The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance)

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The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance) Page 2

by Irons, Rose

  "Here, Miss Mina." Sophie was back before she expected it, carrying a hefty bottle of champagne. Mina didn't recognize the label, but it looked expensive. "I opened it before I came up; let me fetch you a glass."

  "This is fine," Mina laughed. "It wouldn't be the first time I've had champagne out of a bottle, though probably never this fancy."

  Sophie smiled again. "If that'll be all, I can take your dress to be cleaned."

  "Sophie..." Mina hesitated. "Would you stay for a little? I could use someone to talk to, and I think this is more champagne than I can handle myself."

  "Well." Sophie tilted her head, considering. "I'm not generally supposed to drink on duty, but Master Marcus DID say anything you want."

  Mina laughed. "Then I really want you to sit and drink with me."

  "My pleasure." Sophie smiled, and went to get the other cushioned chair. She brought it over near Mina, but angled it carefully. Mina wondered why until she remembered that she was naked.

  "Oh. I should have gone with bubble bath," she muttered ruefully.

  "No, Miss Mina. It doesn't bother me at all. If you're uncomfortable, I promise I won't be looking."

  Mina shrugged, feeling the water ripple over her breasts. "Honestly, I'm still pretty used to it from college. I had a very liberal roommate."

  "Don't we all, in college?" Sophie laughed again.

  Taking the bottle of champagne, Mina took a long drink, feeling the bubbles tickle her nose and throat. It was good - she had definitely never had champagne this good before. She felt a little bad about not using a glass and savoring it, but this, she thought, was more relaxing. More of what she needed.

  "My roommate was kind of an exhibitionist," Mina admitted, passing the bottle to the maid. "She used to like to have guys over when she knew I was going to be coming home. I walked in so many times."

  Giggling, Sophie took a sip. "Now that's bad!"

  "Eventually I got used to it." Grinning, Mina admitted, "And sometimes, when the guy looked good, I didn't really mind at all!"

  "You're bad, Miss Mina." Sophie handed the bottle back, her fingers brushing Mina's for a moment as she passed it off.

  "You've never watched anyone?"

  "Aside from coming in just now, you mean?"

  Mina blushed, but Sophie's tone was light and teasing. "Ouch. I think I need a long drink after that one." She put action to the words.

  "I'm sorry, Miss Mina. I didn't mean to tease."

  "No, that's all right." Mina handed back the bottle.

  Sophie looked at it for a moment. "I'm sorry for interrupting, too. I know that's awful."

  "Oh," Mina sighed. "No. It was silly of me. And I'm here now, so I guess there was no need..." She stopped, suddenly awkward and not sure what to say. How much did Sophie know about why she was here?

  "Miss Mina?"

  She looked up at Sophie's suddenly earnest face. "What?"

  "Truth to tell, Marcus is crazy about you. He'd let you stay here forever and never lay a finger on you if you wanted it. You don't need to worry about him like that." As though embarrassed, she ducked her head. "Gavin and me like you, too."

  Frowning, Mina absorbed that information. It put Marcus' deal with her in a new light. But she still intended to honor her agreement. And she had been doing just that before Sophie came in - trying to think of him in a different way.

  "So you're telling me I should be upset that you interrupted me?"

  Sophie laughed, and took the bottle back. "I guess so, Miss Mina."

  Mina sighed theatrically. "I was thinking such lovely things, too."

  "It seemed like you were, Miss Mina." Sophie's voice turned sly. "About Marcus?"

  Mina blushed, accepting the bottle Sophie offered and taking another bubbly sip. "Maybe."

  "About his hard chest, his big calloused hands, his firm butt?"

  "Sophie!" Mina sputtered against the mouth of the champagne bottle.

  The maid smirked and continued. "He has really muscular legs, you know. He likes to go riding every chance he gets, so they're very hard. You can see the muscles when he moves."

  "Mm-hmm." Mina closed her eyes again, trying to pretend like she wasn't interested.

