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Right Girl Wrong Timing (Offsides Book 3)

Page 13

by Natalie Decker

  I wait for him to start, but he’s just staring at me. “Um, you wanted something?”

  “I did. This Saturday for your party … I was wondering if we could maybe go as a couple?” Greg asks.

  The tip of my pencil snaps, leaving a dark spot on my tree which I won’t get out gracefully with a simple touch of the eraser. This is exactly what I did not want happening. This right here. Greg pulling a total one-eighty on me and flipping this into a Chase situation.

  I need to quit stalling and give him an answer. My pause is drawing out longer than necessary. “I uh … I uh … ”

  As if by magic, Mrs. Clegge returns. I want to haul out of my seat, run to her, and throw my arms around her for saving me from embarrassment. I won’t because that would be weird. I also won’t because I’ll probably get detention. Mrs. Clegge has a space policy, breaking it means she slaps you with detention. Frankie Holten, a girl in my grade, made the mistake of giving Mrs. Clegge a hug when she said she was entering her art in a young artist competition in town. Mrs. Clegge let her work still enter, but the girl had three days’ detention.

  “Excuse me, are you supposed to be somewhere right now, young man? Adaline, I didn’t think I needed to stress about rule ten in my classroom, but no visitors. Leave them outside the door.”

  I wince because if I get a detention over this, I’m going to kill Greg.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Mrs. Clegge. I didn’t realize you had those kinds of rules. It’s still lunchtime, so I didn’t think it mattered,” Greg says.

  I squeeze my eyes shut. Go away. Just stop talking and leave. He carries on, “Would it be okay if I took her out in the hallway and spoke with her?”

  “Greg,” I say with a glare directed at him. “We can talk later, like after school. Okay?” What I really mean: he’ll call, and I’ll ignore it because there is no way I’m doing this again. No way!

  “Young man?” Mrs. Clegge says as she points to the door. “You must leave my classroom at once.”

  “Got it!” He snaps. He stomps out of the room, and I sigh with relief.

  Mrs. Clegge looks at me, mouth in a grim line. “I like you, Adaline, so I’m going to give you a warning. But next time I will have you stay after school and help me clean all the pottery wheels as well as the floors.”

  Ugh. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Clegge, it really won’t happen again.”

  “See that it doesn’t.” She walks over to her desk and sits. There is a row of projects lined up on the long table next to her desk. She picks up a vase, sneers, and places it back. Then she marks something in her grade book and moves on to the next piece. I watch her do this two more times before I return to my sketch in front of me.

  The dark pencil mark I’ll work on correcting later, much like my life.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Did you talk to her yet?” Jared asks as I get into his truck.

  “No. There was no time. I was going to during history, but Mrs. Dinger decided today would be a test day. At lunch, she vanished. So, no.”

  He shakes his head and starts his truck. The engine roars to life. “Can you drop me off at Harvey’s shop?”

  “You work there?”

  I nod.

  “You know that’s Juliet’s uncle? He’s nice, but he’s also scary as shit. I was over at Juliet’s house, and she was making cookies. Anyway, he stopped over for something, saw me, and started telling me stories about how he had to kill a man before. If I ever hurt Juliet, no one would be able to find me.”

  I don’t know why, but I laugh. Hard, deep in the belly laugh. “He said that?”

  Jared turns us down a street and growls, “It’s not funny. I’m dead serious. He scared the crap out of me. Juliet keeps telling me he was messing with me, but you didn’t see the look on his face.”

  “Right. Well, I’m not worried about him hurting me. I’m not dating any of his relatives.” I pick through my bag and pull out my work clothes. “Thanks again for this. I get paid Friday, so I’ll spot you some gas money.”

  “Dude, don’t. It’s fine,” he says.

  “Yeah, I’m still giving it to you. I don’t want charity.”

  Jared parks his truck at Harvey’s and scowls at me. “This isn’t charity. This is what friends do. You’d know that if you just told me or even Tyler before now what the hell was going on.”

