The Paradise Box Set

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The Paradise Box Set Page 42

by Pike, Leslie

  It’s not about the sex, or the glory of woman that I discovered. Although Lord, you did a bang-up job on that creation. There’s no flower, or animal, no ocean or star that can compete. It’s not the freedom of choice that I’ve enjoyed these last two months. It’s the happiness. It’s how I feel in my soul. I’m not walking away from you. I think I’m walking toward you. We’re bound together in this Earthly companionship and will be till I breathe my last breath.

  I’m taking you with me to my new home. I have no idea where that is, but I hope it’s with her, your wild angel. I want to thank you, Lord, for all that you allowed me to learn and feel over the last twenty years. The gifts of that life were so rich and instructive. You gave me the opportunity to show love and compassion to the most tortured souls, and to some of the most enlightened. I took away as much as I gave. Probably more. Thank you. I pray that you help me find my new purpose. Help guide me. Or more to the point, I pray that I guide myself with the compassion and dignity I’ve seen in others you’ve sent to my life as examples.

  KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! My prayer abruptly ends.

  “Paul, you ready?” Finn says, through the bedroom door.

  “Yeah. Just give me a minute.”

  “It’s our last day, brother. Let’s get going.”

  * * *

  In a way, the last day on set reminds me of the last day of the school year. There’s that joy that’s tinged by the knowledge that you’re leaving your friends. And even if you see each other next year, some things are going to be different. Bittersweet. The first location will be at the clearing by the abandoned cabin, deep in the mountain. The police are taking Father Adrian away in handcuffs. BB’s been rescued by Finn’s Father Kolda and her harrowing two days and nights have come to an end. Her cunning and inner strength has been what saved her, with a crucial assist by Finn.

  Most of the cast and crew are here to either participate, or be witness to the final hours. Everyone is here for the goodbyes. Bliss and Nicki are here to support their men. They’ve both worked hard to be on set as often as their own busy careers allowed. I can see the pride on their faces, as they watch Jack and Steven in action. We all can sense how great the film is turning out. Finn told me we won’t really know till post production, when it all comes together in editing.

  Tomorrow most of the cast and crew are bugging out of here. Esme wants to drive back with Kizzy, so Finn and I are going to follow them in one of the production vans. He won’t take any chances with her safety. This way, if Kevin is following her, we’ll know and be able to help. Steven and Bliss are driving back too. They’re taking a few days to unwind. BB has her sister visiting again, and they’re flying back to Texas tomorrow, to visit family. Jack and Nicki are staying in Park City for a couple of days, while they prepare to go back to California.

  It dissolves so quickly, this little world. It’s a solid mass, and then it’s air. I’m probably the only one who wished it could go on forever. Then I’d have more time to try to convince BB to give me another chance. I don’t know what to do about that. She’s not interested in talking to me. She not interested in doing anything with me.

  “What?” asks Finn.

  We’re sitting on the back of the props truck, waiting for his call to set. Esme’s within sight, talking with one of the background priests.

  “I’m just thinking,” I say.

  “You’re thinking too much.”

  “And that’s a negative?”

  “Sometimes it is. You’re going about this all wrong.”

  “What would you suggest? I’ve tried it all. She’s not going to listen.”

  “Then make her listen.”

  A smile creeps onto my face.

  “What do you want me to do? Tie her up with dental floss?”

  “I don’t think you have to go that far. But you’re being way too passive. BB’s a wildcat. She wants a predator like she is. She’s never going to respond to your pleas for mercy. She’ll think you’re a pussy.”

  “For being a gentleman?”

  “For being too accommodating. For not reading her correctly. She needs a man who’ll come on a little aggressively. She’ll meet you half way, I’m sure. Let her know you like the beast in her, because you’re a beast too.”

  I roll this around in my mind. Is he right? I know he’s right. Shit. What do I have to lose? As it lies now, we’re apart. How much worse can it get?

