The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!)

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The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!) Page 16

by M. D. Bowden

  This tall boy turned and ran as he saw Sebastian’s eyes flash through those of his former housemate. Sebastian chased him down the stairs and moved so fast the boy couldn’t see. Sebastian was instantly in front of him - blocking his way out of the door.

  Sebastian laughed at his confusion and advanced. The boy stood no chance. He ran but Sebastian jumped on him from behind. He fell with the impact and Sebastian drained him too.

  He stood up and yelled, feeling power surge within. He felt strong enough to do anything. Strong enough now for that spell to work.

  He would find his ashes and seek out the witch.

  Chapter 8

  Sarah’s day had passed in a flurry of activity. She had organized a constant stream of entertainment to keep Megan and Bea occupied. After dinner they had had a long bath, filled with bubbles and brightly colored plastic toys. Now they were tucked up tight in bed and Sarah was free to relax. As she closed Megan’s door behind her she went straight to the kitchen to pour herself a drink.

  What a day, she thought. She sipped at her wine and felt her tension start to fade. She was just about to sit down when there was a knock at the door. Her heart immediately thudded in her chest. She took a deep breath and headed into the hall.

  Sarah did not turn on the lights. She wanted to be able to see her visitor before they saw her. Her front door was paneled with glass, so if she turned the inner light on all she would see would be reflections.

  As she approached the door she saw a dark shape on the other side - but she couldn’t work out who it was. She went right up to the door and peered through the glass. She saw Daniel’s face break into a grin from outside. Her heart raced even faster, but in an altogether different way.

  Sarah opened the door, waited for him to step inside, then flung her arms around him.

  He was here.

  He had come back.

  It would be OK.

  Daniel actually lifted her off her feet and swung her around, holding her tight. Sarah grinned so hard her face hurt.

  He kissed her deeply, and again; they found themselves embracing in the hall, her heart so happy she felt it would explode.

  He broke away and asked, ‘Sarah - what has happened?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter now,’ she replied and kissed his cool soft lips hard.

  Sarah felt Daniel’s resolve to talk weaken as he got lost in their kiss. He pushed her against the wall and held her face in his hands. She felt flutters swimming up and down her body, over her skin, in her heart and tummy. He kissed her so hard she thought she would faint.

  Her heart filled with love for him, and she realized, however impossible, that she really did love him. Tears welled up in her eyes, but not in sadness this time, in joy instead. His kisses covered her face and she basked in them.

  Then he picked her up and put her over his shoulder.

  ‘Daniel! Put me down!’ She struggled against him, but giggled as she did.

  He was resolute and marched on, up the stairs, flinging her back on her bed. He approached slowly, teasingly. Sarah gasped when she saw the look in his eye. It was predatory. Heat rose up her chest and into her face.

  She wanted to rip his clothes off, but instead she stared into his eyes, captivated by his unbelievably good looks, as he reached for her.

  He knelt between her legs. She sat up and ran her fingertips over his lips. She traced her fingers over his eyebrows and down his jaw. She ran them through his hair. All this time she continued to look in his eyes, searching his soul.

  She ran her hands under his leather jacket and pulled it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Then she pulled his black long sleeved top off, over his head. She ran her hands over his bare chest, feeling him inhale at her touch.

  She gasped once more as his passion took over and he kissed her again. She wrapped her hands around his back, holding him as close as she could. Even though his lips were cool, his breath was warm. With every kiss tingles spread though her body, healing her heart of pain and her mind of fear.

  She wanted to melt into him. ‘Bite me,’ she said, as she had before. He didn’t hesitate, she could feel he had wanted it, she could feel his every desire as his teeth sank into her neck. This time she was feeling so much love it didn’t even hurt. She just felt the pleasure of giving, the pleasure of sharing, the pleasure of connecting with him in the deepest way she could.