  I whip the seatbelt off and snap. “Really? Because you and Tyler would totally understand. Newsflash, you two both don’t have to work. Shit, Tyler probably won’t ever have a job because he’s freaking loaded and a trust fund kid. Your dad would break every bone in your body before he’d let you work because he’s looking for you to go off to the NFL.” I shake my head. “But me, I probably won’t even be able to go to a big ten school. Not without a scholarship and some way to support my mom on top of that. There’s no way. So I’m sorry for not letting you and everyone else into my mess.”

  “That’s your whole problem, Austin. If you would have told me sooner, my dad could have found a way to help you and your mom. I don’t know what, but I know he did it before with Stevenson. He’s over at OSU now.”

  I roll my eyes. “Whatever man, thanks for the lift.” I get out before I say something I’ll regret later. Jared’s cool. So is Tyler, but I don’t need to be looked at like a charity. I’m going to earn enough working on these damn cars that I can move us to a decent house. Or at least have some put aside to move my mom and me into a decent apartment somewhere.

  I walk into the shop and head to the restroom to change. Once I’m out, Harvey spots me and gives me a nod. “Was that my niece’s boyfriend?”

  “Yep. Heard you scared the crap out of him,” I say with a chuckle.

  He laughs too. “I was giving him my pep talk. I don’t want anyone thinking they can crush my girls’ hearts and not answer for them.”

  I’d hate to see what he did to Mark then or even Adam.

  “I got a car for you. You ready?” Harvey asks.

  I nod, and he walks me into the pit. “See that on lift four?” he asks.

  It’s a 1969 Camaro. Cherry with chrome handles. It’s freaking gorgeous. “I do.”

  “You’ll be working on her today.” He hands me a list of things it is to have done to it: regular maintenance from the oil change to tires rotated. I’m also supposed to look at all the fluids and top them off.

  The inner car geek in me gets excited, and I practically hop over to the spot. As I’m getting ready to slide under the classic beauty, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Harvey has a strict no calls in the pit policy, so I hit ignore without even looking who’s trying to get ahold of me. My phone goes off two more times, and this time I glance at the caller ID. Adaline.

  I don’t have time for this. I need to talk to her, wanted to all day, but she can wait.

  It’s around nine when I ring Adaline back.

  She deeply yawns into the phone and says, “Hello.”

  “What did you need, sunshine?”

  “Ugh. Listen, I figured out how to make everyone happy. I’ll just do everything and paste you all into the video.”

  I slap my door to my bedroom shut. “No! Ads what is the big deal? Why can’t you wait until Sunday? I told you I can be there to help on Sunday.”

  “Take it or leave it. I’ve got plans, and I won’t spend spring break doing this project. In fact, I won’t spend another moment waiting on you jerks to show up. I’ve got most of it put together anyway.”

  She did what? I’m so mad. Not really at her, but the others for putting her in this position. I’m also mad at myself. I can’t fix a darn thing, though.

  “I’m really tired, so I’m going to hang up now,” she says.

  “Please don’t.”

  “Austin … ” She whispers my name as if it was glass cutting her.

  I lay against my mattress. “Ads, I have a few hours on Saturday. Can I stop by?”

  “It’s my birthday.”

  That she says this like I h
ave no clue it’s her birthday, kills me. Of course, it’s her birthday. I know because it’s a few days after mine. “Yeah. I know.”

  “Well, I will probably be out with Greg.”

  “Greg?” What the hell! She’s going to be out with him? I didn’t even give her a time. I don’t know if she’s trying to make me jealous or if she is blowing me off. Either way, I’m super pissed.

  “Yes, Greg. Why does it matter?” her voice sounds sharp like she’s no longer exhausted.

  I grip my phone tighter. “I think you’re full of shit!”

  “I am not!”

