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Betrayed by a Dragon: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (Exiled Dragons Book 1)

Page 50

by Sarah J. Stone

  He watched Kayla run to her room, and he wandered over to the fridge in their large common room to look for something to eat. Taking out a bottle of juice, he was about to gulp it down when his eyes fell on one of the elders sitting in a corner, reading. Crap, he thought to himself. If she saw him drinking straight from the bottle, he wouldn’t hear the end of it.

  Scowling, he fetched a glass and poured some juice in it. He could swear he saw her smirk but she seemed very focused on what she was doing. The elders were usually the maternal females. All the children in the pack would go to them, and they were very protective. The last alpha had nearly destroyed the pack, ruling them with an iron fist. It was when Luke had killed him and taken his place that he had implemented the Pack Laws. He washed the glass. He had a very strong feeling that the elders liked to bully him until he snarled at them. He remembered his experience as a child. The alpha at the time was named Dorran.

  Luke had admired Dorran beyond anything. He remembered that time as the most prosperous time in the pack’s history. However, Dorran’s right-hand man, Malcolm, had sold out the pack, slain his alpha, and took his mantle. Nobody had been safe. Luke’s father had been a lieutenant in the pack, and when he had refused to accept Malcolm, the latter handed the entire family over to the panthers. Luke still remembered that day. Malcolm had made the entire pack watch, especially the elders and the pups as the panthers dragged the family away.

  Luke was fifteen. His parents were tortured and killed. He fought back so that he could escape and save himself. He returned to the pack five years later, wild and vicious, to take on Malcom. After the ensuing blood bath, he became the leader of the pack.

  He glanced back at Abigail. She had been there when he had returned. She was the only one from his broken pack who had stood up to him. He scowled. She was such a frail woman. He shouldn’t fear her.

  “What are you scowling at, boy?”

  He nearly jumped.

  Abigail was peering at him.

  “Nothing” He muttered, sticking his hands in his pockets.

  “So you’re going out tonight?”

  It annoyed him that it sounded more of an order than a question. “You hags are not really giving me much of a choice.”

  When she tossed the knife at him, he snarled. Her love affair with knives was still going strong. She had been a lieutenant during Dorran’s time.

  “Show some respect, Luke.”

  He ducked his head and escaped.

  Seeing Kayla, he grabbed her by the arm and marched her towards the garage. On their way, they passed some of the new packmates. It was mostly women who had joined. He didn’t quite like the way they looked at him, like he was a piece of meat for them to sink their teeth into.

  He saw the way they looked at the girl by his side, and he pulled her into him, protectively, snarling at them. Smelling their fear satisfied him. As he and Kayla sat in the car and he barked at her to put on her seatbelt, they drove in silence to Kayla’s university.

  They lived deep in the woods. After Malcolm had joined forces with the panthers and given away their location, the first thing that Luke had done was to relocate the entire pack into a deeper, safer location. Nobody had protested, having been forced into constant submission by Malcolm. The entire hierarchy of the pack had been destroyed.

  It had taken Luke ten years to rebuild the pack and gain their trust. However, the tragedy in his own life had left him unable to connect to anyone. He had taken on a grieving Kayla and Keenan. He couldn’t be a parent to them, but he could be a protector, and they needed the safety.

  “How’s your boyfriend doing?”

  The teenage girl’s eyes widened, “What? Who? Oh, shut up, Luke! Jack is my friend.”

  “Sure, he is. Then do you mind if I eat him?”

  She punched him in the arm, glaring at him, “Don’t you dare!”

  “I don’t know, kid. He looks pretty tasty to me.”

  Luke was sure she was about to scream when, instead, she pondered over something and gave him a smug look. “We can’t eat humans. The Pack Law says so.”

  “I’ll make an exception.”

  “I’ll tell the elders.”

  The smirk fell from his face and he scowled. “You’re such a snitch.”

  He stopped the car as they reached the entrance, and as she got out, he told her, “If any of the new females say anything to you, anything at all, you come to me, okay?”

  That was his alpha voice and Kayla nodded.

  As he drove back, he scowled. He had a feeling these new females would be trouble.


  The bar was loud as Luke walked in alone. Kevin had offered to come with him, but Luke had declined. As he wandered in, he noticed the scantily-dressed women and although they were attractive, he didn’t find them all too appealing. Bear shifters had a very high and aggressive sex drive that most humans could not handle, so they mostly stayed away.

  Aside from going to human universities and making use of their facilities, Luke made sure that the pack kept a healthy distance from them. However, these teenagers always went for the forbidden fruit. He was forced to keep an eye on Kayla’s new ‘friend.’ The girl was not stupid, but like a typical female, she enjoyed the attention showered on her by a human male who treated them like delicate pieces of china.

  Luke snorted. Females, he thought.

  He ordered a drink and when the waitress winked at him, he forced a smile which must have looked horrific, seeing how she moved away quickly.

  Hands on his drink, he looked around. The elders were so insistent he either find a mate or just ‘let loose’ that it was starting to piss him off. Couldn’t they see that he was too busy trying to pull the pack back together after last year? He didn’t have time for women. One of the nosy ones, Heather, had demanded to know whether he was gay.

