The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!)

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The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!) Page 15

by M. D. Bowden

She read Megan and Bea a story about three pigs and tucked them up in their bedrooms, kissing them each goodnight.

  After they were in bed she poured herself a large glass of red wine and put on a movie. Each sip she took made her feel more sleepy - she was exhausted by the emotions that consumed her.

  Sarah looked up at the picture of her and Jo on the mantelpiece, his arms around her and the children. In the picture they were all smiles. It masked the difficulties they had actually experienced; his infidelity.

  But she had also loved him. She let herself cry at his memory, she cried for herself and for her children, who didn’t yet realize what they had lost. She cried for his family and the life he had lost. She cried for herself and the ruin her life was in.

  Finally she slept, still clothed, right there on the sofa, vivid dreams disturbing her slumber.


  Sebastian waited outside the next house he came across - it was situated alone at the edge of the forest. A fire blazed within and smoke bellowed from the chimney into the cold night.

  The house was large, and through his rage, he sensed eight warm bodies inside. He could hear clinking and drunken conversations - it sounded like they were having a party.

  He decided he would stay there and wait - the first person who left the house would be his, and this time he would make good use of the body. He would not lose it in a fight.


  Daniel was relieved when Heather returned and he could stop concentrating on his power, or ‘meditating’, as she had called it. He had done as she said, but it was as hard as he had thought it would be. He had tried to imagine his power increasing but it kept slipping away from him. He thought he had probably had some success - he was feeling vibrant with energy, but he suspected that was mainly the strangely magical tea.

  Heather smiled ironically at him. Daniel thought she suspected his lack of luck in the meditating department. She was carrying a rounded metal jar with a cork stopper attached by a string around its neck. He raised his eyebrows inquisitively, wondering if it was needed for the spell.

  He rose from his position. He had been sitting cross legged on the tatty rug, adopting the traditional meditation pose - in case that would aid in his success.

  Heather had pulled out a chair and sat at the table, so he joined her. He sat waiting for her to speak.

  After a long pause, in which she looked like she was thinking hard about what to say, she spoke.

  ‘This urn,’ she gesticulated at the metal jar, ‘will be the necessary vessel for Sebastian’s spirit. You must put some of Sebastian’s ashes in the urn for the spell to work. You will need to cast magic to weaken him and to make his spirit take residence in the urn. Next you will need to insert the cork and cast the binding spell. This will make sure his spirit is trapped inside. It will stay there unless someone casts a more powerful spell than yours to release him. Once bound you must bury the urn deep in the ground to ensure it will not be found.’

  Daniel nodded. That was easy enough to understand. He suspected conducting the spell itself may be a bit more tricky.

  ‘To weaken Sebastian you will need to fire energy at him. This will use up your power, but you will have enough left to do the binding spell.’

  ‘How do I “fire energy” at him?’ Daniel asked uncertainly. He wasn’t sure if she might have over-estimated his magical ability.

  ‘That’s not a problem. Do you remember when I taught you to light fires with your mind?’

  ‘Yes, I can still do that,’ Daniel said.

  He blew out the white candle in the center of the table. To demonstrate his ability, and to show off just a little, he concentrated hard on the candle, feeding tendrils of power into the wick and sparking it with a focused blast from his mind.

  Heather laughed and clapped, ‘I’m glad you remembered that! Firing energy is similar in principle. Relax your mind and I will show you.’

  Daniel was expecting this - it was how she had taught him before. He closed his eyes and focused within. He heard movement as Heather came closer and felt warm fingers touch his temples. Immediately he sensed the presence of her mind at the edge of his.

  A vision appeared at the forefront of his thoughts. It explained far more than words alone could.

  He saw himself focusing on his power within and channeling it down through his arms, out of his fingers. As his power would leave his fingers he had to use his mind to focus on it burning bright and hitting its target.

  The fingers left his temples and he rubbed his eyes before looking up. Learning magic like that made his head ache.

