Connections of the Mind

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Connections of the Mind Page 9

by Dowell, Roseanne

  “Sure, why not? Grab me a bag of pretzels, too.”

  Jeremy closed the door and took a deep breath. What the hell was going on here? He didn’t like this. Not at all. Problem was—he didn’t really know where to look. He walked down the hall to the lobby. Maybe if he circled back to where they parked the car. He pushed open the door and walked around the parking lot. Nothing. No one around. That was one of the problems with this place. Too isolated. This time of the week not many people stayed here. Weekends were a different story. A movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Someone got into a car. Before Jeremy got close enough to take a look, the car took off down the driveway.

  Probably nothing. Damn, he wished he’d gotten a good look at the driver. Hell, he couldn’t even identify the car other than it was dark. Could have been blue, black or even a dark brown or purple. Jeremy raised his hands up in the air and went back inside. He almost forgot the soda and pretzels and had to go back for them.

  A few minutes later, he pushed open the door. Becca hadn’t moved. She sat in the same chair, he’d left her in. But something looked different. Fear, that’s it. Something scared her.

  “Becca, what’s wrong?” He set the sodas and pretzels on the table and stooped down next to her.

  “You’re okay?” She held a trembling hand out to him.

  He pulled her to her feet. “Of course, I’m okay. What’s wrong?”

  Rebecca shook her head. “I don’t know. Something...” She shivered. “I sensed you were in danger.”

  “What did you see?” Jeremy folded her into his arms. God, he wanted to keep her safe.

  Rebecca leaned into him.

  “Rebecca, what did you see?” He had to know.

  “Someone in a car.”

  “What kind of car?”

  Rebecca trembled against him. “I don’t know. A dark-colored car.”

  Crap. He had been right. Someone had been watching them. The same someone who pulled out just as he came around the side of the hotel. He stroked her back. He didn’t want to let her go, but they had to discuss her plans. He led her to the bed, sat down next to her, and took her hand.

  “Becca, someone’s trying to kill me.” Jeremy raised his hand to silence her. “I know you know. The robbery they called me in to help investigate was a warning to me.”

  “What do you mean a warning? What happened?”

  “Someone broke into the camera store. They left a watch from the jewelry store heist and a bullet. Ballistics matched it to the one they took out of me.” Jeremy stroked Rebecca’s back while they talked. She trembled. Damn, he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and hold her. Wanted to pick up where they left off earlier. It took all his willpower not to. He had more important things to deal with.

  “You need to go home with Lester.” There, he said it. “You’re not safe here.”

  Rebecca stood and walked across the room. “Didn’t we already have this discussion? I thought we decided I was just as safe here with you as I would be at home.” She crossed her arms and looked at him—a determined look on her face.

  Jeremy shook his head. “I don’t think so. Someone wants to hurt me, not you. I don’t think he’ll follow you.”

  “I’m not leaving. No matter what you say, you’re not going to change my mind. Besides, I’ll still get the visions.”

  She had a point. Jeremy didn’t like this. How the hell could he keep her safe? He couldn’t put twenty-four hour surveillance on her. They didn’t have the manpower. He stood up and went to stand next to her. “Okay then. But you can’t stay here. It’s too isolated. You’re not safe.”

  “And just where do you propose I stay?”

  Jeremy grinned. What he’d like to do is stay with her, but he knew she’d have none of that. “My mother’s.”

  Rebecca shook her head. “Not a good idea. I tried that already. Remember?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Jeremy grinned at her again.

  “So you know I can’t stay there,” she finally said.

  Could he handle her under his mother’s roof? He’d have to. The thought of her being alone here drove him crazy.

  “Honey, listen. You’re not safe here. I can’t stay with you.” He paused and looked at her. “Can I? Never mind. I know that’s not possible. I see no other alternative. When your brother leaves, you have to stay with us.”

  She shook her head. “We’ll see.”