  That had been the most humiliating experience ever.

  As he threw the gin and tonic down his throat, a soft scent assailed him. Slamming the glass down on the table, he looked around quickly. The scent was fading. He didn’t see anyone new. However, he kept his eyes open. The amount of perfume these humans insisted on wearing was making him gag.

  He made his way towards the bar where a lone woman was sitting and sat down a few seats away from her. Ordering a beer, he looked at her. Her eyes were brown, as was her hair. She wore very simple clothes which confused him. A loose, beige blouse which hid anything and everything, paired with black pants that were far from form fitting, it felt like she was making an actual effort to be inconspicuous.

  Then, someone opened the door and with the direction of the wind changing, her scent hit him like a brick wall. It was soft and spicy, making his mouth water. She must have seen him gape at her because she gave him a dirty look.

  He chugged down the beer and ordered another one. Maybe I should talk to her, he thought to himself. This human had a unique scent. As he picked up his drink and took a seat closer to hers, he realized that although she didn’t have the scent of a supernatural being, she didn’t smell completely human. He frowned. Was she human?

  The woman ignored him, pointedly.

  “Nice dress.”

  Luke winced inside. He had zero skills when it came to flirting.

  His lack of confidence was proven true when the woman gave him a dirty look and sarcastically asked, “Really?”

  He tried again. “Are you from around here?”

  He could see the bartender trying his best not to laugh, and that just put him in a bad mood.

  Before the woman could retort with a stormy look on her face, two girls that he was sure were underage sidled up to him.

  “Hey! Can we buy you a drink?” they asked.

  Lucas frowned. They were both drunk and smelled like they had been doused in a tub of perfume. When they grabbed onto his arms, he shook them off.

  “No thank you,” he responded.

  The one with the short, pink dress which barely covered her boobs pressed them aga
inst his arms and gave him a coy look looked at him. “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “As sure as I’ll ever be,” he said, pulling away from her.

  He heard the woman he had been trying to flirt with unsuccessfully snicker. He scowled at her, but she looked amused. The other girl pouted. “Don’t be like that,” she said

  “Look, kids,” he said, ignoring the insulted huff from one of them, “it’s past your bedtime, so get lost. Are they even old enough to be drinking?” he demanded from the bartender who eyed the two girls, no longer grinning.

  As the bartender asked them to show their IDs, Luke saw that the seat beside him was empty. The woman was gone.

  He scowled and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. He sipped at his beer. Her scent had been so addicting.

  Brooding, he looked at the vacated spot and then noticed that her half-finished drink had not been removed. He saw her pale hand first and then watched her return to her seat, wearing a dark scowl. She threw back her unfinished drink in a single sip.

  She didn’t pay any attention to him, and he might have been offended had he not found himself extremely distracted by her. She gave the impression that she did not want to stand out in the room and went the extra mile to do so. He sniffed inconspicuously, and raised a brow when he smelled her hair dye. It was one of very bad quality. He recognized this brand as one he had banned amongst the teenage pups.

  Some of the teenage girls had decided to opt for a different hair color each day. They had been very eye catching but had caused the entire den to be vacated because of the terrible smell. He had personally destroyed each hair dye box left in the vicinity.

  He studied her hair. If she was a shifter, then she wouldn’t have been able to stand the smell. Luke frowned. Her hair seemed ordinary – black. Why had she dyed it? Maybe she was one of those females who liked to change hair color on a frequent basis.

  “What’s your name?”

  She seemed quite drunk when she turned to look at him, and Luke hid his amusement. “Why should I tell you?”

  Luke shrugged, “So that I know who I’m talking to?”

  “Good thing we’re not talking then.”

  For a woman who had just tossed down quite a few shots of tequila, she certainly wasn’t out of her senses. But Luke had seen stranger things, so he just watched her.

  The bartender seemed comfortable to her, so Luke assumed that she must be a regular client. As he ordered a coke, he asked the man, “With the number of drinks she has had, isn’t she drunk yet?”

  The bartender shook his head. “I have never seen a person more able to hold her liquor than Cassie. She has come by once a week for the past three months.” He started cleaning a glass with a rag, “Same day, same time. She’ll probably have a beer now and leave.”

  But she didn’t.

  She had more than one beer, and an hour later, she was quite well and truly drunk and even the bartender was eyeing her worriedly.


  Luke rolled the name on his tongue. It fit her. Her hair was short and roughly cut as if she had taken a pair of scissors to it. He wondered what it would be like to run his hand through it. He didn’t understand why she had caught his eye. It wasn’t just her bewildering scent. There was something about her that made him want to stroke his hands over her body and make her purr.

  It was not like Luke had never taken lovers before. He wasn’t overly promiscuous, but shifters were different from humans. They were more attuned to their softer side, needing to be touched and to feel accepted and wanted. It was a natural instinct for them, one Luke had never fought. When he felt the need, he would take a lover.