  ‘There’s no need to practice that now, I don’t want anything in here damaged! Anyway, you will have no problems with that one.’

  Again Daniel nodded. He indeed did feel confident with that, the concept already seemed deeply embedded in his psyche.

  ‘What if Sebastian has already found a human host?’ Daniel asked.

  ‘Then you will have to sacrifice him, or her, as they are dead already. No-one can survive being possessed by a spirit that old.’ She looked sad, and Daniel wondered if she had lost someone this way in the past.

  He didn’t ask though. He knew he was being selfish, but he didn’t want to delay.

  ‘When his spirit starts to fade you must have the urn to hand and visualize this symbol in your head. . . .’ She leant in and touched his temples again. Daniel closed his eyes and a symbol appeared in his mind. He focused on it hard, making sure he remembered every loop and angle accurately. He did not want to make a mistake.

  ‘Hold the urn steady and visualize the mark in your head - then send it out at Sebastian. Visualize it wrapping around his spirit and it will. Then visualize the mark on the urn. The two marks will link and Sebastian will be propelled inside. As soon as his spirit is inside the urn - push in the cork.’

  Daniel repeated what she had said in his mind, making sure he had got it. He nodded again.

  ‘Next is the hardest part - the binding spell. There is another symbol that you need to remember.’ Again she leant in and showed him the mark with her mind. ‘Although this one is simpler, it needs to be reinforced with considerable amounts of power. You need to give it all you have. Project the mark at the urn and, as you do, infuse it with this power. The more power you put in; the harder the spell will be to break.’

  ‘And that’s it?’ he asked, hoping it was.

  ‘Yes, be careful you follow each step in order, or it won’t work,’ she teased, although her eyes betrayed her seriousness.

  Daniel rose, picking up the urn. ‘I must leave, I’m sorry. Thankyou so much, you have no idea how happy I will be if this works.’

  Heather rose too, and walked with Daniel to the door. ‘Pop by sometime, it would be good to catch up when your need is less urgent.’

  ‘I will. I owe you Heather.’

  She brushed his words away with a hand gesture, ‘Nonsense,’ she said.

  ‘Do remember if you need my help - I am more than willing,’ he said.

  ‘I will. Goodbye Daniel. And good luck.’


  Daniel stepped back into the night. He made sure no-one was watching before transforming into a buzzard. When he transformed whatever he was holding, including his clothes, changed too. The extra weight didn’t hinder him.

  There would be no taxi this time.

  He flew off at high speed; towards the airport, feeling exhilarated from the sensation of the wind against his feathers. He would board the next plane back to Sarah, and hope to God that he wouldn’t be too late.

  Chapter 7

  Sebastian waited through the night. He didn’t feel the cold, or feel the fear of darkness.

  He was the darkness.

  As the sky lightened he saw lights flicker on in the house.

  His desire for life and blood simmered in his essence.

  He concentrated hard on his form and took on the appearance of a bat. He was ready to swoop when the first body stepped out the door. He se
nsed it was about to happen, heard the key turn in the lock, and waited impatiently as he heard exchanges of farewell inside.

  A girl stepped out and he swooped into her heart, asserting his will to take over her body. She stopped stock still, fighting him inside her.

  She was resolute he would not take her.

  But Sebastian knew what to do now - he pushed himself inside her mind and took over each neuron as it fired. He was taking over her every thought.

  Once her mind was his, her body would be too.

  As he took control at last; a shiver ran through her body and he knew she was his.

  He could feel what she could feel. He could form thoughts in her mind, make her act as he pleased and he could talk with her voice.

  Sebastian looked down at his body. Again he had possessed the body of a teenager, but not a high school kid. This girl was dressed smartly in black. She was probably a receptionist or something - she most likely still lived at home with her parents.

  He wrenched the door back open, but of course he still could not enter. He bubbled with anger, but fought to control it. He still had to get someone to let him in.

  ‘Mom?’ he called, his voice surprising him. It was far higher in pitch than he was used to.

