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The Buccaneer

Page 18

by Donna Fletcher

  Lucian lost all control. He advanced on her.

  She stepped back, his size, his anger making him look like Lucifer himself rising from the depths of hell.

  He grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. "You are nothing but a whore."

  His words pierced her heart painfully. "And are you any better, Captain Lucifer?"

  Grim lines framed his narrowed eyes. "I do what I must to survive. You spread your legs for any man just for the pleasure"

  Catherine felt the hurt of his words clear to her soul. She thrust her chin up higher and attacked. "You're right, Captain. Any man that pleasures me I gladly welcome between my legs."

  Fury raged through Lucian like a blazing inferno. "You have no morals." He released her in disgust, stepping back from her.

  "Morals? I do as I please and I please myself numerous times with whoever strikes my fancy. And that earl, my favorite, struck my fancy over and over and —"

  Lucian released a savage scream. "Enough! Enough, I tell you. Enough of those damn stories —" He stopped abruptly and stared at her chest. "And enough of those damn bloody pearls!"

  His hands, reached out for the long strand.

  Catherine screeched, jumped back, her hand flying to protect her only salvation.

  She was too late.

  Lucian's large hand grasped the pearls and swiftly tore them from around her neck.

  Once by one the pearls dropped from the broken strand, bouncing around her feet and scattering in fright.

  Catherine's painful scream pierced the cabin and with wide horrified eyes she dropped to her knees. Frantically she gathered what fallen pearls were in her reach, locking them in her one hand while the other chased the beads around her. Reaching, picking, capturing her armor.

  Lucian stood in shock watching her. Watching her frantic attempts to capture each round precious pearl that rolled from her reach. She appeared mad, crazed that her strand of pearls had broken. They were only pearls, mere baubles that could replaced. Good God, it wasn't as though she was a lady who had lost her —

  And in that second as he watched her hand capture pearl after pearl and tightly grasp them protectively in her hand, he knew —he knew that Catherine Abelard was a virgin.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lucian dropped to his knees beside her.

  "My pearls, Lucian, my pearls," she cried.

  "Let me help you, angel." Her tears streaming down her cheeks tore at his heart.

  She looked at him bewildered.

  His hand reached out and plucked a pearl from the floor. He took her hand that tightly grasped the collected pearls and tucked it between her fingers to join its mates.

  She smiled hesitantly in thanks.

  He couldn't smile; his heart ached so badly from the pain he had caused her. Instead, he turned and proceeded to pick up the rest of the pearls from the floor.

  Catherine stared at him several seconds before joining him in gathering the remaining scattered pearls.

  Silent minutes passed while all the pearls were gathered.

  Lucian remained on his knees, his shoulders back, his chest out full and in his hand he gripped the pearls.

  Catherine remained on her knees as well, her shoulders bravely drawn back while in her hand she gripped her pearls.

  They stared for long hard minutes at one another, and then Lucian fed her hand his pearls, covering her overflowing hand with his to hold them captive.

  His other hand lifted her chin gently. "I know, angel."

  Catherine's whole body turned weak.

  "I know you're a virgin."

  She closed her eyes against his discovery.

  He studied her face, her creamy complexion, her long blond lashes, her sleek lips he ached to kiss for too long and he understood why he wanted her so badly. It wasn't her virginity. It was her innocence of life and of love.

  She had chosen to sacrifice both for her father. She had chosen to accept Lucifer as her husband no matter his character and to love him, unconditionally.

  She was pure and innocent of heart.

  "Look at me, angel," he said softly.

  She opened her tear-filled eyes. "What now?" she asked bravely.

  "Now I make love to you."

  "Lucian, please —"

  He pressed his finger to her lips and silenced her plea.

  "Tonight we forget who we are. There is only you and me. Only now. Only us. Only the love we will share."

  Confused, she shook her head. "But your revenge —"

  His finger once again prevented further talk. "Only you and me, angel. Not the past. Not the future. Not revenge. Simply desire."

