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The Paradise Box Set

Page 11

by Pike, Leslie

  “Oh we’re going. I want to see her.”

  “Girl fight!” says Ben.

  “No, there’ll be no girl fight. I just want her to see I’m not intimidated by her overtures.”

  “Maybe she’ll finally get the message. As for me, I’m steering clear of her,” I say.

  We get to the door and it opens before we knock. Jack stands with a double martini in his hand.

  “Thank God. Get your asses in here.”

  Once inside, Ben, Jack and I head for the bar. Melanie stands beside Bliss. Caprice eyed us as soon as we walked in, and I see her leave Finn and make her way to the women. She’s ballsy, I’ll give her that. Moronic and ballsy.

  “Hello, beauties!”

  Neither Bliss nor Melanie respond to her fake compliment. Renee stands a few feet away and hears the one-sided conversation. She turns to Melanie.

  “Melanie, I don’t think you’ve met Caprice.” Caprice wraps Melanie in her arms.

  “I see Ben has a beautiful woman. I know your husband of course, from my first film, but I’ve never met you. I didn’t even know he was married.”

  Melanie stands with her arms at her side. She doesn’t return the hug.

  “Really? Ben never mentioned you.”

  “Well, a man doesn’t tell his wife everything.”

  Caprice laughs when she says this.

  “You’re right. He doesn’t tell her the inconsequential things.”

  The three of us are watching and listening from a few feet away. We pour our drinks, and drinks for the women.

  My dad and Jack are highly amused at the uncomfortable exchange between the women. I’m less so.

  “What a cunt,” Jack says.

  My father weighs in.

  “Don’t worry. Melanie is very sure of herself, and of me. Caprice is no match. She just doesn’t realize it yet.”

  “Come on.” I motion to the men.

  We return to the women and hand them their drinks. Caprice is sipping on her martini.

  Finn approaches with a big smile on his face.

  “Can I be joinin’ this happy circle?”

  “Of course. Melanie, have you met Finn?” Bliss says.

  “No, I haven’t. Hello, Finn.”

  “Hello, darlin’. Happy to meet you.”

  I introduce my dad.

  “And this is my father, Ben. Dad this is our co-star, Finn.”

  “Hi, Finn.”

  The two men shake hands.

  Caprice can barely hold back her chance to cause trouble.

  “Co-star, and Bliss’s ex-husband. Did you know that?”

  She looks at Ben and Melanie’s surprised faces.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”


  Everyone freezes for a beat, till Finn speaks up.

  “Yes, that’s true enough. But Bliss seems to have found the right man this time. I was never good enough for her. I can see both of them are very happy.”

  He looks right at Caprice.

  “Those two can barely keep their hands off each other, right? I’ve never seen anythin’ like it.”

  “Yeah, they’re Romeo and Juliet,” says Caprice dryly.

  God bless you, man. Without us having to say a word, it was Finn to the rescue. Who knew? I’m liking that guy more and more.

  Caprice looks around for her next conversation. She spots Albie with his boyfriend and walks away from us without another word.

  Bliss’s cell rings. She looks at the screen.

  “It’s Nicki.”

  She goes outside to take the call.

  I motion to Jack to head for the sofa.

  “Who’s this Nicki?”

  “She works with Bliss. I think she told you about her San Francisco business.”

  “Oh yeah. How come I haven’t met her?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never met her either. I’ve talked to her on the phone. She seems smart and like she has a good sense of humor. I know Bliss trusts her with running the business while she took time off to write. I have no idea what she looks like or how old she is.”

  Bliss returns with a big smile on her face.

  “Nicki’s here!”

  “Here in Pacific Grove?” I ask.

  “Here at the gate. I told her to park at my place. I’m going to go get her.”

  “Do you want to leave? We could go back to your place now.”

  “No. I want her to meet everyone.”

  She pauses and looks at Jack. “I really want you two to meet. I think you’d like each other. No expectations. If you like her and she likes you, good. If not, that’s good too. Ok?”

  “Yeah, of course. I trust your taste,” Jack says.

