happiness. “Because, love, I’ve decided your fantasy must become our reality.”

  Chapter 4

  “For how long?” Shana asked, her eyes as bright as her words were brittle.

  Bear traced around one of her dark-rose nipples with his finger. “Forever, love.”

  “That’s impossible. Our families—”

  “Our families will have to accept us if you want this, too.”

  “It will never work. Your life is here, mine is in Texas.”

  The regret in her eyes gave Bear reason to press on. “It will work if we want it to. Give us a chance.”

  “I would never accept you having dozens of wives.”

  “Four. That’s the most the Prophet allows,” he countered, grinning.

  Shana raked her nails gently down his back. “One is the most I’d allow. I don’t care what it says in the Koran.”

  He laughed. “I can live with that so long as she’s you. Any more hot houris like you, and I’d soon be dead from sexual excess.”

  “What about them? Your houris?”

  “What houris?”

  She pressed her belly into his, capturing his cock between them in a silken vise. “The ones who were dancing for you and sucking on your balls last night.”

  “I’ll get rid of them.” Shana didn’t need to know they were only props.

  Her eyes widened. “Say you won’t put them in pillowcases and toss them into the sea.”

  Bear hugged her. “No, my fanciful one. You’ve lived in your fantasy world of the Arabian Nights too long if you believe that. I’m no Ottoman emperor, it’s not the sixteenth century, and those women aren’t my slaves. Besides, we’ve come a long way toward becoming civilized. Come on. It’s past time I showed you how modern Arabs live.”

  * * * * *

  Things were moving too fast. Part of Shana wanted to put on the brakes, remind Bear that they’d agreed the only place their mutual attraction could take them was to bed—and temporarily at that. But in her heart she yearned for the kind of love match she sensed they’d have—if it weren’t for the deep chasm that lay between their customs and traditions.

  Her mind was still jumbled a half-hour later when she climbed into a small, twin-engine plane at an airstrip near the villa. Shaking her head, she tried to get it into focus. She’d actually agreed to marry Bear, divide their lives between here and Houston. He promised her the exclusive use of his cock. And she said she’d join him when he sprang the news on his parents. Terrified of what lay ahead, she fastened her seatbelt and hung on to the chair arms while Bear took off.

  He flew the plane the way he fucked, flawlessly and with his full attention on the controls. Before she managed to work out the conflicts in her mind, they landed at the airport in Kuwait City and taxied to a hangar emblazoned with Arabic words she assumed named Bear’s father’s oil company. Sparing a few words for the ground crew that met the plane, Bear whisked her away to a waiting limousine.

  He had on a beautifully tailored pale-gray suit today, the ghutra apparently his concession to tradition. She, on the other hand, wore the abaya, scarf, and veil. It seemed preferable to one of the skimpy harem outfits that had been her other option.

  Bear said a few words to the chauffeur before joining her. “First stop, the boutique where my mother buys her clothing. I want to get you out of that abaya.” With a grin, he dipped his hand inside it and cupped her mound. “But perhaps I should keep you in it so I can
touch you like this.”

  “It’s not fair when you don’t open yourself the same way to me.” His desert robe provided easier access than pants for her to play with his big, smooth cock and balls.

  He tweaked her clit. “When I wear a robe, it’s usually over western clothes. Yesterday I wanted to give you a special treat. Look around. How different is this from Dallas or Houston?”

  “Not very.” Date palms and globe-shaped streetlights lined a smoothly paved street. Modern buildings housed stores with window displays of goods one might buy anywhere in the world. Only a few traditionally dressed shoppers and two gorgeous golden obelisks rising in the distance against a bright blue sky set the scene apart from upscale shopping districts back home.

  A few minutes later, wearing a pale blue dress by Balenciaga, Shana looked around at an off-white villa that would have been equally at home in River Oaks. The confrontation looming on the horizon made her tremble.

  Bear took her left hand, twisted around the massive dark-blue sapphire surrounded by twinkling diamonds that he’d put there moments earlier. The ring weighed heavier on Shana’s heart than on her hand.

