The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance)

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The Cowboy's Dark Desires (Billionaire BDSM Steamy Romance) Page 3

by Irons, Rose

  Daring, Mina grabbed the fabric between her breasts and ripped downwards as Gavin's tongue coaxed another sweet shudder through her slender frame. The fabric, thin and luxurious, tore easily under her impatient grasp, and Mina was rewarded with a dark flash in Marcus' eyes. Was it anger or lust? Mina caressed her breasts as she watched her friend fuck his servant, twisting her nipples and making herself grasp under Gavin's skilled tongue.

  "Oh, oh, oh," Molly wailed as Marcus shoved her face closer to the rug, practically lifting her ass into the air with the force of his thrusts. Mina could hear the slap of flesh on flesh as Marcus rammed against the maid, forcing yet another moan of pleasure from her. His eyes lowered, briefly, to Mina's hand on her breast, and for the first time, Mina heard his breath catch in his throat.

  "For you," she whispered.

  Gavin's tongue plunged inside Mina, breathing through the slick layers of fluid, and at the same time, Sophie screamed in throaty pleasure as Marcus made her cum. But Marcus hadn't yet.

  Fixing his gaze on her, Mina slowly trailed her hands down by Gavin's head. One she rested lightly on his curls, urging him to greater speed.

  The other she slipped between her swollen lips. There it found her eager clit, and Mina began to stroke herself. She wasn't blushing anymore. This seemed so natural to her - anything would have, under Marcus' gaze. She was drowning in him, and never wanted to surface.

  Sophie whimpered. Marcus had slowed his strokes and now moved languidly, as thought waiting to see what Mina would do before he climaxed himself.

  Gavin's tongue penetrated her more quickly now as he responded to her urging. Mina rubbed her clit harder, thrusting her hips against Gavin's face and wishing yet again that she were the one under Marcus. How had she ever been able to deny her attraction for him? She thought if she didn't get to touch his cock soon, she might die.

  The thought of swaying submissively before him, on her knees on the bearskin rug in Sophie's place made Mina whimper. She could almost feel Marcus' hands on her, his nails clawing her back as he plunged into her again and again until she begged for release. She closed her eyes and tried to hold onto the image, forcing her cunt against Gavin's tongue. She was so close, so close, but she needed Marcus' eyes on her. She met his dark gaze and once more felt that terrible thrill run through her. He was moving against Molly harder now, using her as he watched Mina touch herself. Mina could see a faint glimmer of sweat on his well-muscled torso. His face was flushed with exertion and his cock - god, how she wanted it - was red and shuddering.

  She whimpered as Gavin slipped a finger inside her. Mina needed to be penetrated, needed Marcus' cock. Her clit ached from her desperate assault, and she could feel pleasure crashing through her body, but the peak remained damnably elusive, painfully close but just out of reach –

  and then Marcus dark eyes burned into her and he whispered, "Cum for me" –

  and her body exploded in pleasure and Mina came in a riot of cries, bucking against Gavin's mouth and hearing Marcus gasp himself as he filled Sophie with the semen he had cum for Mina.

  "Oh, God," she whispered.

  Gavin kissed her inner thigh lovingly. "Now you begin to understand."

  In the end, Mina's knees were too weak to walk, so Gavin carried her, sweaty and exhausted, to her suite. Mina was still feeling the champagne, and thought it would be easy to fall asleep after the day she'd had, but when Gavin left her, Mina lay down and only felt confused and bewildered. She tried to hold onto the sweet moments for the day - the dinner, her bath, Gavin's mouth on her - but though the bath had been exquisite, Gavin's tongue expert, his ministrations sublime, they weren't what she truly wanted, and now Mina felt horribly close. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and spilling over.

  "Stupid," she berated herself, "Stupid, stupid, stupid."

  She lay in the dark for a few minutes, feeling sorry for herself, but not really knowing why.

  And then the door opened.


  "Marcus." She sat up and hastily wiped at the tears on her cheeks. "I thought you were going to bed."

  She could hear the smile in his voice. "I am, but I wanted to say goodnight first."

  "Oh. Goodnight." She pulled the covers up, frustrated, and not sure how to tell him what she had been thinking. Did she even know what she wanted?

  Mina heard him approach, and then he leaned over her, smelling faintly of spice and sweat. "You did well today."

  She blushed. "Thank you?"

  Marcus chuckled. The sound was so familiar, so normal, that it lifted her spirits. This had been a confusing night, but he was still Marcus. She had almost forgotten that, in her desire.

  "I hope you aren't regretting your promise."

  She swallowed. "No. Only..."

  "Only what?"

  Her heart thudded in her chest. He was so close now she could feel his breath on her lips. She ached to touch him, but didn't dare. "Only I wish you would see how ready I am."

  "Mina." His lips brushed the corner of her mouth. "You haven't begun to need me yet."

  His words made her tremble. Mina whimpered. She couldn't bear it anymore, and reached for him.

