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She Fell in love with a Thug: Deuce & Italy

Page 5

by Anjela Day

“Come on Nya lets go to bed!” my dad ordered, forcing a screwed face to form on my mother’s brow.

  “Who are you baby?” my mother asked Italy. She just stared back at my mother like a stray puppy. “Well do you have a name?”

  “Venice,” Italy whispered.

  “Venice, really?”

  “Yes Mrs. Alton,” Italy said damn near shaking. All I could do is look to my father who was leaned up against the wall watching.

  “My name is Marks, not Alton!” My mother said looking to my father for a rebuttal “Your mother have any idea where you are Venice?”

  “No, Ma’am”

  “Come on ma’ don't do this,” I pleaded with her feeling bad for Italy.

  “I told yo’ ass to get dressed!” My mom yelled at me, and again I looked to my dad.

  “Since it’s 11 p.m., I won’t make you go home, but y’all not gon’ be fucking in my house again. Sacario get her toothbrush, and rags, something to sleep in, and take her to the guestroom. I will take you home in the morning,” my mother spoke freely.

  “Deuce, do as yo’ mother say’s! Mrs. Alton, lets go to bed! NOW.” My father finally took charge and grabbed my mother her waist and guided her to the door.

  “Do not fuckin’ touch me Sacario! As for you; trust I want her in the guest room when I make fuckin’ rounds.” my mother ordered.

  “Fuck you talking to man? Get ya’ ass in the room!” my father said and forcefully pulled my mother out of the room and slammed the door.

  Venice jumped out of bed put on the boxers and t-shirt I had given her. I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Man you good. My pops will deal with my mom. She just got this thing about me always being her baby. Come on lay back down,” I told Italy as I pulled at her waist.

  “No, I got to go,” she whined.


  “Yo’ mom said—”

  “She said take you to the guest room. You really want to sleep in the guest room?”

  “No, but…”

  “Alright if you really think that way, I will stay in the guest room.”

  I handed her the TV remote, grabbed my pillow, and walked down to guest room. I lay in the bed looking at the wall thinking how good Italy’s pussy felt. I would never tell her that I had been with other girls, but never without a condom, and never had I felt anything that good. I put my hands over my face and sighed. Fuck I took the condom off. I closed my eyes and heard the door open.

  “Ma’ she in my room.” The door closed and I could feel a warm touch on my stomach. “Um, what you are doing in here?”

  “I couldn’t sleep”

  “Why not?”

  “I don't know I guess I miss yo’ touch”

  I pulled her shorts down and slid my fingers back inside her warm pussy, feeling it instantly juice up for me.

  “Um baby.” I crawled on top of her and slid my pipe in. She whined for a few minutes before she let me go deep. Nonetheless, Italy took the dick like a pro.

  “This is my shit bae! Don't let nobody else in it, ok?” I said going deep. I didn't even realize how hard I was going until she began to cry.

  “You hear me? ”

  “Yes,” she cried as she raised her hips to meet my dick. I slid my tongue in her mouth.

  “I love you Sacario, I love you,” she cried as I bust all in her pussy.

  I pulled her on my chest and kissed her forehead.

  “Did I do good baby?”

  I kissed her face and ran my hands through her hair as we fell asleep.


  It had been just over a week, and I still had to hear my mother bitch and moan about knocking some little fast tail girl up. I needed down time. I went in my room and called my nigga Jay.

  “So, nigga, yes she was a virgin,” I said before he says hello.

  “Who light skin?”

  “Her name is Venice; yeah her.”

  “You Hit?”

  “Dis nigga just asked did I hit! Nigga what’s my name!” I joked.

  “Nigga, I’m bout to swing by and scoop you and smoke an el”

  “Yo’ nigga, give me an hour,” Jay said as we ended the call.

  I was fucked up. I thought if I hit it that I could just walk away like I did with other hoes, but it was somethin about Venice. I couldn’t get that girl out my head. I had ignored her calls, because damn I think I really was in love with her.

