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Baseball as a Road to God: Seeing Beyond the Game

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by John Sexton

  Musial, Stan “the Man,” 184

  music and baseball, 30, 166–71

  Mussina, Mike, 119

  mysterium tremendum et fascinans, 9–10, 16, 35, 92, 121, 125

  mysticism, 32, 125

  The Myth of the Eternal Return (Eliade), 30–31, 103–5, 200–201

  mythology, 3, 14, 31, 34, 99, 104–5

  Nagel, Thomas, 3–4

  Namath, Joe, 50

  National Football League (NFL), 50

  The Natural (Malamud), 147, 159, 160–62

  Negro Leagues, 95, 136, 158

  Nevi’im, 146

  New Bethel Baptist Church, 210

  New Testament, 90

  New York City, 69

  New York Giants

  1914 season, 117

  1951 playoffs, 14

  1954 World Series, 106–9

  and Brother Jasper, 167

  and Havana Heat, 156–57

  and Mathewson, 154

  and miracles of baseball, 100–103, 106–9

  and Robinson, 84

  and saints and sinners of baseball, 149

  and Updike’s writings, 20

  New York Herald Tribune, 103

  New York Highlanders, 152, 230

  New York Jets, 50

  New York Knights, 161

  New York magazine, 79–81

  New York Mets

  1968 season, 54–55

  1969 World Series, 46–47, 74–75

  1986 World Series, 135

  1988 playoffs, 39

  and blown calls, 62

  and conversion experiences, 85

  and faith, 36–37, 44–45, 129

  and saints and sinners of baseball, 149

  and the seventh-inning stretch, 171

  New York Times

  on 1914 Boston Braves, 116–17

  and Mathewson’s death, 154

  and Murray’s op-ed piece, 172

  on probability issues, 99–100

  on Red Sox fans, 137

  and Robinson’s glove gift, 59

  and Ruth’s nickname, 96

  New York Times Magazine, 127

  New York Yankees

  1952 World Series, 131–32

  1955 World Series, 1–2, 15–16, 73, 109–10

  1956 World Series, 110–12

  1957 World Series, 74

  1960 World Series, 26–27

  1963 World Series, 88

  1966 season, 53

  1978 playoffs, 214

  1996 World Series, 191–92

  1999 World Series, 126–27

  2001 World Series, 119–23

  2003 playoffs, 38–39

  2003 World Series, 24

  2004 playoffs, 12–14

  and Boston’s curse, 133

  and communal elements of baseball, 189–92

  and conversion experiences, 48–49, 77, 79–81

  and doubt, 57–58

  and faith, 44, 46, 52

  and fan attendance, 184

  ill will toward, 89

  and miracles of baseball, 106

  and MVP Awards, 43

  and nostalgic elements of baseball, 197, 198, 208

  and sacred time, 33

  The New Yorker, 17, 141, 205

  Newcombe, Don, 100–101, 207

  Newhouser, Hal, 43

  Nixon, Richard, 193

  no-hitters, 110–12, 117–18

  Norworth, Jack, 168

  Novak, Michael, 178

  numinous, 92

  Oakland Athletics, 31–32, 37, 39–40, 119

  “OK Blue Jays,” 170

  Old Testament, 66

  Old Timers’ Days, 197

  Oliphant, Tom, 83, 86, 97

  O’Malley, Walter, 48, 84, 96

  O’Neill, Paul, 121, 192

  Onodera, Toshiki, 119

  Opening Day, 14, 28–30, 34, 53–54

  optimism, 54–55. See also faith

  Oriole Park, 32

  Ortiz, David, 13

  Osteen, Claude, 78

  Otto, Rudolph, 9, 16, 35, 92, 125

  Otto the Great, 144–45

  “Over There,” 168

  Pafko, Andy, 101

  Pagliarulo, Mike, 114

  Paige, Satchel, 194

  Palmeiro, Rafael, 163

  papal succession, 144

  Paris, Memo (fictional), 161

  Passover Seders, 201, 216

  Paul (biblical), 90, 91, 132, 153

  Peale, Norman Vincent, 90

  Pearl Harbor, 182

  Pena, Alejandro, 116

  Pennock, Herb, 118, 134

  Pepitone, Joe, 128–29

  “A Perfect Game” (Hart), 212–13

  perfect games, 62, 97, 110–12, 125

  performance-enhancing drugs, 162–63

  perspective in baseball, 219

  Pesky, Johnny, 197

  Peterson, Fritz, 46

  petitionary prayers, xi–xii, 99, 129

  Philadelphia Athletics, 43, 87, 118

