Connections of the Mind

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Connections of the Mind Page 10

by Dowell, Roseanne

  “Well, let’s go then.” Allison broke the tension. “I’m starved. Did you just get here, Jeremy?”

  “A few minutes ago.” Jeremy took his jacket off and hung it in the lobby before they went into the restaurant.

  Maybe that would convince Lester he didn’t spend the night. If it didn’t, oh well.

  “So, what time are you guys leaving?” Rebecca asked.

  She caught the look that passed between Allison and Lester.

  “Well…” Lester set his napkin on the table and took Allison’s hand, “we decided we both need a vacation. We’re going to stay for another week.”

  “Really?” A vacation? Lester? He hadn’t taken a vacation in—she couldn’t remember when. Good for him. “That’s great. Are you going to have any trouble getting time off, Al? I mean with me already gone?”

  “Nah, I don’t think so. Leah and Joyce can cover both of us. Besides, I haven’t taken a day off in two years.”

  “Great. So what do you plan to do?”

  “Actually, we’re thinking about renting a cabin up at Lake Morris. Maybe do some short hikes,” Lester said. “I know, I know. I shouldn’t be hiking with this boot. But I walk just as well with it as I do without it.”

  “Yeah, but we’re going to have to buy some clothes,” Allie said. “Any shopping malls around here?”

  “Down in Lofton. It’s only about fifteen, twenty miles down the road,” Jeremy said.

  “Good, what kind of stores do they have?” Allison asked.

  “There’s a Sears, Walmart, and JCPenney. I don’t know. I don’t go down that way too often. You can go up to Rochester, but that’s a little farther.” Jeremy shrugged. “Darned if I can remember what stores are there. I don’t shop that often.”

  “So when are you going to rent the cabin?” The idea fascinated Rebecca.

  “We’re going up there this afternoon.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his chair. “Don’t bother. No one’s there on Sundays. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow.”

  “Then, I guess we better reserve a room here for one more night,” Lester said.

  Rebecca caught the quick glance Lester threw her way. Oh yeah, she caught the singular room. So Lester and Allison were sleeping together. Oh well, it wasn’t up to her to judge. She almost giggled at the uncomfortable look on Lester’s face but let the comment slide.

  “So besides hiking, what else do you plan to do? I mean it’s not like there’s a lot to see around here.”

  Lester leaned forward and looked at her. “Actually, we’re going to kick back, relax, and just enjoy doing nothing. We’ll probably hardly ever leave our cabin.”

  His shit-eating grin cracked her up. Rebecca lifted her hand to high-five him. “Good for you. It’s about time.”

  She looked at Allison. “So how’d you manage to finally corral my brother?”

  Allison blushed. Rebecca giggled. Allison never blushed. Well, well, she does have a conscious. Good to see someone besides me blushing, Rebecca thought.

  “Truth be told, I corralled her, if that’s what you want to call it.” Lester covered Allison’s hand with his own. “The ride down gave us time to discuss some things, and we’ve been getting to know each other.”

  “Uh huh. Well good for both of you.”

  Jeremy sat back and watched the teasing between Rebecca and her brother. He envied that. How often had he wished he had a brother or sister? He wondered if he’d ever establish a relationship with Lester, or become friendly enough to tease that way. Obviously Allison and Rebecca were good friends and teased each other the same way. Looked like a good relationship all around.

  Too bad they were renting a cabin. At least with them in the same hotel, he’d feel safer with Becca staying there.

  Something told him, she wasn’t going to agree to stay with his mother. Wouldn’t matter what he said. Maybe Chief would assign him to guard her. Give him an excuse to spend the night with her. Not a bad idea. It would serve two purposes. If the chief assigned him, she couldn’t argue. Not that she would. After last night, he had a feeling she’d welcome the idea. His mother, on the other hand, might not like it at all. He’d have to talk to Dan about it. See what his thoughts were.

  “So what’s on your agenda for the rest of the day?” Jeremy asked.

  “If you guys are going shopping, I’d like to tag along if you don’t mind?” Rebecca said.

