Book Read Free

Me & Mr Write (Mr Write Trilogy)

Page 4

by Cassandra P Lewis

  “Sash…” I protest,

  “I know I know, you’re engaged! You can’t blame a girl for trying Jackson” she smiles and I relax a little, I can resist “Go on then Jamo, get us a beer!”

  As I head into the kitchen I can’t help but see through the window as Sasha strips down to the bikini that she has been wearing under her clothes. I notice that she’s curvier than I’ve ever seen her before, but all I can really think of is Rosie, ‘It’s ok Jackson, she’s just a friend’ I tell myself and head back out to the garden.

  By the time Steve and Annie return home with his parents Sasha and I have had a good couple of hours to catch up. She’s told me about a guy she was seeing but that she doesn’t see it going anywhere, and all about her new job as an event organiser. I’ve told her all about Rosie and she seemed sincere when she said how happy she was that I’ve met someone that can finally make me give up my bachelor ways.

  “Sasha! Hello gorgeous!” Steve gives Sasha a bear hug and picks her up to spin her around. Laughing he pulls her away to introduce her to Annie while his parents sit at the table with me. His dad looks thankful for some shade and the cold beer I’ve just placed in front of him,

  “So Jackson, we hear you’ve been tamed?” Steve’s Mum worries about me more than he does, so the news of my engagement was a huge relief to her, “It’s a shame she couldn’t come with you, I’m dying to meet the woman that’s got you on your knees” she winks and smiles at me and I laugh,

  “She’ll be in Devon Kath, you’ll love her” I smile back just as Steve, Annie and Sasha head back out of the house. We’re having a BBQ and a few drinks and I feel relaxed, I’m in great company, with good friends, the only thing missing is the woman I love. I send Rosie a text, ‘BBQ at Steve’s tonight, I’ll try calling you tomorrow, about 7pm your time. Love you xxx’

  I’ve had a great evening and feel that I’ve turned a corner with Sasha. I’m not even tempted when she hints about being all alone in the next room and instead head to bed alone.

  My phone is flashing on the bedside table; it’s a text from Rosie, ‘I have a dinner thing gorgeous. Saturday? same time? x”

  I’m a little disappointed, I’ve been here four days and we keep missing each other, all we’ve managed so far is a few texts here and there. It’s only going to get worse come Monday when she starts her tour.

  I look at the clock and consider calling her now, but realise it’ll be about ten am in England and she’ll more than likely be right in the middle of working, so I text back instead,

  ‘Ok baby, I miss you x’

  I am exhausted, I’ve only been on my book tour for four days but it’s been none stop. To make it worse, I’ve hardly managed to speak to Jackson at all and I miss him so much. We have been able to text and he’s emailed me a couple of times to see how things are going, but we’ve both been so busy. Him with the wedding and me being Francesca’s puppet, we’ve only actually managed one ten minute phone call. It’s bad enough not being able to see or touch him, but to not even hear his voice is torture.

  The tour is going really well though and I got into Liverpool this morning. Pippa is en route to join me and we’re going to out for some dinner and a catch up this evening, I can’t wait.

  “Hey you sexy bitch, missed ya!” Pip calls out as she runs from the train to hug me,

  “Oh my god I’m so happy to see you!” I hug my best friend and she looks me in the eyes,

  “Missing him?” I just nod and stick out my bottom lip pitifully, “Come on you, I need a burger and a glass of vino” she hooks her arm in mine and pulling her travel case along behind her as we leave Lime Street Station in search of a bar.

  Over dinner Pip and I catch up on how the tour has gone, a new contract she’s just landed and about how much I miss Jackson and can’t wait to see him, and how much I love him, and how happy he makes me…I’m even boring myself but I don’t seem to be able to stop the words rolling off my tongue, over and over again.