  Bear shifters, like the rest of their kind, would keep looking for a mate their animal would accept. There was no female in his pack which would appease the snarling bear that lived inside him. He had healed himself and become a strength for his pack, but the wounds that the animal wore inside remained raw as ever. Every woman he took to his bed was not enough to soothe his inner beast.

  However, today, he felt the bear inside him sit quietly and attentively.

  Cassie struggled to her feet, and Luke wondered if his assistance would be accepted. He leaned forward when she stumbled, but apparently, he wasn’t needed. He watched her as she steadied herself, blinked, and then slapped herself.

  A few people snickered, but nobody paid much attention to her. Luke’s eyes followed her as she made her way towards the door. Would she make it home safe?

  He hardly knew her, but he spontaneously put some money on the bar and left.

  If Kevin knew he had decided to babysit a drunk woman, rather than hooking up with one, he would be annoyed, to put it mildly. But this woman was interesting. If she made his beast sit up and take notice, then he wanted to find out what it was about her that was so special.

  Cassie seemed to have an idea of where she wanted to go, but as he followed her, he wondered why she hadn’t noticed him yet. It was not like he was hiding behind every street light pole. She seemed to have a goal in mind, and Luke’s smile slipped off his face when he saw her make her way into the woods.

  The woods were dangerous at night. Paranormal activity was not limited to shifters alone. There were other creatures out there who lived in the night. He increased his pace, planning to stop her when he saw a tree sprite clinging onto the branch of an oak tree.

  Tree sprites were spiteful creatures, and they liked to cause mischief if someone entered their territory. And their tricks were not harmless. However, this particular tree sprite eyed Cassie and clambered onto the branch it had been hanging from. It watched Cassie as one would a predator – wary and tense. And once Cassie stumbled past the tree, Luke was sure that the creature relaxed.

  His eyes narrowed.

  He kept a distance from her and observed.

  Sprites were not the only things out there. The woods at night were not a safe place for humans, but as she ventured deeper into the woods, into areas that even shifters liked to avoid at night, he noted that she was bothered by no one. The few creatures that noticed her either left her alone or watched her in silence.

  She wasn’t human.

  She couldn’t be.

  He watched her stop by an old tree. The tree sprite that hovered over the branches climbed higher and peeked down. Cassie knelt down, paying no attention to the wary sprite. Her fingers dug in the ground, and Luke frowned.

  She was digging near the roots of the tree. Sprites hated it when their trees – their territories – were messed with, but this one did nothing as it merely kept an eye on the woman.

  She didn’t even have a spade or a tool. Had she been a shifter, this would have taken her a mere thirty seconds. Luke winced as she dug with her nails. That had got to hurt.

  Whatever she had been looking for she must have found, because she stopped digging and then turned around and leaned back against the tree, a large, wooden box in her hands. Her eyes were clearer now. Whatever Cassie was, her metabolism was at the same rate as shifters.

  Luke walked back a little further and shifted.

  The transformation from human to bear was not uncomfortable. It made one want to stretch out and shake themselves to get rid of the strangeness of it. The animal was more aware of its senses than the man was.

  However, the man had not anticipated the reaction the beast would have. The bear wanted to go to her and cover the girl in his scent. It was his intelligence which made him keep still and watch from the shadows as Cassie took something out from the box and cram it into her mouth. She then put the box back in its place and started covering it with dirt.

  As she walked away, the bear followed her and then glanced back at the tree sprite.

  It did not move towards the box, which was strange. It was almost as if the sprite was either too scared or too respectful to let its curiosity take hold.

  Luke followed Cassie for a distance and realized that she was going back the same way she had come, which meant that he needed to change ba
ck into his human skin. The animal was reluctant.

  She was still chewing on what she had in her mouth. This time, he kept his distance.

  She did not make sense to him, and he wondered what he was doing. He had better things to do. He should go back and find a woman and relieve his need for touch, but this girl was so much more interesting.

  When the new scent hit the air, Luke snarled.


  He smelled danger in the air.

  Cassie must have scented the same thing, because she stood stock still and looked around. The street remained empty, but it was the lack of sounds from the usual night critters that had the hair on the back of Luke’s neck rising.

  There is a predator in the vicinity, and it must be a deadly one.

  The attack came out of nowhere, and he whirled around just in time to see Cassie fly through the air and land on the ground in such a brutal manner that he was sure she must have broken some bones. His face contorted in anger as he felt the animal inside him snarl.

  He was about to jump into the situation when there was a shrieking in the wind. The air in front of where Cassie was struggling to get up was shimmering, and he caught a glimpse of a large and vicious looking eye.

  Just what is that thing? He thought to himself.

  A swipe of a monstrous hand appeared that was visible one moment and a shimmering reflection of light the next. However, the creature was not true to its aim. It shrieked again, and Luke saw Cassie’s neck glow. Her face was contorted with pain, but her neck was glowing and it was hurting the creature.

  It must have retreated because Cassie leaned down, her hands on her knees as she panted for breath.

  Witch? She was a witch?

  That would make sense because witches were respected by most paranormal beings. However, shifters and witches were not on the best of terms. They tended to avoid each other. If she was a witch, he should stay away from her. The last thing he needed was another complication on his hands.

  Luke turned his back on her.


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