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Page 9

by Victoria Sue

  Brett fumed. “Well, I think you should ask her first.”

  “Ask me what?”

  Mac turned, pulled her forcibly into him, and lowered his head to inhale as if he wanted to reassure himself of something.

  “Guys? What is it?”

  Brett answered. “Lisa we’ve got an emergency referral.”

  Lisa nodded. “Do you need me to help with something?” Please.


  Mac and Brett both spoke at once. “Yes.”

  Lisa swiveled to look at Mac. “You don’t want me to help?” Familiar pain stabbed at her insides, but Zack had trusted her with Codie.

  Riley smiled. “It’s not that, Lisa. Mac is just worried, understandably, that it’s asking a bit much of you at the moment.”

  “So explain then.” Lisa calmly leaned back into Mac, keeping his arms around her where she knew he would be happy. She could feel the rumbling noises rolling off him as he tightened his hold.

  Brett sat. “We’ve just got a call from a shifter over in Atlanta. Apparently, there are a couple of girls, sisters who have been in a regular group home for about two years, following a huge house fire. The home doesn’t want to split them up, but they’ve been with prospective adoptive parents twice so far, and it’s not working out. The younger one, she’s about seven, totally sweet but won’t talk at all. Older one, eleven years old is completely different. She’s very protective and talks for the younger one. She can be very difficult, usually makes life hell for whoever dares take them on. The younger one is a bear shifter, but the older one is human.”

  “Is that possible?” Wow.

  “Yeah, definitely.” Riley answered. “One of the parents must have been human. With human/shifter relationships the chances are about 70/30 human.”

  “Thing is, the powers that be are getting a bit fed up of the older sister. Not only is she screwing up the chances of the younger one finding a family, but they don’t think the little one will start talking while the older one is around doing it for her. They’ll split them up if we can’t help.”

  Lisa gasped, “But that’s awful.”

  “Yeah,” agreed Brett, nodding.

  “So where do I come in?”

  Mac growled.

  Riley looked at her. “We are really stuck for females. Cassie’s got her end of year nursing exam tomorrow and—”

  “That’s important.” Lisa nodded eagerly.

  “I left Angie visiting with her pack. I know you’ve only just got here…”

  Mac growled again. “Brett she’s been through shit for the past eight years. She probably hasn’t got all that crap they gave her out of her system yet, she’s malnourished, and she needs rest. She can’t go charging around all over the country.”

  “Hardly that.” Brett interrupted, but subsided at the look on Mac’s face.

  “Hey.” Lisa swiveled and put her hand to the side of Mac’s worried face. “I want to help. Surely, you understand that.”

  “I know, but—”

  “Can’t you come with us?”

  Mac opened his mouth again to protest, but nothing came out. Lisa reached up and snagged his lips before he thought of any words, and the big guy went soft all over.

  Well, nearly.

  His arms tightened. “Alpha-Mom.”

  Lisa grinned. Riley laughed.

  Looping an arm around her big guy, Lisa led them all to the kitchen. Alex, Zack, and the younger boy all piled in as well from the mud room. Suddenly, there were a lot of bodies and a lot of noise. Small threads of anxiety wove themselves into her stomach, and she automatically leaned back into the huge soft wall behind her. Lisa smiled and relaxed.

  The huge soft wall clearly had her back, and she grinned at the baby noises Alex was unsuccessfully trying to do to a rather startled Codie.

  Eating hungrily, Lisa let the raucous noise wash over her. This was what she had wanted for so long, and she fiercely dropped a grateful kiss on Mac’s cheek as he was just extolling some hitter’s talents to an arguing Zack. Lisa fixed him a dazzling smile as he turned. He looked back at Zack and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

  Zack let out a huge guffaw. “Way to go, Lisa. Mac lost for words.” Zack waved his fork. “Many people will be eternally grateful for that small service to mankind.”

  Brett snorted. “There’s a few animal kind that won’t mind, either.”

  Everybody laughed. The small, happy place grew larger.

  Brett cleared his throat. “Actually, everyone, I have some news.” The room quieted. “You know Angie has been missing her old pack? Well, they’ve got a new alpha, very modern. Thing is, we think they might let us live there.”