  “Why don’t you both come? We’ll make a day of it, stop for lunch, maybe even dinner.”

  “Fine by me,” Jeremy said. He liked the idea of spending time with Rebecca, with or without her brother. Besides, this would give him a chance to get to know them better. Let Lester know things were serious between him and Becca. “Let me just call and let the chief know where I am.”

  “I thought you were on sick leave?” Lester turned his attention to Jeremy.

  “I was, but there have been a couple of recent burglaries, and Chief wants me in on them.”

  “I see.” Lester didn’t look convinced.

  Jeremy didn’t want to tell him the rest. Didn’t want him to know Rebecca was in danger. Hell, he had a right to know, but how could he tell him?

  He stood up, unhooked his cellphone from its clip and flipped it open. He walked a short distance away from the table. No need for them to hear the conversation especially the part about guarding Rebecca.

  Jeremy joined them as they came out of the restaurant. The silly grin told Rebecca he had something up his sleeve. Now what was he planning? She shrugged. She was pretty sure she’d find out sooner rather than later.

  “Let’s take my car,” Lester said. “I figure out where I’m going better by driving than being a passenger.”

  “I’m the same way,” Jeremy said. “Probably because as passengers we don’t pay attention.”

  They got into Lester’s car, and Jeremy pulled Rebecca close to him, put his arm around her, and gave her a quick kiss. “Been wanting to do that all morning,” he whispered. “Been wanting to do a lot more than that, but it will have to wait until later.”

  Lester turned out of the parking lot and drove down to the center of town. “Which way, boss?”

  “Turn left onto Route 23, that’ll take us right into Lofton,” Jeremy said.

  Rebecca liked the easy manner Lester had of talking to him. She leaned back and snuggled against Jeremy. She liked it here. They fit. Lester threw her a look in the rearview mirror, and she couldn’t help but giggle at his silly grin.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Lester pulled into a strip mall with a JC Penney’s. “Well let’s see what we can find. Do you girls want to go off by yourselves for a while?” Lester coughed. “Pick up any personal items Allie needs.”

  Rebecca burst out laughing. “You mean like bras and panties and lingerie?”

  Lester’s face turned bright red. Rebecca cracked up. Her brother never did venture into those parts of the stores. She remembered shopping with him after their parents died. He’d hand her the credit card, mutter something about ‘get what you need,’ and slink off to other parts of the mall.

  “Good idea.” Allie grabbed Rebecca’s arm. “It’ll be fun. We’ll meet you guys in, say an hour?”

  “Great, that’ll give Jeremy and me a chance to get to know each other.” He kissed Allie’s cheek. “Buy something pretty and sexy,” he said under his breath. Rebecca just barely caught the words and turned away to cover a giggle. Oh, her brother had it bad all right.

  “Okay, see you guys in an hour.” Allie pulled Rebecca toward the lingerie aisle. “So, what’s going on with you and Jeremy? Tell me all of it. Don’t leave a thing out, including how you really broke your ankle.”

  “I’m not sure an hour is long enough. And what’s going on with you and Lester? Not that I mind. He’s a changed man.”

  “Oh no, I asked you first. I’m dying to know.”

  “Okay, the long and short of it. I’m in love with him. I broke my ankle when someone attacked me. The same person
who’s after him. Jeremy had a vision, too. I heard him yell. If I hadn’t turned around, I’m not sure what would have happened.” Rebecca stopped for a breath. “He clipped me in the eye, which is the reason I have a black eye. I went down and twisted my ankle in the process. Thanks for helping me out, by the way.”

  “Wow, no wonder you didn’t want to tell Lester. Are you sure you’re going to be okay here? I mean if anything happened to you, Lester would die.” Allison stopped in the middle of the store. “I mean it, Beck. He’d literally die. You have no idea how responsible he feels for you.”

  “I know, Al, but heck, would I be any safer at home? If this guy is after me now, who’s to say he won’t follow me? And I’d still have those visions.” Rebecca started walking again. “Let’s not talk about this now, okay. We’re here to have fun. It’s been ages since we shopped together.” Rebecca let out a low chuckle. “Besides, you have to get something pretty and sexy for Lester.”