  Another tired looking teenage girl stumbled into view. ‘What are you - delusional? Why are you asking after your mom?’

  Great - thought Sebastian, an annoying sibling or a house full of dysfunctional teens?

  ‘Well, aren’t you going to ask me to come back in, so you can check on my sanity?’ He called to her.

  ‘Why would I do that? Just come in you idiot.’

  That was enough for him. He stepped over the threshold and followed the annoying girl. He saw her up ahead, with scruffy black hair, which looked dyed, and smudged makeup around her eyes. She was wearing black pajamas and had a scowl on her face.

  She turned her back to him and began to fill a cheap kettle. Sebastian considered just jumping her and taking her life, but what would be the fun in that?

  He looked around the kitchen and saw the knife rack. He pulled out a large one - the one that looked most like a slasher knife, as it would torment her the most.

  ‘Hmm, what shall I do with this?’ he asked her, while approaching her side.

  ‘Loser,’ she said, not even glancing at him.

  He brandished the knife and as she put her hand on the counter he swung it down. She didn’t notice the motion in time, barely flinching before the knife was through her hand and she was skewered to the work top.

  She turned to him in horror, pain and revulsion, not able to move her hand at all. She was about to shout out when she saw the dark flash of Sebastian behind the girls eyes and she cowered in fear.

  Sebastian grabbed her hair, revealing her neck. He grabbed another knife from the rack and cut open her jugular. Blood spurted out.

  He forced his new body to taste blood for the first time - to bring his mouth to the girls neck and drink deeply. Pleasure swelled inside him as the warm intoxicating liquid flowed down his new throat. His power ignited within, increasing with every gulp. She went limp in his arms and he let her go, left her dangling with her hand still skewered to the counter.

  Sebastian walked away and inspected himself in a small mirror fastened to the wall.

  He was a mess. This girl, who had been immaculately dressed when he had possessed her, was now smeared with blood. Her bleached hair, which had been tightly pulled back in a pony-tail, was still in place - but was splattered with dots of red. Her eyes, which had been a dirty green, now looked black - like they stretched to infinity.

  He smirked at himself. He was one step back on track. Soon he would track down Daniel.

  Soon he would end this.

  But first he needed more power. He needed his ashes. He needed to find a witch.

  That would not take long. In fact - he knew one who lived in Hartland. He would force her to do the spell, and she would comply.

  He strolled through the house.

  He was ready to take his next victim.


  Daniel had to wait until morning before the next plane left.

  It was a frustrating time but he made the most of it; practicing doing the spell over and over in his mind.

  Finally he was on the plane. It was taking off.

  He longed to see Sarah, his heart ached thinking about her. He wanted to hold her and kiss her. He thought back to the taste of her blood and he wished to drink it. She had tasted exquisite, more amazing than he could have imagined. Much more vibrant than the victims he had consumed to fight Daniel.

  He was too hyped to sleep and spent the rest of the flight consumed by his thoughts and his desire to finish this.


  Sebastian heard a shower running and walked slowly up the stairs, listening hard for other sounds from the house.

  He knew there were six people still alive.

  He could hear deep breathing coming from a few rooms. He suspected most people were too intoxicated to have been woken by the commotion he had created downstairs.

  Hmmm, what should he do first; take a sleeping victim or a clean body fresh from the shower? He hesitated.

  He didn’t want everyone to wake at once, and if he stepped into the bathroom covered in blood - whoever was in there would surely scream. He wasn’t sure if he had strengthened himself enough yet to take them all at once.

  He slowly crept towards a bedroom. He heard light snores emanating from within so he opened the door quietly. Enough light was peeking through the curtains to see a young man lying on his back, arms flung out at his sides.

  Sebastian moved towards him and snuck under the covers too, nestling against the warm body. He stroked his fingers down the man’s bare chest and up around his neck.

  He wanted him at least partially awake before taking his life.