  “It will be all right, love. My mother will support us.”

  Diana el Rashid was British. She might be sympathetic—at least until Bear mentioned Shana’s religion. But his father would probably have a brain hemorrhage from the get-go.

  Not unlike the hemorrhages Mother and Daddy were likely to have when they got the news.

  “This isn’t going to work,” she said, panicking when he stepped back to let her go first into a foyer laid with hand-painted tiles that must have cost zillions of Kuwaiti dinars. Shana had no doubt that the jewels embedded in a gold statue on the antique table were costly and real. As real as the bowing servant who’d opened the heavily carved wooden entry door.

  Owning miles and miles of desert filled with oil wells had to be profitable beyond anything in her experience, and she was raised with wealth. The villa and everything in it spoke silently of unlimited assets and impeccable taste.

  “Mother loves me. She will love you, too,” Bear said quietly, giving her hand a squeeze.

  Shana forced a smile. Some of her terror evaporated when a slender dark-haired woman enveloped Bear in a fierce hug.

  “My son. Welcome home. You must introduce me to your friend.”

  Bear beamed at his mother. “Mother, this is Shana Green. My fiancée.”

  Shock registered momentarily on the older woman’s face, but she recovered quickly and gave Shana a hug. “Welcome,” she said. “Come, I must hear all the details. Dahoud, your father will want to meet Miss Green before you go back to that crumbling mass of stones you insisted that Asad open up for you. If you wish to live there, we will have to arrange for its renovation.”

  “I imagine my work will keep me in Kuwait City much of the time,” Bear said, his expression troubled. He smiled at Shana. “We will spend part of each year in Texas so Shana will not miss her family too much.”

  Would Bear’s loving her cost him his place as his father’s heir? Shana hoped not. She couldn’t even offer him the security of becoming a part of GreenTex if his father turned him out.

  * * * * *

  “My father has not disowned me,” Bear told Shana the next morning when they had boarded the plane to return to Texas—and what he imagined would be a tense confrontation with Shana’s parents. “He has, however, suggested that I remain in Texas for a while. Study for a master’s degree, perhaps.”

  “Because of me?”

  “Not entirely. The Emir fears an attack from Saddam Hussein. If Iraq attacks, we could be in great danger.”

  “Would you have to fight?” Shana’s eyes widened, and her knuckles were white from clenching her fists.

  “No. I would not have to fight. I am an only son, my father’s only heir. Should Kuwait have to fight for its existence, though, I would choose to join my countrymen in the military.”

  “Flying planes?”

  “Not unless I got some combat training. Flying the jet fighters the Emir has bought from your country is, I imagine, quite different from flying the Cessna I brought up from Mina Su’ud. I would more likely be given some minor command over troops guarding our desert oilfields.”

  Shana shuddered.

  “Come here and let me love you. Let us not think now of events which may never happen.” He patted the seat beside him, and when she sat down he took her in a fierce embrace.

  She trembled in his arms. So small yet so strong. She’d stood up to his disapproving father when he suggested she had Zionist leanings, fire in her dark eyes, and said she was an American, no more aligned with the rulers of Israel than she was with his own Emir. She’d sworn she loved Bear and would honor the traditions of his heritage and his faith even though they were not her own.

  “I was proud of you, love, for your courage in facing my father. May I be as strong when I face your parents.” He looked out a window and repressed a pang of regret when he saw the minarets atop the mosque adjacent to the old souk. How long would it be before he’d see his home again? “Have you spoken with Jake?”

  “I called him last night. He said he’d talk to Mom and let her know about us, so hopefully the shock will have worn off before we get there.”

  “I like your brother.” Besides being competitive and personable, the teenager seemed to have his priorities straight, something many American college boys didn’t. “Will he be able to soothe your family’s objections?”

  “He’s an only son, too, and spoiled rotten. If anybody can bring Mom around, it’s Jake. Daddy has always expected a lot from Jake, more than he’s ever asked for from me or my sisters. He also listens more to whatever Jake has to say.”