  Riley and Zack grinned and pumped hands with Brett, who was laughing. Cassie squealed and hugged Brett. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Mac cleared his throat after clapping Brett on the back. “Not to put a dampener on anything, but with Mom and Dad wanting to retire, what are we going to do around here?”

  Brett, Riley, and Zack nearly bust a gut laughing.

  “What?” Mac looked bewildered.

  Riley grinned. “Mac, haven’t you noticed how Mom and Dad have involved you in every child placement recently?”

  Lisa sat quietly, fascinated by the emotions rushing over Mac’s face. Determination? Pride?

  “Mac, you have been taking up the slack here for years.” Brett smiled. “I know you take occasional tracking jobs on for the F.B.I…”

  Lisa’s mouth hung open a little at that.

  “…but haven’t you noticed, it’s usually child runaways? You have a gift, Mac. Everyone knows it except you.”

  Lisa watched Mac duck his head in embarrassment. There. That was it, that moment. The moment when she knew he was so important to her. His happiness was important, like chocolate or oxygen. She wanted to hug herself and then she wanted to hug Mac. She must have made a sound because he zeroed in on her.

  “What do you think Lisa?”

  “Me?” she squeaked. Everyone stared at her, and the kids’ voices seemed a long way away.

  “Well.” Lisa searched for the right words. He glanced hesitantly at her. He was nervous. Wow. She warmed again inside. She couldn’t remember anyone ever wanting her opinion as if something she said mattered.

  “I just know how you made me feel.” Lisa struggled for the right words. “I knew I could trust you, and that hasn’t happened for a very long time to me. If you can give kids even a small amount of that feeling, then you will be perfect.” You are perfect.

  Lazy blue eyes rolled over her, and the room didn’t seem noisy anymore.

  “You wanna go upstairs? You still need to rest.”

  Was that a blush? “Okay.” Lisa drew a tongue over dry lips.

  Brett cleared his throat. “You’ll be ready after breakfast tomorrow, yeah?”

  “Sure, Brett.” Mac wasn’t even looking at him.

  Brett grinned. “Oh and I forgot.” He dropped his voice, glancing at the kids, but they were wrapped up in games. “I got a call from Sheriff Judson over in Raleigh. Our problem with err… those dogs? Taken care of. Apparently a pack fight didn’t turn out well.”

  Zack grunted and looked pleased, and the guys shot each other a satisfied look.

  Lisa shyly let Mac lead her from the room. She could feel his gaze on her. Her insides warmed. Such focus, such attention.

  “Honey, are you tired?”

  Lisa let out a long breath. Maybe. Not so much. “Not really.”

  He squeezed her hand in answer. Mac opened the door and pulled her through gently.

  “Let me…” Lisa disappeared into the bathroom. Quickly washing her hands, butterflies took residence in her stomach. Was she supposed to get undressed? Nervously, Lisa cleaned her teeth. Oh God. It had seemed easier the other time.

  The door opened, and Lisa’s hands shook. Mac was naked. Gloriously, comfortably, lazily naked. Hot. Hot and hers.

  “Did you forget where the bed was, honey?”

  Lisa desperately wanted to taste the dimple that flashed.

  “In fact…” Mac turned to the shower and started it, altering the temperature. “Mmm… let’s see.” Mac pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Embarrassment had her raising her hands, but the immediate flash of desire in Mac’s eyes cautiously lowered them.

  “God, I love it when you don’t wear a bra.” Barely finishing the last word, Mac’s lips latched over her right nipple, his hands tugging the rest of her clothes off in seconds.

  Immediate heat, desire, and warmth spread straight from her breast to her knees. Growling, but not hesitating in his onslaught, his strong arms swung her up, and he stalked under the shower spray. Gasping, Lisa only had time to put two arms around his neck as he bent to her breast before most thought and corresponding muscle obedience left her.

  Mac came up for air, and she balanced her toes on the shower floor. “Wash me.”