  As she started to weaken he pierced his neck, in the same manner as before, and she drank - tasting the intoxicating liquid, letting it fill her and strengthen her. As she broke away she realized she was on top of him and leant back to connect via their eyes again. She kissed him hard, then traced kisses down his neck and over his torso.

  Quickly he sat, taking her breath away as she started to fall back, but he grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her against him. Sarah wrapped her legs around his body and felt his arousal pushing against her through his jeans. Sarah stretched her arms up, and in one quick motion, he whipped her top over her head, before embracing her anew.

  He looked into her eyes and his expression became serious, ‘I love you Sarah,’ he said.

  ‘I love you too, you have no idea,’ she replied.

  ‘I think I do,’ he whispered, before he kissed her again.

  He leapt up, holding her tight. He slid his hand under her skirt and Sarah shivered at his cool touch. He pushed her against the wall, her legs still wrapped around his middle. Her breathing quickened as he unbuttoned his jeans and penetrated her. She kissed him and soon lost herself in his rhythm.


  Sebastian was mad. He had completely wasted his day looking for bloody ashes, following up leads that had led him no-where. He had even searched the alley where he had been killed, but rain had washed any trace away. He fumed - he would bet his life that Daniel still had them.

  It was raining now, and without any further leads he decided to visit Sarah. He would take the risk; he’d be able to over-power her now any way. He had taken far more lives than he had the last time.

  As he approached he heard noises from within. It sounded like Daniel was back and he was having his way with Sarah. Blood simmered in his veins; he had wanted her.

  What was he to do? Wait for Daniel to leave and follow him? Attack him? Find out where he was staying and search it after Daniel had left?

  It would be a risk to attack him now. Daniel was phenomenally strong - Sebastian could sense his power radiating from inside the house.

  The best thing would be to follow him. To try searching his residence. If that did not work he would have to seek out the witch and force her to share her wisdom. He could get her to teach him a trick alike to the one Daniel had used on him.

  Unfortunately that would require another wait.


  Daniel laid his head next to Sarah’s on the pillow. He looked at her soft lips and her silky skin. He brushed his hand through her wavy blond hair and kissed her temple.

  She was perfect. Her cheeks flushed at his gaze and, as he looked into her eyes, she twitched her lips in an ironic smile. She still didn’t understand his attraction. Yet to him it was unquestionable. He kissed her soft lips and leant back so they could talk, he could always sense when she was eager to ask him questions.

  ‘Did you find out what you needed?’ she asked him.

  ‘Yes, I’ve learned the spell. But I have to go back to the hotel to get the ashes first.’


  ‘I should probably go now, be prepared in case something happens.’

  ‘Daniel – I haven’t told you yet . . .’

  Daniel looked intently at her, he was about to find out what had her so het up.

  ‘What happened?’ he prompted.

  ‘I was attacked . . .’ she started to say.

  Daniel’s heart pounded the second she said it, he quickly looked her over even though he knew she was ok - he had just inspected nearly every inch of her body.

  ‘What happened?’ he repeated.
/>   ‘Some guy turned up here. I was just about to get Megan from school - I had Bea with me - he was asking for you. I thought something was strange, he reminded me of Sebastian . . .’

  Sarah continued to fill him in on the events that had occurred. He listened intently as she talked of the rise of power within her. He wondered more about what the changes meant, but he didn’t know for sure. He would have to speculate later.

  ‘Don’t worry Sarah, I will deal with the body - but after I’ve dealt with Sebastian. Heather told me that once someone has been possessed in that way there is nothing you can do to save them. That they’re dead already.’

  ‘So there was nothing else I could have done?’

  ‘No,’ he reassured her. ‘I wonder if he has possessed anyone else yet. Have you seen anyone act suspicious? Or has anyone else come round?’

  ‘No. We’ve stayed in today, I wasn’t going to risk it. I haven’t seen anyone.’

  He held her close, comforting her. She smelt delicious; a herbal scent wafted off her hair.

  He made himself pull away, and she let him.

