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The Village of Gerard's Cliff

Page 12

by Carol Anne Vick

  Chapter XIII

  "If you ever needed to shoot an intruder, it would be at pretty close range." Connor walked back towards Allie, after tying a stuffed scarecrow, one of her fall decorations, from one of the tree branches. He had set up a folding table, on which he had placed the gun and case of bullets.

  "Are you ready?" He stood beside her, hands on his hips. Allie carefully picked up the unloaded pistol. She made sure the safety was on, then picked up a bullet, inserting it into the chamber. She repeated this until all six bullets were in place. She placed the loaded gun into her jacket pocket.

  "Good..." Connor walked to the other side of the table. "Now pretend the scarecrow is coming towards you in the front room. What do you do?"

  Allie silently reviewed the steps Connor had gone over with her. She turned to face the hapless life-size scarecrow, its straw hat askew, and withdrew the pistol. She released the safety and took a deep breath. Wrapping her left hand around her right wrist to steady her shooting arm, she aimed at the scarecrow's fat, straw-filled mid-section. She rubbed her lips, took another steadying breath, and pulled the trigger. Crack! The bullet tore into the scarecrow's orange jacket, causing him to jerk slightly, his blue-jeaned legs swayed from side to side. She remained still at the sound, determined to not let it destroy her confidence. Allie lowered the gun, staying in the same position.

  "How was that?" She kept her eyes on the scarecrow. "I think I hit his shoulder." Allie slanted her eyes over at Connor.

  "Not bad at all." Connor nodded his approval. "Next time, lower your hand just a bit. Remember, the mid-section is the largest target. Try again."

  Allie raised the gun again, steadied herself and the pistol, and pulled the trigger. Crack! This time the bullet hit the intended target.

  "Excellent!" Connor smiled at Allie, who, pleased with herself, was resetting the safety. She lowered the gun. "How do you feel?" He put his hands in his jean's pockets, nodding again.

  Allie laid the gun back on the table with the barrel pointed toward the trees, and smiled at Connor.

  "Wow...I did it. I feel pretty relieved, actually." She moved closer to him, putting her hands in her jacket pockets. "I..I feel confident about it. I know I can protect myself." She took a deep breath as she looked up at Connor.

  "Well, well. What are you up to, Allison?"

  Allie swung her head around at hearing the voice that she had grown to detest. Connor, seeing her agitation, turned his head toward the parking lot as well.

  "Ethan, what are you doing here?" Allie shouted at him. "I told you never to come here again." She glared at him, as he started walking from the parking area toward the spot between the fenced summer gardens and the copse of trees, where they stood.

  Connor shifted his weight, and put his hands on his hips as he watched the heavy-set man walk toward them.

  "Stay there, Ethan, I warn you." Connor saw Allie grab her right wrist as she yelled at him. So he was the one. Connor turned to face the advancing threat, squinting in the sun to get a better look at him.

  "I'd listen to her, if I were you." Connor's voice was deep and threatening. He saw Allie glance at him, as he took a couple of steps in Ethan's direction.

  Ethan stopped, then looked long and hard at Connor, as if he hadn't noticed him before this. "Who is this, Allison?" Ethan's eyes shifted between her and Connor. "Patrick's only been dead for two months, girl," he finished in disgust.

  "He's a friend, but that's none of your business, Ethan." Allie was standing with her hands on her hips now, staring down the man. "I have nothing to say to you, except what I've said before. I'll call the police if you come any closer."

  Ethan eyed the table and the gun, then put both hands forward palms outward. "I thought I heard gunshots," he laughed. "I'm surprised. You've always been afraid of guns, Allison."

  "Not anymore." Allie stood her ground.

  Ethan's gaze shifted from the gun to Connor, who was taking all of this in with great interest. Ethan licked his lips, and with his stubby hand, rubbed the strands of hair, now hanging over his face, back to one side. He looked back at Allie. "I haven't been drinking today, and I apologized for the last time," he smiled. "I came to give you one last chance. I have an offer for you that you can't refuse. You would become a rich woman, Allison."

  Allie straightened her back, and shifted her feet to stand more firmly. "Ethan, I'm going to count silently to five." She pointed at him, emphasizing her words. "If I don't hear your car on that gravel, I'm calling the police." Never mind that she'd have to run into the house to do it, she thought.

  Ethan gave Allie and Connor one last disgusted look, then swiped the air with one hand as he turned and walked away. "You're making a big mistake, Allison. I gave you the chance." He got into his Lincoln, slammed the door, and sped away.

  Allie looked down and let out a sigh of relief, then glanced quickly up at Connor. She looked back down, hands on her hips.

  "You didn't need me here, that's for sure." Connor was impressed. "Allie, is that the man who bruised your wrist?"

  She jerked her head up at him in surprise.

  "I noticed it on the Cliff Walk." He looked at her solemnly. "It's okay." He chose his words carefully, as he moved closer to her. "I'm well aware of the fact that we haven't known each other for very long, but you can tell me. What happened with Ethan?"

  Allie looked up into Connor's eyes and saw warmth and concern. She had told Ethan that Connor was her friend, and now she realized that he was. She scanned his eyes as she exhaled, feeling calmer now.

  "Ethan is Patrick's older brother. He and his ex-wife, Mary, live in Virginia." She crossed her arms. "He was drunk the other day when he came out here. But, he's been acting really strangely ever since Patrick died." Allie looked thoughtful. "Ethan offered to buy the inn from me the day of the funeral. I don't know why he wants it...he won't say." She looked at Connor. "He's never shown any interest before." She wrapped her arms around herself. "He frightens me now. Before, I just didn't like him."

  Connor listened quietly, then lowered his head. "I wonder what his motive is?" They walked back to the table. "Did you call the police before, when he came here?" Connor picked up the gun and ejected the bullets, placing them back in the case. They gathered up the rest of their shooting equipment, and headed to the porch door.

  "No, I thought I had scared him enough by threatening to call them if he came back." They walked up to the porch. "But, obviously, I didn't."

  "I think you convinced him this time." Connor opened the door for her.

  Once inside, Allie went to the safe, and deposited the pistol and ammunition. She closed the safe door, and stood up, pleased with herself, but aggravated that Ethan had returned despite her warnings. She put both hands on the desk, and looked at Connor, who, with his arms crossed, and head bowed, was slowly pacing up and down the hall in deep thought, going over the events he'd just witnessed.

  "Thank you, Connor. I appreciate all you've done." She smiled at him. "The police won't be here 'till later this afternoon to check for fingerprints. Can I fix you something to eat?"

  Connor walked up to the desk and faced her, putting his hands on the desk, smiling. "I have an idea. How about packing up something and you can show me the Cliff Walk." Connor had a few hours before he planned on heading to Max's Bar again. "It's a nice day, and there's been a lot of drama around here, don't you think?" he added. "But nothing you can't handle, if the last hour is any indication."

  She thought for a moment, looking into his eyes. But only for a moment, because she already knew her answer.


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