  Allison hit her arm. “That wasn’t meant for your ears.”

  “Can’t help it if I have good hearing. Besides, I’m happy for you. It’s about time you two got together. But I’m curious, which of you took the initiative? Not that it’s any of my business, but you’re both so shy.”

  Allison looked uncomfortable. “You’re right. It’s none of your business.” She let out a giggle. “But actually it was Les. Can you believe it? I couldn’t. Heck, I couldn’t believe he asked me to come along.”

  “Yeah, but you said you told him I invited you—which I did.”

  “True, and I don’t know where I got the guts to do that. But the rest was all him. Not that I resisted, of course.”

  Rebecca held up a red teddy. “What do you think, sexy enough? Or would you rather we went to Victoria’s Secret, or maybe Frederick’s. Yeah, why don’t we find one of those? I’m sure there’s one around here someplace. We can get you a sexy maid’s outfit or something like that. I know, something with garters and fishnet stockings.”

  “Hey, you’re getting a bit personal here. Why don’t you find an outfit like that for Jeremy?” Allison hit Rebecca’s arm again.

  “Sorry, you’re right. Besides, it’s kind of weird to think of you with my brother that way. So what made you decide to rent a cabin?”

  Allison shrugged. “I don’t know. Lester picked up some brochures, and we started talking about the area and vacations and one thing led to another, and we decided to rent one. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Mind? Are you kidding? I’m thrilled. I hope by the time this week is over you’re engaged.”

  “Aren’t you rushing things a bit?”

  “Considering you’ve been carrying a flame for each other for almost eight years, no.”

  “Still. I don’t think we’ll be engaged. In a relationship is fine with me for now. Besides, you know what kind of wedding I want. I’ve been planning it like forever.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sure Lester won’t mind watching you come down the aisle in your parents’ back yard. In fact, knowing Lester, he’ll love the idea of a small intimate wedding. The less he’s the center of attention the better.”

  “It’s just something I always dreamed of. Ever since Mom and Dad had the gazebo built, I pictured myself getting married there.”

  Rebecca looked at her watch. “I can’t believe an hour has passed. Time to meet up with the guys. We better get going, you know how impatient Lester gets if he has to wait.” Rebecca paid for her purchases and followed Allison to the front of the mall.

  “Wonder what Les and Jeremy did. What do you suppose they talked about?”

  Rebecca groaned. “If I know Lester, poor Jeremy got the third degree.”

  Allison laughed. “Come on, he’s not that bad.”

  “Oh, isn’t he? You have no idea what it was like dating in high school. I swear he was ten times worse than my parents.”

  “Ah, there they are.” Rebecca looked at Jeremy to see if she could pick up a clue as to how it went with her brother. Seemed fine. None the worse for wear. And both of them seemed to be in good humor. In fact, they were acting like best friends. Rebecca let out a breath. Good, at least she didn’t have to worry about Lester anymore. Between his relationship with Allie and the bond he and Jeremy seemed to have formed, it looked like her brother was having the time of his life. Too bad they were renting a cabin. She actually enjoyed being around him now.

  After lunch, they drove farther into Lofton. “May as well check out the college since we’re here,” Lester said.

  “Why are you thinking of going back?” Rebecca teased. “I’ve never known you to be so interested in colleges.”

  “Funny.” Lester tried to sound sarcastic, but his good mood wouldn’t let him pull it off. “Are you really going to take a course in web design, Beck?”

  “Yep. I’m sick of my job at the law firm. There’s no room for advancement. Besides, I can work out of my home doing web design.” Better for me once I have kids. What made her think of that? Having kids was still a long way off.

  “Working from home sounds heavenly,” Allison said. “Making your own hours, living where you want to live. Like down here in Morrisville. Not stuck in some big city. I envy you.”

  “Don’t go getting any bright ideas about taking a course.” Lester took Allie’s hand. “Or if you do, it’d better be at Tri C or Cleveland State. You’re staying in Cleveland.”

  Allison laughed. “Don’t worry. You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”

  Jeremy’s cell rang, interrupting the playful teasing. “Marlin here…Yeah, Chief, what’s up?”

