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Burn (Missoula Smokejumpers Book 2)

Page 15

by Stone, Piper

  After a few seconds, the investigator looked up. “Go on.” He began to type with one hand .

  “The building appears to be new, no more than twelve months old. The fire burned hot, but given there were no accelerants, the fire-retardant materials as required by code should have, at minimum, slowed down the fire .”

  “And that tells you?” This time, the investigator didn’t bother to look up .

  “That corners were cut in the building process. I’ll venture another guess that the hotel was rushed at the end, trying to beat the start of tourist season.” Landen could tell the captain was hanging on every word. He was certainly going to look into Jeffries Development when he had the opportunity .

  Investigator Nelson continued to tap away, the sound of his finger beating against the screen the only noise in the room .

  “The Jeffries family owns the hotel, along with another resort that popped up on the mountain this last year. They’re trying to take over some other land, or so I hear in the papers. Right?” Antonio asked quietly .

  “What are you insinuating?” Captain Phillips’ words held no inflection .

  Antonio snorted and flung his arm over the back of the chair. “You and I both know buildings have been shooting up all over the resort areas in Montana, Idaho and even Wyoming. They all have the Jeffries name attached to them. Hell, they’re up and furnished in thirty days or less .”

  “They all must meet code.” The captain shook his head .

  “Who checks them?” Landen asked. He noticed a quick look the captain gave the investigator. As if they’d had this question asked before .

  Investigator Nelson cleared his throat, shot a look at the closed door, then lowered his voice. “We’re a close-knit family here in Missoula. So, you can imagine what any kind of accusation would do to a three-generation run family business.” He looked at Antonio first then at Landen, his eyes penetrating .

  Landen merely nodded .

  “Then you understand what I’m about to say needs to be held in the strictest of confidences.” Investigator Nelson said. He looked at the captain and nodded .

  Captain Phillips exhaled and folded his arms. “You can trust my men with any information. You know that .”

  “Yeah, I do, but if this kind of thing gets out before we’re finished with our investigation, there’s going to be a lot of pissed off people standing at City Hall. And you know how the lovely Mayor Falk is. She doesn’t take any crap from anyone .”

  Chuckling, the captain grinned. “Yeah, I do .”

  Antonio glanced up at Landen, raising a single eyebrow .

  Landen caught the various innuendoes. Every town had its politics .

  “Landen, you’re spot on about what you noticed and you’re not the first firefighter to point fingers. However, this particular development, a brand-new resort designed to bring in hundreds of jobs into the area, has been a thorn in the town’s side for almost three years. Just getting the design past months of opposition took almost a miracle.” Investigator Nelson paced the room .

  “You mean it did. Or a payoff,” Antonio snorted .

  “None of that shit, Giovanni. Hear the man out,” the captain said under his breath .

  Antonio rolled his eyes and huffed .

  The investigator frowned. “The expression isn’t new either, but unfounded at this point. There are too many layers of protection surrounding the development corporation. This is much bigger than just Missoula and has been on the radar for a hell of a long time .”

  “But?” Landen risked asking .

  Stopping short, Investigator Nelson glanced up and down the length of Landen. “We’ll just cut to the chase. I’m privy to your background. You’ve experienced something of this nature before.” He walked closer until he was only a few inches from Landen. “In fact, you were one of the very reasons three officials lost their jobs and two ended up in jail, accessory to murder .”

  Bristling, Landen stood up straight. “Yes, sir. I worked with members of my fire department and two others after several buildings burned to the ground with innocent people inside. I’m proud of what I did .”

  “That’s good. You’re not afraid of getting your hands dirty in several methods. I like that. I like that a lot .”

  “Frederick, what are you getting at?” Captain Phillips asked. He rubbed his eyes. “I know what you’re dealing with, but I can’t have a man off the job to help out your office. This is our busiest season ever and I just got Landen here .”

  “I’m not asking to have him work in my office, Scully. I’m only asking that Landen as well as all your men keep their ear to the ground. Take note of what’s going on. Listen to conversations in town. You’re new anyway, Landen. You may be able to find out information few others could .”