  Catherine couldn't believe his words. Her breath caught. Her mind whirled. Her passion flared.

  "I will not touch you unless you want it as much as I do," he whispered. "And I want you so badly I ache to the depths of my soul."

  Catherine smiled shyly. He did possess a soul.

  "Do you want me as badly as I want you, angel?" His voice was rough with constrained desire.

  Speech locked in her throat. Dare she trust him? Dare she give herself to him"

  "Answer me. Answer me now or I'll prove that your want equals mine."

  Still her voice wouldn't oblige her. Or was it that she wanted the choice taken from her?

  Lucian growled like a hungry animal. "No more chances."

  He lowered his head and lifted Catherine's chin. Their lips met and touched briefly. He moaned. "You taste like paradise, angel."

  He stroked her lips with his, aching to introduce her to all the pleasures she had spoken of so knowledgeably but never experienced.

  His tongue slowly swept the thin line that prevented entrance to the sweet heaven he longed to explore.

  He groaned against her mouth. "Let me in, angel, I want you to taste paradise."

  Her lips separated reluctantly, uncertain of her decision, and before she could change her mind Lucian slipped with skill inside.

  The thrill of her taste, warm and wet, fired his passion. He circled her waist and drew her closer, both still clinging to the handful of pearls.

  Her tongue touched his shyly and retreated. He chased after her easing her to mate with him and share the thrill of their union. Gently he sparred with her until she relaxed and enjoyed his intimate invasion.

  Lucian had kissed scores of women, but none — none — had compared to the magic he experienced with Catherine. It was almost as though when he kissed her she reached down into the very depths of his lost soul and freed him to love.

  He tore his mouth away from hers. "Damn, angel, but I can't get enough of you. I want to taste every delicious inch of you. Tell me you want me to taste you. Tell me," he urged, biting with a soft hunger at her bottom lip.

  She drifted lost, unaware of reality, only knowing she needed Lucian. Her eyes fluttered, she attempted to focus on his face and tell him that tonight — she belonged to him and him alone.

  Concerned with her hesitation, he captured her lips and kissed her breathless. He didn't want her to doubt for a second that he made love to her this night out of desire and not revenge.

  He kissed her cheek, her chin, her mouth.

  "Lucian," she whispered barely able to speak.

  "I need an answer, angel. Give me an answer or I'll let you go."

  Catherine tensed against the thought. He gave her a choice. The decision was hers. Her voice caught in her throat. Speech seemed impossible. She delivered her answer the only way possible. She released the pearls clutched in her hand.

  Lucian felt her fingers spread and he swept his hand away. He kept his eyes on hers and her eyes were fixed on him, and together they listened to the pearls bounce and scatter around them.

  He had heard of broken hearts and had frowned at the absurdity of the expression, but at this moment his heart ached with such love that he thought surely it would tear in two. Her actions had demonstrated so much more than words could have ever said.

  He stood, his hands aroun
d her waist, bringing her to her feet with him and then swiftly scooped her up into his arms. "You won't be sorry, angel."

  "Promise me," she murmured.

  "You have my word."

  She smiled and kissed his lips like a young pupil intent on impressing her tutor. "I'll see that you keep it, Captain Lucifer."

  "And I'll see that you cry with pleasure — numerous times tonight."

  She hugged his neck and rubbed her cheek to his. "What are you waiting for?"

  He answered with a kiss that left her hungry for more as he lowered her to the bed. He sat beside her, her hand reaching for him to join her.

  He locked her hand in his, bringing her fingers to his mouth to nibble on. "Not yet. The night is young and you have much to learn."

  Shivers raced over her from the thought. Bonnie had given explicit lessons, now Lucian would personally instruct.

  "First," he said, releasing her hand and easing his own hand down over her flat tummy, slipping lower to stroke faintly between her legs, moving across her thigh and down her leg to slide ever so slowly beneath her shift. "We must rid you of this intrusive garment."

