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Kasadya Hellhound Defined (Kasadya Hellhound Series)

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by Swart, Karen


  Hellhound Defined

  Written by Karen Swart


  Copyright © 2014 by Karen Swart

  All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, locations, events and incidents (in either a contemporary and/or historical setting) are products of the author’s imagination and are being used in an imaginative manner as a part of this work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, settings, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Melody Simmons

  Edited by Blue Butterfly Editing

  E-book & Paperback by Sparkle Author Services


  An author’s journey cannot be completed without the most important person, you the reader. I want to thank all my readers and fans for making each and every moment of my journey amazing. You guys have been my pillars or strength and gave me a reason to just keep writing. It’s easy to give an author that advice, but without you guys it just wouldn’t be possible. So from me, a billion thank you ’s to each and every one of you.

  A special thanks to my editor Jasmin Petricola and my cover designer Melody Simmons. Shir Fernandez and her team of Spanish translators who have translated Kasadya to Spanish. Janine Fourie, my sidekick, confidant and Beta Reader. Jocelyn Sanchez, Alyssa Williams and my mom Susan Fourie who also Beta read for me. My amazing street team that’s always there to give advice, joke, play and just talk when I need it, an amazing group of people.

  Thank you all a billion times over.

  Appraisals for the Kasadya Saga

  “Kas, was a great main character! She bold, determined and sometimes stupid.

  But she was awesome. She went from a spoiled teen to a warrior! Yes a great

  warrior with BAT wings!! This book as it all.....with, action, HOT

  males! :)” Derinda Love-Young Adult and Teen Readers for Hellhound Awakened

  “Holy crap, I could not put this down!! What a great read this was, although at

  the end I was screaming NOOOOO..... I didn't want it to end! If you are looking

  for a book with some action in it, THIS is it!! I loved the characters, I could

  picture them in my head. That's awesome character building!” Brenda Romine – Hellhound Awakened

  “Another great book, written amazingly, with so many great characters! I can't wait for the next book and totally recommend this for all paranormal lovers!!” Carrie Fort – Hellhound Twisted

  “I have so many emotions warring with each other- sympathy, anger, sadness, betrayel and more. This author knows how to pack a wallop regarding her writing.” Merisha Abbott – Hellhound Twisted

  “I've said it before and I'll say it again! Be sure when you start Karen's Kasadya Series you start each book well before you plan to sleep at night! I don't mean that it will keep you up all night with night terrors, but it will keep you up all night turning the pages.” Julia – Hellhound Born

  “Holy Shit! Talk about an emotional roller coaster.” Alyssa Williams – Hellhound Born

  “I don't think it's any secret to anyone at all that I love Karen Swart's Kasadya Hellhound series. They are just so much fun! I'm serious, I haven't had this much fun reading in a long time. The premise of the series is more unique that most "Angel" type books and the author throws in enough twists to keep me guessing, and on the edge of my seat.” Lori Parker – Hellhound Born


  Custos - Guardian Fallen

  Apprendo - Apprentice Fallen

  Amo - Love

  Dominus - Master

  Salve - Greetings or Hello

  Vale - Farewell

  Corra - Fallen Intelligence and communications center – a moving sphere

  Exsilium - Banished realm

  Pactrum – Bond between mates

  Chapter 1


  I stood watching the waves crash to shore and glide over the sand. The serenity of it seemed unnatural, tainted. Looking up, there were no colors in the sky, no whales or dolphins to sing to the night. It was as if the world knew that something special was taken from it, as if that very being was needed to complete it. The only sound that greeted me was the sound of waves running towards the shoreline and then crashing over the sand.

  How could I have let this happen? Her sudden shift in emotions was enough warning to tell me that something was wrong. Instead, I left it at her word. I should have known she was up to something. Now I stand here at the very place where we finally embraced our love for each other, the ache in my heart a constant reminder of my failure. The constant burning on my arm was another reminder that the very soul I am bonded to is in grave danger and in pain. So much pain. I rubbed over the invisible tattoo on my arm, trying to send her some comfort, trying to ease her pain. It meant nothing. Still my arm is engulfed in invisible flames.

  "Chax," a billion voices echoed behind me.

  The Archangel Gabriel had finally decided to face me. When he received his divinity, his own voice was replaced with every living soul on this earth. A bombarding echoed to all, one of the reasons he didn’t speak at all. But to me, this was not new. I was the first to hear his divinity voice.

  "It was you, wasn’t it?" I declared more that asked.

  I knew the answer already, but saying it aloud was needed to fuel my own anger.