  “Just don’t be a prick about it. There’s a fine line between too little and too much,” Finn says.

  I hop off the back of the truck.

  “I’m going to the set. See if I can talk to her.”

  Finn starts chuckling.

  “Eager much?”

  All the way to the set, I’m working on my plan of attack. Hope she doesn’t press charges. But I’m counting on Finn’s knowledge of women. I’m going to follow his advice and let her know I won’t be taking no for an answer. My God, that sounds horrible. Isn’t that what rapists tell themselves? Everything in my nature is telling me that what I’m about to do is wrong. Not listening to the word “no” is the basis of many crimes against women. But this is entirely different. If she actually tells me “no”, I’ll revert back to my own common sense. But I have a strong feeling Finn knows of what he speaks. BB needs an equal. Her untamed passionate nature needs a peer. And here I am.

  The crew’s still setting up for the next shot. Jack and BB are talking with Nicki. Both actors look like they rolled in the mud. Her habit is torn and caked with dirt. His clothes look like they should for a man who has been chasing his victim through the trees. BB’s face has the cuts and bruises she suffered at the hands of Father Adrian. As I approach, she takes notice. She stops laughing at whatever Jack has just said.

  “What do you want?” she says, as I walk up.

  I look directly at Jack.

  “Pardon me. BB and I have something to discuss. Can you spare her for a few minutes?”

  “Yeah. We won’t be shooting for another twenty at least,” Jack says.

  BB’s body language shows she’s not taking this too well.

  “Hey asshole, I’m right here! You can speak directly to me.”

  This amuses Nicki and Jack. They’re both smiling. I turn to BB.

  “Oh I’m going to be speaking directly to you. And you’re going to listen. Come with me,” I say, grabbing her wrist and pulling her along with me, away from the set and into the trees.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I have nothing to say to you! Nothing,” BB says, as she trips over a rock.

  I spin her around, facing me, and pin her with my forearm against a tree.

  “Then shut the hell up and let me do the talking.”

  I lift up her long skirt and stick my hand down her panties. I bring two fingers up, into her pussy. There’s no foreplay or tender words. But her juices are there. She doesn’t hate this. That I can feel on my fingers. She’s biting her lip. I make barely perceptible two-fingered circles within her. Tiny movements that yield big results.

  “You fucking love this, don’t you? You little bitch. Why did you make me beg? Now I’m just going to take what’s mine.”

  I kiss her. It’s rough and it’s greedy. Then she bites my lip. She bites it good.

  “Ow!” I say.

  I take out my fingers and use them to wipe the blood from my mouth. The sweet aroma of her pussy is on my lips. She’s smiling like she just scored the winning point in a game. I lick my lip and bring my fingers to her nose.

  “Smell your sweet pussy.”

  She breathes in, and it has the same effect on her as it has on me.

  “Now taste my blood and your cum. I’m willing to bleed for you, you fucking beautiful whore.”

  She takes my hand and sucks each finger clean. I kiss her and she kisses back. Yes.

  “Paul, let’s fuck right here. We’ve got time,” she says with a changed attitude.

  “Lift up your skirt. Do it now.”

  She raises h
er skirt and stays leaning against the tree. I rip her panties off with one powerful movement. It’s hard to look away from the sight of her. I kneel down and press my mouth to her pussy. I’m not especially tender, but just enough. She’s grinding against my mouth. I run my tongue between her lips and then suck on them. I find her clit. I suck on it. Gently. She’s making sounds like it hurts so good. Then just when she’s about to come, I stop.

  “That’s enough. You’ve got to earn your orgasm. Get on your knees and suck my dick. Make it good, or I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”

  I unzip and take out the sledge hammer. She looks like an animal stalking its’ prey. The contrary visual of a nun wanting to fuck me, is almost too much to bear. She kneels and gets to her job. She’s sucking me like a Dyson powered by a Hemi. Now I’m going to play with her.

  “You better learn how to take it all. You’re leaving a few inches of me unattended. Suck it like you love it, woman.”

