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Dancing with the fallen (Servival game Book 1)

Page 6

by Daenerys Snow

  "Still four, do not have to live! Otherwise, then you hurt him!" Emma began to blame themselves, the sound has a tearful. If she insisted that a small four people waiting in the room, if she was with a small four together, and now will not happen such a thing!

  Although the small four for Emma non-pro-so, but she was on the nervous boy has a sense of intimacy and protection of desire. And the small four seems to Emma also has a natural dependence and trust, this feeling even Emma himself is not clear what is going on.

  To enter the game since, Emma seems to be and four together "dependent", where the small four to follow the sister, and Emma where are not too tired to take him, let him tightly clutching his clothes Angle, like a tail with the same behind their own. When he is in danger, he will naturally protect him. And when there are bad things happen, the small four seems to use their own way to protect Emma. As if just a little four pulled her told her not to go, dangerous. Although Emma did not know how the little four perceived the danger, but she never doubted what the little four. And it seems that in the first round of the game, the small four only in her side will say to himself, it is said to Emma to listen to, let her be careful, away from danger!

  The thought of Emma nose here a sour, tears instantly could not stop the flow down, she worried about the small four, but the more worried, the more the bad feeling is a brain hit, full of minds are small four have been killed cruel Picture, and gradually her feet began to weakness, the courage of the flames are gradually dim.

  Tears dim, Emma suddenly saw the white ground, Yin Hong's blood dripping all the way. Let her heart suddenly shrink up.

  10 Necrophilia

  Emma looked at the pale bit of the ground drops of thorny blood, a time to stop the pace, just a few seconds, scenes of horrible picture in the brain fast rotation. She seems to see the small four and Betty was hacked, body flesh and blood, his face only left helpless and empty eyes stagnation and sadly looked at the front, seems to be blaming Emma why to leave He makes him at risk. His body is cold, the heart is not beating, breath has stopped, as if this life has not been to the world, he instantly disappeared. And she even does not know the real name of the small four, so let a life perish.

  Do not! It all cannot happen!

  Emma forced herself to be sober, calm, and lifted his feet, pushing the white door in the direction of the staring blood.

  "No four!" No one responded. The room was empty, and that blood only to the door of the room to stop abruptly.

  Emma heart soon as bad, just want to go back, suddenly felt a record heavy wind from their own waving! She do not know where the power, or a kind of physical condition reflex instinctive reaction, Emma in that note has not yet to attack before suddenly bent down, dangerous jump from behind her huge ax. If there is no inexplicable instinctive reaction, Emma is now likely to have been the first place.

  Paul's mind that hit almost all the strength, simply wanted to cut down Emma's head!

  Do not you have a hatred with you? The Emma scolds in the heart. But the body of the instinctive reaction has not stopped her suddenly stretched out his legs, a beautiful and powerful after the spin to play firmly in the face of Paul's face, kick him back to the back of several steps, nosebleed Instantly from his face trickle out.

  "What time will I work?" Emma looked strange at his hands, as if there was a magic shrouded in her body, a look of incredible.

  what on earth is it? Is the instinctive reaction of the body? No, it's too sturdy. She immediately denied this speculation, but suddenly remembered his high school, when a bike to school, passing a crossroads, the middle of the road there is big beach oil stains. Often cycling people know that encounter this situation must not brakes, cannot ride too fast, otherwise it will cause people with the risk of falling with the car. Emma remember the road was very chaotic, because just to work peak time, a lot of cars on the road, a lot of bicycles, there are non-compliance with traffic rules chaos crossing the pedestrian, a time car mixed. And Emma had just learned to ride a bike did not take long, plus that chaotic traffic conditions, was left and right sides of the car crowded to avoid the need to go through that big beach oil stains, wanted to get off, but behind The car and urged her to pass quickly, but in front of the car and refused to let the way, so she forced to the dangerous zone, the speed is too fast, no brakes will hit the front of the people, suddenly the brake will cause tire slippage. Helpless, Emma had to bet on their own luck, if the car is good, slightly with some brakes, it should not have too much of a problem, (Emma was so think, in fact, this situation is still very dangerous, easy to fall) Will not fall off the horse turned.

  So Emma hastily pinched the brakes, cannot think of is that she is too overestimated his car skills. When the wheel through the ground when a black grease, the instant slippery, the car suddenly lost control, and good die dead, in front of the road and showed a downhill, Emma in front of the traffic suddenly down the slope, left A few meters. Seeing the bike lost balance, coupled with the downhill, it is likely to fall off the horse turned, get there will be the risk of fracture.

  Do not know how the matter, Emma just think, the body is not like their own from the already began to tilt the bike jumped down, firmly fall a few meters away from the place. The body is like a martial arts martial arts drama in the same dodge master volley jump, and she was the long hair just the amount of hair before the hairpin card, the rest are free to spread. You can imagine her from the right to turn all the way to the slope of the car jumped down, the body volley jump, long hair elegant, and then steady landing, the elegant hair is not impatient slowly hanging down the way. Called a volley micro-step ah.

