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Right Girl Wrong Timing (Offsides Book 3)

Page 10

by Natalie Decker

  “Oh, no. I’m just looking while waiting on my friend.”

  “Okay. If you change your mind, my name is Cam.”

  “Cool.” She walks away, and I move on to another rack. I’m so bored.

  Juliet finally comes out. The lacy top is nowhere in sight and tears flood her face. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Let’s get out of here.” She jerks me out of the store and down to the bookstore.

  I pull back when we get past the Horror section. “What is wrong? Tell me.”

  She shakes her head. “I know you’ll go ballistic. It’s stupid. Really. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I’ll just borrow something from Layla.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Who was in the changing room?”

  “What? No … I’m not sure. It sounded like Kimber and Selena. They were um … It doesn’t matter. It’s stupid.”

  “Bull. If it is so stupid, you wouldn’t be upset. Those jerks said something about you, didn’t they?”

  Juliet walks toward the Teen section. “It doesn’t matter. People think and say what they want. I shouldn’t let them get to me like that.”

  “Juls, for the love of it. You need to put those witches in their place. Especially Kimber. Aren’t you co-captain?”

  Juliet’s tears start up again. “What?” I ask.

  “God, the way she dogged me in the changing room, it was awful. She said the only reason I got to be co-captain is because Lacy and I take turns sucking off Coach Harper.”

  “Are you shitting me? You can’t let her go around saying things like that. Seriously, it’s uncalled for, and you can get a crap ton of people in trouble with that rumor flying around.”

  “I know, but it’s not like they knew I was there. I mean, I didn’t see them when I was being checked into a room. They were already talking when the girl asked for my name.”

  I grab hold of my friend’s arm and yank her out of the bookstore.

  “What are you doing? Addy. Stop. Stop. We’re not going back there.”

  I turn to my friend. “Yeah we are, and we’re going to knock the snot out of them.”

  “Addy. No. I’ll handle it. I swear I will. I’ll talk to Lacy and the coach and tell them I overheard some girls say some things. And if it starts going around school, it’ll already be handled. Damage under control.”

  I crack my knuckles. “All right. I don’t agree all the way but okay.”

  “Let’s go to the café. This place is starting to get to me.”

  I nod. “You and me both.”

  We look at each other and laugh as we head to the exit that leads to the section of the parking lot where her Wrangler is.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The last place I probably needed to be is at Tyler’s party. It’s Saturday, and I got off work, so here I am. Well, I’ve been here for an hour and a half. Same people doing the same crap, it’s almost a bore.

  I’m about to leave when Jared, Juliet, Adaline, and Greg walk through the door. The drink that was in my hand slips and drops to the white rug under my feet. Damn. It absorbs my rum and coke right up, leaving a huge brown stain. I sweep my foot across it a few times while I stare at Adaline walking toward the kitchen with Greg.

  Her hands are at her side, but he has a hand on her lower back. I ditch my spot on the sofa and head into the kitchen. Greg is a few bodies in front of me. I could easily push one of these bystanders right into him, and hopefully he’d knock into a wall or something.

  I’m just about to snatch him up by the back of the neck, but someone grabs me by my shoulder. They wheel me away from Greg. I glance over, and Tyler smirks. “I don’t know exactly what you were about to do there, buddy, but I had to stop you. Come on. Beer pong time for you.”

  “I don’t wanna play, man.”

  “Yeah, you do. You dominate at beer pong.” He guides me over to a table set up in what we call his game room. “I figured out who you’ve been trying to score with too. Little advice, don’t. She’s not like Rachel.”

  I scowl at him. “Oh, well, thanks, Dad. Any other tips you got for me?”

  “Nah, well, maybe two: don’t call me Dad, and we better win. I don’t want to be shitfaced before the night is over. Layla will kick my ass.”

  I shake my head and step up to the one end of the table. Tyler announces, “All right. My boy Austin and I are up. Who is playing against us?”

  Layla suddenly appears by his side. “Tyler, I thought we agreed you’d behave,” she says.