  “So, Rosetta, when you’ve finished whimpering about your perfect man” Pippa rolls her eyes playfully and I laugh, “I have news!” she places her palms down on the table like she is bracing to tell me something serious, “I have a boyfriend”

  “What?” In over two decades of friendship, I have actually never heard those words from her before, “Like a serious, monogamous, relationship?” I cannot hide my smile,

  “Yes, well not serious. Not yet anyway, it’s very new…but I like him a lot, and he came to visit me last week and said he wants to give it a real go. The distance sucks a bit though” She looks up at me and blushes, I’m confused,

  “Distance? Where does he live then?” I question,

  “Buxton” She smiles and I realise,

  “BEN? Oh my god Pip, that’s awesome, I love Ben!” I’m over the moon, Pippa has never had a real relationship and I always worried that when she did, it would be with completely the wrong guy, but Ben is an absolute sweetheart and he’s gorgeous.

  “Well hands off, you’ve got you own. I’m happy RoRo, I think we’ll be good together” she smiles, the girliest shyest smile that I’ve ever seen from her and I’m overjoyed,

  “Me too babe, I’m really pleased for you!

  We’re staying at the Hotel Indigo, it’s a trendy new hotel in central Liverpool and I absolutely love it. It’s more contemporary than I usually go for, being a hopeless romantic I’m usually a country house kind of girl but this place is great and the staff are fantastic. Pip of course loves the clean lines and bright colours used all over the hotel and is like an excited small child by the time we make it to our room,

  “Oh Rosie, I love this place, well done you!” she is impressed,

  “Well done Gold Square Pip, I didn’t book it!” I flop down onto my bed and Pip jumps on next to me,

  “Come on, let’s get dolled up and go out!” she smiles excitedly and I can’t help but laugh at her childish enthusiasm,

  “As you wish Carvalho! Shotgun having a shower first though” I jump up and quickly run into the bathroom closing the door behind me as Pippa protests that she has longer hair than me so needs more time, I giggle, it feels great to have my best friend by my side again.

  Pip and I head out into Liverpool, dressed to the nines and ready to party. The people here just seem to want to have a good time and the mood is infectious. We bump into a male model that Pippa knows and he invites us to join him and his friends at a club called Playground, and playground it is!

  Pippa fits in perfectly with the models, footballers and soap stars but I feel awkward and strange amongst all of these perfect people. I have always felt awkward around really beautiful people, even Rafe and Pip. I know I’m not ugly but I was a tomboy when I was younger and as I got older my hair got wilder and I think I stopped growing years before I should have. Despite being petite I feel lanky and gawky and just learned to sink into the shadows. Since I met Jackson, my confidence has started to rise slowly but surely. He tells me every day that I’m beautiful and sexy, he loves that I’m small enough to pick up and carry to the bedroom and I know that I turn him on, he’s a walking erection most of the time that we’re together, but years of Michael putting me down have had an effect, and now being surrounded by these people that look like they have been photo shopped it’s intimidating. I decide to try and let go and Pip and I head to the dance floor.

  After a couple of hours of trying to appear like im enjoying myself, Pip being Pip takes me by the arm and leads me out of the club,

  “Sorry RoRo, I could see you felt uncomfortable in there!” She apologises and starts to walk, pulling me with her by our linked arms,

  “Everyone in there is just so…perfect Pip, I just felt a bit weird” I feel guilty for making her feel that she had to leave when she was having such a great time, she stops and laughs,

  “Rosetta, that place and those people…that was far from perfect! Perfect is you, me and the hotel bar. Come on Honey, let’s go!”

  I’m surprised
as we head back toward the hotel; Pip wasn’t enjoying herself as much as I thought she was...she really has changed.

  We get back to the hotel and head for the bar, Pip orders a bottle of wine and we grab a table by the window. She spends a couple of hours catching me up on details about Ben Long that I really shouldn’t know but am glad that I do, and I can’t help but feel excited for the future. Pip, Rafe and I were the three musketeers for so long, but now we’re all growing up and settling down and I wonder what’s around the corner for us all. What I do know is that we’ll all be facing it together.

  After a great evening Pip and I are ready for bed, more than slightly intoxicated, happy and both completely loved up.

