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Love Rewritten

Page 11

by J. Saman

  First to Brandon, whom I think I could really start to like. Mostly because he treats me with the respect of a girlfriend and not a piece of ass, but there are other things too. He’s sweet and he listens and he tries. He tries really hard, which might be what I like most.

  He says he likes me a lot and I plan to take him on his word since he’s done nothing to show me differently. So even though something about him niggles at the back of my mind, I decide to overlook it. I’m sure my hang-ups are my own.

  Then, like a nasty belligerent magnet, my thoughts stray to Xander.

  Since I decided last night to pretend like it never happened and that it meant nothing—like he said—I push thoughts of him aside. My breaths are coming out fast in soft plumes of white smoke. I’m hauling ass this morning.

  It’s a little eerie out here, because it’s still dark and beyond freaking quiet.

  No one, and I mean no one, is out. Vacant cars parked along the street are left unattended. The stores are closed and empty.

  Even the traffic lights are flashing yellow and red depending on the direction they’re facing.

  Then I hear it.

  The sound of heavy footsteps.

  Running. Fast. Towards me.

  But I don’t hear them until it’s too late because I have the music in my ears blasting so loud. My head flips around instinctually and I’m about ready to scream bloody murder when I notice who’s running with me.


  Of course it is.

  Can’t I get any distance from this guy?

  It’s like he’s taken over everything in just one week. I don’t acknowledge him and he returns the favor by running silently beside me. I’m surprised he could even manage to get himself up and out this early considering just how drunk he said he was last night. This isn’t the first time he’s run with me since moving in.

  We’ve actually fallen into a pattern of running together in quiet companionship.

  On the other days, I liked it. It felt nice having someone beside me, and not feeling forced to talk. It even made me believe he didn’t hate me so much.

  But right now, this morning, I wish he wasn’t here.

  It’s one of the reason I got up so early and didn’t wait for the sun.

  He must have started later than me and ran to catch up, because I’m about two-thirds done with the loop.

  I clocked the actual distance on a running app I downloaded and sure enough, it’s five-point-thirteen miles. Brandon was right and I had been running a mile farther than I previously thought, which he got a big kick out of when I told him about it.

  When I get about a half a mile from home, I slow my pace to a walk, expecting Xander to keep going because he usually runs right up to the end. I normally do too, but I’m tired and just not feeling my run anymore.

  My hands are on my hips and I’m panting for my life. I reach up, pulling my headphones out and draping them over my neck before putting my hands back on my waist. I must have been running harder than I thought. It doesn’t seem like I’ve been out here all that long and I’m definitely sweatier and more out of breath than usual.

  Xander slows down with me, and is once again keeping my pace. His fingers are intertwined and clasped to the back of his head as he sucks in deep heavy breaths. Sweat trickles down the side of his face and neck.

  Why does he have to look hot like this? Sexy, even? I hate that I think that about him and turn away instantly.

  We’ve been quiet for so long that when he speaks, his voice cutting through the quiet, startles me. “Are we working on your manuscript today?”

  I look over at him, reaching up to wipe the sweat that’s freezing to my forehead away with the sleeve of my shirt, and nod. “Yeah. Is that still okay?” My voice is equally as soft.

  “It is,” he answers casually, looking straight ahead. His hands come down and swing easily at his sides, him having caught his breath much faster than I did. “But I’m meeting up with Gavin this afternoon for a bit, so can we do it this morning?”

  I nod, but I don’t know if he can see me. “That’s fine. I have plans with Brandon for this afternoon anyway.” His jaw clenches, and then we fall silent again just as we make it to our building. I open the door to our apartment hesitantly, practically wincing. “Do you think she’s gone?” I whisper.

  Xander chuckles lightly. “God, I hope so. She was a screamer,” he smirks at me.

  “Gross.” I roll my eyes, but thankful that I didn’t hear them.

  “I didn’t have sex with her,” Xander says behind me, stopping my progress mid step. I don’t turn around. I’m not sure I can face him. “It’s not normally my style to do that, but I got drunk far too fast and she came on to me, and I was angry at things I shouldn’t be and well . . .” he trails off.