  “Babe. Don’t worry. Austin and I got this. Don’t we?” He looks over at me, and I want to walk away. I want to hunt down Greg and rip his hands off his body so he can’t place them on Adaline ever again.

  “Bro, you got that look on your face again. I’m telling you, you better stay put. Play and get your mind focused on something else,” Tyler says.

  I sigh and look down at the other end of the table. Trent and Chris are there waiting for us to serve first. I’m no longer thinking about Greg but kicking Trent’s ass in this game. With some hope, this ping-pong will get lodged in his throat.

  I smirk at Tyler. “Give me the ball.”

  “Uh. Okay.”

  As soon as the smooth white ball rolls against my palm, my adrenaline increases. Just like it does before a football or basketball game. I got this.

  I release the ball, and it flies right into the cup. Trent scowls. “Lucky shot, asshole.”

  “Luck had nothing to do with it. Those are skills,” I say.

  Tyler laughs then fist bumps me.

  Trent and Chris are looking salty, but I don’t give a damn. I sink four more shots. I’m about to go for number five. My attention is pulled from the cups as I spot Adaline weaving through the crowd that has formed around the beer pong game. My concentration slips, and I over toss, and the ball sails into the crowd. Tyler slaps my side. “It’s cool, man. It’s only one.”

  He shrugs and downs a cup. I tip back a cup myself. I’m not a big fan of shitty beer. During these games, Tyler always pours shit beer in the cups in case someone acts like an ass and knocks a cup off the table, or even the whole table. It happens, but it’s not a complete waste.

  I wince as the bitter liquid hits my tongue, and then I swallow. “Ugggg.”

  “Yeah, this is total balls,” Tyler says as he winces.

  “This has to be the reject version of beer. I don’t think I have taste buds anymore.”

  Tyler nods. “I know. Wow. Shit. I need a chaser.” Layla hands him over a Summer Shandy with a smile.

  “You want me to get you one, Austin?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Nah. I can’t get too lit. I still gotta get home.” I also want to be able to have a conversation with Adaline and remember it.

  Adaline is closer to the table now, Greg is there too. I hate this. Why is she with him? He can’t have anything in common with her. Well, okay, maybe he’s in advanced classes like her, but after that what other things are left? Nothing.

  As I watch Greg gawk around the room as if he is looking for someone, I feel a slight sting against my arm. Dumbly I glance at the spot on my arm and then at the white ball doing a lap in the red Solo cup mere inches from me. “Shit.”

  “That doesn’t count. The ball is out. It hit his arm,” Tyler protests.

  Chris sways. “Oh, it counts. It’s called backboard.”

  “This isn’t basketball, douche. We’re not taking a cup away,” Tyler says.

  “You’re such a cheat. Suck it up and drink,” Trent presses.

  I pull the ball from the cup and say, “Screw it. Let ‘em have it.”

  “Nah man. That’s straight bull. Put that cup down.” Tyler stares down Trent and Chris and says, “It’s a rule. I can’t help it if you don’t like it. You can walk your merry ass out the door.”

  Someone in the room says, “Oooooh,” and a group forms.

  Trent leans forward as if he’s about to cause a bunch of trouble. I’m teetering on
the edge, ready to pounce if necessary. Chris, though, leans back and says, “Whatever man. You wanna cheat? That’s fine.”

  Tyler shrugs. “Think what you want. The rules are online. Look them up. But next time I’ll print them out and post them for you. Since clearly, you don’t know them.”

  Trent’s temper flares. He tips the table and charges after Tyler like a bull. I’m not in the mood for this shit, though. I stick my arm out and clothesline Trent right at the chest. Causing him to land flat on his back. He looks up at me stunned.

  “There’s no one here to pull me off of you this time, Trent. Stay down if you know what’s good for you,” I say.

  He moves as if he’s going to push himself up and come at me. I’m about to welcome it until I hear her gasp out, “Stop it.”