  "He plays piano, too. Big, nimble fingers. Have you ever been with a pianist?"

  "You're bad," Mina muttered.

  She felt Sophie's hand on hers, and then the weight of the bottle was gone. "So are you. Go on, Miss Mina. Show me what it's like to watch."

  Mina felt a tingle that was not only from the champagne. "I couldn't, Sophie."

  "He does his workouts in the morning," Sophie continued blithely, ignoring her last comment. "He does pushups. One hundred of them."

  Against her better judgment, Mina let that image into her mind: Marcus, shirtless and gleaming, perfectly toned as he rose and fell with a flex of his arms. She was, she thought, quite all right if he wanted to do that flexing over her as well.

  The thought of Marcus on top of her made her cunt quiver again, and Mina blushed to be thinking such things in front of Sophie.

  But the maid was still calmly reciting Marcus' virtues, pausing every now and again to take another sip of champagne.

  Mina's head felt pleasantly light now, and she let herself drift, listening to Sophie's generous descriptions and adding a few of her own. The feel of Marcus' arm, large and muscled, under his suit jacket when he offered her his arm. His finger brushing her lips as he fed her the oyster. The memory of how just imagining his tongue had almost made her come.

  The temptation was too much to resist, and soon Mina found her fingers stroking herself again, without any conscious direction. She let Sophie guide her, thinking of Marcus waiting for her in the library. Perhaps before the big fireplace, with a warm rug in front of it. A bottle of wine, and she was already tipsy from the champagne. What if she just went down there, still naked and slippery from her bath? Would he take her then?

  She imagined his hard body against hers, the bruising force of his kiss as he would bear her down onto the sheepskin rug. His cock against her most secret of places as she begged him to enter her. Oh god, the way he moved inside her, each thrust sending her into a paroxysm of longing.

  "Oh," she whimpered aloud.

  She imagined Marcus as he had been at dinner: hard, commanding, and sure of himself. He'd order her to surrender herself to him as she moved underneath him, and Mina knew she would.

  She felt Sophie's hand at her neck, the maid's breath at her ear. "He needs you, Miss Mina."

  Mina shivered, feeling a jolt of pleasure run down her spine at Sophie's words. The maid's mouth closed on her ear, biting lightly, and Mina cried out. She could feel Marcus in her mind, and Sophie here, and her fingers slipped inside herself and she rose up and came, oh God, the pleasure rushing through her, and all she knew was need, delicious need, and then Sophie's mouth was on hers fleetingly as she whispered, "Good girl."

  It took a few minutes after Sophie left for Mina to compose herself long enough to get out of the bath. Her legs were weak with the force of her orgasm, and with the memory of what she had just done in front of the maid. But Marcus was waiting; it was time to go.

  After drying herself off, she investigated the bundle of cloth Sophie had left on the chair. It was the most beautiful negligee she had ever seen. As she slipped it on, she could feel the satin rise over her curves, just barely kissing her skin as she moved. The sensation, twinned with the champagne, left Mina feeling both beautiful and wicked.

  She pirouetted in front of the mirror. Perfect.

  A smile tugged at her mouth. Hopefully Marcus would think so, too.


  "Mina." Marcus stood, smiling. "You came."

  She took his offered hand and looked around in awe. "Marcus, it's incredible."

  And it was. The library was housed in a warm room full of shelves and windows. Old-style moldings crowned windows that looked over the ranch's expansive grounds, and heavy drapes softened their edges and gave deep, lovely colo
r to the room. There were more books than Mina had ever seen before in a personal collection, and on every topic. She could spend days here, happy.

  "I'm glad you like it." He led her around the room, quietly smiling at her expression, but otherwise just letting her gape. Mina ran her fingers over the spines of familiar books, old friends.

  Eventually, he brought her back to the fireplace. This was where he had stood to greet her, in front of the massive marble fireplace that crackled merrily before her. Though the flame was large, it was well-contained, and Mina smiled at the warmth of it. She had been chilly clad in just the negligee, but now she was deliciously warm. Before the fireplace lay a bearskin rug, a small table, and two green wingback chairs. She settled into one at Marcus' gesture.