  Now I do turn around. The only light source from small overhead lamp above the stove, bathing us in shadows. “Why are you telling me this?”

  He sighs, looking away before coming back to me. “I don’t know. Maybe because I saw the look of disgust on your face when you saw us and I don’t want you to think of me that way.” He looks down quickly before looking back up to my cheek. “She pulled me in that room and . . .” he smirks, a little embarrassed I think, “did her thing to me before I even had a chance to stop it.”

  “You don’t need to explain yourself to me. What you did with her is your business.” Even if the moment after will be permanently embedded in my mind, I don’t add.

  “Yes,” he agrees taking a step into me, an uneasy hand running through his sweat soaked hair. “But I don’t want you to think that I’m a hypocrite.” I feel my eyebrows scrunching in confusion. “After all of the shit I gave you about not giving it up so easily to Brandon. Saying all of the unfair and cruel things I said to you, then I went and did that.” Xander shifts a little, glancing at the stove light. “I just wanted you to know that I’m not normally like that. And I wish you hadn’t seen it.”

  “It’s fine.” I don’t really know what else to say to that.

  “It’s not fine. I was pissed off about you and Brandon. I got drunk and . . .” he trails off.

  “What does that mean, Xander?”

  He sighs, shaking his head as if chastising himself for saying too much. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Then he steps around me, walking briskly away to his bathroom door, shutting it with a soft click behind him.

  I take that as both an apology and an explanation and I leave it at that.

  After I take the longest shower in the history of womankind, I get dressed and mosey my way into the kitchen, only to find an overly smiley Pamela, clinging to an annoyed Aubrey.

  “Morning, love bug,” I greet him with a knowing smirk as I walk over to the cabinet to get myself a plate.

  “Morning Abby,” Aubrey says with that agitated tone of his.

  “Hi Abby,” Pamela effuses in a bubbly happiness. “I was just telling Aubrey that we should all go out together today. You know, like two couples.”

  I turn around to face her with what could only be the most confused expression ever. “Two couples?”

  “Sure.” She smiles brightly at Aubrey. “You and that other guy that we went home with last night, and me and Aubrey.”

  And I just about die.

  I hear Xander snicker as the door to his room closes. Clearly he heard it too.

  I want to sound the alarm. Eeeh oohhh eeeh oohhh. We have a stage three clinger on our hands. But I don’t know if it’s all poor Pamela’s fault. Something tells me Aubrey left out the part where he tells the girl he’s taking home that it’s just sex.

  “Well,” I start, unable to help myself, “Xander and I aren’t a couple, so I don’t think we’d be much fun going out with the two of you on your date.” God, it’s so hard to hold in the laughter.

  Aubrey gives me the look of impending doom and death. It tells me that I will pay for my crimes against him, but right now, the smile on Pamela’s face is so worth it. “You could
still come with us anyway,” sweet Pamela says.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, scooping potatoes, eggs and bacon onto my plate in heaping doses before grabbing a fork and hopping up onto the counter to eat.

  “Oh.” She jumps a little, all excited and bubbly. “I don’t know. Aubrey said he wasn’t sure if he could go or not.”

  “I see,” I say, hiding my smile with a forkful of potatoes. “Well, you should know, Pamela,” I’m about to throw my brother the biggest bone of his life, “Aubrey’s girlfriend is coming over soon. In fact,” I make a show of turning my head to look at the clock, “she’ll be here any minute.”

  Aubrey’s eyes widen for a moment before Pamela gets all huffy and he realizes what I just did. “You have a girlfriend?” she shrieks, slamming her small ineffectual fist into his chest.

  Aubrey just shrugs, doing his best to look sheepish. Xander comes into the kitchen, grabbing a plate, but pausing to watch the show as it unfolds.

  “Sorry,” he shrugs again and I snort, but try to mask it as a cough. Xander pats my back which only makes my laughing worse.

  “You are such an asshole,” she huffs, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder. She’s not wrong on that one. “I am so out of here.” She whips around, grabbing her bag from the living room and walking out without saying another word to any of us.