  “What do you mean, we’ll see? You don’t get it, do you? Someone is trying to kill me, and he’ll use you to get to me.”

  Jeremy pulled her closer to him. If anything happened to her, the very thought made him shudder. He lifted her chin and looked in her eyes. Maybe it’s too soon but what the hell. “I care about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  He brought his lips down onto hers in a fierce, hard kiss and then lightened up. What he wanted to tell her was that he loved her. But didn’t dare. Not yet anyway. The little he knew about Becca told him it was too soon.

  His fierce kiss left her breathless. If he hadn’t been holding her up, she would have fallen on the bed. His lips eased up, and the kiss became less fierce but not less passionate. Suddenly, she felt herself being lowered. Felt the bed beneath her, and Jeremy’s weight as he came down on his knee next to her. He eased himself along the length of her. The kiss held them together as if they were glued. Damn, she wanted this man. Wanted him here, now. It felt right. They fit. She liked the feel of his strong arms around her. Liked the ripple of his muscular chest against her breast.

  The thought of anyone harming him scared her, but how could she move in with him and his mother?

  Jeremy broke off the kiss, leaned on one elbow, and looked at her. He moved a strand of hair off her forehead and caressed her cheek with his thumb. Sizzling heat coursed through her body. His eyes held a question. She wanted to say yes, but something held her back. A few minutes ago, he said he cared about her. Was that enough?

  She wanted to hold out for love. Deep, everlasting love. The kind of love her parents had. The kind she suspected Jeremy’s parents had.

  Maybe Jeremy wasn’t a one-night stand kind of guy. God, she knew him, yet she didn’t. Rebecca reached her hand up and ran her fingers across his cheeks, down to the dimple in his chin, and across his lips. He took her hand and turned it palm up and kissed it, grinning at her.

  She loved that grin. Loved the dimple in his chin and those eyes. Such sexy eyes. A warm feeling started in the pit of her stomach and moved upward. She turned away and tried to resist him. She started to get up.

  “I love you.” Jeremy wasn’t sure how the words slipped from his mouth, but he meant them. He had fallen in love with her the minute he saw her.

  “I love you, too.” Her gaze held his, and he saw the truth of her words in them.

  That was all he needed. His lips came down on hers, and he slipped his hand under her shirt and to her breasts. She didn’t stop him. He pulled her toward him and unsnapped her bra and caressed her breasts.

  Fire raced through his body. She reached around and pulled his shirt over his head, breaking their kiss only for an instant. Running her hands across his chest and down to his stomach, she stopped long enough to open his pants.

  Suddenly, they lay naked. Jeremy brushed his lips across her breast, took a nipple in his mouth and groaned at the heat that surged through him. He centered himself between her legs, lowered his body to her as she arched her hips up to meet him. He slipped inside her, hot moist heat radiated between them.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rebecca lay in Jeremy’s arms, more content than she’d ever been in her life. Tears of happiness streamed down her cheeks. He loved her. He told her he loved her. Could she make a life here with him? Dare she stay at his mother’s after what just happened?

  “Becca.” Jeremy leaned on his elbow and looked at her. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  Rebecca shook her head. She loved the way he said her name.

>   “Why the tears?”

  Rebecca moved her hand to his face. Ran her fingers down the length of it and stopped at his lips. “Shh, it’s because I’m so happy.”

  Jeremy kissed her fingers. “Happy, hell, what a way to show it. I love you.” He brought his mouth down to meet hers.

  Just as her mouth opened to his, the phone rang. Tempted to ignore it, she pulled Jeremy closer. She loved the taste of him.

  He took his mouth from hers and rose up on his elbow again. “You better answer that. It might be important.”

  Rebecca rolled away from him, toward the phone. She fumbled on the nightstand until her hand reached her cellphone. She flipped it open. “Hello.”

  “Why do you sound so out of breath?” Allison’s voice came over the line.

  “I was in the bathroom and had to run for the phone.” Rebecca grinned. She pulled herself into a sitting position and swung her legs off the bed. Heat rose to her face, even though she knew Allison couldn’t see her.

