Clinton, Hillary
Code Breakers (Arkin)
Colby, William
Cole, Juan
“Collateral Murder” (video)
Comey, James
Commentary (Schoenfeld)
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
communications intelligence (COMINT)
Community of Interest collection
Comprehensive National Cyberspace Initiative (CNCI)
Confidential classification level. See also classified information
conspiracy theories
Area 51
atomic bomb
Bay of Pigs
Kennedy assassination
Pearl Harbor
public opinion and
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
“stovepiping of information” and
Vietnam War
Continuity of Government (COG)
Coppolino, Anthony
Corson, William
Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO)
Craig, Greg
credible threat, defined
Cross Functional Teams
Crowley, P. J.
quantum computing and (See also cyber security)
skill of cryptographers
Yardley and
See also National Security Agency (NSA)
cyber security
classification status of
commercial Internet traffic and
cyber warfare
national security and
quantum computing and
tech neutrality and
Dailey, Dell
Daley, William
data mining, defined. See also National Security Agency (NSA)
Davis, Gray
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Defense Cover Program
Defense Industrial Base (DIB), defined
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Defense Mobilization Programs Support Activity
Defense Programs Activity Office
Deitz, Robert
Delta Force
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Desired Ground Zeroes (DGZ)
Deutch, John
Dinh, Viet
director of national intelligence (DNI)
Clapper on intelligence leaks
FOIA and
intelligence budget (2013) and
NSA and
overclassification problem and
Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance and
WikiLeaks and
domestic surveillance
CIA role (1970s)
executive power and
NSA and
Operation Shamrock
Drake, Thomas
drone warfare
Area 51 tests of
classified information categories
interagency competition and
Obama on
Operation Neptune’s Spear
state secrets privilege
Dulles, Allen
Einstein 3
Eisenberg, Jon
Eisenhower, Dwight
Electronic Crimes and Privacy Act (ECPA)
electronic intelligence (ELINT), defined
elliptical curve cryptography
Ellis, T. S.
Emanuel, Rahm
Espionage Act
executive power
Article II, U.S. Constitution
Department of Justice on
domestic surveillance
See also individual names of U.S. presidents
Faulk, David Murfee
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
conspiracy theories and
Continuity of Government program
cyber security and
domestic surveillance and
Eisenhower and
informants and special agents of, defined
McChrystal and
New York Police Department and
NSA and
open source security breaches
Posse Comitatus Act and
protected speech
terrorist threat assessment
Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
Fedonchick, Mike
Feinstein, Dianne
Fiel, Eric
Fingar, Thomas
First Amendment rights
1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. See Delta Force
Fitzgerald, Patrick
Flynn, Michael
Focal Point (FP)
Ford, Gerald
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Foreign Emergency Support Team
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
Amendments Act of 2008
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)
NSA and
state secrets privilege and
Foreign Material Exploitation (FME) Tactical Material Exploitation missions
Foreign Policy (Deutch)
Forrestal, James
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
(b)(3) exemption
JSOC and
process of
state secrets privilege and
Gale, James
Gates, Robert
Gellman, Barton
George Washington University
“Getting in Bed with Robin Sage” (Ryan)
Glaspie, April
Goldsmith, Jack
Gompert, David
Gonzales, Alberto
Gore, Al
Gorman, Sean
Gorman, Shawn (Primoris Era)
Goss, Porter
Gourley, Bob
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
Graham, Bob
Grannis, David
Grinda Gonzalez, José “Pepe”
Ground Applications Program Office (GAPO)
Groves, Leslie
Guardian (London)
Guidry, Roland
Gulf War (1991)
Gup, Ted
Hadley, Stephen
Hagin, Joseph W.
Halpern, Samuel
Hamilton, John W.
Haney, Eric
Haramain Islamic Charity Foundation, Al-
Harethi, Qaed Salim Sinan, al-
Hathaway, Melissa
Hayden, Michael
Haynes, William
Helms, Richard
Hersh, Seymour
Hibbeln, Brian
Hitz, Frederick
Holder, Eric
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hosty, James
Hughes-Ryan Act
Hull, Edmund
Human Intelligence Control System (HCS)
Hussein, Qusay
Hussein, Saddam
Hussein, Uday
imagery intelligence (IMINT)
Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
Intelligence Crisis Action Center (ICAC)
Intelligence Science Board
International Security Assistance Force
International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)
cyber warfare
“kill switch” (See also cyber security)
NSA surveillance of (See also National Security Age
ncy (NSA))
open source websites and security breaches
social media
traditional press and
interrogation practices
domestic surveillance and
Eisenhower and
Iraq War and
WikiLeaks investigation of
Desert One
partisan transparency and nuclear weapon program of
Secret Service incident
Stuxnet and
WikiLeaks on
Iraq War
“Collateral Murder” (video)
detainee abuse
interrogation practices during
Iraqi judges
JSOC and
partisan transparency and Iraq nuclear weapon program
social media used by soldiers
Wilson editorial
Area 51 and
intelligence about al-Qaeda and
partisan transparency and
Stuxnet and
Jane’s Defense Weekly
Janet Airlines
Pearl Harbor conspiracy theories and
press and confidential information
Jefferson, Thomas
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center
Johnson, Lyndon
Joint Interagency Counter-Terrorism Task Force
Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland
Joint Reconnaissance Task Force (JTRF)
Jong-il, Kim
Kanuck, Sean
Kaspersky Lab
Keller, Bill
Kelly, Ray
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerry, John
Keuch, Robert
Khan, Abdul Qadeer
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kinsley, Michael
Kissinger, Henry
Kleinman, Steven
Koenig, John M.