  “Have I told you how much I love you, Abby?” Aubrey says, holding his hands up to his chest.

  “Consider it payment for making my favorite potatoes,” I wink, eating another forkful.

  “Dude, you are so freaking lucky that chick left without more of a fight,” Xander says.

  As if on cue, our front door swings open and the three of us freeze in our spots.

  “Holy f-balls, wait till you hear this crap,” Nina’s sing song voice rings out and we all instantly relax.

  I look right at Aubrey and whisper, “Told you your girlfriend was coming over.”

  He rolls his eyes, but looks very relieved that Pamela is gone all the same.

  “What’s up, Nina?” I call out and she walks into the kitchen, looking at each one of us, eating our breakfast. Me sitting on the counter, Xander leaning by the stove and Aubrey over by the fridge.

  “Well, aren’t you three cute and domestic?” She turns to Aubrey, tilting her head. “What, no blonde who’s not nearly as hot as I am, here this morning?” It’s a loaded question if ever there was one and Aubrey is fully aware of this.

  “Nope. Not right now.”

  Okay, that’s not really a lie and he is my twin, so I’ll let him get a free pass on this one. Even if he is the devil incarnate when it comes to the female gender. Plus, that happy, appeased smile on Nina’s face is just too sweet to break.

  Aubrey takes a step towards her. “And yes, Nina, you are by far the fairest in the land.” Her simpering smile grows. “When will you finally agree to be mine?”

  She smacks his chest, trying for playful. “When you agree to stop sticking your dick into everything that moves.”

  “I’ve already told you. Only you can make me a one-woman man. Just say the word and I’m all yours.”

  Gag me now. I look to Xander and dramatically roll my eyes.

  “Nina, love,” I say, breaking up their moment in time because it’s simply too early for this. “What crap do I need to hear?”

  “Oh.” She spins around and walks up to me. “Right.” Her hands slap down on my thighs since I’m still perched up on the counter. “So, super-hot Taylor, you know, the guy who’s friends with Brandon?”

  “Hey,” Aubrey interjects. “What the hell, Nina? I just professed my undying love for you and then you go and mention a hot guy?” He only sounds mildly upset.

  Nina flips back around with a large smile spread across her round face. “Undying love? Is that why I saw Pamela Howser getting off the elevator with a look that said murder?” Aubrey blanches, staring down with an expression that reeks of busted. “That look could only be your doing, sweetie.” She saunters across the small expanse, putting both palms flat on his chest. He looks down into her brown eyes in an adoring way. “But, I will tell you that if you can keep it in your pants for a month,” she raises an eyebrow. “A full month without vagina of any kind, then we can talk.”

  “That’s a deal.” Aubrey releases a slow easy smile, as he brushes some hair out of her face. “You should know better than to challenge a Scofield. Game fucking on.”

  Nina shrugs a shoulder, not at all convinced. And who can blame her? Aubrey is the epitome of a man-whore.

  “We’ll see.” She throws him a wink before walking back over to me. “So, as I was saying,” Nina continues, hopping up on the counter next to me, “hot Taylor came into the bar. He’s a football player, but I guess he was at the party you guys went to last night.” Nina angles her body on the counter, her excitement over this is bursting out.

  “Well, as enthralling as hearing about Hot Taylor is, I’m going to do some work,” Xander says. “Abby, if you want to work on your paper, I’ll be in the living room.”

  “Sure. I’ll be there in a bit.” I nod with a slim smile for him that he actually returns.

  “Anyway,” Nina goes on with an annoyed scowl for Xander’s back since he interrupted her, “he was telling me that Brandon got into a fight over you last night.”

  “What?” I gasp, and I notice that both Aubrey and Xander stall at the entrance to the kitchen. Evidently, they want to hear what Nina has to say, but don’t want it to be overly obvious.

  “Yeah.” Nina’s eyes widen. “Apparently, there was some stupid ass at the party who was making comments about you.”

  “What about me, Nina?” I really don’t care all that much, but I don’t like the idea of guys fighting over me. That’s just lame.