  ‘Be safe won’t you,’ she said.

  Daniel was in awe that she was even worried about his safety, not merely concerned for her own. ‘I will, and you too,’ he leant in and kissed her in farewell, breathing in her exquisiteness, before heading out the door.


  Sebastian was listening to Daniel and Sarah as they talked. Now he had increased his power his hearing was acute. He could make out their words with ease.

  The moment Daniel had mentioned the location of his ashes, Sebastian was off. He knew they were in a hotel now - the question was which one? It wouldn’t be too hard to work out, there could only be four or five to choose from.

  Unfortunately, although his new form did have extra speed, he couldn’t transform as he had when he had been a vampire. He longed to get those abilities back.

  This would have been the perfect occasion to change into a bat and make a quick headway for the nearest hotel.

  Instead he had to use his speed, he propelled himself ahead - determined to reach Daniel’s hotel before Daniel.


  As Daniel stepped out into the dark he smelt dried blood. He realized it must be from the body Sarah had killed. He hadn’t noticed when he had turned up. He had been so eager to see Sarah it had masked his senses.

  He would dig a grave in the forest later.

  For now he had to focus on destroying Sebastian for good. It wasn’t long ago that he had thought he had. Many more deaths had resulted from him not realizing the truth. He felt their burden on him, and swore to himself he would put it right.

  He walked down the path to his vehicle and climbed in. He was relieved to see the urn was still safely in the foot-well. He had left his jeep at the airport and driven back to Sarah in it. Now he just had to get to the hotel before he came across Sebastian. He needed to collect some of Sebastian’s ashes to do the spell, and he didn’t want to waste his energy fighting him in the meantime.

  It took some time to drive across town. It was dark and the streetlights were dulled by rain, which was hammering down, obscuring his vision. Daniel had his wipers on high speed. He saw the odd person dart into a doorway, taking cover.

  When Daniel pulled up at his hotel - The Woodman - he only took a cursory glance around before darting inside, the urn in his arms. As soon as the door closed behind him he felt a wave of unease. The hotel was quiet. Quieter than was normal.

  OK, so he never tended to bump into people here anyway - that was why he chose it. But he could always hear the odd person clattering about in their room, or at least the owner if it was deserted.

  He stepped forward slowly, looking about, hoping to find a clue to if anything was wrong. Then he smelt blood. It smelt good, fresh.

  He walked towards the source of the scent. The first door he came to was ajar.

  Daniel pushed it open warily. He wasn’t looking forward to what he knew he would find.

  He crept into the bland hotel room, the smell of blood growing stronger. He gasped when he saw the body. A woman. Probably about forty. Lying dead on the floor. Her throat was ripped open and covered in blood.


  Daniel left the room at full speed - not caring about being heard now. Sebastian was here, and he was probably here for the ashes. Daniel was at his room in seconds. The door was wide open and Daniel went in, immediately looking under his bed.

  The ashes were gone.


  Sebastian whooped as he left the hotel, ashes in a bag under his arm. He had ducked behind a tree as Daniel pulled up in his jeep.

  He had only just done it.

  Now it was time to find his witch.

  Yet an inescapable desire overtook him. He wanted to see Sarah while Daniel was out. To torment her. To cause her pain. He would get back at her for killing his last body, for caring for Daniel.

  It would annoy Daniel too, if he did anything to Sarah.

  Sebastian laughed, moving off at high speed through the woods. Heading directly for Sarah’s house.

  Chapter 9

  Sarah lay back in her bed, resting her head against a pillow. She couldn’t help but smile. Daniel was back and she loved him. More to the point - he loved her.

  She was in heaven.

  Soon Sebastian would be gone and they would be together. She had no doubts that Daniel could do it - he had destroyed Sebastian the first time. He would do it again. And now he had had help from the witch, he would succeed.

  Sarah lay in a hazy daze for some time before sitting up and dressing. It was late but she was still buzzing from her time with Daniel, buzzing from his blood in her veins.