  I swooped by and picked my nigga Jay up. We rode around listening to Jezzy before I pulled up at the store to get a swisher. Outside three chicks was standing around talking to my nigga Ray-Ray, he had his arms around one of their waist and was talking mad shit. Jay got out behind me, and we walked in the store.

  “Yo nigga that’s yo’ girl?” I was mad this nigga was stating the obvious. I sucked my teeth and walked into the store. I grabbed me a swisher and two bottles of juice I walked out and stood next to Ray-Ray and Venice.

  “What up my nigga Ray?

  “What up Deuce?”

  “What up Italy?”

  “Hey Deuce,” she said with a smirk, and then turned to hug Ray-Ray. I don’t know why that pissed me off because she was nothing but a fuckin rat, butit still had my blood boiling.

  “That’s how you act?”

  “I don't know is that how you act?” she asked. Bitch get some dick in em’ and mouth gets real slick! I thought to myself.

  “Yo’ Ray, you fucking my girl?” he stepped back and released her waist.

  “Nah nigga, I didn't know that she was yo’ girl.” Ray-Ray protested with both hands in the air. “Nah dog we not fucking,” Ray-Ray rambled on.

  “I’m not his girl,” Venice said like the sound of my name disgusted her. I grabbed her arm and pulled her over to my truck.

  “What you mad at me ma?” I ran my hand over her face and pushed her hair behind her ear.

  “Nope, you got what you wanted. ”

  “Man I told you, you are what I wanted.” I rested my forehead on hers and ran my hands down her back. “You gone spend the night with me tonight?”

  She rested her head on my chest and started to cry.

  “Man get in the car!” I opened the door, and she stepped in. “Um ma, you look so cute, you should come spend the night with me.” I kissed her neck and started to lift her shirt.

  “No Sacario, because you haven’t even taken my calls.”

  “Man my mom’s had me on lock down. She found the condom in my room. She wants to meet you.”

  “I can’t!” she said as she shook her head uncontrollably.

  “Yes you can and you can stay the night. We can talk about us,” I told her and her eyes lit up.

  “I’ll call you,” she said trying to sound like she didn’t give a fuck.

  “Man, I’ll be at yo’ girl’s house at 7:00. If you not there— just be there IT.”

  I kissed her lips and got out the car. I helped her down and then looked at her home girls as they stood by watching to see what she was doing. I went in my pocket and peeled off a rack and handed it to her.

  “Go shopping. Buy yourself something fitting of a boss’ girl,” I told her making sure all of those hoes, knew who the fuck she was. MINE!

  “I smacked her ass and sent her on her way.”

  “Nigga, what you get yo self into? Yo momma hate that fuckin girl.”

  Nigga, after tonight, she won’t.” I smoked a blunt with my nigga and tried to figure out how I was gon’ to talk my mother into having a dinner for Italy. I dropped Jay off and drove home.

  I walked in the house and went straight to the kitchen where I knew my mother would be. I was her baby boy, and I knew that it was nothing she wouldn’t do for me.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  “Hi Sacario.”

  “Awe Mommy, what's wrong?”

  “Boy, what do you want? I know it’s something”

  “Ma’ why you like that? I just missed my momma.”

  “And?” my mother said with her hands on her hips.

  “Ma’ I do
n't want nothing.”

  “Shid, what is it boy?”

  “Ok, so the girl that was in my room,” I started and she crossed her arms over her breast and sucked her teeth.

  “What about her? Is she pregnant?” my mother asked and shifted her eyes from me to the stove.

  “Man ma, I really like her and she mad at me and I really--”

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “I invited her over and I was hoping you could cook and stuff?” I flashed my smile that I knew my mother couldn’t resist.

  “What time?”

  “I love you mommy and 7:00 p.m. mommy! Oh and be good ma’! I like her.”

  I ran upstairs, took a shower, and got dressed like a nervous child. I was hella fly, but nervous. I walked out the door to go get Italy while smiling from ear to ear. I didn’t know what it was about this girl, but it was something.

  Chapter 6


  I didn't know where Italy stayed; all I knew was that her girl stayed in the hood. I just hoped that she there. I pulled up ten minutes after seven and she was sitting on her girl’s porch with her home girl looking like she was ready to kick my ass.