  Philadelphia Phillies

  1914 season, 117

  1977 playoffs, 79

  and Allen, 131–32

  and championship droughts, 142

  and conversion experiences, 87

  and Dutch Ulrich, 149

  and historic baseballs, 173

  and MVP Awards, 43

  and nostalgic elements of baseball, 208

  and sign stealing, 103

  Phillippe, Charles Louis “Deacon,” 194

  physical grace, 174

  Pierzynski, A. J., 149

  Pinelli, Babe, 112

  Pittsburgh Pirates, 24–27, 115, 155

  Plank, Eddie, 118

  Podres, Johnny, 2, 11, 15, 73, 97, 109, 125, 215–16

  Point Omega, 146

  Poisson distributions, 65

  Polo Grounds, 20, 101, 106

  polytheism, 147

  Posada, Jorge, 119–21, 192, 205, 211

  prayers of petition, 99, 129, 132

  Praying for Gil Hodges (Oliphant), 83

  predictions, 50, 71

  probability, 64–67, 99–100

  prophets and prophecy, 50, 146

  Proverbs, 12

  Puckett, Kirby, 115, 116, 207, 209

  Puerto Rico, 183

  QuesTec system, 63

  race issues in baseball, 135–37, 158, 180, 189, 194

  Radbourne, Charlie “Old Hoss,” 194

  radio broadcasting, 184–85, 187–88

  Ramadan, 28

  Raymo, Chet, 45, 65, 72–73, 124–25

  Reagan, Ronald, 141, 188, 206

  Red Sox Nation, 83, 96–97, 135, 137–38

  Redmond, Herbert, 132

  Rees, “Pee Wee,” xiii, 2, 87, 110–11

  relics, 61, 147

  Remy, Jerry, 85

  resurrection, 61

  revelation, 148

  Revolutionary War, 101

  Reyes, Jose, 142

  Rhodes, James Lamar “Dusty,” 108–9

  Rice, Grantland, 151

  Rickey, Branch, 136, 158, 194

  Ripken, Cal, Jr., 32–33

  rituals of baseball, 28–30, 181–82. See also seventh-inning stretch

  Rivera, Mariano, 12–14, 38, 122–23, 127–28, 148, 192

  Rixey, Eppa, 193

  Rizzuto, Phil, 15, 16

  Roberts, Dave, 13

  Roberts, Robin, 87

  Robinson, Jackie

  1956 World Series, 111

  and Blackmun’s list of baseball legends, 194

  and communal elements of baseball, xiii, 188–89

  and conversion experiences, 78, 85

  glove of, 59–60, 74

  and Hall of Fame voting, 148

  and nostalgic elements of baseball, 198

  and race barrier in baseball, 136, 158, 180

  retirement, 84

  and St. Louis fans, 184

  veneration of, 158

  Robinson, Phil Alden, 186

  Robinson, Rachel, 60

  Rockaways, 217

  Rodriguez, Alex, 62, 192

  Rogalski, Stan (fictional), 202

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 182

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 203

  Root, Charlie, 24

  Rose, Pete, 151, 160, 163

  Rosen, Al, 106

  Rosh Hashanah, 180

  Roth, Alice, 173

  Rothstein, Arnold, 175–76

  Rucker, George “Nap,” 150

  Rudolph, Richard “Baldy,” 117

  Runge, Ed, 112

  Runyon, Damon, 67, 175

  Ruppert, Jake, 189

  Ruth, Babe

  1932 World Series, 24

  and Blackmun’s list of baseball legends, 193

  and conversion experiences, 95–96

  and the Curse of the Bambino, 132–38

  Hall of Fame induction, 26, 157

  home-run record, 190

  and nostalgic elements of baseball, 197–200, 205–6

  signed to Red Sox, 118

  and Updike’s writings, 21

  veneration of, 149

  and Yankees’ tradition, 39, 47

  Rutherford, Damon, 145

  Ryan, Nolan, 148

  sabermetrics, 64, 65

  saints and sinners, 144–63

  and the Black Sox scandal, 158–60

  and Christy Mathewson, 145, 153–57, 159, 162, 216

  and communal elements of baseball, 216

  and Dummy Taylor, 156–57

  and gambling, 162–63

  and the Hall of Fame, 145–46, 148–49, 157–58, 162

  and miracles of baseball, 144–47

  and The Natural, 160–62

  and steroid use, 163

  and Ty Cobb, 150–54

  and veneration of heroes, 146–50, 157

  Salinger, J. D., 186

  San Francisco Giants, 84, 183–84

  Santana, Johan, 62

  Santeria, 156

  Santo, Ron, 140

  Santos, Lucia, 50

  Saul of Tarsus, 90. See also Paul (biblical)