  He ran his hand back down the man’s chest. He was good looking with blond hair and a sporty physique. But he smelt of alcohol and weed.

  It was strange being in bed with a man, in the body of a woman. His desire was mixed up. He wasn’t exactly attracted to the man, but the body he inhabited obviously was.

  He let those feelings in and kissed the neck of the man before him, leaving bloody marks on his body. The man stirred and tightened his arm around Sebastian, rolling towards him. Sebastian felt him harden against the girl’s body.

  Sebastian moaned; a girl’s whimper escaping him, as hands started to pull up the skirt he was wearing. That was it - he was awake enough - he didn’t want whoever was in the shower to discover the body downstairs and escape.

  Sebastian leant in and bit into the man’s neck. The man froze in his pursuit of pleasure - in panic and pain. Sebastian felt his previously sleepy eyes fly open as adrenaline surged through his blood. But it was too late, Sebastian was already sucking him dry and the man was weakening against him.

  As his heart stopped beating he went limp. Sebastian pushed him away and walked to the door.

  Extra confidence was swimming in his veins and he was ready for his next victim. He heard the bathroom door open and a girl stepped out. She was wrapped in a dark blue bath towel. He heard her walking in his direction and waited by the door.

  He had expected her to walk past, but she started to push it open. As she did he grabbed her. She only had the chance to let out the smallest squeal before he snapped her neck - then bit - taking in every drop of her blood, absorbing her essence, her power.

  He let her fall.

  Four victims to go.


  Sarah awoke to Bea calling, ‘Mommy,’ from upstairs. She realized she had been lying spread eagled across the sofa. She stretched - her muscles sore from lying in an awkward position.

  She felt better. With sleep had come a renewed sense of confidence that everything would be OK. She sat up and rummaged in her pocket for a hair tie, then tied up her tangled hair, getting it out of the way. She rubbed sleep out of her eyes and forced herse
lf to get up off the sofa.

  She felt pretty good.

  It must be the related to the weird new power thing she still didn’t understand, she thought - it couldn’t be a bad thing, at least she was strong enough to fight.

  Sarah entered the kitchen and filled the kettle, before making her way to the stairs and ascending to see her kids. She went to Megan first, as she was being a good girl and staying quiet. Sarah knew she was awake because she could hear her singing gently. As soon as Sarah opened the door Megan jumped out of bed and ran to her, ‘Mommy!’ she said, hugging her.

  Sarah took her hand and they went together to get Bea, ‘Are you going to be quiet little one?’ Sarah called through her door.

  Bea fell silent, so Sarah opened it and was rewarded with a cheeky smile from Bea. She stretched up her little arms, as she always did in the morning, and Sarah picked her up, hugging her close.

  Then the whole breakfast routine started again.

  ‘Oatmeal . . .’

  Sarah rolled her eyes and walked with them down the stairs.


  Sebastian was steaming with vitality and felt like a fight. He pushed open the next door violently and sprang onto the girl just waking within. She looked pasty, like she felt sick. She smelt like she had drunk way too much.

  She groaned as he landed on her and sleepily tried to push him off. He felt frustrated - he wasn’t going to find a fight here.

  He bit straight into her neck - draining her blood - finishing her off.

  He staggered to his feet, the blood rush making him dizzy.

  As he turned for the door he saw another girl; her mouth open in shock. He walked towards her, a twisted smile gracing his lips. She stumbled back, attempting to flee but tripped over her own feet.

  He was on her in a flash, ripping into her neck, taking her essence, destroying her spirit.

  He heard sounds of movement. Two doors swung into the hall and two teenage boys stepped out, to see what was going on.

  ‘Come to see me?’ Sebastian taunted.

  He sped towards the closest, a stubbly dark haired boy of about nineteen. He struck out his foot and it hit Sebastian in the stomach, but Sebastian was now full of life. He pushed him flat on his back and bit into his neck. He felt the other boy attacking from behind but he couldn’t wrench Sebastian off. He drained the life of the first before turning to his attacker.


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