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The Paradise Box Set

Page 18

by Pike, Leslie

  There’s a theatrical quality to the rooms. I feel like I’m in a movie from the 1930’s. The large-sized furniture is lush leather, and solid rich-colored tufted velvet. The tables are highly polished. The lines are clean, and geometrical. And the artwork seems to have been created just for this house. I’m sure it wasn’t, but it suits the rooms so well, you’d swear each piece was commissioned.

  Nicki and Jack have kept things relatively simple and classic. The home itself and all its decor is so unique and exceptional they didn’t want to “gild the lily,” as Nicki said. So the only additions are artistically arranged flowers. At least for all these rooms. I haven’t seen the ceremony room or the reception area.

  “There they are!” We hear Jack’s voice.

  He enters the room, looking exactly like he always does. His hair is sticking up, and he’s wearing shorts and a T. He needs a shave.

  “Hey, aren’t you getting married today?” I say.

  “Yeah, but I still have three hours till I have to wear the monkey suit.”

  Bliss kisses him on the cheek.

  “I’m so excited. Where’s Nicki?”

  “Upstairs getting her makeup done. Her mom and sister are with her. She said to send you up. I’ll have them bring your things to your room. And someone will take you to Nicki. This place is a maze. We got lost in the hallways this morning,” Jack says

  “While you girls do your thing, Jack and I are going to have a drink before we get our tuxedos on.”

  “I’ll see you at five forty-five, Steven,” Bliss says.

  “Ok. We’re meeting in the room off the great room, right?”

  “Yes. Make sure he remembers the ring, Jack!”

  She’s off, before we respond.

  Two hours and two drinks later, we’re dressed, and I’m with Jack in the backyard. He looks good in his new tux. It fits him perfectly. His hair is as groomed as it’s ever going to be. I think he’d actually look strange with it too styled. This is Jack. It’s worked great for him all these years. Why change?

  The photographer is taking her one thousandth picture of us. Christ. Enough already. This is the same woman who Jack has used for years. They have a confidentiality agreement, but she’s proved herself more than once.

  She could have sold her photos to the rag magazines, under another name, a hundred times. But not one of her pictures have ever been leaked. Jack values her discretion more than she knows. I know he’s proved that by rewarding her generously, and often. Today should be a big payday. She’ll have the only photos. Everyone’s cameras are being confiscated before the wedding. No cell photos allowed, even for family.

  We can hear the guests talking from out here. They’ve all arrived by now, and are waiting in their seats. We’ve only got about twenty minutes till Nicki walks down the stairs, and into the great room. And what a great room it is. It’s more than capable of seating two hundred.

  The owners of the estate are philanthropists, and according to Bliss, had many charity functions here. That’s why there’s a ballroom, with a stage, and a great room for the masses. I’m sure there’s a professional kitchen or two in the mix as well.

  Jack and I took a look at the room before we came outside. It’s been cleared of most of the furniture to make way for the wedding. Sleek black lacquered chairs with rich moss green velvet seats blend well with the room.

  The walls are paneled in a polished exotic wood I’m not familiar with. It’s dark, with veins of a lighter color that pick up the light. Beautiful. The lighting is low with tall candelabras placed throughout the room. Perfectly placed pin lights highlight the curved walls of the ebony and black granite stairs, and the center of the room, where Nicki and Jack will say their vows.

  The chairs are arranged so every guest has a perfect view. They all encircle the spot where the bride and groom will be standing. Nicki will walk down the stairs, and then down an aisle toward Jack, who will be coming toward her from the other side of the same aisle. The aisle cuts through the circle of guests, so that they meet together in the center.

  As they recite their vows, the guests will encircle them.

  Each flower arrangement, behind the chairs in the back row of the circle, is more beautiful than the next. I never thought I’d be impressed with flower arrangements. White orchids with purple or light-green centers are the focal point of each grouping. And each are a little different in placement. But they all complement each other. And they make an impressive setting, encircling the people.

