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Route 66 Reunions

Page 10

by Mildred Colvin

  Tessa left the other women visiting and sat in a chair near the lone woman. “Hi, I’m Tessa Stevens.”

  “Are you moving in?” When the girl turned toward her, Tessa noticed a large green bruise covering the side of her face.

  “I came to visit with my friend. She brought some quilts from our church group.”

  The girl, who appeared to be in her late teens, flicked a glance toward the other women before turning back to the TV. “Oh.”

  “I hope you find a quilt you will like.” Tessa tried to draw her out.

  “Why? I’m not staying here long,” the girl quickly responded.

  “Oh? Where will you go from here?”

  She shrugged. “Back to Tom, I suppose.”

  “Is he the one who gave you that bruise?”

  The girl touched her eye. “He didn’t mean to.”

  “I had a boyfriend like that once.” Tessa thought of Rob’s father and grimaced. “His name was Stormy. Actually, that was his nickname. I never knew his real name. I was just fourteen when I got pregnant. He didn’t much like it, so he beat me up.”

  “What about the baby?” The girl leaned forward, the TV forgotten.

  Tessa smiled. “He’s fifteen now and the best son anyone could ask for. I thank God every day his father didn’t want anything to do with him, and that I got away from him.”

  The girl sank back into the couch, her eyes dull. “I lost my baby. It wasn’t Tom’s fault. I made him mad.”

  “What’s your name?”


  Tessa knew Kasi would be ready to go soon. She touched Cindy’s hand. “I’d like to talk some more, but my friend needs to get home. I’ll have Peggy give you my phone number. Anytime you want, give me a call. I’ll try to come back as soon as I can to see you. I think you’d be surprised how much we have in common.”

  Hunger mixed with fear in the depths of Cindy’s eyes. Tessa smiled at the girl and said, “If you remember nothing else about my visit, please know that Jesus loves you so much He died in your place. He doesn’t want you hurt.”

  Cindy turned away, and Tessa imagined herself in the same situation. Except for the grace of God.

  Chapter 10

  T essa turned from the calendar on her kitchen wall. Friday, August thirteenth. Baseball season had already ended. Only two more weeks until school started. The summer had gone by quickly. The boys needed new clothes, she had enough money set aside, and they had nothing else planned for the evening, so why not go shopping? Last Saturday, when she went shopping with Kasi, she had done more browsing than purchasing. She needed the boys with her for sizes and to voice their preferences. No sense in buying something they wouldn’t wear.

  “Boys?” She leaned out the back door. “How would you like to go to the mall?”

  “Sure, what for?” Rob caught the ball Seth had just thrown.

  “School clothes.”

  He tossed the ball to Derek and shrugged. “I can think of better things to buy, but might as well get it over with.”

  Seth ran inside to put the ball and mitts away, and Derek ran to the car. Rob took his place behind the steering wheel. When they entered the department store, Tessa said, “Stick close by so you can choose your own clothing.”

  “Hey there’s Blake.”

  Tessa saw the tall, dark-haired man, who had obviously heard Derek, turn with a smile of welcome on his face. He stepped away from the checkout line and approached them.

  “Hey, guys.”

  His greeting became background noise as Tessa recognized the woman he was with. She could never forget Blake’s mother or the verbal abuse she had heaped upon her the day she refused to reveal Blake’s whereabouts. If Mr. Donovan hadn’t spoken up, Tessa never would have known Blake had joined the navy. She had forgiven Mrs. Donovan long ago, as she understood a mother’s need to protect her son. She only wished she could wipe the memory from her mind when the older woman raised her head and stared at them, her face an expressionless mask.

  “Are you going to buy us something?” Derek’s question penetrated Tessa’s mind.

  “Derek!” She touched his shoulder. “You know better than to ask such a thing.”

  Blake’s laughter drew attention from more than his mother, although she lifted her eyebrows at the sound. Blake ruffled Derek’s hair and grinned at Tessa. “Don’t worry, Mom. These boys can ask me anything.”