  “Ok, I’m going to get her.”

  Bliss leaves, and Jack turns to me.

  “Is my hair combed?”

  His hair is wild as usual. But I doubt if any woman would care.

  “Yeah. It looks good.”

  We both bust out laughing.

  Jack and I move to the empty couch and take a seat. Thankfully, Caprice is deep into her conversation with Albie’s boyfriend.

  Jack takes out a joint from his pocket.

  “Care to indulge?”

  “God, yes. Light her up.”

  We take a few hits, then pass it to the people standing behind us. Luckily they block Caprice’s view. She’d be over here in a flash if she saw us alone.

  The front door opens and in walks Bliss and Nicki. Right away, I know she’s Jack’s type. As far as looks go, anyway. She’s part Japanese I think, and I’d say about thirty, thirty-two. She’s delicate looking, with long, straight, jet-black hair. Her face is exotically beautiful, but it’s her eyes that really stand out. They’re blue. Very unusual combo.

  I know him, and he’s going to like the whole package. She wears black leggings with black boots. A tailored white blouse under a black leather jacket look effortlessly put together.

  They weave their way through the guests to make it to us. I pat the place between Jack and me.

  “Here, sit here.”

  “Hello,” Jack says looking into Nicki’s eyes.

  “Jack, this is my friend, Nicki Kimura.”

  “Hello, Jack.”

  “I have gifts.” He passes her the joint that was passed back to him a moment ago.

  “I’ll accept that gift.”

  She takes a hit. “And I’ll give it right back to you.”

  “And this is Steven,” Bliss introduces us.

  “Hi, Nicki,” I say.

  “I’m glad we’re finally meeting. I wanted to see the man who makes my friend so happy.”

  She reaches out and takes my hands in hers. I lean across Bliss and give Nicki a kiss on the cheek.

  “We’re in the same boat, Nicki. Our best friends have deserted us for some cheap sex. I don’t get it,” Jack says.

  “Don’t you?” She’s grinning at Jack, just like the cat who swallowed the canary.

  “Ok, I guess I do. But it still pisses me off. I’m left to my own devices all the time now.”

  “Maybe you need a hobby.”

  Jack laughs out loud. Bliss and I are just watching the scene unfold. “Any suggestions?” Jack asks.

  “How about stamp collecting?”

  “No, what else have you got?”

  “Model airplanes?” Nicki says.

  “No. My tastes run more to the physical.”

  “Nicki’s a runner like you, Jack,” Bliss says.

  “Perfect. That’s it then. Let’s go for a beach run tomorrow. Leave these two to their pleasures. I have a nine o’clock call, so we’d have to leave by seven. You in Nicki?”

  “I’m in.”

  Bliss has an expression of deep satisfaction on her face. She hugs her friend. As they do, I hear Nicki whisper in Bliss’s ear. “I’m going to need to take tomorrow off.” Bliss laughs.

  The next hour or so goes by quickly as new alliances are made. Jack and Nicki haven’t stopped t
alking since she arrived. That’s how it is when you meet someone and instantly feel a connection. Bliss called that one.

  We just kind of sit back and enjoy watching them enchant each other.

  Melanie and my dad are slow dancing to Albie’s classic mix. They look good together, and I don’t think they’re even aware of the rest of us.

  Renee and Albie are talking shop. The movie, the movie, the movie. It’s a bottomless pit of details to agree on, between Director and Director of Photography.

  Finn is talking with Albie’s boyfriend outside by the fire pit.

  I’ve seen Albie peek out the window more than once, checking on his man’s whereabouts. And I saw the boyfriend drooling over Finn earlier. Men and women both have their sights on Finn.

  Fortunately, Albie has nothing to worry about. Finn is strictly a pussy man. But Albie walks outside anyway, just to piss on his territory I guess.

  Caprice has fallen asleep, or should I say has fallen into an alcohol haze, in the corner chair. Her hair hangs over an eye, her mouth is open and her chin hangs against her ginormous breasts. It’s not her best look.

  Bliss pats my hand. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes. I can’t wait for our bed.”