  She continued to smile as she pulled on a sweater and cracked open the door, not wanting to disturb Megan and Bea.

  As she walked past Megan’s room she heard her moving, and a gentle tapping. Sarah opened her door to check on her.

  ‘Megan - NO!’ Sarah screamed.

  Megan was just opening her window to someone outside - a woman who was balancing on her window sill.

  As Sarah shouted the woman pushed the window hard - sending Megan flying back to her bed. Megan looked up at Sarah, ‘She told me to invite her in Mommy!’ she wailed.

  The woman was swinging her legs inside. She was blond and her eyes flashed. Sebastian.

  Sarah ran forwards burning with rage. How could he do this? He used Megan! What had he been planning to do?

  Power surged within her and she pushed with all her might, sending Sebastian flying back through the window. He fell out, hitting the ground. Sarah leapt up without thinking twice. She was on the window sill and she jumped. Adrenaline running in her veins as she fell to the ground.

  She braced herself for the landing, bending her knees so they wouldn’t snap on impact, and springing to her feet.

  Sebastian was before her, anger penetrating through the darkness and rain. She stalked towards him. She was ready to fight.


  Daniel paced his room a few times, wondering where Sebastian would go. Then a panic swiftly rose in him. Sarah!

  Daniel flung open his window, held the urn tight, and swiftly transformed into a buzzard. He soared out into the dark, the rain battering his feathers. He flew at high speed towards Sarah’s house.

  As soon as he spotted it he started to descend. He saw Sarah charge at a young blond woman, who dodged out of the way; laughing.

  Daniel extended his talons and landed next to Sarah, instantly taking his human form. She met his eye briefly before Daniel was struck back by Sebastian. He stumbled, dropping the urn.

  Daniel knew what he had to do. He thought back to Heather’s instructions.

  ‘Sarah, get out the way!’ he shouted.

  As Sarah quickly moved aside, Daniel focused his power within. He saw Sebastian moving towards him, seeing his eyes burning with hate through the girl.

  It seemed like Sebastian was movi
ng in slow motion which gave him time to react.

  Daniel channeled his power down his arms and out of his fingers. As it left the tips he used his mind and focused hard on it burning as bright as possible and hitting Sebastian. His power ignited, lighting the front garden, and illuminating Sebastian’s widening eyes. As it hit him he dropped the bag of ashes from under his arm and sprang aside. His clothes were burning.

  Daniel moved towards him. He was about to kick him down, but Sebastian fought back. He rammed into Daniel’s chest and this time Daniel fell back. Daniel was just summoning his power again when Sarah ran in to tackle Sebastian, so Daniel couldn’t fire.

  ‘Sarah, get back,’ he called to her.

  As she turned to run, Sebastian grabbed her neck with both of his hands. Daniel sped forwards but watched in dismay as Sebastian twisted, snapping her neck.


  Sarah fell to the ground and Sebastian kicked her hard, sending her body flying out of sight.

  Daniel’s heart tore with pain and rage. He was on Sebastian and had snapped his neck before he realized he had done it.

  Daniel heard wails pierce the night from within Sarah’s house, but he blocked them out.

  Darkness materialized from the body in his hands, and Daniel leapt back, summoning his power again. This time he gave it all he had, hammering the darkness with burning fire. He saw it shake into Sebastian’s form, but he was wispy, weakening. Sebastian was trying to fight back, to protect himself from the fire.

  Daniel continued to fire energy with one hand, holding his weakening spirit with the fire while he reached for the bag of ashes. He used his foot to break open the bag and scoop up a handful. He concentrated hard - he did not want Sebastian to escape and have a chance to strengthen himself again. He moved back, to get to the urn. Pushing it upright with his foot, his eyes still on Sebastian, he let the handful of ashes go. They fell into the urn and Daniel picked it up, holding it tight with the one hand.


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