  This action not only Emma herself was shocked, and even the way many people were Emma was shocked, and there were several and Emma wearing the same school uniforms also saw this scene, are surprised And the incredible look at the thin and not so nice girl. And her bike is not so good luck. "Bang clatter bang clatter" fell out of the far.

  Emma suddenly remembered the fragment, the day Emma though strange, but not too mind, so soon forgot, but now, the same time facing the danger of her body instinct to make her own Incredible reaction, and let her escape the danger. How is this going?

  Emma looked suspiciously at her own hands. As if her hands had something strange.

  "Damn, you dare to fight me!" Paul clutching his constantly bleeding nose, the sound of pain has changed.

  "I'm not playing you, I'm kick you!"

  Paul 's eyes flashed a glimmer of coldness, chuckled, "You know what, as long as you die, this round of the game can be over.

  Listen to what he said, then it means that the small four or safe, and did not encounter paul.

  "You are metamorphosis!" Emma cursed the sentence.

  Seeing Paul has been covered with blood of the clothes wiped the blood of the nose, sneer soon, like a hand holding the ax handle with it to pat the other hand, as if the test Road test feel the same. Emma saw the expression of his face stretched, roared loudly, the ax hard to Emma's head

  to throw!

  This is a sudden, so that Emma no response. The distance between the two people is not very far, only a few steps away, and his strength is big, seeing the ax will cut their own face, Emma just feel the body was a force to the next pull. The whole person was brought to a tall and solid arms.

  That ax is embedded in the wall behind her a few points!

  who is it?

  Looked up to see the original is that child is tall, burly called Collins men. Blink of an eye and see Paul side, may be to see a tall helper, it is estimated that the enemy is not the front of this man, Paul has long run, son.

  "You're all right." The man, called Collins, was very low, and he let go of Emma, who was only on his chest.

  "Nothing, thank you for saving me!"

  "Well, you have to be careful." Collins turned away.

  Really is a strange person, Emma looked at Collins away from the back, but should be a good person, although not much, eyes and cold, b
ut in such an environment, especially when the game "task" has been someone Slag finished half of the time, the Collins can actually sit on the sidelines, as long as Emma die, this game will end. However, when she encountered a crisis, Collins did not add insult to injury, but saved himself. Emma can be very, very sure that this person is a good person, maybe you can believe this person!

  There are still small four! No time to think about other things, and where is four?

  Emma out of danger, in order to no longer meet the metamorphosis of the Paul, she decided to go or the way to go, continue to find a small four.

  Because of the tension just panic, she did not remember before leaving the small four in the end is to take a few rooms, opened a few doors to the scene of the incident, do not remember to go through a few rooms, opened a few doors Only met Paul.

  These touched the same white room, is simply a crazy maze, as if once lost in the direction of the future can no longer find the general.

  Do not give up ah Emma! If the fourth encounter dangerous, then no matter who is four encounter accident, you are that hateful accomplice! It all blame you! Emma began to blame herself.

  And went through two rooms, turn left turn right, Emma finally returned to the Betty tragic scene. That the strong smell of blood and full house terrifying blood to Emma did not dare to look at. She stood a little farther away from the door, just want to recall what is through which door to come here, so that she can get back from the small four side of the road here, and then she can find a small four.

  Just as she had some thoughts, remembered something, a strange voice gently from behind, this sound is not as big as the sound of the sound of the brain, so Emma played a goose bumps. Not because of the horror of the sound, but the sound sounds like men and women having sex when the desire of moaning.

  This awareness makes Emma's brain suddenly crash! Who will do those things in such a "ecstasy" place?

  But it is clever, because here is the scene of the incident, the door of the room seems to be something against the big open. Emma stiff slowly back, but saw a white figure in the Betty

  covered with blood on the body!

  11 Necrophilia’s killing game

  Looked at the front of a blood stained face blurred body doing the Pistons movement, Emma only felt scalp tingling, stomach bursts of rolling, as if all the internal organs are in the mountains want to spit from their own mouth come out. The man seems to feel the eyes behind him, stop the movement slowly turned around, it is estimated that he did not expect someone to return to the scene, and witnessed the scene of this carnival.

  If the Emma's brain from the witness of this scene began to crash, and now see the treacherous after the panic is not your death is my dead eyes, and now want to restart the brain have no way to restart.

  She wanted to run but found his feet did not listen to the command of the nail on the ground, feet like the lead was unable to move like lead. Straightforward, that is, Emma has been scared silly. She saw the man standing up against Emma slowly standing up and picked up a dark thing beside Betty's body. Emma took a closer look, the original black iron is a very sharp saw.

  "I, I do not know who you are, I have not seen anything, nothing to see." Emma said with a hand over his eyes and trembling.

  She was nervous and difficult to retreat a small step, do not see that has been slowly turned around the man's face. In fact, from the body, Emma probably have to determine that the man is the new four people in the short man Rob.

  "I'm just too much like it, I cannot control myself, I just, just ..." Rob stammered, as if trying to clarify himself because of Betty's love, so he could not hold So that she wanted her after death, even if it is covered with blood, fragmented body does not matter.

  "Do you like Betty?"

  "No! I only love the body! Dead body!" Rob loudly corrected.