  “What up ma’?” I said as I stepped out my truck.

  She didn't get up, and I wasn’t about to beg. I stood by the truck with the door open and I could hear her little girlfriend telling her something; then a tear ran down Italy’s face.

  “Man bitch, shut up!” I yell at her hoe ass girl. “Come on IT, we are running late.”

  She stood up and walked towards me rocking a little skirt and shirt. This was the first time I seen her dressed like a girl. I pulled her close to me and pushed her bang behind her ear.

  “Give me kiss.”


  “Yes! Fuck I say man! Fuck that hoe, she mad I’m not her man. Why you crying?”

  “I didn't think you were coming?”

  “Well I did. Stop fuckin’ crying man. Get in the car.”

  I helped her in and closed the door. I looked back at her home girl, wanting to smack that bitch.

  “Man yo’ girl wanna fuck me! I’on want you around that hoe.”

  “Em? Nah, she cool” Italy said defending the two dollar hoe.

  “What I say?” I turned up my music and slid my hand on her thigh. “Yo’, are you spending the night with me?”

  “Yes,” she said shyly.

  We pulled up in front of my house and I cut my car off and pulled her in my seat.

  “I missed you,” I said bending to kiss her cheek.

  “You did?”


  I slid my hand under her skirt and ran my fingers over her pussy. I slid one finger in her panties. I began to rub her clit, and she pulled away.

  “Man, come here.”

  “No, I don't want to Sacario.”

  Man to say she was pissing me off would be an understatement. I hopped out my ride and walked in the house leaving her in the car.

  “Where is your gilllllllllllllllll friend?” Alyssa, my baby sister, asked.

  “She in the car munchkin and be nice,” I said and kissed my baby sister’s little face. Alyssa ran outside and met IT at the door. She took her by the hand and started to walk her in the house.

  “So my mom says that you’re a whore and my dad told her not to call you that. o are you a whore... I like your hair you don't look like a little yellow trap…”

  “Alyssa!” I yelled cutting her off from whatever she was repeating. I picked her up and grabbed Italy by the hand. “Man my bad, my sister can drive you crazy.”

  “Your mom thinks I’m a whore.”

  “No, she doesn’t! Chill out and come in.”

  As soon as we walked in the house, my mom gave me this fucked up look.

  “Sacario it’s 8 o’clock, we eat at 6 :30,” my mom lied. We ate all times of the night, because no one was ever really home.

  “Oh, God ma’ not now!” I said and pulled Italy’s chair out. I noticed how my whole family was there. My aunt Kym, JaySean, Uncle Dinero, my uncle Lee, my pops, and my baby sister. My mom stayed in the kitchen for about forty minutes I guess avoiding the questions that would be asked.

  “SOO, Venice how old are you?” My aunt Kym asked with a smile on her face.

  “Come on auntie! She goes to Southfield and she’s in the honor’s class.” I said trying to dead the questions.

  “Is that code for younger than you?” My aunt Kym continued to interrogate..

  “Y’all leave the girl alone!” my dad ordered as my mom brought the food out.

  “Mrs. Marks, can I help?” Italy sked standing up.

  “Did she call me Marks? Do I look like a woman that wouldn’t be married at 32? You think you’re…”

  “Lanya sit down!” my dad yelled.

  “I have to get the food Killa.” My mom said as she rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen. Everyone knew my mom was pissed when she called pops Killa. This was gon’ be a long fuckin night.

  My mom brought the rest of the food out. We all sat at the table joking. IT was quiet and I could tell she was nervous.

  “So Venice, are you interested in my son because he has money, or you lay up with any boy?”

  “Um, no ma'am. I mean yes, I mean I like Sacario!” Venice said in the brink of tears.

  “Dad get yo’ wife!

  “Nya, let the girl eat!” my dad said as he looked away trying not to laugh.

  “Sacario, she has my son’s 12 thousand dollars fuckin’ watch on.” Italy looked at her wrist and put her hands under the table like she was ashamed.

  “Ma’ be nice. Come on nah.”

  Italy was playing in her food and looking around like she was trying to find a way out. Finally dinner was over, and I took Italy upstairs.