  He shook his head at Derek. “I can’t buy you anything though ’cause I’m scared of your mom. She pushes unsuspecting men into walls.”

  Derek grinned. “Wet paint walls.”

  Blake chuckled. “Exactly. But she’s right. If I had my way, I’d probably spoil all three of you rotten, and then what would we have? Three monsters instead of the great guys your mom has raised. You be thinking about Christmas, and maybe we can slip a gift or two past her then.”

  “All right.” Rob voiced his approval along with Derek and Seth. “Hey, when are you going to open your store?”

  “Actually, it shouldn’t be too much longer. The kitchen was finished yesterday. I’m expecting the dining room furniture anytime, and the bar’s being installed now. I have an order in for videos and games. I’ll have to start interviewing before long.”

  “Can you hire a fifteen-year-old?”

  Tessa held her breath at Rob’s question, hoping Blake would say no so she wouldn’t have to.

  “Blake, are you ready to go?”

  Tessa cringed at the feminine voice. She had forgotten Blake’s mother.

  “Yeah, sure.” Blake took the bags from her. “Mom, these are some friends of mine. Tessa Stevens and her sons, Rob, Seth, and Derek.”

  He smiled at Tessa. “This is my mother, Janice Donovan.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you.” Mrs. Donovan turned her smile from Tessa to each of the boys.

  If Tessa didn’t know better, she’d think his mother didn’t remember her. But something in the woman’s eyes said she did. She spoke past the long-ago hurt. “The pleasure is mine. We’ve been praying for your husband. I hope he’s feeling better.”

  A genuine smile brightened the older woman’s face. “Yes, he is. I believe God has touched him.”

  “That’s wonderful. I pray He will continue to.”

  “I believe He will. Thank you for your prayers. That means a lot to me.” She touched Blake’s arm. “If you’re ready, we need to go.”

  Tessa couldn’t help but notice the drastic change in Blake’s mother from the last time they had met. If she hadn’t seen it, she wouldn’t have believed such a transformation could occur. Then she smiled. Hadn’t she changed even more? “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come; The old has gone, the new is here!”

  As his mother walked away, Blake said, “Hey Rob, check back with me about that job.” Then he left.

  A weight lifted from Tessa’s heart. Maybe she hadn’t completely forgiven Mrs. Donovan as she had thought. She had carried resentment all these years that wouldn’t let her forget the woman’s cruel words. After this encounter, she had an idea that any future thoughts of Mrs. Donovan would bring the memory of forgiveness rather than hurt. She thanked God for healing her soul.

  Saturday morning Tessa shelved books at Grandma’s Attic. She reached up to stick a couple of books on the top shelf when she sensed someone standing near her. Thinking a customer wanted help, she turned with a smile and met the unsmiling face of Blake’s mother. Her heart tripped and her smile wavered.

  “May I help you with something?”

  Mrs. Donovan sighed. “This is hard for me. It’s been so long, and I don’t know how much you remember, but I want to ask your forgiveness.”

  Tessa took a half step back. Her brain seemed to have ceased functioning. “My forgiveness? I don’t understand.”

  “Yes.” Mrs. Donovan stared at a candle and a couple of videos clutched in her hands. “When Blake first went into the navy, you came to see us to find him. I was very rude to you.”

p; She looked up then, meeting Tessa’s gaze. “I didn’t want you to find him. I thought you weren’t good enough for my son. Now I know how wrong I was.”

  A smile touched the older woman’s face. “We are all sinners in need of redemption, aren’t we? When my husband became ill, I started going to church for the first time in years. There I knelt before God and asked His forgiveness. I think you understand what I’m talking about.”

  “Yes.” Tessa nodded. “Yes, I do. But, Mrs. Donovan, I forgave you when Christ forgave me.”

  “Please, call me Janice.”