  Jeremy’s face drained of color. “Damn, when?”

  No one in the car spoke while they all listened to Jeremy. This didn’t sound good.

  “Okay. Yeah about forty-five minutes.” Jeremy closed his cell. “Hate to spoil the party, but I have to go. Another robbery.”

  He looked at Rebecca. She questioned him with her eyes. He nodded. “Same M.O.”

  Rebecca shivered. This guy meant business. He wasn’t fooling around. He definitely wanted Jeremy to know he was after him.

  “No problem.” Lester turned into a drive and turned the car to head back. “I think we’re finished shopping anyway. At least we had time for lunch. I’ll check out the college another time. After all, we’ll be here all week.”

  “Yeah, life of a cop. Always on duty. At least in a small town.”

  A short time later, Lester pulled into the parking lot at the hotel and dropped Jeremy at his car. “Sorry you have to leave us. We’ll probably have supper in town. I heard the Enchantment Restaurant is pretty good.”

  “Forget that.” Jeremy shook his head. “They’re not open on Sundays. If you want to go there, you’ll have to go, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.”

  “Struck out again.” Lester laughed. “Is anything open on Sunday around here?”

  “There’s a spaghetti place or Chinese restaurant in town. Depends what you’re looking for.” Jeremy opened his car door. “Sorry, got to run.” He planted a quick kiss on Rebecca’s cheek. “See you later.”

  Jeremy pulled into a parking spot at the police station and threw his door open. He didn’t like this. Damn it, what the hell was going on around here? He hurried into the station and went straight into the chief’s office. “What’s up?”

  Dan looked up at him. The usually mild manner police officer seemed shook up. Not that he didn’t have a right to be. Hell, his life was on the line here. Jeremy knew if anything happened to him, Dan would never forgive himself. The chief still felt responsible for his father’s death. Not that he could be blamed. Hell, it could have happened to any one of them. Or could his father’s death and the attempt on him be connected?

  “Sit down, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy sat. But hell, someone was out to get him and was going through a lot of trouble to let him know it. “Okay, whatta ya got?” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

  “Computer store. Perp left a watch f
rom the jewelry store robbery, a roll of film, and a bullet.”

  Jeremy could tell Dan didn’t much like having to break the news of another bullet. But he had no choice.

  “I wish I knew who wanted to kill you and why. This doesn’t make any sense.” Dan leaned forward and put his elbows on the desk.

  “Doesn’t to me either. No fingerprints found again, I don’t suppose.”

  “Nothing, not a trace. This guy’s good, I’ll say that for him. It’s like he knows what we’re looking for. He obviously wears gloves. More than likely something on his head, or he’s bald. No hair, no fabric. Nothing.” Dan leaned back in his chair. “We really have nothing to go on here. I just don’t get it. You got any enemies you know of?”

  Jeremy shook his head. “None that I can think of.”

  Dan looked at him. “I checked everyone you arrested in the past few years. Nothing comes up. Most of them are still in prison. Other ones were minor offenses. You sure you didn’t tick someone off?” Dan opened the folder, closed it, then opened it again. “Nothing in here, but I can’t help thinking we missed something. Some small clue.”

  “I’ve racked my brain and can’t come up with anything.” Jeremy stood and paced the small office.

  “Damn, I wish we had something to go on.”

  “So what do we do now?”

  “We’re still looking at the evidence. We’ll see if we can come up with something. Hell, maybe forensics missed something.”

  “I’ll check it out. Maybe something will hit me.” Jeremy took the folder Dan handed him. “You know, I just had a thought coming in here. You don’t suppose my dad’s death is connected, do you?” Jeremy almost hated to bring it up. He knew how hard Dan took his father’s death. But if there was a connection they needed to know.

  Dan leaned forward. “Hell, I never thought of that. I’ll have ballistics check out the bullet. I never thought anyone was after your dad. This might explain a lot. Never could figure out who’d want to kill him.” Dan stood, walked around his desk, and sat down. “So, does your friend know about the request you made earlier?”


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