  And then his mouth was on hers. Soft, but insistent, she felt his tongue probe at her lips and she opened for him, opened herself completely as his mouth locked on hers and drowned her in a pleasure so exquisite that arrowed through her, spearing her with need. He drew the breath from her and gave his own back. Her entire body became only her lips on his, the apex, the truth of everything between them, pleasure and pain desperate and intertwined, roaring in her blood and thundering in her ears, cresting until she came again, just as his lips left hers.

  "Mina," he murmured again. "This is only the beginning."

  Mina spent the night in wakeful dreaming, tossing and turning as her desires tormented her. Twice she awoke; half convinced Marcus had come back and was standing in her room watching her. But when she called out, no one answered.

  The bed was more comfortable than any she'd ever used before, but when she finally opened her eyes and realized it was morning, Mina fairly leapt out of bed. Her cunt was already awake, her lips still swollen and slippery from the night before. She blushed to think of Gavin's mouth on her, but it aroused her even now. The promise she had made with Marcus was more than Mina had bargained for, but it had awakened something inside her, some dark passion she had never quite known before. And now that Marcus has brought it out, Mina wanted desperately to learn from him what it meant.

  Her resolve strengthened, Mina investigated her rooms. She had been too tipsy and tired the night before to really take note, but now, in the daylight, she was impressed. The whole suite was decorated in earth tones with flourishes of color, and the furniture was all handmade and comfortable. At the vanity, she found a hairbrush and comb, both new and waiting for her. Mina caught a glimpse of her hair in the mirror and grimaced. A comb would definitely be helpful.

  Next to the brush, Mina found something else: a small bell, attached to a cord that ran down past the dresser and through the wall. A servant's bell? Experimentally, Mina rang it.

  Moments later, Sophie knocked and politely let herself into the room. Mina felt both relieved and embarrassed to see her. Seeing Sophie brought back memories of last night, when Mina had watched Sophie's mouth and cunt be taken by two men. The memory of Marcus sliding himself between Sophie's thighs made Mina blush again.

  "Morning, Miss Mina." Sophie was all business, and if she were embarrassed or ashamed of last night, she gave no sign. "How can I help you?"

  The simple directness of the question caught Mina off-guard, and the answering tears in her eyes took her aback. She sat on the bed and bit her lip. Here she was: a desperate act had led her here, in search of monetary help from Marcus, and now the dark promise she had made in exchange for that help kept her here. And she couldn't truly say if she wanted to leave. The way things were in the house confused and distressed her, but they also excited her. Something in th
is place had awakened a passion within Mina she hadn't known she was keeping locked away. She wanted to explore it - but she was afraid to.

  "Do you trust me," Marcus had asked. And she still did, but sometimes it was hard to keep the reassuring picture of his face in her mind when faced with so much. His teasing was his way of exposing her to life in his home, but she thought she would truly be comfortable if only he would take her in his arms and kiss her.

  Mina took a deep breath and realized Sophie was still waiting for an answer. "I would like to see Marcus. Can you help me get presentable?"

  Sophie smiled. "He won't be able to keep his hands off you."

  Mina picked up her brush and grumped, "Somehow I doubt it."


  "Good morning, Mina. I hope you slept well."

  Mina tried to detect any trace of irony in Marcus' smooth tones, but he seemed sincere.

  "The bed was very comfortable," she agreed aloud, leaving out the fevered dreams of him that had kept her awake long into the early hours of the morning.

  He pulled out the chair opposite his. "Please, sit."

  As she approached, her heart beat faster at the sight of him. He appeared rested, looking like the wealthy cowboy he was in a black sports jacket and dark blue jeans. She dragged her eyes back up to his before they could betray her, but she thought she caught the barest of smirks from him.

  "Thank you," she told him, and started to sit when she saw it.

  The chair he offered was no ordinary chair. Heavy and wooden, it looked almost as though it had been carved from one piece of wood; no seams or screws were visible. It was gently sloped to accommodate the back and hips –

  - and a slender, artfully carved cock sprang from the center of it, right where she would need to sit.

  This time, Mina couldn't control the blush. She met Marcus' gaze in confusion, and found that same hard, commanding look he had given her at dinner. It pierced her, sending her to shivering. Her cunt grew wet again, remembering what just his kiss had done to her. But now...

  Marcus waited patiently, and Mina realized he was waiting to see if she would comment or complain. Flustered, she looked down at the chair again, noting how the cock had even approximated some careful details to give the shaft a realistic look and feel. In fact, it reminded her of Marcus' cock. Had he carved this chair himself?

  That thought was what decided her. Taking a deep breath, Mina stepped out of her panties and offered them to him. He took the black lace thong coolly, with only a quirk of his eyebrow showing his surprise. Damn him, Mina thought, shivering. She slipped back to the chair and, using the back to steady herself, she sat.

  The chair pierced her easily, sliding into her cunt as though it had been made just for her. Mina had only a startled moment to grasp how comforting the wood felt before she felt another rush of sensation: Marcus' lips were on her ear, his breath sending her shuddering against the wooden shaft that impaled her.