  “All right.” Last night had brought healing to Tessa’s heart. Today a bubble of joy filled her soul where before she had carried resentment unawares. “Thank you for coming here today, Janice. You can’t imagine how much this means to me.”

  “Blake said you had changed.” Janice smiled. “He was right, but I don’t think he really understands what has brought about the change. Blake and his father both need prayer, Tessa. I hope you’ll join with me in praying for them. I wouldn’t ask, but Blake said he’s been seeing you again, and I believe you care for him whether you want to or not. Maybe as much as he cares for you and those boys.”

  Tessa thought of little else the rest of the day after Janice left. The implication that Blake cared for her rang in her mind and heart the whole time she waited on customers and stocked the shelves. Throughout the afternoon, she prayed for Blake’s dad and mentioned Blake’s name even more than usual. She also thanked God for Janice and her visit.

  After closing, Tessa decided to drive across town to the shelter. Peggy welcomed her and together they walked into the house.

  “We have a couple of new girls since you were here last.”

  “Along with the three others?”

  “Well, not exactly.” Peggy hesitated before saying, “Sometimes I wonder if we’re beating our heads against the wall, so to speak.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you remember Cindy?”

  Tessa nodded. “The young woman who had been beaten?”

  “That’s the one.” Peggy sighed. “She isn’t here anymore. All the women who come here have been abused in some way, but there was something special about that girl. She went back to that brute who will probably kill her one of these days. That wasn’t the first time he’d hit her, and it won’t be the last.”

  Tessa’s heart sank at the news. Cindy was one of the main reasons she’d stopped today. The girl had touched her heart in a way most of the women didn’t, maybe because she felt kinship to her. She could imagine what Cindy’s life might be like, and she didn’t like the images that came to mind.

  Setting aside her discouraging thoughts, she said, “I’m really sorry to hear that. I’ll continue to pray for her.”

  Peggy nodded. “You and me both.”

  After one week without a word from Blake, Tessa headed for the nearest window whenever she heard a car drive by and sprang for the phone each time it rang. Even at work, she became aware of every visitor and scanned the halls hoping to catch a glimpse of him. But Blake didn’t show up at her office or at home. When he finally called on Friday evening, she was surprised to hear his voice.

  “Hey Tessa, how would you like to go for a walk with me?”

  “Where have you been all week?” As soon as the words left her mouth, she wished she could call them back.

  He chuckled. “Miss me, did you?”

  “Of course not.” Since her response was not exactly honest, she added, “About the same I’d miss a wart on my hand.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad to hear you missed me, Tessa. I’ve been busy, but I want to make it up to you tonight. May I come by?”

  She shrugged even though he couldn’t see her. No reason to seem as eager as she felt. “If you want to.”

  “Great! I’ll be there before you hang up.”

  The phone went dead in her hand at the same time a knock sounded at the front door. She shook her head as she went to answer it.

  “What if I’d said no?” She greeted him with her hands on her hips and what she hoped was a stern look.

  He snapped the holster at his side over his cell phone and grinned. “I guess I’d have gotten back in the car and left with a broken heart.”

  “Oh sure.” His heart probably wasn’t in nearly as much danger as hers was.

  He peeked past her. “Where are the boys?”

  “Oh, so you really came to see them?”

  “Of course not. Just wanted to make sure I have you all to myself.”

  “The church youth group had a skating party tonight. They’ll be sorry they missed you.”

  “I’m sorry to miss them, too, but I’m not sorry we’ll be alone. How about that walk? Are you game?”

  “Okay.” She stepped out, closing the door. Why did he want to be alone with her? Did he suspect Derek was his son? She tried to read his expression but found nothing to cause the heavy beating of her heart.

  “What about your key?”

  “A little late to be asking that now, isn’t it?” She smiled at him and patted her jeans pocket. “I carry my keys with me.”

  “Then we’re all set.” He took her hand as they fell into step.