  We stand, and so do Nicki and Jack. He reaches for her hand and kisses it.

  “Until tomorrow.”

  Nicki smiles. “Tomorrow.”

  From across the room we hear, “Oh my God! Not another one!”

  Caprice has awakened. Who poked the bear? She’s got her eyes on Nicki and Jack’s attention toward her.

  She gets up from the chair and walks shakily toward us.

  “Who the fuck is this bitch?” she says.

  At least three of us start for Caprice, but Bliss beats us all. She moves to her side and grabs her by the arm.

  “I’d like to speak with you in private. Can we go to the kitchen?”

  “Of course, Bella. Lead the way.”

  Without letting go of her arm, Bliss walks, and Caprice struts drunkity drunk into the kitchen and out of our range.

  Jack’s intrigued.

  “Oh, this is going to be good.”

  He recites the boxing mantra, as if he’s in the ring. “Let’s get ready to rumble!!”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Once in the kitchen, Caprice jerks her arm from my grasp and turns toward me. Her anger seems to have sobered her up some, because her whole demeanor has changed.

  There’s no “bella” or “beauty” or any hint of phony endearments. Good. You’re not my friend. Show me your real self, Caprice.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she says.

  “You’re embarrassing yourself. I wouldn’t care one bit, but when your vile behavior is directed toward me, or my friend, that’s where I draw the line. I’m telling you to stop it.”

  She just smiles.

  “Or what? What will you do?”

  “I don’t have to do a thing. You seem bent on turning every person here against you. It’s very nearly happening already. Just keep making a fool of yourself. That should do it.”

  Her expression changes from anger to self-confidence.

  “We’ll see. You’ve got everyone in your pocket right now, don’t you? Steven, Finn, Jack. Everybody loves pretty little Bliss. But things can change, and relationships can change. Overnight. It only takes one day for everything to … POOF.”

  She makes a hand gesture, as if she’s making something magically disappear.

  “You’ve know Steven for how long now? Maybe a few months? You don’t know him at all. But I do. We’ve known each other for ten years. I’ve seen him with many women. Better looking women. They come and they go. You’re just one of many, and you’re on your way out. Only you don’t know it yet. In fact, you should know this. He and I have an ongoing relationship. Strictly casual, but as you know he’s a great fuck, so I keep him around.”

  I laugh right in her face.

  “See, Caprice, you pushed it a little too far there. Steven told me all about your relationship.” I make air quotes.

  “And, while I agree with you, he is a magnificent fuck, sadly you aren’t. That’s why it was one time. And he never came back for more. He told me that too. And I believe him.

  I’m sure you’ve wondered why you don’t get many return visitors. Well, now you know. So next time you decide to try to put doubt in another woman’s mind, you better make sure she doesn’t know too much about you. She should be unaware of the facts. Facts that any number of men can confirm.”

  I walk away from her. I can almost feel the heat of her anger following me. And if she had a knife, it would be stuck in my back.

  When I enter the living room, I realize Steven, Nicki, Jack and Renee have stopped their conversations. They’ve been listening to what was being said in the kitchen. Ben and Melanie are gone, probably tired of this nonsense. The others are outside around the fire pit. Steven walks up and puts an arm around me. I see raised eyebrows and silent but demonstrative gestures of support. Caprice stays put in the kitchen.

  Steven nods his head at Jack.

  “Let’s get the girls out of here.”

  “I’ve got coffee at my place,” I say. Jack puts an arm around Nicki.

  “So, how do you like us so far?”

  I’m so glad to be out of that soap opera scene. I feel tired and beat up. We say our goodbyes to the group outside. They have no idea what just went down. I’m glad for that. I’m sure they’ll hear soon enough. But they’ll hear Caprice’s version.

  I won’t lose any sleep over it. I think they’ve been around her long enough to take what she says with a grain of salt.

  Walking to my cottage, we see Ben and Melanie sitting outside around their fire pit. There’s no fire, but they’ve kindly waited to see if we’d come by.

  “There you are. Everything alright?” Ben asks.