  Emma just understand the wrong, and he likes it does not like Betty has nothing to do, people just like the bloody body only, so that strong visual and olfactory stimulation led his other senses.

  He does not say these words are not tight, one said this sentence straight to the stomach of the people. Emma just think there is a sour water has to spit out, instinct to make a nausea reaction, "vomit -"

  But that is the reaction, just angered Rob! His hand holding the handle of the saw, "let you tarnish my feelings for it, not allowed, do not let you look down on me!"

  despise? The God, which is the look down on the problem, this is the fear of the problem is good! Emma shouted in the heart, but did not dare to call out, afraid to say something wrong, really angered the "infatuation" of the dear friend, in case he was soared, the taste of this saw I do not have Paul's taste to the poor difference.

  "I'm sorry, sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong. You when I have not been, you have not seen me, I will not say anything ... ..."

  Emma is eager to talk to each other, and she does not want to annoy the necrophilia! To know that there are necrophilia people are regarded as life for the things that they have things do not care about life, for them, such as grass mustard, life as thin paper, only death is eternal beauty. The cold corpse is the most beautiful thing in the world!

  She simply thought that as long as their strict adherence to the secret, the other party will be able to put her a horse, she always ignored the metamorphosis of the logic of thinking is normal people cannot match. Also overlooked necrophilia's attachment to death. So her words have not finished, Rob's mouth thrown a touch of strange smile, "like you live, do not know what is

  'nothing to say', the secret is always and death together, That is the safest, and only death can make you beautiful. Oh Oh, if you die, maybe I will fall in love with you!

  Emma could not help but burst of chill, she recalled before seeing this man, although the rough observation of the next, but did not think he was how abnormal. But now, Emma looked at Rob's look of ferocious, that dry and lifeless face is not normal white. Eyes empty and sluggish, his eyes are very small black, white eyes showing a morbid dark yellow. Lips are dark, and he may have just kissed the body covered with blood also has a relationship.

  He smile, a pair of fans looked foolishly standing in the place of Emma, as if staring at the plate of carrion, and seems to be thinking about how to kill Emma better.

  "As soon as you get out of breath, your body will slowly cool, the body will slowly stiff, time will stop in your life, your life will be accompanied by the death of the coming of the disappearance of what a beautiful scene Ah ... ... "Rob a look of obsession with imagination. Emma could see that he had a glory in his eyes, and that part of his body had changed at this time, and that his clothes had been raised by an organ of his body.

  OMG! What a hapless thing to let her meet! Emma shouts in my heart, my brain hits! I want to leave this ghost place.

  She just was really hacked, and sometimes do not know how to escape his feet! At this point Emma has slowed the slow God, it is estimated that the dead brain began to restart, to the normal release of the order to escape.

  Saw Rob screaming, raised the saw and rushed to Emma! Although his action is not Paul's ferocious, but the momentum is more scary than Paul.

  Emma was scared and screamed and ran, and did not hesitate to run. Opened a door and blocked in front of their own door, ran one after another room. Where the space is really big, why ran so many rooms, is not seen other people? It seems that this is enough to explain how the white maze in the end.

  But also a door to block the Emma's path, she struggled to push, but found no way to open the door! Looking back at the Rob holding the saw in the back pursued, seeing will catch up with them. Emma did not hesitate to open another door on the right hand side wall!

  An opening of the door to see Ann and another girl named Linda stay together. See the two girls looked at her with strange eyes, as if to ask why she was running out of breath, "what happened?"

  "No time to say! Run!" Emma did not do more explanation, pull up two girls ran. I thought that th
e love of the body of Rob how so good, pursued! Do you have to set yourself to die?

  After a few steps, Ann began to breathe, "Who is chasing you?"

  " the very short man!" Emma ran in the front, from time to time by hand to pull the two girls ran a way, "I see should not see things, he wants to kill me!"

  "But why should we follow?"

  "Because he is not the spirit of normal, you will kill!"

  Emma black line, this woman is not silly? What's the situation now? Has been dead a good person, since some people from the kill heart, you do not escape? If she laissez-faire these two women regardless, but Rob is now the spirit of the state, do not put these two beautiful first to kill strange! Emma is too lazy and Ann to do more explanation, but seven by one bend through one another room.

  "Do not run! I cannot run it!" Ann put off the hands of Emma.

  "Cannot run!"

  "We gotta know why? You do not give a reason, where is the power of me running?" Ann bent over his arms and his hands panting the panting atmosphere.

  "You still do not know the better"

  "You do not say, I do not run, control what we do?" Linda also stood Ann side.

  It seems that God is indeed fair, for women, beauty and talent really cannot have both.

  "He is necrophilia! I see him and Betty's body having sex!" Emma anxious that leaked his mouth, my heart suddenly burst of upset, should not say! Should not say! Rob has a saying that is true, the secret of this kind of thing only and death together is the safest.

  "I knew you could not keep the secret!" Rob was coming from the room and approaching the door, and came in from the room in front of them. "Now, you all know, then you have to die! I will love you so much!

  "I said Well, you do not know better!" Emma complained of staring at Ann and Linda, are the two women, do not know curiosity to kill the cat ah! Do not know too much will be done to do it!


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