  The late August evening held a touch of autumn in the air. Tessa lifted her face to a cooling but gentle breeze and felt as if her feet barely touched the sidewalk.

  They walked around a couple of blocks while talking about nothing important. Tessa desperately wanted to use the time to convince Blake that he didn’t need a bar in his restaurant, but she struggled to find the right words to open the subject. Before she did, they returned to her house.

  “I could do with a glass of water.”

  Tessa glanced at Blake, unsure if she should let him in her house with the boys gone. They stepped on the porch, and she unlocked the door while a prayer for strength flew from her mind to God’s throne.

  Blake followed her to the kitchen and perched on the edge of the table while she filled two glasses with ice water.

  “Derek might want to go out for sports in school. He did great this summer.”

  Tessa froze at the sink. She couldn’t turn around for fear he would read the truth in her eyes. She nodded. “Yes, he’s good at sports, but so are the other two.”

  “They are, aren’t they?” Did she hear pride in his voice? “Seth’s got a head on his shoulders, but he’s no bookworm. And Rob is a natural leader. You’ve got some great boys, Tessa.”

  “Thanks.” She handed him a glass and took a sip from hers.

  “I’m fond of every one of them.” He downed a fourth of the water in his glass. “When I saw you in my restaurant, I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

  She held her breath while he continued.

  “I wanted to pick up where we left off eleven years ago. You know.” He gave her a look so intense she turned away. “But I know now that isn’t going to happen, and I respect you for what you’ve done for yourself. I’ve never felt the same about any other woman, Tessa. There’s something special between us. So special, we’d do wrong to throw it away again.”

  She couldn’t move, and she couldn’t respond. In fact, she didn’t understand what he was trying to say, until he spoke again.

  “How about it, Tessa? Will you marry me?”

  The moist glass slipped in her fingers. She set it on the counter as her gaze flew to his. For some reason the image of Cindy sitting on the sofa at the shelter came into her mind. Cindy with bruises covering her face and swelling still distorting her features.

  A scripture from 2 Corinthians admonished her. “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?” Blake didn’t know God’s forgiveness. He refused invitations to church. He was going to sell alcohol in his restaurant. She could not marry a man who believed he had no need for God just because he lived an upright life.

  While part of her brain cried yes, she shook her head and whispered, “I can’t.”

nbsp; Blake stood, turning her to face him, leaving his hands on her shoulders. “I never forgot you, Tessa. In all those years, I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I know I hurt you when I left, and I’m sorry. Mom said she asked your forgiveness for the way she treated you, and now I’m asking, too.”

  “Oh Blake, I forgave both of you long ago. It’s past. Let’s forget it.”

  “Okay, but our feelings for each other are not in the past, Tessa.”

  She watched the gold flecks in his dark brown eyes draw closer and knew he would kiss her. She could have stopped him, but she’d waited a long time for his kiss. Surely one wouldn’t hurt.

  Tessa’s heart swelled with a love so great all reason fled. One kiss turned into another, and she didn’t know what might have happened if a commotion at her front door hadn’t brought her to her senses.

  “Mom, we’re home.”

  Rob’s voice penetrated the fog surrounding her as another verse from 1 Corinthians reassured her. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

  Blake whispered, “We’re not finished, Tessa.” He backed away, the intensity in his eyes burning her heart. “I promise, I’m not giving up on us.”

  Chapter 11

  T essa woke Saturday morning with Blake’s promise running through her mind and the desire to see her mother driving her from bed. She showered and dressed in jeans and a knit shirt. When she left her room, she knocked on the boys’ door then stuck her head in.

  “Hey guys, how would you like to go see Grandma?”

  “Sure.” Derek scrambled from bed first. “What’re we gonna go see her for?”

  The two older boys sat up. Seth rubbed his eyes.

  Rob swung his legs over the side of his bed and grinned. “What difference does it make? You like seeing Grandma. She’s pretty cool for an old lady.”


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