  "Yes, it was. You, of all, should know that destiny cannot be change or fought. It was her destiny. You could not intervene with it."

  I turned to look at him, my neutral face gone and replaced with my true feelings.

  "When you ordered me not to intervene with her destiny when she was first taken to hell, I listened. I obeyed, as always. For what? Only to live in the same agony as then!"

  It's was strange to let go of my anger, to show it. For centuries I trained myself to stay neutral and not show emotions. This, I believed, helped to calm those around me. Now after thousands of years, I finally understood why some could not control their emotions.

  "You must trust in Him."

  "I did trust Him. I trusted all of you!" I turned around to face the sea, my anger reaching a dangerous level. I could feel centuries of training evaporating around me.

  "I am sorry, old friend, but this is His will and shall be done."

  "Have I wronged Him? Why would He punish me like this?" I looked down at my arm and rubbed it again.

  Her pain was eating away at my heart. I couldn’t bear this. I couldn’t just stand aside and let destiny take its course. Not this time, not again. I failed her then. I would not fail her again.

  "Chax. He loves you as He loves all of us. You know this. This is not a punishment. This is part of not only her destiny, but many others."

  "I am going to hell, and I am bringing her back. There will be no negotiation about this, Gabriel," I enforced by turning around to look at him.

  He didn’t step back like most. He stood his ground, understanding what I was going through. His heart bore the same weight. He had to watch his own love march with the traitorous angel and fall to hell with him.

  "I understand, and you will not be stopped."

  "Indeed." I dismissed my old friend, my heart not ready to surrender to kindness.

  "Vale, my friend, and safe return," he said, and I left.

took a last look at the beach and the sea, promising my love that we will return here and be together once more. With determination to get moving, I shifted to my house. The lights were on and I could see the others moving around the house. I didn’t want company. I just needed to get to her. I walked over to my collection of weapons. Surveying the wall, I decided which ones would accompany me on this mission. My eye caught the shine of silver. Turning, my eyes traveled towards the source, and there in the corner, hidden from sight, was the casket. Inside it was an old reminder of who I really was and what I had forsaken to be with those I felt needed me most. It was begging me to open it and claim what was locked inside for thousands of years. I walked over to the casket and unlocked it. Slowly, I opened it and sucked in a breath at the sight of the sword inside it.

  "Dies Irae," I breathed for the first time in thousands of years.

  Days of Wrath was its name.

  I glided my hand over the blade, my fingers rejoicing to the touch of it. This was no ordinary sword; this was a sword made in heaven by God's own hands. This sword was made to ensure justice, truth and that what He loves the most was protected for all times. The blade was the color of a cloud, made from an unknown metal far stronger than titanium. The blade could split open to transform into two swords, giving its wielder more power. My hand traveled up towards the handle. The gold and rubies encrusted on it were from the heavens itself, and an angel with his wings spread open and holding a small sword up towards his face was cast at the end, his feet reaching over the base of the blade.

  The first Archangel.

  "We are coming with you." The moment was broken by Freya.

  I released the sword and turned to address what I knew was coming. "No."

  "She is our daughter! We are going!"

  And finally, after many years of training, even Freya's composure slipped. This situation with Kasadya had become tedious for all. I ignored her outburst and looked at Troian. There, too, was the evidence of heartache.

  "I am sorry. You cannot come with me," I stated again.

  "You're going to need numbers, and you know we are some of the best," Troian said, but it was more begging than asking.

  A sob broke out next to him as Freya's composure finally caved and the mother of a child taken was revealed. Troian moved to embrace her and try to ease her pain, his own pain visible on his face. It was for that very reason I will not allow them to go with us. As parent’s their hearts would guide them rather than their years of training. They would not last long.

  But will I be able to control my own heart and not fall before I reach Kasadya?

  "I need to g...o, Chax. I ne...ed to find her," Freya stumbled between sobs.

  "Freya, I can't allow you to come with us. I need you both to stay here, and stay alive for her. If something happens to you, I would not be able to face her. I am sorry, but that is final."

  This time, Freya completely broke into pieces, her heartache pouring out of her. Silently Troian held her as his own tears fell to the ground. They would be of no use and only end up dead.

  "I vow on my own life that I will bring her back alive and whole," I promised them.

  Troian looked up at me, and unable to form words, nodded and shifted out with his mate still in his arms. I grabbed the wall and braced myself against it. My heart was hammering inside my chest and it felt like it was trying to claw its way out of me. Kasadya, you hold on. Don’t you dare give up on me! I need you.

  With shaking legs, I looked at the sword again. Reaching inside, I pulled it free of its prison and held it up to inspect its condition. Perfect, just like the day I first touched it.