  I turn to Ads. Her eyes are wide and filling with tears. “Stop, Austin.” Her silk-like fingers touch my arm, and she pulls. I drop my fist and swallow. I never want Adaline to see me like this. Here I am, scaring her. What’s odd, I’m usually laid-back and not flying off the handle like this.

  “Hey, none of that,” I whisper to her as I swipe my thumb against her cheek.

  Adaline blinks and then steps back. A body knocks into my side and hands crawl up my chest. “Wow. That was so hot,” some brunette girl says.

  I glance over at Adaline who is creating more distance between us. Damn it. Not again. I am about to shout at her, but Greg drapes his arm over her shoulder reminding me that I’ve already lost her. I hate reality.

  The brunette grips my muscles, something that normally turns me on. Usually, I’d say something stupid like, “You like that? I’ll gladly give you the whole tour of all my muscles.” I have no interest in taking this girl anywhere, though. Her touch is annoying me.

  I pry her fingers off my arm and smile. “I gotta get a drink. Mine ended up on the floor.”

  She bats her lashes. “I’ll come with you. I’m Daisy. I’ve been dying to talk to you for three months.”

  “Uh. Why?” I ask not meaning to sound like a total ass. She doesn’t seem to find me offensive, though. She continues to follow me out of the game room and into the kitchen.

  She bumps into my arm and says, “Well, you’re so hot and great at basketball.”

  “Thanks. You’re a big basketball fan then?”

  “The biggest.”

  I smile. “Yeah. Who’s your favorite team? Mine’s the Lake.”

  “Oh, I’m a huge Lake fan.”

  Someone in the room laughs. I hate fake girls. Just because I like and play basketball doesn’t mean everyone else does. So I don’t expect them to. Same with football.

  I hear Juliet from the corner. “It’s the Lakers. Not the Lake.”

  “The what?” Daisy asks.

  “Austin was messing with you. The Lake isn’t even a real team,” Jared says as he passes a cup to his girlfriend.

  I shrug. “Sorry. I don’t like when people fake things.”

  Daisy scowls, rolls her eyes, and stomps off to the living room, which everyone seems to have turned into a dance floor. I pour myself a coke and look over at Jared who’s laughing. “Wow. You really know how to piss a girl off,” he says.

  “That’s not my fault. How long has Fletcher and Ads been dating?” I ask Juliet.

  She chokes on her drink and starts coughing. “They aren’t,” Jared answers for her as he rubs her back.

  “You sure about that?” I ask.

  They both nod. I gotta make a move then before that asshat swoops in and takes her for good. I grab my drink and set off toward the crowded dance room.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I have no idea why I stopped Austin from hitting Trent in the face. Now, it’s all I seem to think about. I’ve been home for nearly two hours since Greg and I left Tyler’s party. The smarter more sensible version of myself would have spent that time thinking about the project. I’m losing it.

  I punch my pillow again and scream. “Aghhhhh!” I should go to sleep. I should not think about Austin or that look he gave me as I gripped his arm and told him to stop.

  I flip around and shut my eyes, trying to drown out the entire night. I give up again after a few minutes. I shoot out of bed and begin pacing my room like a crazy person in my unicorn PJs.

  A tap outside my room causes me to still and turn to my French doors. Austin is there with a baseball cap on and dressed in dark clothing aside from his varsity jacket which has some strips of orange threaded through the black. I shouldn’t let him in. My head is screaming at me not to.

  Apparently, I have crappy listening skills and open the door. “What are you doing here?”

  He turns his cap backward while approaching me like a cat stalking its prey. Then his lips crash against mine, and I’m consumed by all these feelings. First, there is the bubbling sensation starting in my heart, swarming to my stomach, and then shooting throughout my body from my toes to my head. Then the feel of his tongue swiping across mine. His minty breath coats my lips, mouth, and wow I can’t get enough. His fingers entwine through my hair and run down my spine.

  He gently breaks our kiss and presses his forehead to mine. “I needed to give you that.”

  I stare at his lips. “Why?”

  “Because you left without me wishing you goodnight and telling you thank you.”

  I pull back to study his eyes.