  “Ring him” Pip tries to encourage me to call Jackson,

  “Pip, it’s about six in the morning in Thailand, he’ll kill me” I giggle in my drunken state,

  “Nah, he’s the other side of the world, he can’t reach! Ring him!” She throws my phone onto the bed and I notice that it’s already calling him,


  “Hello” I hear Jackson’s voice muffled through the phone and pick it up,

  “Hey baby. Sorry it’s late, I mean early! Sorry” I feel terrible for waking him but giddy knowing that he’s on the other end of the phone,

  “Rosie, is everything ok? You’re up late for a school night” the sound of his voice is heaven,

  “Pip’s here, we had a few drinks and I just missed you so… sorry for waking you” I’m embarrassed,

  “You didn’t Alvez. You know me, I’m an early bird. It’s so good to hear your voice. I miss you like crazy” I bite my lip, he misses me

  “Me too, it’s been hell not speaking to you” there’s a pause as we both take a moment to appreciate that we’re actually talking, “Hey guess what, Pippa’s got a boyfriend!” Pippa throws a pillow at me to try and shut me up but Jackson has already heard me loud and clear, I’m giggling as he responds,

  “Really, who’s the lucky bloke? Anyone I know?” he questions,

  “Yes actually, but we’ll catch up on that when you’re home. How are the wedding plans coming along? All ready for tomorrow?” I feel myself sobering by the minute as I talk to him,

  “Yeah it’s all go, Steve is like a kid at Christmas; Annie has gone to her parents’ house now. I’m looking forward to it, partly because the sooner it’s over the sooner I can get back to you” he says quietly, I guess it’s just in case Steve hears him,

  “Jackson, do you want coffee?” I hear the voice of an English woman call to him and my heart sinks, why is there a woman asking him about coffee at six in the morning?

  “Rosie that’s Sasha, she’s a friend!” he explains without being asked, “You have nothing to worry about,”

  His words do put me at ease but being so far away from him is hard. I am so tired and as much as I don’t want to, I have to say goodnight and get some sleep,

  “Ok babe I trust you. Listen, I'm exhausted so I'm going to go. Let me know how tomorrow goes”

  “Ok sweetie, I will. Get some sleep, I love you”

  “I love you too Jackson, I miss you”

  “Me too beautiful, speak soon”

  We hang up and I look over to a version of Pippa that I have never seen before, one that is smiling at her phone like a teenage girl.

  I am struggling to keep my eyes open now so quickly change into some pyjamas and climb into bed, Pippa is in the middle of a text conversation with her new man and the thought makes me smile as my head hits the pillow and I give in to the tiredness.


  The wedding day is finally here. It’s an early start as we had to be at Annie’s parents’ house for seven am for the arrival of the monks that are coming to bless the happy couple, Rosie’s wakeup call helped!

  The Thai wedding is full of traditions to uphold and Steve wants to make sure that it’s perfect for Annie, she’s dreamt of this day since she was a little girl.

  The monks chant and say prayers before placing a lit candle in a bowl of water. Steve, Annie and their guests all then offer food to the monks and we leave the room to allow them to eat. After their meal, the monks begin their chants again and a senior monk blesses us all with holy water. After the blessing, Steve, Sasha, his parents and I leave Annie’s parents’ house to go back to Steve’s and prepare for the khan maak procession.

  “How you doing bud?” I ask Steve while we change into traditional Thai suits ready for the procession,

  “I’m good, we’ve been waiting for this day for a long time so it’s exciting that it’s finally here” Steve seems nervous behind the happiness that he is projecting and I suspect it’s because of the pressure of making sure he gets everything right,

  “You’re doing great mate, I’m happy for you” I pat him on the shoulder to reassure him just as Sasha leans around the door to Steve’s room and wolf whistles,

  “Wow, check you two out! Come on then, let’s get this show on the road”

  The procession is a fun, happy tradition with musicians playing long instruments like trombones and dancing all of the way to Annie’s parent’s house. Once we arrive at the house, women from Annie’s family block the way with gold and silver ribbons, meant to symbolise gates. Steve has to negotiate his way through the gates by offering money in envelopes as a key.

  Annie’s relatives certainly make it difficult for him, joking that he’s not offering enough money to convince them to open the gates. Everyone is laughing and teasing Steve and there is so much happiness in the air you can almost touch it.