  “The hell you aren’t. I didn’t even give you a time. Whatever. Have fun with Greg!” I turn my phone off and place it on the charger. I press my head against my pillows and growl, “Freaking Greg!”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I didn’t want to tell Austin I was hanging out with Greg. I just didn’t want him coming over here. Not on my birthday. Not when I’m trying everything in the world to forget him. It’s impossibly hard, too, because all I do is think about him.

  When Greg asked me to go to the bowling event like we were on a date, my first thought was, Why can’t Austin be asking me this? Not Greg. That right there is a huge problem. Clearly, Austin doesn’t care about me that way because all he seems to do is ditch me. Really, what else am I supposed to expect? He did it to me before, has done it several times. As soon as I feel us getting close, he pumps the brakes.

  I just hope he hasn’t asked Greg if we’re dating or anything. That will be humiliating if I have to explain to Greg how I’m not interested in him in that way, on top of possibly seeing Austin gloating because he was right about something. I would rather have someone sell off all my organs than have that happen.

  As I step into school the following day, the cool air conditioning bathes my face, and goosebumps spread over my body. Chase storms up to me, grabs my hand, and pulls me into the library before I can even register what’s going on. “Chase, what the heck?”

  “Shhh! I talk. You listen.” He takes us to a table and points to a chair. “Sit.”

  “I will not. You have no right to just drag me wherever you want.”

  He frowns. “I know. This is important. Like you need to know this now.”

  I roll my eyes and take a seat. It’s the least I can do after the ordeal I probably put him through. “Thank you.” He takes the seat next to me and says, “You need to stop hanging out with Greg as soon as possible.”

  “Really, why?”

  “Adaline!” He snaps. Someone shushes him, and he growls, “Oh, you shush! The bell hasn’t even rung yet.” He turns back to me. “He thinks he has a shot to get in your pants. In fact, he told practically the whole locker room this during lifting. Austin came in late, so he missed it, but I know for a fact, Adaline, he would have put Greg in a locker if he caught wind of it. I’m warning you now, stay away from that guy.”

  I scowl at Chase. “Seriously Chase? Not only are you a world class asshole right now for even telling me this in the library, but you could have called me about this last night. And the fact you mention that if Austin would have heard anything makes me want to punch you. I don’t want Austin defending me. In fact, I want nothing more than to forget the guy. So if Greg thinks he can get in my pants, then okay.”

  “What?” Chase’s eyes widen. He looks as if I slapped him.

  I stand up. “Thanks. Really. Thanks for the warning and all, but if you truly cared, you would have told me this as soon as you heard it, not a day later.” I stomp out of the library in a foul mood.

  I find Greg waiting by my locker. I don’t even give him the time of day. “The answer is no way in hell,” I pop off before spinning my combo into my locker.

  “What? Why?”

  “Get moving, Greg, before you lose a finger or an eye; I haven’t decided yet.” I grab my books from my locker, ready to shut it.

  Greg is sputtering beside me. “D-did … It was a joke. I wasn’t being serious.”

  “Getting into my pants is a joke now? Oh, I’m sorry. Please tell me when I should stop laughing.” I remain silent and glare at him.

  “Okay,” he raises his hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. I just … I really like you, and I thought if people knew I was into you, well, you’d say yes. Because no one else would ask you out.”

  I slap my locker closed and storm past him. Of all the nerve. I mean, seriously. I should go back and smack him across his face.

  As I’m working my way to my first-period class, I spot Austin. That freshman is walking with him. Instead of going to class as planned, I march right over to him and jab my finger into his chest. “If you aren’t at my house Saturday morning, I’m going to make sure we all fail!”

  “Whoa. Ads.” He has that smirk, the one that makes my heart go crazy because my heart is stupid. It doesn’t listen to my brain whatsoever. “Good morning to you too.”

  “Uh, I guess I’ll talk to you later,” the freshman says.

  He doesn’t look at her, though; his eyes are focused on mine. “Yeah, okay,” he says. “So, sunshine, what’s up with you poking me in the chest? Thought you were busy Saturday with Greg.” The way he says his name, I sense a slight edge in his voice.