  Shyness assaulted Catherine. She had stood naked often enough in front of him, but always with her pearls on. Now when he rid her of her night shift she would lay completely naked before him. The thought sent a fearful shudder through her.

  Lucian kept his hand where it rested, beneath her shift on the side of her thigh just above her knee. Her skin was petal soft and warm as though kissed by the morning sun. He ached to peel the shift from her and touch all of her, every last blessed inch. But he didn't want hesitation from her. He didn't want her to doubt.

  "Catherine," he said softly but firmly. "Do you fear me?"

  She shook her head.

  His hand inched farther up. The shift caught on his wrist and moved along with him. "Then tell me what troubles you."

  Seeing the sincere concern in his eyes helped her to answer. "I'll be naked."

  He smiled. A small laugh followed. "Madam, I've seen you naked before."

  She shook her head slowly, a serious expression filling her face. "I had my pearls on."

  Lucian glanced to the floor where the pearls lay quiet and still as if in respect to the two lovers. He turned back to her. His own expression as equally serious as hers. "Then tonight, angel, I see you for the first time, innocent and fair of heart."

  That he did not laugh at her concern made her at that very moment lose her heart to him. She only prayed he wouldn't break it.

  Lucian eased the shift up and off her, tossing it to the floor. He devoured her with his eyes slowly, meticulously, lovingly. "You are more beautiful than the fairest rose in full bloom."

  His sincere compliment stunned her speechless.

  Softly he warned her of his intentions, "I'm going to taste you." He leaned over her, his hand cupping her breast. "All of you." His lips settled on her rosy pink nipple.

  He loved the flavor of her hard little bud rolling around his tongue, the feel of her breast spilling over in his hand and her soft moans of pleasure.

  He drew his mouth away briefly as he stretched out beside her. She turned and arched enough to offer him her other breast, he accepted it greedily.

  Slowly his hand explored her body. Soft and warm, her silky skin quivered with passion beneath his touch. He splayed his hand on her belly, reveling in her rich softness. He dipped with teasing playfulness between her legs and then withdrew again.

  His fingers drove her wild, taunting and then rushing away to leave her hungry like a starving woman in need of sustenance.

  "Lucian," she whispered.

  He paid her no heed, his mouth intent on enjoying her breasts. His fingers still magically teased her. She dug her fingers into his long hair and pulled until his mouth released her nipple and he looked up at her.

  Words failed her and she stared at him helplessly.

  "Tell me what you want." He breathed roughly, her interruption of his enjoyment costing him pleasurable pain. Catherine thought. So many things she wanted to experience with him, but what? What did she tell him? What did she want at this moment?

  "What?" He ceased all movement and waited.

  Her hands dropped from his hair, she moaned and shut her eyes, giving voice to her desire. "Touch me, Lucian, Lord, but I need you to touch me."

  He eased her legs apart, stroking her flesh, stoking the fire that he had kindled with each teasing touch.

  He brushed his mouth over hers and felt the spark of passion so intense that it stilled him for a moment. Then he resumed, intending to make this night, their first, last forever.

  "I'm going to enter you, angel, slow and sweet. Wrap yourself around me. Let me know that you want me."

  His words fired her soul and his touch —

  Her deep, erotic moan filled the cabin.

  "That's it," he encouraged. "Feel me. Enjoy me."

  Insane. His touch drove her to near insanity. Nothing had prepared her for such exquisite torment.

  "Tighten around me. Let me know you want me inside you." He felt her warm moistness wrap around him, engulf him, and he almost cried out at the thought of burying himself so snugly within her.

  Catherine felt breathless and on fire, her flesh sensitive and quivering, alive and aching. "I never thought —" She stopped, her breath and Lucian's intimate strokes making it difficult to continue.

  "You haven't tasted it all yet, angel. Wait," he whispered, and lowered his head to her belly, his tongue painting intricate swirls and paths as he descended to where his fingers teased her.