  “It’s fine. Bliss decked Caprice,” Jack says.

  “What?!” Ben and Melanie say in unison.

  “No, I didn’t. But I wanted to. It’s over, so hopefully she’ll take the high road from now on.”

  “That will never happen. But I think you’re adorable for thinking it might,” says Steven.

  We leave Jack and Nicki to themselves in the living room and tuck ourselves in for the night. Steven and I are certain they barely knew we were gone. I hear the door shut about two in the morning and have no idea if Nicki went to Jack’s or not. She’s very selective about her men. But she’s like me. If it’s the right one, she’ll know it. I think they’re good for each other.

  As I lay in the bed, my mind keeps wanting to go back to that kitchen and the things that were said. But I need to stop that tape from playing. So, I fall asleep imagining the good times the four of us will have.

  * * *

  For the next few days, most things are fairly normal. That’s if you discount Caprice and I. There’s no avoiding being together, but we just basically ignore each other, and it works fine.

  There’s still a month of filming left, and there’s no other choice but to learn to coexist.

  We heard from Jack that Caprice wanted me banned from the set. She spoke to Albie, and I’m sure he would have agreed to that except for one thing. Jack has more power than she does. He’s carrying the movie. And when he heard what Albie was about to do, he spoke up in my defense. Caprice had threatened to walk if she saw me on set again. Jack threatened to walk if he didn’t. Poor Albie.

  I offered to keep a low profile, just to make things easier, but Steven wouldn’t hear of it.

  And then there’s Jack and Nicki. Our two best friends are coming together in an effortless free fall. I should get an award for Matchmaker of the Year.

  Steven’s as happy about it as I am. We’ve hardly seen them outside of the set, but that’s understandable. When they’re not there, they’re at Jack’s. All they want to do is have sex. Fucking on his lunch break, fucking in the honey wagon, fucking instead of going to dinner. It�
�s a fuck fest. I can relate.

  But for Caprice, it’s another man bites the dust. Even though she had zero chance of bedding Jack, she doesn’t like having to watch him lusting after another woman every day. Her entire selfworth seems to be based on the amount of attention she gets from men. Her swagger has dimmed, and her face looks like she’s perpetually pissed.

  Nicki goes back to San Francisco later today. I completely understand how difficult it is to leave. But she doesn’t complain at all. She loves her work, and her abilities are what’s required. You don’t run a multimillion-dollar company any other way. I’m going to surprise her and go back with her. Together we can knock out all that needs being done in a couple of days. And we’ll delegate the rest. Soon we’ll both be back in Pacific Grove, which is where we want to be. I’m uniquely qualified to empathize with her.

  Jack’s trying everything he can think of to make her stay. All four of us are sitting in the makeup and hair trailer, while Jack and Steven are prepped for the next shot. Finn walks in eating a submarine sandwich.

  “Morning, all.”

  “Why didn’t you bring me one?” Jack says.

  “Give me that, and sit your ass down. We’ve got to do your hair. No eating allowed,” Kiki commands.

  She takes the sandwich right out of Finn’s hands. This is KikiCocos’ domain, and the men do as instructed.

  Finn sits next to Steven, and Coco drapes him. She gets started with the process while Kiki finishes Jack’s look.

  Steven waits to be made into Jack’s mirror image. He’s doubling him today in another car stunt. But only the top half of him will show on camera. So he’s dressed in the same shirt and jacket as the star, but he wears shorts and tennis shoes instead of the pants and dress shoes Jack wears.

  “Come on, Bliss. Tell Nicki she can stay and play with me,” says Jack.

  I just sit back and wait for Nicki to respond. I can tell that even Steven, who just met Nicki, knows what’s coming. I’m certain Jack’s just trying to get a rise out of her. Nicki smiles at her man, enjoying this dialogue as much as he does.

  “I don’t think you completely grasp this concept of what a C.O.O. is, or what she’s responsible for. Furthermore, it’s not Bliss’s call as to whether I go or stay. At this level, I have the ability to self-direct my time. I’m not working at mom and pop’s small town realty office you know,” Nicki says.


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