  “I’m no longer talking to him. Not that that’s any of your business.”

  “Hmm, well, color me curious. Why not?” he asks as he turns me around and loops his arm through mine.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. Not that I really mind. Well, my brain does but my body doesn’t.

  He walks us down to his locker while he says, “We’re walking. I can’t have you running off now, can I?” He winks at me.

  “My class is back that way,” I nudge my head in the opposite direction.

  “I know where your classes are. This is only going to take a second, and we can walk you to your class first.”

  “But you’ll be late.”

  He shrugs. “Yeah, and it’s not the end of the world if I am.” He pops open his locker and grabs a few things. Puts them in his bag and shuts the door. He proceeds to walk us back to my class.

  “So why aren’t you talking to Greg?” he asks.

  My cheeks burn. I don’t know why I’m blushing. I’m not going to tell him the reason why. It’s none of his business.

  “Silence,” he says. “Really?”

  “I told you before, it’s none of your business.”

  He sighs. “All right, it’s none of my business.” We turn a corner, and suddenly he swings me into a set of lockers. Just my back hits. He caresses my head with his hands, and then his lips press against mine.

  When he pulls back, he says, “I need that. The next person you’re going to date is me, Adaline. Not Greg, not some weirdo from band or whatever. It’s going to be me.”

  I feel like my entire body turns to mush, and this is some twisted dream. But my back feels the cool metal against it. My fingers feel his slight stubble jawline. So this can’t be a dream. Right?

  He smiles and takes my hand then walks me the rest of the way to class. Everything from this moment on is such a daze. I barely hear the tardy bell ring or know how I even got to my seat. What’s happening?

  “Adaline?” Mrs. Larken calls.

  “I’m here.”

  “We established that during attendance. Can you please answer the question?”

  Question? What? Crap. See? This is what Austin does to me. This can not happen again. No more kissing that boy. He’s turning me into a total mess.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I’m on cloud nine. Hell, I could practically skip through the halls. I’m not, but I could.

  I think my kiss stunned Adaline, though. She was walking into class like a zombie or a robot going through the motions but not really all there. I hope she’s okay. I mean, I did have to leave and get to my own class, which is at the other end of the school, in less than a minute.

  I barel
y made it before the bell rang. Mr. Walden tapped his watch and said, “Cutting it kind of close there, Austin, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah. Sorry.” I’m really not. If being late meant kissing Adaline again, oh yeah, I would be late for every single class for the rest of this year and my senior year.

  “Take a seat.”

  Trent hisses, “Hey man, sorry about your girl.”

  I slide into my seat near the back. “What are you talking about?”

  “Frost. Heard she gave up her goods to Greg. Don’t you have lifting the same time with him?”

  I laugh. “He didn’t get shit.” If Greg or anyone tells another soul that, I’m going to kick their sorry ass.

  He doesn’t say another word, but the entire time I’m in class all I can think about is how Adaline changed her mind about hanging out with Greg. Did they really do something?

  Tyler jabs me in my stomach. “Dude, what’s up with you? Where are your catlike reflexes?”

  I slap him upside his head as we make our way through the parking lot. “Where’s yours?”

  “Funny. Why do you have Jared giving you a ride? You know your house is on my way, not his.”

  Jared is not even outside yet. This is also the first time that Tyler has spotted me getting a ride from Jared. Shit. Before I can even say anything, Layla walks up to his Jeep. Tyler usually opens the door for her, but he is still standing there waiting for me to say something.

  “Are we not leaving yet?” Layla asks.

  “In a second, babe, I want to know why Austin here didn’t even ask if I would pick him up. I thought we were bros.”

  I roll my eyes. “I thought you wanted the alone time with Layla, and I don’t want to be a backseat man.”

  Tyler shrugs. “Fair enough. So what’s up with you and Frost? I saw you pressing her against the lockers this morning. I was going to ask you about it in lunch, but you weren’t even in there.”


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