  There’s a guitarist, a trombone player, and a pianist at a Grand piano, all set elevated to one side. They stand behind the guests on a small stage. A microphone stands in front of the piano. Jack is mum about who’s going to use it.

  Jack and I make it to the adjoining room at the time instructed. It’s usually used as one of the maids rooms. The room has two doors, one into the great room, and one on the other side of the bed, into the hall.

  Bliss is already here. When I see her, I’m more stunned than usual at how she looks. That dress. All blues compliment her.

  “Beautiful. You look just beautiful.”

  She gives us a twirl.

  “Thank you. And you two look so handsome. Nicki is going to love how you look, Jack.” She touches his hand. I can see he’s getting a little nervous.

  Then, across the room, the other door opens, and in walks Tony Bennett. Yeah, that’s what just happened.

  “Tony! Mi familia. Thank you so much for this,” Jack says.

  “Of course I wanted to do this for you, Jack. Hello, everybody,” Tony says.

  He’s dressed impeccably as usual. The man is smooth.

  “Let me introduce my best man, Steven, and Nicki’s maid of honor, Bliss.”

  “Hello. It’s a pleasure.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Bennett,” Bliss says.

  “Yes, it’s great meeting you. We’re big fans.”

  “Thank you, thank you.”

  Jack checks his watch. “It’s time, Tony.”

  “Ok. See you out there.”

  He opens the door and walks out into the room. We can hear the immediate reaction. The guests are buzzing.

  “Oh my God, Jack! Tony Bennett?” Bliss says.

  He laughs. “It’s great, huh?”

  He looks at his watch.

  “Ok you two, it’s your turn.”

  Bliss gives him a little hand squeeze, and I touch his shoulder. I see tears in his eyes.

  “Get the hell out of here,” he says.

  Bliss and I leave the room, and walk arm in arm around the front of the circle of guests, and onto the aisle leading to the center. We hear the piano, guitar and horn start to play Roger’s and Hart’s famous tune, “Isn’t It Romantic?”

  We step onto the avenue and she holds me tightly. I can feel her shaking a little. Her small bouquet of orchids quiver. But I think I’m the only one who can see it.

  As we pass slowly through the people, I can see the happy faces of Jack and Nicki’s family and friends. I see Julia Roberts with her famous smile. I see Renee and Finn, who gives us a wink. I see Jack’s mother and father, and I give them a nod of recognition.

  We reach the center of the round and take our spots. Bliss looks at me. I feel her love.

  The pianist begins Tony’s intro. His smoky jazz infused voice floats through the air, signaling the bride is coming. Isn’t it romantic?

  Nicki starts down the stairs. Her train trails behind her, as she takes each step.

  She looks like a walking dream. Her exotic face, against that simply cut dress, really stands out. I look at Jack. I’ve never seen that expression on his face before. He’s transported.

  Each lyric of the song embraces the bride and groom, and seems to touch the people gathered. I see more than one handkerchief drying tears.

  Nicki’s reaching the bottom steps.

  The trombone and guitar sing a sweet twenty second instrumental. Nicki is on the aisle, coming toward Jack.

  Tony person
alizes the song for the couple. He adds their names to the lyrics loving words. It calls each to the other.

  Then the music fades.

  She reaches her groom, and smiles.

  “Beautiful you,” says Jack.

  “All for you, my love.”

  They take each other’s hand, and the minister walks to the circle. It begins.

  Damn, I’m feeling a little teary. I look at Bliss. There’s a lone tear running down her face. Like she said, happy tears.

  “We’re gathered here, in friendship and love, to witness the marriage of this man, Jack Alden, to this woman, Nicki Kimura. They’d like to begin with their readings to each other.”

  Jack needs no notes, he’s memorized much longer monologues. And this one is stored in his heart.

  “Nicki, before we met, you and I were halves unconnected, except in the wide rivers of our minds. We were each other’s distant shore, the opposite wings of a bird, the other half of a seashell. We didn’t know the other then, didn’t know our determination to keep alive the cry of one riverbank to the other.