  Lisa shivered at the low demand and carefully squeezed some foam onto her hands. Her teeth pulled at her bottom lip in concentration as her hands smoothed body-wash over Mac’s shoulders. Confidence trickled through her at the immediate groan, and Mac tilted his head back against the tiles and closed his eyes.

  Lisa licked her lips. Both hands traced huge muscles covered in dark hair and small veins. Smoothing her fingers over his arms, she turned her attention to the rise of his chest and flat of his stomach. Muscles quivered and jumped as her fingers fell lower. Steam rose, and the noise of the water fell away to just their harsh breathing. Lisa’s fingers hovered over his abdomen. They moved lower of their own accord. As if they belonged to someone else. Cautiously pulling herself out of Mac’s grasp, she lowered herself to kneel on the mat. Mac’s gaze flew down to her face.

  “Honey?” His voice sounded raw.

  Lisa smiled and lowered her head. She reveled in his stiffening body and guttural needy cry. He hissed as she licked the velvet skin around his rock hard shaft. Gentle hands cupped her face.

  “I don’t have much stamina with you.” He whispered, “I want you in bed.” Strong arms eased Lisa off the floor and pulled her up snug to his body. Hot lips claimed her face and pulled at her lips. Warm hands lifted her from the shower and wrapped her in huge fluffy towels. Mac deposited her carefully on the bath stool and made short work of getting glistening water off his powerful muscles.

  Lisa swallowed.

  In no time, he had her snug again in his arms and carried her to the bed. Safe, like she was precious, like he’d never let her go—ever.

  Warm lips pressed hers, insistent, and she immediately surrendered. A teasing tongue swiped at hers, and a soft moan left her mouth. Mac lifted his lips from her mouth and continued down her throat. Lisa arched into him, to smooth fingers grazing her nipple and a soft chuckle at her response turned his fingers back to the same spot. Lisa’s mouth opened on a gasp as he ran a nail on the underside of her breast and drew her nipple hard between his finger and thumb. Sharp zings of pain shot from her breast and landed in her pussy.

  Urgently, like she’d never wanted anything, ever, ever before in her whole life, Lisa drew his face down and rocked her hips. Dimly, she heard him murmuring, hot stupid words that made no sense, and she keened softly into him, needing more. Hands flew over her body, making it his. She didn’t need grounding. She wanted to fly and eased her legs wider as his hand made one pass over her clit.

  “Oh, please.” Lisa squirmed, her body feverish, needing.

  Strong, insistent fingers had her climbing with him. He rocked and teased, passing her little nub until it throbbed. Her whole body throbbed. One cautious finger slipped in, and Lisa nearly lifted off the bed. Another finger curled into her, and lust slammed into her so hard it seemed like she fell into his hand. Pressure hardened her jaw and clenched her toes. Desperate need snaked around her bottom and dived in her core. She let go and soared. Pure pleasure shot out of her and returned, centering her and easing her down. On and on, strings of heat swirled around and tugged, falling back into Mac’s hands to hold and keep safe.

  Someone was panting hard, making little mewling noises. She was.

  Blue eyes were still fixed on her, holding her, waiting and she smiled.

  “More.” She moved and her hand caught him, desperately to have him inside of her.

  She watched his hands shake as he donned a condom.

  Breath whooshed out of her as in one move he was encased, and he stilled. “Again.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Good, I don’t need you to think.”

  She knew her eyes had bled to amber just as his were jet black. Desire answered to desire.

  Mac dipped his head again and wrung deep, drugging kisses out of her to center on her insides once more. A soft rhythm started as he pushed gently, and she hummed back. Mac moved slightly, hitting her at different angles, his face intent on hers until she opened her eyes wide. Oh. Mac grunted and pounded on that most sensitive spot, once, twice “Oh, Oh, Mac. There.” Don’t stop. Twisting her head, long deep stabs, almost painful, shot around her side and exploded out of her as she shook. Seconds later, Mac followed her cries with his answering shouts and just managed to fall to her side as he pulled her with him.

  Wrapped, safe, love—no, he hadn’t said that, but she could, very, very easily. She snuggled closer and closed her eyes. Did it matter? Was being his mate the same as that or better? Would it be worse if she loved him and he never loved her? Thoughts chased her briefly, intruding, then a strong arm pillowed her on a warm shoulder, and she sighed, giving up.