  She gets it all down, but the poor girl gags a little. I can’t blame her for that. But now I have a reason to feign punishment. I pull my dick from her mouth and lift her by her arms to a standing position.

  “Turn around,” I say.

  She obeys.

  “Spread your feet.”

  She obeys.

  I lean into her ear and whisper.

  “I’m going to fuck you in the ass, because you’ve been such a bad girl. Brace yourself.”

  She obeys.

  * * *

  When we walk out of the thicket of trees, we’re holding hands. I’ve got her torn panties in my pants pocket. She put them there, saying she wants to watch me jack-off later tonight, while I smell her scent. The woman’s sex drive is unstoppable, and unmatchable. It’s amazing that she was able to take half of me in her ass. I know it hurt, and that was part of her pleasure. It wouldn’t be part of mine. I wouldn’t want that behemoth rammed up my ass. She’s quite the woman. I’ve got a lot to learn, and she’s going to be my muse.

  “We have to talk,” BB says.

  “You’re right. I want you to know what my plans are. Now’s not the time, but just let me say I’ve reached a decision. I’m leaving the priesthood. The wheels are already in motion. I won’t be returning to the Rectory.”

  Her smile and expression lights up her face. The tears in her eyes tell me everything I need to know. She throws her arms around my neck and leans her face into mine.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  I take her face in my hands.

  “And the next time, BB, we’re going to try something new. In our bed, with low lighting and soft music. I won’t be taking command, and neither will you. They’ll be no masters and no subjects. No teacher and no student. We’ll just be making love. Let’s mix things up,” I say.

  “Kinky! I like it. But let’s not forget this scenario.” She smiles.

  I hear someone approaching.

  “What are you two rabbits doing in the bushes?” Jack says.

  “What rabbits do when they don’t want to get pregnant. And I’m not talking bunny blowjobs,” BB says.

  Jack starts laughing his ass off. He gets BB and her sense of humor. I just shake my head.

  “Well if your ass can take it, get back to camera. We’re about to shoot,” Jack says.

  BB looks at me. “Give me a good luck kiss.”

  I do, and as I walk away, I slap her on her ass.


  I walk away smiling. Finn was right on the mark. It must come from decades of talking with, listening to, fucking and fighting with the opposite sex. Note to self…listen to Finn’s advice concerning women. He knows his stuff.

  It’s funny. As I walk the path back to base camp, I notice the things I missed on the way in. The colors of the leaves are so vibrant, and the mountain air so pure. It’s really a beautiful day. Is it all visible because I have her back? When I come out from the path, the lunch tables are being set up, and Finn’s nowhere to be seen. I head for Wardrobe. Everyone looks happy today. I can read it in their faces. Many are going home to families they haven’t seen for two months. Some, like me, are heading for new homes. And more than a few are moving right to the next film set, and next film family. Like wandering gypsies, never getting attached to one place.

  I’ve got a lot to figure out. Where am I going to live? How am I going to support myself? Just those two questions will keep me awake for the next month. I’m sure Finn will let me stay with him for a few weeks, but I’m a thirty-eight year old man. I can’t picture myself crashing at my friends place for longer than that. I need to find my own spot. I’m not even sure where BB lives. That’s another thing. It’s crucial that I learn to live alone for a while. I went from my parents’ home, to the Seminary. I’ve lived within a community for twenty years now. As these questions occupy my mind, I’m aware of something else. Something is present here, that’s mightier than the problems. I feel happiness just to have these problems to solve.

  “Paul, we’re up here!” Finn says.

  I see him standing in the back of the Wardrobe truck, waving me over.

  “Where have you been? I thought you got lost. Or that BB killed you,” he says.

  “Just taking care of business,” I say, with a smile.

  I climb the steps, into the truck. Esme and Kizzy are labeling some pieces.

  “Hi girls.”

  Kizzy goes into her impression of Wendy Williams. Someone I’d never heard of till recently.