  “We were apart, yet connected in our ignorance of each other, like two apples sharing a common tree. Remember? I knew you existed long before you understood my desire to join my freedom to yours. Our paths collided long enough for our indecision to be swallowed up by the greater need of love.

  “When you came to me, the sun surged toward the earth, and moon escaped from darkness to bless the union of two spirits, so alike that the creator had designed them for life’s endless circle. Beloved partner, keeper of my heart’s odd secrets, clothed in summer blossoms so the icy hand of winter never touches us. I thank your patience. Our joining is like a tree to earth, a cloud to sky and even more.

  “We are the reason the world can laugh on the battlefields and rise from the ashes of its selfishness to hear me say, in this time, this place, this way, I loved you best of all.”

  Nicki’s eyes are filled with tears. But she keeps them on Jack. She needs no notes.

  “My Jack. I call you ‘my Jack’ because you are my everything. I believe Pablo Neruda’s sonnet speaks to our love. I love you without knowing how, or when or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride. So I love you because I know no other way than this: where I does not exist, nor you.

  “So close that your hand on my chest is my hand. So close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.”

  Both bride and groom are carried away by their words of love. And so are the rest of us. Bliss looks like she’s overcome by the beauty of the moment. I think I’ll join her.

  By the time Jack and Nicki are pronounced husband and wife, we’re all in such a golden place. Everyone in the audience has wide, genuine smiles on their faces. I’m watching the reactions. As Nicki and Jack turn to walk back down the aisle, Tony Bennett breaks into an upbeat version of “The Best Is Yet To Come.”

  The bride and groom dance away.

  I think it’s true, that out of the tree of life, Jack picked himself a beautiful plum.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  This ballroom is stunning. I can see why Nicki didn’t want to add to it. No adornments need apply. It was beautifully suited for a wedding dinner, and right for the party and dancing that will follow. The dinner was as good as any fine restaurant I’ve ever dined in, the wines served with each course equal in quality.

  What a fabulous day this has been. Truly romantic, and so meaningful. Nicki and Jack have made the rounds to every table. They’ve greeted each guest and thanked them for coming. And at every table, there’s laughter and conversation.

  Steven and I are looking forward to dancing together. It’ll be our first time. The fact that he didn’t get pale when the subject was brought up makes me think he must be good at it. No surprise. He’s good at everything that involves his body. Movement, agility and soul. I’d bet this house he’s got the music in him.

  It’s just about time for Steven’s toast. Everyone has been poured a glass of champagne. I see Jack give him the signal. Steven stands, picks up the mic provided, and taps his glass.

  “I’d like to propose a toast.”

  God he looks sexy in that tux. I’m counting the hours till he’s out of it though. Hmm. Maybe we’ll be able to take a short break from the party, and head for our room, or …

  He interrupts my pornographic fantasies with the toast. How rude.

  “I’m Steven French, Jack’s best man. I know I’m obligated to sing his praises, and speak about what a great husband he’ll be. But in Jack’s case, it’s all true. I’ve known Jack for fifteen years now. We met on a movie set and became friends. I love the man. He’s funnier than anyone I know. Just his hair alone will make you laugh.” The crowd laughs.

  “He’s kind, and he’s got a steady moral compass that I respect. He’s had many gifts in his life, but didn’t let those gifts change the basic goodness and joy of life that was a part of him. When he met Nicki, I saw that he was happy in a new way. She was the one. There was no doubt. I think he made a brilliant choice. She’s as special as he is. A pair destined to be together. So, my friends, I raise my glass to you and hope that you always love each other as you do today. Here’s to you, Jack and Nicki.”

  The crowd drinks to the bride and groom. I see Jack touch his heart, and Nicki throw a kiss, in response to the toast. Jack rises, and makes his way to the curtained stage, where a microphone stands to one side. He climbs the stairs, and takes his place in front of the mic. Everyone quiets in anticipation.