  Chapter Ten

  Lisa looked nervous. He knew she was concerned for both the girls and hoped their trip to pick them up went smoothly. Mac fixed a hard stare on Riley, willing him to notice and do his thing. Riley lifted an eyebrow in reply and gazed at Lisa’s twisting hands. Okay, yeah, he got it and quickly covered both of them with his. Lisa flashed a grateful smile and sighed slowly as she cuddled into Mac.

  Brett had insisted he was going to leave it to him. “It won’t be long until I’m gone. You might as well do all the assessments from now on.”

  Mac was a little surprised. Brett seemed very confident, but he was pleased for him. He knew Brett desperately wanted to belong to a wolf pack. He also wondered if Angie was giving him grief. She hadn’t come back to Raleigh Point since they had returned from their honeymoon. Personally, he thought his pack was better, but he wasn’t a wolf. So what did he know?

  Mac spent much of the journey worrying about Lisa and what to tell her about the conversation he’d had with Daniel that morning. They’d gone to investigate the nurse, and she’d disappeared. There didn’t seem to be any records of an employee matching the description Mac had given them. That in itself set off alarm bells. He’d seen and smelled her. The fact that someone had made all traces of her disappear, no one liked. All the employees Daniel had tracked down were definitely human.

  Daniel had managed to locate an old group mother of Lisa’s. Retired now, but she remembered Lisa and had told him that when Lisa first started displaying aggression, they were expecting her to just have local treatment, maybe counselling, not to be squirrelled away in some psychiatric facility. She’d told Daniel in no uncertain terms that quite a few of Lisa’s temper tantrums, as she called them, were nothing more than adolescent reaction to some bad situations. She was never sure why such extreme treatment was thought necessary, but there had been nothing she could do.

  Daniel was concerned and had promised to keep digging.

  Mac didn’t like it at all, and neither did his bear, currently pacing in his head. Not even the comfort of having Lisa close was able to settle the big guy. He would definitely have to go for a run soon.

  The van pulled into a fairly busy looking parking lot next to some apartment blocks. Riley nodded over to the one in the corner that had a tall fence around it. Looked a bit creepy, but then the doors exploded open, and kids came out laughing and heading for the benches. A few shot off to the swings in the cor
ner and a couple of older women followed them out, both clutching a mug, sipping and smiling.

  * * * *

  Lisa gazed over, interested.

  “Doesn’t seem bad on the face of things,” Mac murmured. “So usual practice guys. Raleigh Point is a regular long-term group placement, specializes in kids that may not get adopted easily.”

  Riley gave both women a hard stare and nodded shortly.

  Lisa smiled in agreement. Mac closed the folder he had with him. “Mrs. Kelly is in charge. Girls are called Molly and Erin. Molly’s the seven-year-old.”

  Lisa smiled approvingly, the distinction that had come so easily to him was their age, and not that one of them was a shifter. She was ridiculously pleased that he showed no bias.

  “Is this how you normally get kids? They’re referred?”

  “Not always.” Mac smiled ironically. “Sometimes, we have to get people like Daniel to interfere.”

  “Who’s Daniel?”

  “He’s a cat shifter,” said Riley with a grin.

  Lisa wasn’t sure how to frame the next question. I don’t think they’re talking about something small and furry.

  Mac grinned. “I keep forgetting how much you don’t know. Sorry, we shouldn’t tease.”

  “He’s a tiger shifter.”

  Lisa gasped, looking at Riley to check if he was serious.

  Riley continued. “He’s also one of Mac’s F.B.I. contacts. Mom and Dad set up a network when they first thought about Raleigh Point.”

  “So, it’s just shifters that know about the home then?”

  “No,” put in Mac. “There are humans. Dr. Michaels for example.”

  “Well, not just human mates. There are other humans that know about us. We come in very useful sometimes.” Mac drawled and shook his head.

  Lisa looked at Mac and waited for him to continue. He gazed out of the window. She filed away the question to ask later. “So, do you take all shifter kids then? Not just wolves and bears?”


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