  “I see.” Allison let out a low chuckle.

  Rebecca looked at Jeremy. God, he looked good lying there, resting his head on his elbow. That silly grin on his face.

  “Listen, the show just got out, and Les and I thought we’d stop for a night cap. Want to join us? Is your cop friend still there?”

  Should she admit to Jeremy still being there? What the heck? Why did she care what Allison thought anyway? “Yes, he’s still here.”

  “Hmm. So why didn’t he answer the phone?” Allison’s suspicious tone irritated Rebecca.

  “It’s not his phone.” Rebecca knew her voice sounded angry, but she didn’t care. She never questioned Allison’s indiscretions. What gave Allison the right to imply anything about her? Especially with Lester standing there. Damn it. She didn’t need this interrogation.

  “Sorry. So are you going to meet us or not?” Allison’s tone changed to playful.

  “Hold on.” Rebecca covered the mouthpiece on the phone. “Allie and Lester are going for a night cap. Do we want to join them?”

  Jeremy moved to her side of the bed and ran his fingers along her breast, tweaked her nipple. “I’d rather stay here with you.”

  Ripples of excitement raced through her. She shivered as he brought his mouth to her breast and made circles around her nipple with his tongue.

  “Allie,” she stuttered. “I think we’re going to pass. I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.” She flipped the phone closed without waiting for a reply and leaned back to enjoy Jeremy’s delicious lovemaking.

  Rebecca woke up to Jeremy getting out of bed. Still dark out. What the heck? She stretched and looked at the clock. Only two o’clock. “Where are you going?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He leaned over and kissed her. “I have to leave. Don’t want to ruin your reputation.” He grinned and pulled his shirt over his head, tucked it in, and buttoned his jeans. “Especially with my mother.”

  “Lord, what if she finds out about us? I don’t think she took too warmly to me as it is.” Rebecca sat up and groaned. “Not that she wasn’t nice to me. She was. Especially after someone broke into my motel room. But I just don’t think she trusts me.”

  “I know. She hasn’t trusted too many people since my dad got shot. Especially newcomers. You’ll be fine. She’ll learn to love you as much as I do.”

  “Jeremy, I really don’t want to stay at your house.”

  Jeremy sat down next to her. “Let’s see how it goes. How long are Les and Allie staying?”

  “I think they’re leaving sometime today.”

  “Shit. Listen, I gotta go. We’ll talk about this later.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. “Come double lock the door.”

  Rebecca slid out of bed and followed him to the door, wishing he could stay. It felt good to fall asleep next to him. Heck, it felt good being in his arms. And the love-making was to die for. She’d never felt so loved, so cherished, so sexy.

  Jeremy kissed her nose then her cheek. “I’ll probably see you at breakfast.”

  Rebecca closed the door behind him, threw the latch for the double lock, and leaned against the door. How had she fallen in love with him so quickly? He loved her, too. He told her so. Besides, it was in his eyes when he looked at her. In his hands when he touched her and in his kiss.

  She padded back to bed and crawled under the covers. Funny how cold and empty the bed felt without him. She moved to his side and relished the heat left from his body. She turned over, tucked his pillow under her breast, and went to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The phone woke Rebecca the next morning. She stretched and slid over to answer it.


  “Morning, Sunshine.” Jeremy’s teasing voice came over the line.

  Rebecca smiled and sat up. She hugged her knees. He sounded so sexy over the phone. Hell, he was sexy. “Morning.”

  “Are you ready for breakfast?”

  “Since you just woke me up, no. What time is it anyway?” She leaned over, looked at the clock, and groaned. “It’s only seven o’clock. The roosters aren’t even up yet.” Rebecca kicked the sheet off her legs and laughed.

  “Oh, come on. Look outside. It’s a beautiful morning. You aren’t going to waste it sleeping all day, are you?”