  “You mad at me?” I asked as we walked into my room. She sat on the bed, and I ran my hands on her thigh. “Um baby come here.”

  “No Sacario take me home.”

  “Why? I thought you wanted to spend the night!”

  “That’s until I found out yo’ mom thought I was a whore! Emily told me that since you fucked me that’s all you will ever want anyway.”

  “Why you be listening to these busted hoes man?”

  “Because you didn't call and…”

  “Man fuck it. You don't have to do shit! Let’s just go to sleep.” I told her getting pissed off. She was tossing the past in my face like we hadn’t already talked about it.

  I stripped down to my ball shorts and climbed in the bed when my door opened.

  “Deuce, come here,” my mom said as she looked at Italy.

  Before I could get out the door, my mom had her arms crossed over her chest. “What up ma’?”

  “Is she pregnant?”

  “Naw’ll ma, chill.”

  “Sacario Jr., I know a pregnant child, and she is one!”

  “Oh, my God, ma’ you overreacting! Nobody having no damn babies!” My mother smacked me up side my head and crossed her arms back over her chest.

  “You need to watch ya’ mouth Deuce!” I sucked my teeth looking at my mom, she was beyond pissed. “She’s not spending the night!”

  “Ma’ stop tripping. We not doing nothing, she just need somewhere to sleep.”

  “Why? Her momma put her out? She saw that spreading ass nose!”

  “Spreading nose? What that mean! No ma’ dang! Why you trippin? You and pops fighting again?” My mother rolled her eyes and looked away.

  “Why what's wrong with her, Deuce?”


  “Guest room by 11 Sacario and I will be checking. I will get the room ready,” my mother finally said. She kissed my face like I was a small child then opened my door and poked her head in my room.

  “Good night, Venice.” Italy just stared at my mother. “Venice your mom knows where you are?” my mother continued to ask more questions.

  “She don't care,” Italy blankly said.

  “Why doesn’t she?”r />

  “Good night and Sacario! Try me if you want.”

  I tossed Venice a T shirt and laid down patting the spot beside me.

  “Man ma, come here.” I pulled her on top of me and kissed her lips.

  “Um, I bought you something.”

  I opened my nightstand and pulled out a small box. It was just a necklace with her name spelled on it.

  “You serious about this Italy thing?”

  “That’s yo’ name bae,” I said and slipped the thin chain around her neck. I cut the light off and stood her between my legs. I pulled her panties down. I made her sit on my lap and stroke my dick when she pulled back.

  “I cheated!” she said, and then looked away from me.

  “What?” I asked giving her a blank stare.

  “I thought you didn't like me and I kissed Ray-Ray.”

  “Did you fuck him?” I asked pissed that she let another man put his lips on her; I thought to myself.

  “No, but he wanted to! I had got into a fight with my mom and I called you. When you didn't answer, he said I could chill with him. I…” I cut her off quickly.

  “Man, I don't want to hear that shit. What I tell you about my pussy?” I said pulling her back on top of me.

  “Ouch baby, it hurt,” she said as I broke her back open. Damn her shit felt good on my dick. I tossed her to the bed and went deep as fuck.

  “I’m not fucking playing with you. I don't care if I never call you, this is my shit. You hear me?”

  “Yes,” she moaned as she dug her nails into my back. I knew I was hurting her, but I wanted her to know I was mad serious! “You love me?” I asked.

  “Yes bae.”

  I went deeper causing her to stutter. I came hard and pulled her on my chest. Her body was shaking and so was mine. That shit was intense. I couldn’t believe that anything could feel that good. In that second, I didn't doubt that I loved her; I knew I did, and if another man touched her I was gon’ drop him where he stood. She was my wife, but I would not tell her. Like my pops would say, my words may not be there, but I’m gon’ damn sure show you.


  Chapter 7

  I woke up lying on Sacario’s chest. My head was spinning, and his cell phone was ringing. I reached over and picked it up looking at a girl’s name that I couldn’t say. I lay back down beside him, and my head started to hurt. I sat up and then my nose started to bleed. I got up and went into the bathroom.


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