  In her innocence she had learned much and knew exactly what he intended. She braced herself, but nothing prepared her for the jolt of sheer pleasure when his tongue caressed the tiny bud that flamed her soul.

  She cried out, grasping the edge of the pillows, biting her lower lip, curling her toes against the strange and beautiful sensation that consumed her body.

  "Come on, angel," he urged. "I want to feel your first climax against my lips."

  His words were the devil's own. She should have been embarrassed, should have blushed at his audacity. But instead she surrendered to his talents and felt herself rise, soar, fly higher than the sun itself and then burst like a radiating star and scatter in sparks back to the earth.

  Lucian felt her convulse against his lips. The mere thought that this was her first climactic experience hardened his loins beyond pain, beyond agony.

  Time. Patience. He warned himself. Tonight she would be his. Over and over and over.

  He moved to rest full-length beside her, taking her in his arms while her breathing eased and her body relaxed. He caressed her arm, kissed her forehead. "You taste like the sea, fresh, tangy, and delicious.

  Catherine snuggled against him to hide her embarrassment, tucking her head beneath his chin so he couldn't see her heated cheeks. Wondering why he had stopped from satisfying himself, blessing Bonnie for having described so explicitly the joys of lovemaking. And praying Lucian intended to continue.

  Her prayer was soon answered.

  His hands roamed past her arm to her naked bottom. He stroked, he squeezed, and he patted her soft flesh. "I want more of you, angel."

  She bravely lifted her head to look at him. "And I want more of you, Lucian."

  He needed no more encouragement, his mouth dropped to hers. Where before he had been gentle, introducing her to new delights, now he kissed her savagely. He demanded and took from her, but in return he ignited a passion that this time would not be easily extinguished.

  His one hand caught in her hair, tightening around the silver strands, his other hand slipped around her waist and in an instant she lay flat beneath him. His powerful, muscled body covered hers.

  He pulled away from her mouth. "Damn, but I love the taste of you."

  He settled his mouth over her nipple and Catherine threaded her fingers in his hair. She never wanted him to stop tasting her. She wanted him to feast and enjoy. She wanted this ple
asurable torment to last forever.

  He attempted to give her her wish. Wherever his lips touched he lingered, treating her to the most exquisite tortures. She moaned, cried out, begged, and still he lingered.

  She moved impatiently beneath him, against him, her hands roaming his body exulting in his strength and power. She was beyond reason, beyond insanity; she had sunk into the very depths of madness.

  "Do you want me, angel?" His voice was ragged, his breathing heavy. He gave her no chance to respond, he continued on. "Me. Do you want me?"

  She understood his urgency. Understood what he needed to hear. What she needed to say. "I want you, Lucian, only you."

  He held himself above her and stared down at her, his eyes narrowed, his thoughts serious. "There is only you and me at this moment. Only you and me."

  Her arms reached up and circled his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers to steal a much-needed kiss.

  He rested his forehead against hers, kissed her nose, her cheek while his hand reached down and gently eased her legs apart. "Bloody hell, but I hate the thought of hurting you."

  Catherine attempted to reassure him. "It's all right. Bonnie explained it all to me and warned me to pay it no mind."

  "Bonnie?" he questioned, and lost all reason when he slipped a finger inside her. Finding her more than ready his body responded with an unbearable ache. Sanity eluded him.

  He lifted himself to his knees and eased his shaft to her entrance; gently he probed her, gently urged inward, her liquid heat closing around him, encompassing him, cradling him.

  Catherine grasped the edge of the pillows, tossed her head, moaned and closed her eyes.

  "Not this time, angel. This time I want you looking at me."

  Her eyes widened. She couldn't. She just couldn't.

  "Don't dare," he commanded. "Keep your eyes open and focused on me."

  "I —"

  "Will obey me." He smiled and slid farther inside her.

  Her eyes fluttered.


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