  “Now, how in the hell is he supposed to do that? The Jeffries clan doesn’t take kindly to half the folks in town, especially smokejumpers.” Captain Phillips laughed .

  The investigator smiled, his look knowing. “I hear Montgomery Jeffries has taken a liking to the bar owner of Ziggy’s. I believe you all know Shannon Miller ?”

  A chill rushed down Landen’s spine. He clenched his fist and took a step forward .

  Antonio rose to his feet. “Stoker had a run in with the guy the other night. Trying to strong arm Shannon. Jerk off .”

  “Yeah, the man can be, much like his father. His weak spot is all about women, much like his daddy. He wants what he wants and is used to getting everything he sets his mind to. Might be an in. No doubt he’ll come to the bar, looking to sweet talk Shannon. Jeffries knows just about everybody in town. He makes it his business to do so. The man is dangerous as well as ruthless but intelligent as hell. Daddy put him in charge of new development for a reason .”

  Landen glared at the investigator. “And how am I supposed to get close ?”

  “I’ll leave that up to you.” The investigator smiled and grabbed a bag off the floor, shoving his iPad into the center .

  Antonio narrowed his eyes and puffed up .

  The captain threw out his arm. “Frederick, level with us. What is this really about? None of my men are going to be involved in some game, especially when lives are at stake here.” Captain Phillips huffed as he stood and moved closer to the investigator .

  Investigator Phillips hummed as he settled the iPad. Very slowly, he zipped the bag closed. He patted the top and remained where he was but looked over his shoulder. “You’re right. Lives are at stake and they have been for years .”

  Both Antonio and Landen took a step closer .

  “Sounds personal, Frederick, and that’s not like you.” The captain’s voice was barely audible .

  The investigator turned back around and began to unbutton his shirt. “I’ve been investigating fires for almost nine years. I’ve been involved in catching a hell of a lot of arsonists burning down their buildings for money as well as monsters who salivated over watching people burn. Never in one day did any of those cases become personal .”

  “Then why this one?” Landen dared to ask .

  Investigator Nelson held a smile as he peeled his shirt off his shoulders and down the length of his arms. He didn’t flinch nor make a sound as the three men gawked at the man’s scarred and mottled body. Every inch of his torso was covered in savage burns, the skin now craggy crevices .

  “Ah, shit!” Antonio hissed .

  “Ten years and two months ago I worked in a fire department in Cheyenne, Wyoming. We were called to a fire, a beautiful, brand spanking new high-rise condominium. This was a very early Sunday morning and almost everyone that lived inside, all four hundred and twelve people were nestled in their beds. They never had a chance to get out, except for the few who jumped out of windows to their deaths.” He looked each man in the eyes before easing the shirt back up over his shoulders .

  The words echoed in the room .

  A haze fell over Landen’s eyes. He blinked several times as a reel of memories rolled past his field of visi
on over and over again, vivid colors creating sharpened edges. Men and women screaming for salvation as they fell to their deaths .

  “I lost five of my teammates that day. Five. I was in a burn unit for thirteen months and while there was evidence that corners had been cut and of officials looking the opposite way, no charges were filed. Those people lost their lives and the entire event, including what was left of the building was swept under the rug. And. No. One. Paid. For. Their. Deaths .”

  Chapter 8

  “A memorial? Really? Who is this for again ?”

  Shannon tapped her fingers on the table and concentrated on observing others in the restaurant. The way Crystal said the words, as if ‘why bother now’ put everything into perspective. Ziggy had been dead for years. Why was this suddenly so important to her? “Just something I need to do .”

  “Oh yeah, the moving on part.” Crystal fingered her glass of wine .

  While she trusted Crystal Wallace, she’d never opened up to anyone and today seemed unnatural, almost forced. Still, the woman was at least someone she could banter with, although the majority of the time their discussions revolved around men. As popular as Crystal seemed, she was never with another woman and never talked about chatting with girlfriends or shopping. Perhaps the cool demeanor was the reason .