  No. Dang it, Adaline, this is what gets your heart broken. Do not fall for his charms or his kisses. Even if he kisses as if it’s the last time he’s ever going to see you, making it so darn perfect all you do is stupidly swoon.

  Again. Crappy listener. I smile at him as heat blossoms across my cheeks. “Well, you could have texted it,” I say.

  Austin smirks. “I could, but wasn’t that better?”

  I remain silent.

  Austin stops touching me and steps away. I don’t want him to walk away. I want him back to where he was. At least I think I do. I shake my head and sigh. “You should probably get home. My parents will be up soon.”

  “Yeah. Get some sleep. I’ll call you at noon, so we can work on the design.” He makes his way to the doors. He pauses by the balcony. “Oh, and Ads?”


  “I like the PJs.” He winks at me then climbs the tree like a monkey. I’m so screwed.

  Okay, I thought Austin visiting me last night was somehow a dream. Until he says, “Aw no unicorn PJs? I was kind of hoping you’d still have them on.”

  My eyes bulge. “You need to quit visiting my room.”

  “Is that going to be a rule?”

  I fold my arms. “It can be.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s go over this stuff, so you can get back to your plans with ding-ding Fletcher.”

  I scowl at him. “I don’t have plans with Greg, and he’s not a ding-ding. You probably have plans with chesty the brunette.”

  “The who? Oh, the freshman all over me last night? Are you jealous?”

  “Why would I be jealous? You can date who you want. You apparently have a type: big boobs, no brains. How original.” Although he is right, I’m jealous but also mad. I mean, how could he even kiss me and flirt with whoever comes along. It drives me nuts.

  He throws down his notebook on the table in the library and snaps. “That’s what I want, is it? Wow, you know me so freaking well, Frost. Bet you’re giving yourself a ton of gold stars for that guess.”

  I pick up my things from the table and scoot my chair out. “I think I should get home.”

  “I just got here.”

  “Well, you were late, and as you so elegantly put it, I have other plans.”

  Austin plops down in the chair, dips his head, and runs his fingers through his hair. “I’m never going to win with you am I, Adaline?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask as I slip one of the straps of my bag over my shoulder.

  His eyes lock with mine. “I’m always screwing up. Not agreeing to go to the dance with you.
Kissing you last night when you probably wish it was someone else. Now, showing up late. I’m sorry. I just … I won’t try anymore.”

  I reluctantly slump back down in my chair. “From now on don’t kiss me anymore, and don’t be late. Okay?”


  I pull my things back out of my bag. “I’ve been thinking about this, and I think we should not only build the boardwalk, but what if we added book chambers? We can call it a reading lane.”

  “Book what?” he asks.

  I flip through the pages of my notebook. Forcing myself not to look into his eyes so I can remain focused. “You know the park with the secret reading compartments? Juliet and I always take books there for kids to take and read.”

  “So, you want to make a project on giving away books?” Austin asks.

  I narrow my eyes at him because I heard the tone in his voice. He thinks I’m going to be a typical geek and come up with some nerdy idea. “I think it would be good. Don’t you? It will hit two requirements on our list: educational and contributing to the community.”

  Austin rubs his jawline. “It sounds great and easy to make, but I have a feeling dirty minds might get involved and try to sneak in overly entertaining things into the mix. Obviously, we wouldn’t want a five-year-old coming home with some erotica or a random dirty magazine.”

  “That’s why we’d monitor the boxes daily and make them at different heights. So every box would be age appropriate.”

  He nods. “I get it. I like this idea a lot. All right, let’s write down all the materials we’ll need.”

  Austin and I get to work listing out things we’d need. The one big thing we’d need is the stocked entertainment. “I can go to the comic store that Juliet and I stop at in the mall. I’ll ask if they’d like to donate to our box,” I say.

  “I can probably hit up libraries and second-hand shops.”

  “What can we assign Rachel, Zander, and Lucas to do?” I ask.

  “We’re going to need snacks and stuff. Although, I’m afraid of what they might come back with,” he says, making a face.


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