  "I thought you might be hungry after all that champagne."

  She laughed, blushing. How did he know about that already? But of course, Sophie must have told him.

  As though thinking the maid's name summoned her, Sophie and Gavin entered the room. They spoke quietly with Marcus, and Mina took the opportunity to look him over once again.

  Here in the house, he was clearly in his element, as he had been in the bar earlier that evening. There was an easy air of command about him, a man who was accustomed to having his orders followed. Mina's heart skipped a beat as she remembered the intensity of his gaze and wondered what orders he might have for her.

  She took a small chocolate from the table and popped it into her mouth. The dark, creamy taste went well with the lingering aftertaste of the champagne. She watched the others, nervous but excited. Somehow she knew something was about to happen.

  After another moment, Marcus took the seat beside her. He leaned over and murmured in her ear, "Time for a show before bed, Mina."

  The feel of his breath against her ear sent a thrill through Mina, reawakening her barely slumbering cunt. She shivered and sat upright. Show?

  Slowly, Gavin began unbuttoning his short, and Mina's breath caught in her throat. He was young, Gavin was, but well-muscled and handsome. The fire set the faint sheen of sweat across his taunt stomach to shining, drawing Mina's eyes irresistibly to his firm body. It was hard not to think of those big arms flexing as he thrust into her.

  She shivered again. "What-"

  But Marcus' finger at her lips stopped her. Entranced almost more by his touch than the servants, Mina watched the scene unfold.

  Sophie ran her hands over Gavin's now-bare chest, smiling lustfully. She murmured something Mina couldn't quite catch, and Gavin chuckled in response. He took her hand to steady her as she lowered herself to her knees.

  As Mina and Marcus watched, Sophie unzipped Gavin's pants and gently pulled his cock free. Mina gasped to see it. It was not overly long, but very thick. His head was small but well-shaped, and she could see his cock was already straining against Sophie's small hand.

  Sophie leaned forward and tasted him, her little pink tongue questing at the tip of his cock until he sighed and shuddered under her. Only when he was red and shivering did Sophie stop her teasing and take him fully inside her mouth.

  Mina felt Marcus' hand on hers, and realized she had given a long sigh with Gavin as Sophie took him inside her mouth. Sophie worked the servant now, her head bobbing back and forth in practiced motions.

  Marcus stroked the back of her hand with his thumb slowly. He wouldn't meet her gaze, but even that faint touch was driving Mina to distraction. Why were they watching? Didn't he want this for himself? Why was she here if he didn't want to take her? His thumb moved again and Mina shivered as the sensation went through her, lancing down deep into her cunt and bringing a surge of wetness. Only then did she realize his thumb moved in time with Molly's movements. Mina bit her lip.

  Sophie swallowed against Gavin's cock, holding him completely in her mouth and throat for a few long seconds as he moaned at her ministrations. Her hands were busy now, cupping Gavin's balls and stroking his perineum as she took his cock with experiences strokes.

  The young man rested his hand on Sophie's hand as though urging her to greater speed. She responded at once. Mina could hear the gentle sucking sounds of Sophie slurping at Gavin's thick shaft. Even though it was Sophie, not Mina, who worked Gavin to groaning, Mina could feel her body responding, growing wet and eager for someone inside her.

  For Marcus inside her.

  His thumb across her hand now had an electric feel to it. Every move he made communicated itself down the entire length of Mina's body, making even her toes curl and ache for more touch. But when she tried to move her hand to his lap to minister him as Sophie brought Gavin thundering towards the end, Marcus held her hand still.

  Frustrated and aching, Mina watched Sophie work Gavin expertly to climax. As he came, Gavin pressed Sophie's head closer to his crotch, straining to release every drop of his cum into her hungry mouth. Mina's cunt pulsed with desire.