  "Wow, now that is a sword. Can I have one like that?"

  With a sigh, I dropped the sword and looked at Raven. She was another problem that I would need to address before dawn.

  "No. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked.

  She frowned at me but shook her head. "Yeah, Kas was going to arrange swords for me. You know, before..." she trailed off, unable to finish.

  Before she broke my heart.

  "You won’t be needing swords just yet. First you need to develop yourself and your fallen body. Only then, your swords can be forged to fit you." Slowly placing the sword in the casket, I locked it once more. I turned around, searching for weapons, ignoring her still standing there.

  "What? You’re kidding, right? I mean, did you miss the part where we are going to hell to fetch Kas?" she whined next to me.

  "You and Abby will not be going. You will both leave for the Hellhouse and stay there until we return."

  I swear more and more stubborn hellhounds are born by the day, because what I just said had reached her brain, and I could already see that stubborn nature ready to retaliate. Eyes narrowing, nostrils flaring, arms folded in front of her chest and finally, the standoff is completed and ready to be used.

  "No freaking way! Why can't we go with you guys?! I always get left behind when there is something happening. You do realize that I have been fighting on my own for two years. MY OWN. Why the hell do I need to stay behind? If you-"

  "My decision is final! Now go get some clothes and be ready to shift. Dawn is almost here."

  She stood there ready to throw something else at me, but mercifully, she turned and stomped into the house. I watched her walk away. She was so much like Kasadya, too much. A chuckle sounded behind me, so I turned to greet the new comer.

  "You have a touch with girls, especially ones with such fire," Raphael decided to enlighten me.

  "I think one was enough. Are you ready?" I returned to the wall to collect more weapons.

  "Yes, we can go at any time."

  Finished, I took a long final moment to look at the casket. For the first time in many years I was doubting myself. I can’t afford to fail. I can’t lose her.

  "You may need it, you know, just in case," Raphael said, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder.

  "I can’t lose her, Raphael. For the first time, I know what love is, and I can’t live without it again. I need her."

  "Then take it, and make sure you bring her back." He squeezed my shoulder and walked away.

  Should I? Should I relent to my decision and save my mate? Hell yes!

  Slowly, I made my way to the sword again. With shaking hands I removed it from the casket and placed it into a sleuth. For her, I will do what must be done, regardless of the consequences. For her, I would destroy hell itself to ensure that she never be taken again.

  Prepared and with immense determination, I turned and walked towards the house. I found the team prepared and waiting. Zurita nodded when I entered, understanding that this time, mercy was not an option. Mercy was a gift. My gift was taken.

  "We are ready," Caim confirmed.

  I nodded and searched for Raven and Abby. "You will leave for the Hellhouse when we shift. There will be no negotiation about this, understood?" I addressed Abby, because Raven was not even looking at me. She nodded and gave me a small smile in return.

  "Raphael, shift us," I ordered the Archangel.

  With a last look at the team, Raphael shifted us to a small village outside of Romania. It was dark outside, and the humans were all sleeping peacefully. As we made our way through the village, I looked ahead of me, searching for a sign of the wall. Just outside the town, Raphael turned towards a small pasture and stopped at the fence, turning around to face the team.

  "The humidity is insufferable. Make sure you drink enough water or you will dehydrate. Stay together at all times. Do not wonder off. This is not your average walk around the block. This is hell. Remember that at all times." He made sure the others understood that we were about to enter a place that had its reasons for provoking fear into all.

  The team nodded. "Good, here we go." Raphael turned and placed his hands on the wall.

  Only the guardian of the wall was able to open up a split inside of it to enter and leave at will. This was Raphael's charge. He was the guardian of the wall and must keep watch of
it. As his hands touched the wall, the purplish wall became visible. Small cracks ran all over the wall, an indication that evil was starting to win this war. It won’t be long now before that wall was breached, and demons run the earth freely. We are the only ones standing between the destruction of mankind and their safety. A heavy burden to carry, but inevitable to avoid.

  Raphael whispered some words and a small crack started to form around his hands. Soon it spanned wide enough for him to pass through. When he was satisfied that it was big enough, he stepped back and looked at me.

  "Let's go," he indicated and stepped through the wall. I followed, eager to get to Kasadya. As my body moved through the wall, it was first engulfed with ice only to be melted off by heat. Finally, I stepped onto the ground on the other side, right into hell. I stepped away and watched as one after the other entered the underworld. It was just as I remembered. Lifeless, death and evil. The very grains of sand in this place were laced with it. Sulfur bombarded my senses, creating a burn at the back of my throat.


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