Kris, David
LaGrone, Sam
Lamb, Christopher
Landau, Susan
Lee, Wen Ho
Leiter, Mike
Leonard, Bill
Letter, Doug
Levi, Edward
Levin, Daniel
Lewis, James
Lichtblau, Eric
Lockheed Martin
Lynn, William
Madison, James
Malvesti, Michele
Mamlouk, Ali
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
Manning, Bradley
Marcinko, Dick
Martinez, Anthony
Masri, Khalid, al-
Masri, Khalid, El-
McCarran International Airport
McChrystal, Stanley
McConnell, Mike
McDonough, Denis
McGraw, Ken
McMaster, H. R.
McRaven, William
media. See press
Medvedev, Dmitry
metadata, defined
Military Intelligence, Section Number 8 (MI-8)
military liaison elements (MLEs)
Mills v. Alabama
Miqdad, Faisal, al-
Missile Defense Agency
Mohamed, Binyan
Mohamed et al. v. Jeppesen Dataplan
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
Mohamud, Mohamed Osman
Monroe, Christopher
Morigi, Wendy
Morrell, Michael
Mount Weather (bunker)
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Mueller, Robert
Mullen, Michael
Munsing, Evan
National Declassification Center
National Defense Area
National Defense University
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)
National Intelligence Officers (NIOs)
National Programs Office
National Reconnaissance Office
National Research Council
National Security Act of 1947
National Security Agency (NSA)
CIA/NSA Special Collection Service teams
classified information categories (See also classified information)
collection process of
cyber security issues
description of
domestic surveillance and
e-mail intercepted by
executive powers and
FISA and
Al-Haramain case
Information Security Assessment Methodology
metadata, defined
New York Times article about
Operation Neptune’s Spear
Special Collection Service
technology of
Terrorist Surveillance Program
Vietnam War and
warrants (See also Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA))
WikiLeaks and
Yardley and
National Security Archive, George Washington University
National Security Council
on cyber security
FOIA and
Intelligence Directive 9
name of
“necessary secrecy” and
Operation Neptune’s Spear
National Security Counselors
National Security Letters (NSLs)
Natsios, Deborah
Naylor, Sean
Necessary Secrets (Schoenfeld)
New York
New Yorker
New York Police Department
New York Times
on CIA
on “Collateral Murder” (video)
Eisenhower and
on Internet issues
on NSA
on Stuxnet
on Total Information Awareness
on WikiLeaks releases
Wilson editorial
Nikel, Rolf
Nixon, Richard
Northrup Grumman
Not a Good Day to Die (Naylor)
nuclear weapons
Area 51 testing of
classified information categories
of Pakistan
partisan transparency and
Protection Level One
Obama, Barack
cyber security policy
on declassification issues
Iran policy
JSOC and
National Intelligence Officers and
National Security Council and
open source security breaches
Operation Neptune’s Spear
Pakistan drone agreement and
on state secrets privilege
WikiLeaks and
Office of Censorship
Office of Intelligence Policy and Review
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC)
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Office of Strategic Services
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD/SCO)
Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR)
Open Skies Treaty
open source websites, used by civilians. See also social media
Operation Eagle Claw
Operation Neptune’s Spear
cyber security
events of
JSOC role
“necessary secrecy” of
planning of
as special access program
Operation Peninsula Strike
Operation Shamrock
Oswald, Lee Harvey
Other Intelligence Activities (OIAs)
Owen, Michael
Paglen, Trevor
drone warfare and
NSA and
U.S. state secrets privilege and
on U.S. drone program
WikiLeaks on
Panetta, Leon
partisan transparency
“Gang of Eight”
Iran and nuclear weapon program
Iraq War and Iraq nuclear weapon program
Kennedy and “missile gap”
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and
Syria and nuclear weapon program
Patterson, Anne W.
Pelosi, Nancy
Petraeus, David
Pike, John
Plame, Valerie
Podesta, John
Poindexter, John
polygraph tests
Posse Comitatus Act
Powell, Colin
Powers, Gary
Presidential Protective Detail (PPD), U.S. Secret Service
President’s Daily Brief
executive branch relationship to (See also individual names of U.S. presidents)
First Amendment rights and
journalism ethics and
NSA relationship to
overclassification problem and
See also individual names of correspondents; individual names of media outlets
Priest, Dana
Primoris Era (Shawn Gorman)
Protection Level One
Public Eye (Federation of American Scientists)
Public Interest Declassification Board
Putin, Vladimir
Puzzle Palace, The (Bamford)
Qaeda, al-
Clinton and
cyber security and
Davis on
Al-Haramain case
JSOC and
NSA surveillance of
Panetta and
Al Qaeda Network Exord
Saudi intelligence and
Terrorist Surveillance Program
See also Afghanistan War; Iraq War; Operation Neptune’s Spear; September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
quantum computing
Radio Communications Act (1934)
radio frequency identification (RFID)
Raven, Frank
Rice, Condoleeza
Richelson, Jeffrey T.
Risen, James
Rizzo, John
Robinson, Chuck
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rogers, Mike
Rosen, Jeffrey
Rosenberg, Ethel
Rosenberg, Julius
RQ-170 Sentinel drone
RSA public key
Rumsfeld, Donald
Area 51 and
cyber security and
cyber warfare and
WikiLeaks on
See also Soviet Union
Ryan, Thomas
Saltonstall, Leverett
“Salt Pit” (Afghanistan)
Sandia Corporation
Sanger, David
SANS Institute
satellite imagery
of Area 51
FOIA and
Saudi Arabia
Al-Haramain case
al-Qaeda interception by
WikiLeaks on
Schanzer, David
Scheuer, Michael
Schmidle, Nicholas
Schmidt, Howard
Schmitt, Eric
Schoenfeld, Gabriel
Schroeder, Mary M.
Deep State Page 38