  “Friends, family, today has been the greatest day of my life. My bride has given me a promise of her love. Now I’m sure to know what heaven is. And although I’ve made the same promise to her, I needed to express my love in a different way. I want her to know I’ll always listen to her. When she tells me something about herself, I’ll remember.

  So, my dear, as is befitting the delicate princess you are, I’ve asked some friends to play some mood music for our first dance as husband and wife. I know this particular music carries you away to your happy place.

  It’s soft and romantic. Something meaningful to waltz into our days and nights together. So without further ado …”

  The beat begins.

  I see Nicki rise from her seat with a stunned look on her face. Yells start to come from the crowd. They know exactly who’s behind the curtain. They open to reveal Bruno Mars and his Band of Hooligans!

  “Uptown Funk” Nicki’s favorite song, is being performed by her favorite band. Jack listened.

  The crowd is going crazy! Jack’s got his hand out as he comes to the center of the dance floor. He’s calling to his bride.

  Nicki’s dancing toward him, and it’s sexy as hell. She’s a good dancer that girl. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’d had some acquaintance with a pole. She slides up to her groom just as the chorus sounds.

  The crowd wants to get out there so badly and rock their asses off. The only thing holding them back is the fact that it’s the bride and grooms first dance.

  People are frenzied about what they’re seeing. Age is not a factor. I see twenty year olds, and seventy year olds moving to the beat. Everyone, including Steven and I, are chomping at the bit. Finally, Jack calls all to the dance floor. He barely has time to lower his hand when the dance floor is filled.

  Steven and I are deep in the moment. Damn! My man can dance. He’s understated in his movements. But it’s so fucking sexy. He comes to me, puts an arm around my waist, and a leg between mine. Our bodies move as one, as if my pussy’s attached to his leg. I can feel the muscle of his quad rubbing against it. I’m riding him. And I swear his dick is getting harder.

  Don’t believe me, just watch.

  The next two hours are maybe the most fun little pocket of time I’ve ever had. Hit after hit is sung, and Bruno Mars and his band do not disappoint. It’s a drop-your-jaw experience.

  The songs sound every bit as good live as they do recorded. And the way he and the ba
nd dance makes us all want to join in. It’s just plain joyful.

  When he performs “Gorilla,” the rendition is so moving and sexual, I’m sure everyone here has the same thing on their mind. Bruno sings it slow, much slower than the released version. It’s a ballad to his woman, and even when he sings about fucking gorillas, it sounds like he’s quoting Shakespeare. I love it. So does Steven, who holds me close through every lyric.

  He whispers in my ear. “I need to get in your pants. That is if you have any on. Can we sneak out for a while?”

  He takes my hand and covertly places it on his hard cock. Never has it been more obvious that all men are not created equal.

  “Please.” He doesn’t have to ask again. My pussy’s throbbing. We’re descending the stairs, practical sprinting.

  “Let’s go to the pool,” I say.

  “I figured that was where you were leading me. Have you got the key?”

  “I’ve got it.”

  I turn down the edge of my dress to reveal the key pinned inside.

  “Good girl, thinking ahead.”

  We get to the bottom of the stairs. Now what?

  “Do you remember which way we go?”

  “It’s down here.” He nods to the left. “Good thing one of us remembers, otherwise I’d have to have you right here. I’m so fucking hot for you right now.”

  He looks at me, and I see that familiar jaw clench. Before we take another step, he pins me against the wall, and kisses me. Deeply, madly, devilishly. He starts to lift my dress.

  But I stop him from going any further.

  “Let’s just get to the pool, it’s private. And it’s only a few doors away.”

  He grabs my wrist and pulls me along after him.

  “You better run, woman. I’m about to take you.”

  The champagne and the music have loosened any limitations or control for either of us.

  When we open the door to the indoor pool, our senses are on full alert. It looks, smells, sounds, and feels magical. I’m certain something in here’s going to taste good too.


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