  Once the gates are successfully negotiated, Steve’s family present gifts to Annie’s family, including banana and sugar plants as these traditionally represent fertility, and food is offered and laid out for dead ancestors.

  The next part of the wedding ceremony is conducted by a senior elder of Annie’s family; Steve and Annie wear traditional Thai clothing and kneel down. They ‘wai’ as white cord is used to link their heads together, this is meant to link together their destinies. Water is poured by the elder and then the guests from a conch shell over the hands of Steve and Annie with bowls of flowers underneath the hands to catch the water.

  After all of the tradition of the day, I am looking forward to the informal evening that Annie has planned. Instead of a formal dinner, the newlyweds have closed Presley’s to the public and we have a buffet of Thai food, an open bar and karaoke!

  “Fancy a dance then James” Sasha sits next to me at the bar. I’ve been watching Steve and Annie dancing while various members of their families sing songs dedicated to the newlyweds, I realise as she speaks that I have a stupid grin on my face,

  “Yeah ok Sash, why not”

  I walk to the dance floor with Sasha and Steve eyes me warily. I shake my head to let him know that I’m not going to do anything stupid as Sasha takes my hands and we start to dance to Kath’s rendition of ‘Club Tropicana.’

  I’m having a fantastic time! everyone is laughing and singing, the drinks are flowing and my best friend is the happiest that I have ever seen him. I can’t help but think about what my wedding to Rosie will be like and the thought excites me, I decide to go outside to try and call her.

  As I step outside of Presley’s I’m met by the sight of an extremely drunk Sasha throwing up into a plant pot,

  “Sash, Jesus. Come on, you need water” I take Sasha’s arm and start to lead her back to Presley’s when she stops me,

  “No Jackson, I just want to go to bed. Will you help me get home?”

  I look at her for a moment. I can’t let her go alone in this state but I’m not ready to leave the wedding and don’t think that Sasha and I should be alone together when we’ve both been drinking. I tell her to sit and head back inside to find Steve,

  “Mate, Sasha’s wasted. I’m gonna take her back and put her to bed. Is that ok?” I ask Steve as he watches his new wife dancing with his Dad,

  “Jackson, do you think that’s wise?” he looks me in the eyes, still
concerned that I’m going to mess things up with Rosie,

  “Steve, she can hardly stand up. I can’t let her go alone. It’s fine, I’m not stupid” he shrugs his shoulders and hands me the keys to his house. I head back outside to Sasha and call a tuk tuk over.

  Back at the house I tell Sasha to go and get into bed and that I’ll bring her some water but when I walk into her room she has sobered up loads and is standing waiting for me, completely naked,

  “Sash, put some clothes on” I look away to allow her to cover up,

  “Jackson come off it, there’s no way you would come back with me if this isn’t what you wanted” She steps toward me and I step back,

  “No Sasha, I don’t want this. I’m getting married you know that!” I turn and leave the room, part of me worries that if I stay too long I won’t be able to stop myself,

  “Jackson, you’re not the marrying type! Think about that and when you’re ready to admit it, you know where I am” Sasha calls after me as I head back downstairs and I hear her door slam, she never was good with rejection.

  I decide to leave Sasha and head back to the wedding. I see the look of relief in Steve’s eyes when I walk back into the bar and when he hugs me, I feel that same relief myself, I did it.

  Annie takes a photo of Steve and I on my phone and I send it to Rosie with a text,

  ‘I’ll be with you soon beautiful x’

  By the time we get back to the house I am seeing double of pretty much everything. I have no idea what the time is and just need to collapse and get some sleep.

  In my room I strip my clothes off and flop onto the bed, I know that I should cover up in case Steve’s mum or anyone comes into my room by mistake, but I’m not in control of my limbs. I’m dog tired and pissed as a fart…

  I feel Rosie’s hands slide up my thighs and the soft kiss of her lips on my stomach; I am hard in an instant, begging for her touch, her kiss. She obliges and takes me in her mouth, all of me. I moan as she licks and sucks but then she stops and moves to straddle me. Her hands pin my forearms to the bed as she positions herself above me and plunges down, taking me deep inside her. It feels amazing as she rides up and down and I need to feel her, see her. I open my eyes…


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