  Schalk, Ray, 150

  Schilling, Curt, 13, 122, 180

  Schmidt, Mike, 43

  Schultz, “Germany” Joe, 180

  science and scientific worldview, 3–4, 72–73, 76, 217–18

  Scioscia, Mike, 41

  scoreboards, 22

  scouting, 41

  Scully, Vin, xii, 42, 78, 88, 112, 187

  Seattle Mariners, 182–83

  Seaver, Tom, 36, 75, 148, 206

  secularism, 76. See also civil religion

  segregation of baseball, 135–36, 158, 180

  Selig, Bud, 62, 170

  September 11 terrorist attacks, 69, 119, 170–71

  seventh-inning stretch, 23, 164–74

  Sexton, Jed, 45–49, 64, 78

  Sexton, John, xi

  Shanley, John Patrick, 58–59

  Shaughnessy, Dan, 135

  Shea Stadium, 140

  Sheckard, Jimmy, 70–71

  Shelby, John “T-Bone,” 41

  Shibe Park, 87

  “Shine On, Harvest Moon,” 168

  Shot Heard ’Round the World, 101

  Shroud of Turin, 61

  Sianis, Billy, 139, 140

  Sierra, Reuben, 38–39

  signal stealing, 103, 162

  signs and wonders, 123

  Simchat Torah, 138

  Simpson, Harry Leon “Suitcase,” 95

  sin. See saints and sinners

  Sisler, George, 193

  skepticism, 76. See also doubt

  SkyDome, 31

  Slaughter, Enos “Country,” 184

  slumps, 31, 131–32. See also blessings and curses

  Smith, Red, 103, 106

  Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, 182

  Smoltz, John, 115

  Snider, Duke, xiii, 85, 87

  Snow, C. P., 34

  Soriano, Alfonso, 120, 121

  Sosa, Sammy, 163

  South Side, Chicago, 168

  Spahn, Warren, 193

  Spencer, Shane, 120

  spiking, 152

  spitballs, 117–18, 194

  Sports Illustrated, 127

  St. Brendan’s High School, 98

  St. Francis College, 47, 49

  St. Louis Browns, 142

  St. Louis Cardinals

  1966 World Series, 54

  1968 World Series, 49–50

  1985 World Series, 63

  2011 World Series, 185, 207

  and Boston’s Curse, 134–36

  and communal elements of baseball, 183–85

  and nostalgic elements of baseball, 198

  and World War II, 182

  Stallings, George, 116–17

  statistics, 64–67, 77, 99–100, 141–42

  Steinbrenner, George, 79, 191

  Stengel, Casey, 67, 95, 110–11

  steroid abuse, 162–63

  Stevenson, Adlai, 90

  Stiff, William (fictional), 204

  Stock, Milt, 131

  stolen base records, 151–52, 194

  Stottlemyre, Mel, 68

  strike zones, 61–63

  sublime experiences, 120

  substance abuse, 162–63

  Super Bowl III, 50

  supernatural events, 124–25

  Suzuki, Ichiro, 182–83

  swamis, 147–48

  Swan, Sarah (fictional), 203

  Swirsky, Seth, 172–73

  Swoboda, Ron, 54–55, 75

  symbolic power of baseball, 210–11

  Taft, William Howard, 167

  “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” 168–70

  Talese, Gay, 141

  Tammany Hall, 116

  Tanay, Emanuel, 51–52

  “Tao in the Yankee Stadium Bleachers” (Updike), 18, 89

  Taoism, 18, 211

  Tatis, Fernando, 70, 76

  Taylor, Luther “Dummy,” 155–56