  To her shock, as Gavin finished, Sophie stood and gestured to Marcus coyly. Mina felt the sting of jealousy as he accepted, smiling, and went to her.

  "But-" she started to protest, and blushed.

  "Mina, lean back and be quiet." Marcus' eyes bored into her. "I told Sophie and Gavin you would enjoy their show. Don't disappoint me."

  The cold command in his voice made Mina shiver with desire. His orders awakened something in her, the dark promise of what this weekend could become, if she let it.

  "But..." she tried again, softer.

  "Gavin," Marcus said gently, "Mina has a question. See to her, won't you?"

  As Sophie began to unbutton Marcus' shirt, Mina closed her eyes, torn between arousal and confusion. Marcus had intimated that they would wait until she was ready, but she was ready now. Why wasn't she with him? Thinking back over her thoughts in the bathtub and her conversation with Sophie, Mina blushed harder and opened her eyes, determined not to disappoint Marcus.

  She saw, to her surprise, that Sophie and Marcus were intertwined, and that Gavin had knelt before her, still gloriously nude.

  "Gavin, I-" Mina stumbled. She had been about to tell him no, but her body was thunderously awake, and watching Marcus take Sophie would be too much to bear without some release. Had Marcus known that? She swallowed. "Be gentle."

  His response was a sweet and tender kiss on the inside of her knee.

  Mina leaned back in the chair as Gavin slowly slid her negligee up over her thighs, revealing her creamy thighs and her eager cunt between them.

  Meanwhile, her eyes were locked on Marcus'. He and Sophie were on the rug now, Sophie clad only in a slip. Her maid's uniform was neatly folded beside them. She ran her hands over Marcus with an easy familiarity that made Mina wistful.

  Marcus sucked at first one breast, then the other, pulling aside the sheer fabric with ease. Sophie had nice breasts, pert and little, and Mina caught herself being aroused at the thought of taking them into her own mouth. She blushed again, and when Marcus' mouth moved on to Sophie's neck, her eyes lingered on the faint pink circles where he had nipped at Sophie's flesh.

  She could feel Gavin's breath on her bare cunt now, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from Marcus and Sophie. Marcus was as beautiful naked as she had imagined, and his every move was filled with a well-muscled grace. With no more effort than lifting a child, he slid an arm around Sophie and deposited her on all fours, facing Mina. Mina caught a brief glimpse of Sophie's face before the girl lowered her head, letting her red locks spill down over her shoulders and to the floor.

  Marcus' hands were at Sophie's hips now as he positioned himself behind her, and his eyes –

  Mina whimpered at the depth of emotion she saw reflected back at her as she met them. Lust, yes, and need, but also a more primal hunger. An ache. Love.

  As Marcus slowly pierced Sophie's cunt, Mina felt Gavin's mouth on her eager lips. She moaned, feeling Marcus' stare as a tangible force almost stronger than Gavin between her legs. His gaze penetrated her to her core, touching her in places beyond Gavin's reach. Some savage need uncurled within
Mina's chest, and she realized she had bit her lip to bleeding. Her breath came quick as Marcus moved, each thrust a movement she desperately needed for her own. She cried out in frustration and desire.

  Gavin's tongue was torturously sweet, almost agonizing in its gentleness. But he wasn't the reason she cried out, the reason she clenched the arms of the chair. Before Mina, Marcus fucked Sophie, sending the slender girl's frame to shaking with his vigorous thrusts. Mina could see his fingers digging into Sophie's hips, and she groaned at the thought of his nails on her skin, piercing her as sweetly as his cock would.

  The long, slow strokes Gavin teased her with sent waves of pleasure coursing through Mina and set her to panting desperately. She could feel a trickle of sweat drip between her breasts, disappearing beneath the expensive fabric of the negligee Marcus had given her. It crinkled under Gavin's hands, and Mina desperately wished she were no longer wearing it. She knew Marcus was watching Gavin between her legs even as she watched him with Sophie, but she wanted him to see all of her. To see everything he wasn't touching.


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