  Crystal took a sip of wine as her eyes flitted in Shannon’s direction. She leaned over and smiled. “If setting up some kind of memorial is that important to you, then let’s do it. I’ll help plan the party .”


  “Darlin’, every memorial has to have a party.” Her laughter sparkled, full of vivaciousness .

  And of course, the gesture garnered the attention of every cowboy in the joint. Shannon gripped her napkin, rolling the material between her fingers. “I’ll think about it.” She glanced at her watch, now wishing the lunch was over. She wasn’t good at small talk, something Crystal excelled at. Then again, she had men eating out of her hand. “What’s going on with the fire ?”

  “The fire?” She took another sip of wine. “Oh, you mean the hotel ?”

  “Yes, your hotel that burned to the ground ?”

  “There’s insurance, thank God,” Crystal said casually. “Don’t look so horrified. No one died. We managed to get everyone out. Damn kids .”

  “What do you mean by that?” She had never seen the woman act so callously, as if the fire was just another moment of her usual busy day .

  “I heard some kids were bragging about setting the fire. Like millions of dollars in property is just a game .”

  Shannon sat back. “Did you tell the police ?”

  “They’re just kids. I guess I should. I don’t know. You know how kids talk.” Crystal’s eyes lit up as she noticed a man giving her the once over. “That’s a hot one over there. Why don’t you go talk to him ?”

  “Not interested in men right now. You know that.” Shannon didn’t bother to look in the man’s direction. “Are the owners going to rebuild ?”

  “Oh, no doubt. Bigger and better. This time, the county won’t have anything to say about the building either .”

  The comment struck her as odd. “Don’t you care about the fact the mountain went up in flames ?”

  Crystal pulled her attention away from the man. “Look. Business is business and there’s a hell of a lot of money to be made in developing the area in and around the mountains.” When Shannon remained quiet, she shook her head. “The problem is that the city council continues to think like Missoula is a small town, trying to keep everything cozy. Meanwhile, the major businesses that could boost this town to what it’s worth are going anywhere else. They don’t want hassles. They want to purchase and develop the land as they see fit. Thereby bringing in jobs .”

  “And cash .”

  “Bingo. Now you understand .”

  “Yeah, I guess I do.” Shannon had never seen Crystal this way. “You didn’t grow up here. Did you ?”

  “No. I grew up in boarding schools, the finest Daddy could buy me .”

  She had a feeling she knew why Crystal was so bitter. “How’s the separation coming ?”

  Hissing, Crystal’s face twisted, a look of pure evil crossing her face. “The man is dead as far as I’m concerned. He’ll get his. Trust me.” She sat back and crossed her legs. “What about your date ?”

  Shannon’s mind flew to her night spent with Landen. Suddenly warm, she took a gulp of wine .

  “That good, huh? Give me all the gory details .”

  “The man was a snake.” Shannon didn’t want to relive the details .

  “What in the hell happened?” Crystal held up her wine .

  “Let’s just say he didn’t want to take no for an answer .”

  “That’s why I like my men completely submissive .”

  “Yeah, this one was a worthless prick .”

  “Go on. Tell me who he is,” Crystal said as she winked at the man leaning against the bar .

  “Montgomery Jeffries. I was a nutcase for going out with him .”

  Crystal turned back toward her, the smile still there, her eyes flashing. “Don’t know much about him .”

  “Well, you don’t want to. Trust me.” Tossing her napkin, she eased to her feet. “Look, I have to get going. I took the night off last night and I have a mountain of paperwork to get finished .”

  Crystal grabbed her arm. “I’m serious about the memorial. I’ll be happy to help and be a part of anything you need. We could go down by the river, scatter his ashes .”

  “I like the idea. I really will think about this and let you know.” She grabbed her purse .

  “By the way. Don’t let an abusive man get to you. I’d walk away fast, never see him again. Those kinds of men can be very dangerous .”