  technology in baseball, 62

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 96, 145–46

  television broadcasting, 185, 208

  Teresa of Calcutta, 57, 149

  Terry, Ralph, 27, 208

  Texas Rangers, 185, 207

  “Thank God I’m a Country Boy,” 170

  theophany, 211–12

  Thomas (apostle), 57

  Thompson, Bobby, 14, 101, 103, 105, 131

  Thompson, Hank, 108

  Thoreau, Henry David, 35

  Three Rivers Stadium, 26

  “Throwback Night,” 196–97

  throwback uniforms, 198

  Tillich, Paul

  on conversion experiences, 93–94

  on definition of God, 10–11

  on doubt, 56

  on faith, 51, 83, 86, 219

  on religious ecstasy, 102

  Tilzer, Albert von, 168

  Tin Pan Alley, 166

  Tolkien, J. R. R., 92

  Toonerville Trolley, 95

  Toronto Blue Jays, 31–32, 114, 169–70, 208

  Torre, Joe, 13, 62, 68, 122, 191–92, 200

  transcendence, 21, 27–28, 91–92, 94

  transcendentalism, 35

  transubstantiation, 201

  Traub, James, 127

  Triple Crown records, 152

  tsunami of 2011, 118–19

  Turley, Bob, 111

  Twain, Mark, 179

  The Two Cultures (Snow), 34

  Tyler, George “Lefty,” 117

  Ulrich, Dutch, 145

  Ulrich, George, 145

  Ulrich of Augsburg (Saint Ulrich), 144–45

  Ulysses (Joyce), 212

  umpires, 62–63, 74

  Underworld (DeLillo), 101–2

  The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop. (Coover), 65–67

  Updike, John, 17–18, 20–21, 89, 205

  US Supreme Court, 192–95

  Valentine, Bobby, 137

  Veeck, Bill, 22

  Veeck, Bill, Jr., 22, 168

  veneration of heroes, 146–50,

  Vietnam War, 59

  Villa La Pietra, 5

  Wagner, Honus “Hans,” 17, 24–26, 157, 180

  Wait Till Next Year (Goodwin), 83

  Waitkus, Eddie, 161

  Wakefield, Tim, 38–39, 44

  walk-off home runs, 135, 207–8

  Wall Street Journal, 103

  Wambold, Walter “the Whammer” (fictional), 160–61

  Washington, George, 157

  Washington, Ron, 119–20

  Washington Nationals, 171

  Washington Senators, 25, 155, 164

  Watts, Alan, 211

  Weaver, Buck, 159–60

  Wells, David, 199–200

  Wertz, Vic, 106, 108

  Westrum, Wes, 106

  When God Is Gone Everything Is Holy (Raymo), 124–25

  Whitman, Walt, 215

  Whiz Kids, 161

  Why Time Begins on Opening Day (Boswell), 30

  Wiggen, Henry, 145

  Wilde, Oscar, 130

  Wilhelm, Hoyt, 68

  Will, George, 141

  Williams, Bernie, 192, 205

  Williams, Davey, 107

  Williams, Dick, 53–54

  Williams, Marvin, 136

  Williams, Ted, 134, 148, 182, 205

  Wilpon, Fred, 68

  Wilson, Mookie, 135

  Winans, Charlie, 5–6

  WMCA-AM, 101–2

  WMOX, 184–85

  Womack, Tony, 122

  Wonderboy, 147

  World Series. See specific teams and players

  World War I, 155, 206

  World War II, 182

  Wright, David, 62

  Wright, George, 166–67

  Wright, Harry, 166–67


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