  "You surprise me, Mina."

  She met his gaze defiantly as he returned to his seat. "Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought."

  To her surprise, he smiled; the warm, easy smile she knew from her earliest acquaintance. "I know you pretty well, Mina. But I look forward to knowing you better."

  Her cunt clenched around the shaft inside her as she imagined all of the ramifications of that statement. She could feel herself beginning to drip down its length onto her thighs and the chair below.

  Struggling to keep her voice from betraying her confused arousal, Mina asked, "What do you know about me, exactly?"

  To her surprise, he seemed to take the challenge seriously. Leaning back, he steepled his fingers and eyed her. "I know you're a true and loyal friend. I know you don't back down from challenges others would turn away from. I know you are often alone, and you like it that way. Not because you don't like other people, but because you approach them with your walls up, and even the ones who don't know you do can feel the distance."

  He leaned towards her, the intensity in his eyes sending an almost painful current of arousal through her. "I know there is a part of you haven't yet explored, Mina. I don't know if that's because you're afraid, or not interested, or because you didn't know it was there. The only thing I don't know is if once you've released yourself and let that passion out, if you'll want to give it free rein." His gaze was now speculative. "Maybe you liked your old life. But maybe there is something missing." He shrugged. "And so here we are."

  "Here we are," Mina echoed uncertainly. His words had struck a chord in her, and not just because of her levels of arousal. She knew the truth of them, and wondered now if the real reason Marcus had brought her here was not for him, but for her - to see if she could fulfill the dark passions that she clearly awakened in him.

  Her heart beat heavily within her chest. What did she want, truly?

  "But that's a discussion for another time." Marcus smiled. "Your food is getting cold."

  Startled, Mina looked down. In her distraction over the chair, she hadn't even noticed that there was already a plate filled for her, heaped with scones and eggs and bacon, a small cup of fresh fruit, and even a mini stack of silver dollar pancakes. Flustered, she started to reach for the salt in the center of the table, and then paused, blushing, as she was reminded of the organ inside her. "Can you pass the salt?"

  Marcus didn't look up from him plate, but she could see his smile grow. "It's in the center of the table. I think you can reach it. Unless there's some problem?"

  She bit her lip. She could tell by the heat on her cheeks that she was still blushing, but she knew the game now. If she wanted salt, she would have to get it herself.

  Slowly, carefully, she learned forward. The wooden cock slipped grudgingly from her cunt, inch by inch. Just as she was able to reach the salt, the shaft pressed against her G spot, arresting her motion. Without meaning to, Mina whimpered.

  Sliding back down into her chair was an almost painful let down. Mina's cunt burned with the memory of brief pleasure in her most secret of spots, and it begged for more. She tried to resist. The food was delicious, she was sure, but she had taken multiple bites without knowing what it was she was eating, she knew she was in trouble.

  With exaggerated carefulness, Mina rose again, pretending she needed syrup. Was there even anything on her plate to eat with syrup? But the pounding of her desire could not be denied, and the thought of working herself to climax before Marcus' dark gaze made her shudder before the cock inside reached her G spot. As her fingers closed on the syrup, the shaft pressed against her once more. This time, she was ready for it, and pressed back, angling her hips. The response was a rush of sensation that threatened to overwhelm her. She froze, trying not to fall as the pleasure crashed over and through her.

  "Something wrong, Mina?"

  Marcus' question was innocent, but she was sure he had noticed her little trick. His eyes flicked up to hers briefly, and she whimpered again.

  He smiled.

  "What do you want with me?" Mina asked, frustrated. She sat down full, the shaft filling her once more.

  Marcus' eyebrow quirked. "I think you know."

  She couldn't help but whimper again. This was torture, being so near him, now that she finally knew, and not being able to touch. That was bad enough, but to be penetrated as he watched, to have to sit and eat breakfast while pretending she didn't need him...

  "Please," Mina tried again. She had to make him see. But how could he understand the change the last day had wrought in her when she didn't fully understand it herself? "I want you."

  His eyes flashed, and she thought his breathing began to quicken. "Show me."

  Mina's cunt clenched at that, reaching vainly for Marcus' cock. But she was still speared by the wooden phallus inside her, and though Mina knew it could never satisfy, her hips began to move of their own accord.

  She rocked desperately in her chair, feeling the shaft split her, piercing and pressing against her openings. The sensation made her groan with ne
ed, but she couldn't bear to stop. Marcus was panting now, too, his eyes searching her frankly, heavy lidded with desire, as she took her pleasure in front of him.

  Mina's thighs ached sweetly from the exertion. Tired as she was, she moved faster, rocking against the chair with such force that the back legs lifted briefly. The resounding crash exploded through Mina with the force of an orgasm, sending her whole body to shaking as she dripped helplessly down the length of the wooden shaft. Each movement was pleasure, torturous and exquisite, but the wooden cock was merciless and unyielding, and no matter how she rode, Mina couldn't quite cum.


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