  “Shut up and I’ll tell you.” She glares at me for a second, but then gets over her aggravation quickly for the sake of her story. “So, this guy, who was totally drunk, was saying things like, ‘does the carpet match the drapes?’,” Nina says in a voice that imitates this unknown guy.

  I roll my eyes at that one. “That’s so freaking pathetic and way over used.”

  “I know,” Nina laughs, nudging me with her shoulder, before running a hand through her pin-straight blonde hair. “Doesn’t he know that every woman under the age of thirty is bald down there now?” She chuckles at her own comment. “Clearly, he’s not getting any regular action.”

  “Focus here, Nina,” I say, bringing her back to the topic at hand, noticing that Aubrey and Xander are still lingering within ear shot. “Why would a dumb comment like that make Brandon fight him?”

  “It didn’t. There was more.” I groan, only half wanting to hear this. “He also made a comment that a girl who looks like you, is probably super freaky in bed.”

  “A girl who looks like me? Nice,” I smirk.

  “Shut up and let me finish.” She glares, fully exasperated with my running commentary. I hold up my hands in surrender. “He also said stuff like if Brandon couldn’t handle a piece of ass like you that he would. That he’d like nothing more than to screw your brains out since Brandon wasn’t getting the job done right because you left the party early.”

  “That’s super. So people automatically assume that I’m sleeping with Brandon, even though we’ve only kissed a few times. What is wrong with this school?” I shake my head. “Can’t they just mind their own damn business and get a life?” This is why I hate parties and much of college life. I shake my head completely annoyed. “Why would Brandon fight him over stupid nonsense like that anyway?”

  “So, here’s where it gets good.” Nina is practically shaking with the restraint it takes not to just blare this out. I lean back on the counter, placing my palms behind me, resting my weight on them. “Apparently, Brandon was pretty drunk by this point. So, he went all caveman, saying things like ‘don’t talk shit about my girl,’ and ‘she deserves your respect.’” My eyes widen in surprise and Nina nods her head in agreement, her eyes
equally as wide. “I know. It’s crazy. He called you his girl. But, I guess the guy kept going, right? Asking what you tasted like. Saying that he bet you were as sweet and fiery as you look.” I can feel my eyes bulging out of my head and I think my jaw just officially hit the floor as my cheeks flame a bright red. “He asked if he could watch the two of you together because he’d love to see if you like it rough. If your tits are as big as they appear. That you have a perfect heart-shaped ass that he’d love to slap. Shit like that.”

  “Jesus.” I lean forward, covering my face with my hands in total humiliation. I want to die and vomit, and then die all over again. I can feel just how hot my cheeks are against my palms. “Who was the guy?” I ask though I’m not sure if I want to know at this point.

  “Yeah, who was the fucking guy?” Aubrey comes back in, storming right up to Nina. Rage colors his cheeks and brightens his eyes. His hands are clenched into tight fists and a second later, Xander is next to him, looking equally as pissed, his knuckles clenched even tighter than Aubrey’s. “Because if Brandon didn’t fully kick his ass, I will.”

  “Calm down, Bruce Banner.” I place my hand on Aubrey’s shoulder. “Don’t go all Hulk on me yet.” Aubrey takes two deep breaths, but I can see they do nothing to help.

  “No, Abby.” Xander shakes her head, his dark eyes blazing with barely contained rage. He seems ready to kill someone and that shocks me most of all. Xander is the epitome of calm and composed. Always. “That’s fucking bullshit!” He takes a deep breath, reining himself in. “Aubrey has every right to be as angry as he is.”

  Right. Aubrey does.

  “It was Jeff Paulson,” Nina says. “And he spent the night in the infirmary with a broken jaw, two black eyes and a possible concussion.”

  “Fuck,” I whisper, shaking. Tears sting the back of my eyes but I swallow them down because that will only fuel Aubrey on more. “I don’t even know Jeff Paulson. I don’t think I’ve ever said a word to him in my life. I doubt I’d know who he was if I hit him with my car.”


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