  It’d be a beautiful day, even if it was pouring. After last night, a snowstorm couldn’t ruin her good mood.

  “Okay, okay. Give me about twenty minutes? Where are you?”

  “Sitting in the lobby. Can I come up?”

  “No!” That’s the last thing she needed right now. Not that she wouldn’t love to crawl back into bed with him. But if she knew Lester, he’d be banging on her door any minute now.

  “Wait there for me.”

  “Are you sure?” Jeremy chuckled. “I could wash your back or something.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. Not that I’d mind you washing my back, believe me. But Lester should be here any minute now and... Well, need I say more?”

  “Okay, twenty minutes. Not a minute longer.”

  Rebecca could almost hear him grin over the phone. “Promise.”


  “What?” Rebecca swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

  “I love you.”

  Rebecca sat back down. She loved hearing those words. “I love you, too.” She felt like singing.

  She hung up and went to shower. Twenty minutes didn’t give her much time. She glanced in the mirror. Hair didn’t look too bad, no need to wash it. That’d save her a good fifteen minutes. Okay, this is doable. She turned on the water, adjusted the temperature, and stepped inside. Her body tingled with the thought of Jeremy washing her back.

  How was she going to live with his mother? Just the thought of it made her cringe. Besides, she hadn’t lived with anyone for a long time and certainly didn’t need a stranger watching her every move.

  Nope, she wouldn’t do it. Jeremy was going to have to get used to the idea. Certainly, she’d be safe here. There wasn’t even a door leading outside like in the motel. Everyone had to come through the lobby or one of the doors to the hall. And the window didn’t open. Surely with the double lock, no one could get in. If it made him feel better, she’d move to a room closer to the lobby. As far as going to and from her car, she wouldn’t be any safer at his mother’s. She had to go outside for that no matter what. And what about school, she’d be a target there, too. Part of her wished Jeremy could stay with her. The nights would be heaven.

  Rebecca snapped off the water, stepped out of the shower and dried off. Besides that, she grinned—at least they had privacy here.

  Tomorrow she’d register for school, and Jeremy would have to live with her decision. That settled, she hung the towel on the rack and opened the door to let some steam out, then put on her makeup, fluffed her hair, and went to dress.

  Strange, Lester hadn’t been here yet. Not like him. She smoothed her shirt, looked in the mirror and glanced at the c
lock. Not too bad and in less than twenty minutes. That’s pretty good. Time to meet Jeremy. Maybe she’d stop at Lester’s room to let him know they were going for breakfast.

  She opened the door to see Jeremy, hand raised, ready to knock.

  “Wow, right on time. I’m impressed. I like a girl who’s prompt.” He leaned down and kissed her nose. “Yum, you smell good.”

  Rebecca pulled the door closed behind her. Desire filled his eyes. She’d love to go back in and have a repeat performance of last night. But...

  “Hey you two, save it for later.” Lester’s voice came from down the hall.

  Rebecca jumped at the sound. That couldn’t be Lester, teasing? How unlike him. It had been ages since he teased her about anything. And especially not about a guy. She looked from him to Allie. If that grin got any bigger, Allie’s face would crack. Wonder what was going on with them. She chuckled to herself. Like she didn’t know. It was written all over Allie’s face. Lester’s too, for that matter.

  Wonder whose room they used. Not that it was any of her business. Besides, she was happy for them. And she liked the new Lester. A much happier Lester. More like the brother she remembered before their parents died. He deserved to be happy. He put his life on hold far too long.

  “You ready for breakfast?” Jeremy’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “That’s where we’re headed. Thought we’d see if Rebecca wanted to join us. Uh, you, too, since you’re here,” Lester said.

  He sounded flustered. Of course, he wasn’t used to seeing his little sister with a man, especially first thing in the morning. Oh Lord, he probably thought Jeremy spent the night. Not that it should matter, she was over twenty-one. But still. Funny, a minute ago, he had teased them. Guess there was still a little of the old Lester left.


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