  Bear sighed. He looked forward to informing Jacob Green he intended to spirit his youngest daughter half a world away into a society totally different from what she knew, even less than he’d relished telling his father he would marry a foreigner and a Jew.

  After all, he doubted he would like it twenty years from now if some foreigner came along, wanting to steal his little girl away.

  But he couldn’t be less intrepid than Shana.

  Setting aside his worries for the moment, Bear nibbled at her ear. His cock still protested the loss of her company in his bed last night, but he could hardly have risked sneaking into the room next door to his parents’ suite where his mother ushered Shana as soon as they agreed to spend the night.

  Since he had the feeling opportunities for sex would be as limited in her parents’ home if not more so, he decided to take his pleasure now, away from the prying eyes of questionably well-meaning parents. “I want you,” he said, dragging her hand to his zipper.

  “What did you do about the bimbos?”

  “They’re gone. Along with Selim. Back to wherever Asad found them.”

  Shana laughed when he explained the lengths to which he’d gone so she could live her fantasy. Then she let him carry her to the bedroom where she stripped down and fingered the ruby in her navel.

  “You’re going to have to get me a sapphire like this one for my belly button, I think,” she said, looking first at her engagement ring and then at the large ruby. “Yes, I know you are. It can be my wedding present.”

  “I will give you your weight in them if you wish it, love.” His houri. Soon to become his only wife.

  “I want you to fuck me now. We can talk about jewelry later.”

  He dropped his pants and boxers, and clasped his swollen cock in his hand. “You want this?”

  “Oh, yes.” Sinking to her knees, she swirled her tongue around the distended knob, then took him in her mouth and applied gentle suction. God, how she loved cupping his tight ass cheeks, running her finger down the crack and around his puckered anus before cupping his velvety scrotum and gently rolling his balls between her hands.

  He burrowed his fingers into her hair to hold her head to his groin. Or to pull her away. Allah, grant him control to savor this a few min
utes longer!!

  Bear struggled to hold off his climax. The sight of her kneeling before him had him close, and feeling her hands and mouth on him like this nearly did him in.

  Closing his eyes, he silently recited periodic tables and let the waves of sensation carry him closer to the edge, until she let go of his cock and took his balls into her mouth one at the time. Her tongue felt like velvet on his ball sac.

  When she sucked his cock back down her throat, he nearly exploded. And the unfamiliar sensation of her finger slowly sliding up his ass made his balls draw up in their sac.

  He had to stop her now.

  “Later, love,” he said, freeing his cock and replacing it with his voracious mouth.

  With his tongue, he fucked her mouth the way he wanted to fuck her hot, wet pussy.

  “Fuck me. Now. Please.” She broke the kiss, lay back on the bed. Her dark hair glowed against jewel-toned pillows, and her pale, creamy sex glistened. The muted lights seemed to turn the ivory tones of her satiny body to burnished gold, her nipples and swollen clit to dusky rose.

  Shana aroused him more than a thousand houris. She was the woman he loved.

  He couldn’t resist pausing to lap her honey, even though his cock was ready to burst. And when he joined their bodies and shared her shuddering climax, he finally knew the meaning of making love.

  Chapter 5

  It was more than sex. More than wanting Bear’s beautiful cock in her pussy, her hands and mouth all over his magnificent body.

  Shana finally knew how it felt to be in love. But what if her mom and dad made her choose between them and Bear?

  She’d made her choice the day before yesterday when she held out her hand for him to put this magnificent ring on her finger. But she didn’t want to lose her family.

  Clutching Bear’s hand nearly a day after they’d left Kuwait City, Shana stepped from the plane and glanced at the GreenTex Petroleum logo on a hangar, then back at the big jet with the strange Arabic symbols Bear said meant “El Rashid.”

  None of the ground crew or customs inspectors seemed surprised to see the unfamiliar plane. One inspector even asked to be remembered to Bear’s father.


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