  “How you doin’, Paul?”

  “I’m so good, I don’t think things could get better.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a woman’s influence.”

  I just give her a mysterious smile.

  “Oh yeah, definitely a woman,” she says.

  “And how’s Esme this afternoon?”

  I see her sweet smile, and Finn’s reaction to it. It speaks volumes.

  “I’m good. We’re just trying to organize things for tomorrow.”

  “Well go ahead, I’m just going to steal Finn for a minute.”

  Finn and I exit the truck.

  “What’s up? Have any luck with BB?”

  “Brother, you are the wizard of women.”

  He laughs. “Wizard of women? I like that. What’d she say?”

  “Let’s just say I took the controls. And, as you predicted, she liked that. My dick is still sore.”

  “Good. I wish mine was. Esme’s too busy.”

  As we’re laughing about the state of affairs, we hear Esme’s cell ring. We get quiet, on guard in case it’s Kevin.

  “Hi Grandma,” we hear her say.

  We relax, knowing this is pretty routine. Grandma always calls sometime in the afternoon.

  “What? When?” Esme says, with a little catch in her voice.

  Now our ears pick up.

  “That was dangerous, Grandma.”

  Esme walks out and stands at the edge of the truck, so we can hear.

  “Ok. They’re here with me now. No, I’m never alone. They both guard me, Grandma.”

  This doesn’t sound good to either Finn or myself. I see his expression of concern.

  “Alright. But promise me you won’t do that anymore. Promise,” Esme says.

  Finn looks at me with a question in his eyes. What did Grandma do?

  “You want to talk with him now?” she asks.

  Finn holds his hand out for the phone. He waves his fingers until Esme passes him the cell.

  “Hi. This is Finn.”

  He listens intently to what Esme’s Grandmother is saying. He’s silent for about thirty seconds.

  “I agree. I’m glad you’re telling me this. I’m going to get your number from Esme, and I’ll have her give you mine. If I have any questions or something to report, I’ll call you. Is that alright? Good. Let’s keep in touch. Just know Paul and I are doing everything possible to keep Esme safe.”

  There’s another silence as Grandma responds.

  “You’re right. I know he’s as serious a
s I am about this situation. We’ll guard her with our lives.”

  Grandma must be thanking Finn, because he’s nodding his head.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll hand this back to Esme, because she has something she wants to say.”

  Finn passes the cell to Esme and she walks back into the truck, away from the sounds of base camp.

  “What’d she say?” I ask.

  “Apparently Kevin’s place is all locked up and it looks like he’s gone. She and her friend drove by a few times, to check it out.”

  “That’s not a good idea,” I say.

  Esme walks back out to us.

  “I’m so mad at her,” she says.

  But she doesn’t really look mad. She looks worried.

  “Send her my number, and put hers in mine,” Finn says, as he hands her his phone. “Don’t worry, she was just trying to keep an eye on things, so she could give you a heads up.”

  “You don’t understand. In order to drive by my house, she had to go down a one-lane dirt road. If he was coming the other way, she would have been trapped. The house isn’t easily accessed.”

  “Well, let’s just be alert. We’ve only got one more day here. Hopefully, he has no idea where you are. Just because he’s gone, doesn’t mean he knows your location,” Finn says.

  “I guess. I’ve been lucky so far.”

  Our conversation is interrupted by the A.D.’s announcement.

  “Lunch! One hour break. Back at two thirty, people.”

  “Let’s get a table, Paul. Roger’s going to bring Kizzy’s cake later, but we need to see if things are set. Esme, watch when I give you the signal, then bring her over,” Finn says.

  We go to check on things, but as usual, Roger has done a good job. By the time we take our seats, he has a flower arrangement in the center of the table and party hats on every chair. Attached to Kizzy’s place of honor, are birthday balloons. Next to where she will sit, sits Jack. And when he puts his party hat on, most of the crew follows. There are always a few guys who have no intention of wearing a party hat. The women are more willing.


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