  The words settled in as Shannon walked toward her truck and for some reason, they sent a chill straight down her spine. The look in Crystal’s eyes was ominous. There was something sinister going down in her adopted home and Montgomery Jeffries was smack in the middle .

  * * *

  "H ere are your keys, Mr. Weaver. So good to meet you.” The man stood and shook Landen’s hand. “My card is in your file so if you need anything at all, just give me a call .”

  “Thanks, Mr. Camden.” Now, Landen finally had a place to call home. His hand shook as he wrapped them around the cool metal. He rolled his thumb back and forth across the jagged edge of the house key and realized his heart was racing. Owning a house was going to be different than the apartment he’d been used to for years .

  “Jack, please.” He grinned as he handed Landen the file. “Welcome to town. I hear you were a hero the other day. People are already talking about you .”

  “I’m no hero. I was just doing my job .”

  “That’s not entirely true. Don’t be so modest. This is a small town, no matter the population. We look after our own.” Jack beamed. “You have no idea who you saved in that fire, do you ?”

  Landen shrugged. “Not really. He was someone who needed my help .”

  “I think this town is going to like you, son. You saved the father of one of the town council, in visiting for the week. My guess is that you have a friend for life.” He walked around his desk .

  “Thanks. Couldn’t have done it without my team .”

  Jack slapped him on the back. “I like you, myself. Let me walk you out .”

  As Landen walked out of the office, he could see several sets of eyes following him, coming from both men and women .

  “Like I said, small town. If you ever need anything, give me a call. Everything should be in order, but you can never tell. You’re about four miles from any other ranch, so something to keep in mind .”

  “I like to be alone.” Very much alone. Landen grimaced as he thought the words .

  “I understand. You jumpers are all alike. Private. Don’t share much with folks, but we care about you. We really do .”

  “Thanks again .”

  Landen shoved the keys
in his jeans and tossed the file onto the passenger seat. As he started the engine, he thought about the town council member. Maybe this could help with garnering evidence against Jeffries Development. Maybe .

  How the hell was he supposed to gather any information? He didn’t know anything about the town or the people. As he headed out of the city limits, he stopped and bought two of the local papers as well as a six pack of beer. At least he could get a feel for the players in town. He thought about stopping at Shannon’s house, if for no other reason than to pick up Jace, but what was he supposed to say to her? There was no easy way of letting her know his feelings .

  Snorting, he turned on the radio. Who the hell did he think he was? Feelings? Right now, he was numb from the visions. Being exhausted only added to the tenseness remaining in his muscles. Seeing her at Ziggy’s would be enough. No, seeing her again was going to kick him in the gut. He had to admit, she was everything he’d ever been looking for. From her feisty personality to her dashing green eyes, killer body and the way she touched him had been exactly what his heart and soul needed .

  Shut the fuck up, Weaver. Yeah, romance he didn’t need. Besides, he could hurt her and that wasn’t something he’d ever be able to accept. She didn’t need an asshole like him in her life. He twisted the knob on the radio until the music drowned out his strangled thoughts. Time to get his house in order .

  He checked the address on the paperwork, then looked at his GPS before glancing at the rusted-out mailbox. Only one number remained on the side. He idled for a full minute before turning in. The gravel drive was rough, creating dust under the tires. He drove down the tree lined strip, realizing only one vehicle could come down the path at a time. He’d gone at least a few hundred yards with no signs of a building of any kind. Just when he was about ready to somehow turn around, a small clearing appeared, a patch of blue sky and billowing white clouds .

  Easing the Cougar into the area, he was surprised, even to the point of being shocked. The mountain was nestled up against a set of rolling hills, the ridges covered in rocks, moss and trees. From right to left, the mountain appeared to go on for miles, their snow topped peaks jutting into the puffy clouds. Majestic and beautiful, the scene was breathtaking. The house on the other hand, a cabin style dwelling with two small out buildings and what could be described as a barn complete with a fence surrounding a pen like area, had seen better days. Broken pieces of fence lay strewn in a pile on the ground, paint peeling off the various buildings. The real estate agent had used creative photography when taking the colorful pictures .


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